Rejected By My Mate

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Vorges's POV

When I saw those glowing red eyes and beautiful fangs, I was mesmerized. The lust I thought I would

never feel again returned. This girl was something else. As I stared into those eyes, something was

pulling me towards her. But, the moment her eyes turned to dark red. I knew a monster woke up. A

hungry monster. Before she could kill me, I backed away and turned myself into a bat then flew away

but I was just watching her from afar.

I saw how fast she ran into the human's neck and sucked it dry. I thought she's done but I was wrong.

Her eyes were now almost black. Goodness, what kind of a vampire she is?

Another human passed by in that alley and before the man could scream, Alexandria's fangs were

already buried into the man's neck. She's too fast, faster than any vampires. It's like a demon and a

vampire are one. The body stumbled into the ground lifeless. My eyes widened when her gaze met

mine. Her lips formed into thin lines, smirking. I gulped and flew away never looking back for my dear


There's no way I could get her without getting wounded or before I could lay a finger to her again, for

sure, I'd be dead meat. She's a bloody monster. What kind of a hybrid is she?

I laughed mentally. Oh father, you would never want to meet the girl. It will be your last breath.

A memory flashed in my head. The first time that I saw the girl. I thought she's just a witch but when I

saw her eyes glow more brightly while choking her, I knew I woke up the monster. That's when I knew

that she is the Chosen One. Her eyes were jet black, she's a demon of the demons. I managed to

escape from that horrible scene. Before that, I saw how she slaughtered all the werewolves and that

witch. All was begging for mercy but it looks like she was possessed by her demons. That girl has no

control over her power. I can say her demons were much more stronger when provoked.

But damm, my dreams to be the King of the vampires will turn into ashes. Well, it's better to stay away

from the Chosen One before she will send me to my sufferings. I will just wait until she'll kill father. That

man may rot in hell. I despised my father more than anything in this world. Because of him, my mother

died. I will never forget that day he cheated on my mother.

However, I feel weird when I look at Alexandria's eyes. And I don't know why.

I decided to go back to my own house in the middle of the forest. I never lived in the castle where my

fellow vampires are. I hate everyone in the castle except for a few vampires I knew that can be trusted.


Val's POV

After seeing Vorges cowardly fly away for real, my eyes slowly returned back to normal. I just stared

blankly at the dead body lying on the snowy ground. I stepped backward and decided to go back to

Sabrina's mansion. I teleported myself into the garden.

I looked up at the half moon, in two weeks, it will be a full moon. And it only means one thing, our other

power will come out.

I walked towards the snowy bench and sat. I was thinking about what happened earlier. Because of my

thirst for blood, I killed two humans today. This is bad. I feel bad for me and for Alex.

It's okay, Val.

It's not okay, Alex.

If we can just control our bloodthirst, we won't have to kill humans.

Maybe we should try drinking other animals' blood besides the deer.

Yeah, even if it sucks.

But, that will make us weak.

We can't continue killing humans, Val. I don't want to be a monster.

I frowned. A monster.

Aren't we a monster? I read Vorges mind, and he said we are monsters.

I let out an exasperated sigh. I feel really bad and my heart aches thinking I am a monster.


I turned around and found Azrael walking towards me with a smile. I didn't move and I just stared at

him while my heart went beating rapidly. I clutched my chest as it was pounding like crazy. His

intoxicating scent filled my nostrils.

But he frowned when he saw me, eyes widened while staring straight at my red ones. A smile crept on

my lips, that made my fangs visible. I saw his eyes darkened a bit. As much as I want to read his mind

right now, Alex forbids me because she doesn't want to invade our mates' privacy.

"V-Val?" he stammered. I let out a giggle, ignoring my pounding heart.

"I'm happy to finally see you, mate." I mumbled while smiling. Azrael's presence makes me a little bit

better. He swallowed his saliva and creased his forehead in confusion.

"Alex is my mate, not you." Ouch. I look at him coldly and clearly annoyed.

