Rejected By My Mate

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

The wind blew my hair harshly, and the afternoon sun kissed my skin. I like the warm breeze in this

mountain; it gives me calm and I can think clearly. I test my sharp sight in every direction of the

Tibbertan Mountain. This would help me in the upcoming war because I can easily see the movements

from afar. In this wide perimeter, it would take the enemies to travel 2 days before reaching this part of

the mountain. And we have to guard this mountain for them not to enter our hidden kingdom. Azrael

knew the spell and I wouldn’t let him get in.

The snow is coming this way, and I estimated it will fall in the next two days. The snow scenery is

perfect for the war because it will be my advantage.

I walked towards the rectangular marble floor where the gate is located going to Moonlight Kingdom.

My heart palpitates, I stopped walking and clutched my chest while panting for air.

Suddenly, I felt an intense pain in my head and my body temperature skyrocketed. I groaned as the

pain got worse, almost making me scream. It’s like my head was tearing apart. My hands grabbed my

hair, and I tightened my hold in my head. Something rang loudly in my head, making me scream, and

my insides were burning again. My eyes glowed and my power within me is now uncontrollable.

Something wanted to come out in me again, but this one is different. My four spirits also groaned in

pain. I gasped for air when my heartbeat quickens abnormally. Fall on my knees, I feel my powers

radiate off me, and a powerful power flows down my veins. I gasped for air while my one hand

clutching in my chest tightly when my heart burned. I am now drenching in sweats because of too much


I couldn’t take the pain anymore, and I screamed at the top of my lungs while still holding my head. The

powerful force pulled me up and darkness took over my consciousness. But I can feel my burning body Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

falling to the ground.

I cracked my eyes open and noticed that I am in our world where my spirits are, who are also holding

their head and screaming because of pain. I slowly crawled towards them while gasping for air. We

were calling each other’s names while screaming and fighting the powerful force.

Tears streaked down in my cheeks and my trembling hands reached Xandra, who’s not too far away

from me.

“X-Xandra…” I called out with a pained expression.

“A-Alex…” they all mumbled and groaned when the pain became unbearable. I can see tears in their

beautiful eyes too.

“She’s w-waking up…” we all murmured while holding each other’s hand and formed a circle, still

fighting the excruciating pain.

My tears poured down like running water, the pain was so intense that I felt like I was burning at

1000°C. I felt too much heat and my body was burning with fire. If I’m not immortal, I’m sure I’m burned

like a grilled meat or worst turned to ashes. The others also burned with fire, but it was a different fire.

Damona is burning with silvery red fire, Willow is green fire, Xandra is blue fire, Val is dark red fire and

mine is the combination of golden green and blue---like the color of my eyes. The fire actually had the

same color as our eyes.

Our gaze diverted to the lake when a thick shadow coated the water. Still groaning in pain, we both

looked at the lake and gulped. The water goes higher until it forms something unfamiliar. The pain

suddenly subsided and all the five of us stared at the creature in front of us. We stood up and stepped


I swallowed my saliva when the creature looked at us deadly. She’s like a shadow and has no feet. Her

eyes were huge and yellow with a small black dot iris; it’s like the eyes of a snake, but she’s a shadow

beast. Her shadow black hair was long---it’s estimated length is 5 meters long, but it’s big and looks

infuriated as it swayed harshly like a wind blew furiously in it. And its arms were long and her claws

were big and sharp. But her feet are on the water like there’s a chain preventing her from escaping.

Our gaze met, and my heartbeat quickens when a creepy smile plastered on its shadow face. I snake

my arms around Damona’s waist, a little shaking and hugging her tightly because for the first time in

my life, I am so scared.

This beast in front of us is the beast that lives inside my body. The small hair all over my body rose

when the beast spoke my name creepily while grinning like an evil. I felt goosebumps---no, we all felt

goosebumps and hugged each other.

“ALEXANDRIA,” the beast mentioned my name.

My four spirits circled around me and stared dagger at the beast. But the beast laughed loudly, making

me shiver. I rarely get scared, so why now? Did the beast do this?


“No! We wouldn’t allow you!” Val shouted, and the shadow beast looked at her dangerously.



We all gasped and swallowed our saliva while our grips tightened. “We will fight her, we can do this...:”

Willow whispered to us, and we nodded abruptly.