"I'm also your mate, Azrael. In fact, Alex and us, her spirits are only one and have only one mate. And

that is you…" I said with an irritated voice. How dare he?

He seemed skeptical but froze afterwards. Maybe it already sinks into his mind. He gulped while staring

at me. I got up from the bench and walked closer towards him, never breaking eye contact. I saw his

adams apple move up and down. I grinned at him.

Wow, our mate is so handsome. His golden brown eyes were mesmerizing and I can see plenty of

emotion in them. I was tempted to read his mind but Alex constantly reminded me not to. I can't help

but look at his kissable lips. It has an amused smile plastered on his lips.

Vallllll! Stop!

Alex whined but I ignored her. Now that our mate knows me, I wouldn't let this opportunity slip. I've

been dying to touch and kiss him. Suddenly, Xandra and Willow's voices in my head almost give me a

headache. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

OMG! Vaaallllll!

No sh*t, Val!

I backed away at Azrael and burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. They are all going hysterical.

Azrael was stunned at my sudden laugh outburst. He was looking at me in awe.

I wiped at the invisible tear in my eyes while still laughing. They are all whining inside my head.

"I'm sorry, Alex and the other two were whining in my head." I said while laughing. He let out a chuckle.

I sat back down on the bench again then looked up at him. I tap the bench beside me, urging him to sit.

He hesitated but complied afterwards of debating himself.

"I wanted to know you." I said while smiling at him. He looked at me while smiling.

"Alex, never smiled like that." he mumbled with a faint smile, still staring at me.

Aww, Alex, you should smile more often.

'As if.'

Tsk. Don't be a b*tch.


"Well, don't mind Alex. She's a pain in the ass sometimes." I said while chuckling, teasing Alex.

'Duh, Val. You're a bigger pain in the ass all the time. '

Xandra and Willow seconded and laughed.

I ignore them and smile at Azrael. "So, you are all talking in your head?" he asked.

I nodded, "But sometimes, we don't, because Alex blocks us out. She sometimes likes her peace of


He nodded while smiling. Then he stared at my eyes and fangs. "You're really beautiful…" he murmurs.

I'm flattered at his compliments.

Alex, can I kiss him?


Hmmp, killjoy.

'It has a time for that, Val.'

Whatever, Xandra.

'Tsk. Let Alex be in front already.'

Fine, Willow.

I let out a sigh and looked at Azrael. "Alex will be in front now. Thank you for making me better." I said

and kiss his cheeks instead, since they wouldn't allow me to kiss his kissable lips.

I chuckled at how flustered he is getting.

I close my eyes and let the force pull me up. And then I was back in our world.


Azrael's POV

I gulped when Val kissed my cheeks. Damnit! It turned me on. But I have to calm myself because Alex

will come out now. I saw Val close her eyes and when she opened it. Two different colors greeted me

and I got lost instantly.

Alex gave me a small awkward smile. "Sorry about Val." she blurted out hastily and embarrassed.

I just smile at her, unable to form a sentence. I was just staring at her fascinating eyes. It's like those

can see through my soul.

She closed her eyes and I saw how it darkened. "Does our kiss turn you on badly?" she mumbled while


Damn. I felt my face flushed red. Where did this courage come from? When did Alex become so

playful? I let out a chuckle instead. I really want to kiss her but I don't want her to be awkward around

me. She's still sizing me up whether to accept me as her mate fully or not. She's now getting

comfortable with my presence and I am not planning on ruining it. I will wait for her, no matter how long.

Though, I wanted to mark her as mine. I really wanted so bad to mark her. But she still hasn't taken

back her rejection towards me.

"What are you thinking?" she asked while staring at the snow.

"You." I answered without a filter.

She became quiet. It's getting awkward until she breaks the silence.

"Azrael, you need to go back to your pack…"


I stared at her unbelievably. Her eyes were full of pleas. I slumped down my shoulder. I thought we

were getting along okay. She still doesn't want me around. But…

"No! Alex, I'll stay with you! No matter what…" I uttered while clenching my jaw. I don't want her out of

my sight.