“WE ARE NOT SCARED OF YOU!” I found the courage in me to shout back at the beast. I wouldn’t let

her take my four spirits away from me. And then what? She will control my body? I wouldn’t allow her.

She’s still chained and we can still defeat her. I will never accept her as my beast. Never.

“HAHAHAHA TRY ME!” the beast said confidently, and the wind blew harshly again, almost pushing us

away, but I used my powers to protect us all from the beast’s power. She’s strong and I admit I am

having a hard time fighting her strength because I am still new in my power. Willow also used her

powers to fight the strong wind that was pulling us towards the beast. Damona, Xandra, and Val also

used their power, but we didn’t let go of each others’ hand. All of our eyes were glowing intensely while

looking at the beast. She was fighting us and her eyes glowed too.

How powerful is this beast? Is this beast really inside of me?

I stared at the beast’s feet and noticed that one chain pulled out every time we attacked her. I am

dumbfounded. “Guys, stop. We need to stop fighting her now!” I yelled, but it was too late because all

the chains disconnected from her feet.

A loud laugh echoed, and the beast flew around like she was celebrating her freedom. We stared at the

beast in horror while she was circling us. She stopped and stood in front of us, eyeing us intently, and

stared at me while a creepy smile plastered on her lips. Soon, her appearance changed and my jaw

dropped. We all gasped and my four spirits looked at me and the beast in surprise.

The beast and I stared at each other, and I couldn’t believe what my eyes perceived. The beast

definitely looks like me, the only difference between us is the color of our eyes and hair. She had black

eyes, but it’s void of emotion---like you can see your painful death if you stare in it longer. Her long

black straight hair that reaches her feet looks like it has its own life as it swayed on its own even if

there’s no strong wind.

“You can’t defeat me. I’m still going to control all of you. All of us are one and you all need to accept

me.” she said, not tearing her gaze away from all of us. We can’t move because she uses her dark

power towards us and we are all floating in the air.

“We won’t let you control us!” Damona spat angrily and her silvery red eyes darkened while staring

dagger at the beast in front of us. In just a blink of an eye, the beast was in front of Damona and

gripped her chin tightly. Damona wiggled and clenched her jaw. But she can’t move her body. I can’t

even move my body too, even though I tried resisting the powerful force.

“My name is Demonise. And I am your beast spirit, Alexandria. It’s time for me to take over your body,”

She said again while grinning devilishly.

“No! Please Demonise! I’m begging you!”

“I’m sorry Alexandria but I already control your body.” her voice rang inside my head and I felt dizzy. My

surroundings getting blurry, I tried to fight the urge to close my eyes, but I failed.

I am slowly losing consciousness and falling into darkness, but my eyes automatically glow. I can hear

Demonise’s voice and her thoughts. The only problem is I couldn’t see what’s going on outside. I can

only hear her voice, her own thoughts.

“We’re trapped.” Xandra spoke beside me. I reached for her and we hugged each other.

“We need to have a plan to get out of here. We can’t let Demonise control our soul.” Willow uttered.

“How? She’s too powerful.” Val said.

We became silent. We don’t know what to do anymore. Being trapped in the darkness with only our

eyes as the source of light is difficult. I feel like crying. They can sense my bottled up emotion and hug

me tightly. “Alex, we can get out of here, I promise.” Damona whispered in my ears. I’m glad they’re

here with me. I know, together we can make a way to get out of here and defeat Demonise. She’s evil

and I’m afraid of what she will do to everyone. I’m getting anxious about the safety of all beings.

“I thought she would only come out if my emotion got provoked?” I blurted out with a creased forehead.

“Our emotions got provoked since you were little. Every time your emotions get provoked, it gives

strength to your beast. You didn’t notice because you’ve been ignoring the fact that you’re hurt. You

didn’t acknowledge it and it made the beast happy,” my eyes got misty and tears rolling down my

cheeks. Xandra hugged me and Val wiped off my tears.

“When Azrael betrayed us, our emotions exploded and the moment you can’t feel your emotion, that’s

the time the beast already controls your body.” Willow continued.

“I’m sorry if we are also the reason the beast takes full control over your body…” Damona said with


“It’s okay, all we have to do now is try to get out of here.” I said with full determination.