"Azrael…" she let out an exhausted sigh. She's tired of me?

"Do you not want me, Alexandria?" I said deadpanned. She didn't reply and just stared at no one in


"Tell me you don't need me, Alexandria… and I will voluntarily leave." I uttered against my will. I feel

sad and hurt that she didn't need me as much as I need her. It's like some part of me died.

She didn't respond. I waited for her to talk but 10 minutes later, she still hadn't spoken even just one


I sighed deeply and stood up. "You know where to find me, Alex." I said and strutted away from her

back to the mansion. I saw Layla on the entrance with distaste on her face. I don't know why Layla

hates me. I didn't even do anything to her. I tried ignoring her but it gets on my nerves.

I was about to pass by her when she spoke, "Can we talk, Azrael?"

I looked at her skeptically and nodded. She walked towards the balcony and I followed. We are silent

for a while, while looking at the snow pouring from the sky.

"Why are you still here? Alex brought back your life and you should go back now." Layla said clearly in

annoyance. I frowned a little bit. She clearly showed her distaste towards me.

I cleared the lump in my throat then said, "Why are you treating me like this Layla?"

She never looked at me but said, "I don't like you for Alex. Alex is too good for a jerk like you." the word

she said stuck in my mind. I felt a sting in my heart. I know I am a jerk and she doesn't have to say it

directly in my face.

"And who else will be good for Alex?" I said clearly annoyed. I saw her lips twitched that makes me feel

more annoyed as I currently am.

She finally looked at me but it looked like a glare. She crossed her arms on her chest and spoke

bitterly, "Everything was fine between Alex and I until you came in between us. For the first time, I saw

her cry because of a jerk like you. She doesn't even deserve to be rejected like that. You're a fool to

think I will forgive you, Azrael Shepherds. Mates are just useless. Alex and I were strong without a

mate. And I will do everything to take her away from you."

I clenched my fist tightly and gritted my jaw. I growled at Layla and grabbed the collar of her shirt. "Alex

is my mate and I will never let you take her away from me, Layla!"

My wolf Khael even growled in my head. He doesn't like the way Layla said those words.

Layla gulped while staring at me, but then I was stunned when I saw a mist forming in the corner of her

eyes. Then I realized what I was doing. I reluctantly release her from my grip with regrets. "I… I'm

sorry, Layla…"

Suddenly, she cried hysterically in fear and slammed onto the floor. I frowned at her. What the f*ck?

"Layla!" I froze when I heard Alex's voice from behind me. I turned around and saw her face full of

worry towards Layla.

"Alex!" Layla cried and I didn't understand anything that was happening.

Alex engulfed Layla into a hug while whispering something on her ears. I couldn't believe what just

happened. "What happened Layla?" I heard Alex asked.

Layla looks at me with a terrified expression. Then, Alex looks at me frowning and I couldn't

comprehend her expression right now. She has this sudden protectiveness towards Layla. Layla

whispered something to Alex.

Alex looked at me with an unreadable expression which frightened me. What has Layla told Alex?

"I can't believe you, Azrael." Alex said coldly and stared at me deadly.

"Alex, it's not what it looks like!" I tried to defend myself but Alex glared at me. I frowned.

"I thought you've changed. I can't believe you can actually hurt my best friend and my only sister." she

said while her jaw clenched, "Come on, Layla."

"Alex---" I tried explaining myself but she stopped me before I could finish a sentence.

My heart aches at the cold shoulder Alex gave me. Alex helps Layla get up and walk away from me.

Layla looked at me with a winning smile. I clenched my fist tightly. I wanted to punch something hard. I

frustratedly brushed my hands in my hair. I couldn't believe what just happened tonight. What was

Layla's game? She wanted to play a game? I smirked. I will give her that. I won't just give up so easily. I

love Alex too much and I will prove it to her until she accepts me.

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