“Azrael can help us.” Xandra and Damona uttered in unison. The mention of Azrael’s name made my

heart aches. Now that I can feel my emotions, the pain is unbearable and tears rolled down in my

cheeks endlessly.

They all hugged me, and they are also crying. I’m glad they’re here with me. I don’t know what to do if

all I’m alone in this darkness.

I hope Demonise will not go further. I hope we can defeat her when the blue moon comes.


Demonise’s POV

I grinned from ear to ear. Finally, I’m free!!!

Scanning my body, I noticed my eyes were still in black color. I change it to Alex’s eye color. Also, I

changed my hair to Alex’s natural brown curly hair. And now, I have her identity. I am loving this!

I looked around me, and all Alex’s memories flashed in my head. A devilish smile plastered on my lips

and walked towards the rectangular marble floor.

I stomped into the rectangular marble floor where the gate is going to Moonlight Kingdom. I cast a

spell. Then the white gate appeared and opened. One last look in my surroundings, I stepped in and

the gate closed automatically. A peaceful forest greeted me, the chirping of birds and the sound of

crickets caught my ears. At a distance, I heard a clashing of metals---no, it’s a sword clashing. I’m

guessing people were having training for the upcoming war. I grinned. A war. I’m itching to kill everyone

and wipe out all the cruel beings.

When I stepped out of the forest, the guards on duty saw me approaching. They all gasped and stood

up straight while waiting for me. They all greeted me and let me in. I’m surprise when a carriage

stopped in front of us. A fat guy with a mustache was the one driving it and smiled at me. He bowed

down to pay respect. “Princess, I’m glad you’re back!”

I smiled at the fat guy and said, “Thank you.” I stared at him and I remember his name---it’s Leo.

He jumped on his horse and opened the door for me. I got in and Leo immediately went back to his

position and started driving. Leo cleared his throat, “Princess, would you mind me asking?”

“No. Not at all. What is it?” I asked, but deep inside me I wanted to rip him apart for asking.

“Where were you? The King and Queen ordered Lucia and the other warriors to go looking for you

outside. Until now, they haven’t come back. It’s been two days since they left.” I nodded.

“Well, they will come back if they can’t find me there.” I said.

“You’re right!” he said and laughed loudly. Ugh, I hate this fat man.

I’m glad he stopped talking with his disgusting mouth.

After five minutes, the medieval designed castle came in view. I grinned devilishly.

Will they notice that I am not Alex? This is exciting. For now, I’ll play with everyone and control them


‘Demonise! Please, I’m begging you! Don’t hurt my family!’

I grinned.

Beg, Alex. You can beg all your might, but I will not listen to all your cries.

I blocked them out in my head and got out of the carriage when it stopped in front of the tall golden

gate. The gate opened and two knights stepped in front of me. I raised my one eyebrow and walked my

way inside the castle while the two knights followed me. I stopped walking and glared at them.

“Don’t follow me or I will kill you.” I said, they gulped and swallowed their saliva while staring at my


I grinned when they walked back towards the other direction.

“Alexxxxx!!! You’re backkkk!”

I stopped walking. Ugh, who’s shouting? I looked to my right and a young boy ran towards me with a

big smile. Oh, this boy is Angelo.

“ALEX!!” I looked to my left, and a girl also ran towards me while crying.

Oh sh*t! I shouldn’t have come here. I rolled my eyes mentally while looking at Layla. She’s really an

emotional mess and I hate it.

Oh, I forgot that I hate everything.

When Layla reached me, she engulfed me in a tight hug while sobbing. I just stood there blankly and

stared at Angelo. He stops walking and stares back at me. His eyebrows furrowed together in

confusion while looking at my eyes.

“I thought something bad happened to you, Alex. I’m worried sick!” Layla mumbled, but I said nothing

back. Finally, she releases me and wipes her own tears while I just stare at her blankly.

“W-What happened to you?” Angelo stuttered while still staring at my eyes. I just shrugged my shoulder

and walked towards the castle. One blank look, I left them there standing without a word. I heard Layla

called me, but I didn’t listen.

I only wanted to see the Queen. The Queen that gives birth to me---to us. I wanted to thank her

because I’m born because of her.

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