Rejected By My Mate

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Azrael still didn't wake up after an hour. Maybe it was the effect of the poison. I sighed and stood up

from the bed. I really need blood right now. My vision is slowly turning red. My bloodthirst is getting

worse. It made me feel weak. It's getting harder to control, especially if I am so thirsty for blood.

There's a light knock on the door when I tried to twist the doorknob. I opened the door and Layla's

worried face greeted me. I gasped a little when she hugged me. I closed my eyes as I tried to control

myself, not to suck on Layla's neck.

"Alex, are you okay?" she asked while frowning. Worry is still clear in her eyes. I nodded.

She frowned while staring behind my back. I followed where she's looking, and she fixed her eyes on

Azrael, who was still peacefully sleeping in my bed. Layla gasped.

"You brought the jerk?" she said in a sour tone. I frown at Layla.

"Layla, Azrael is my mate. I have no choice but to bring him here with me. He almost died again. Azrael

needs me and... I need him too." Layla looks at me in disbelief, and I can't comprehend her expression

right now.

She just nodded and never uttered back a word. She turned her back and mumbled, "Come on,

Sabrina and the couple are still in the office." She said and walked away.

What happens to Layla? She's not in the mood? I frowned. I barely see Layla getting pissed. Is she

pissed with Azrael? Why?

I sighed and followed Layla silently. I can hear Layla's heartbeat and it was beating irregularly. She's

really pissed at something. I closed my eyes when my vision turned red again. Layla's scent is not

helping and also the human maid's blood is so tempting right now. But Sabrina warned me not to kill

her maids because she had a hard time keeping them because sometimes they were afraid of Sabrina

and me.

Ugh, I'm really thirsty.

Afterward, we arrived at Sabrina's office. Clinton and Allia were still here. They're talking about me.

Sabrina looks at me questioningly. This is the first time that Sabrina didn't see what happened earlier

as I read her mind.

"What happened, Alex?" she asked when I sat on the sofa beside her. I let out a sigh.

"Vorges stabbed Azrael, my mate, in his chest... with a silver," I answered while clenching my fist. I

really hate what happened earlier. It almost cost my life and Azrael.

They gasped loudly in unison. "You know Vorges?" Sabrina asked nervously. I nodded weakly. I really

need blood.

Sabrina looked stunned while looking into my eyes. I know they are dark red now. I sighed.

"You're thirsty..." she mumbled, and I hummed. She turned to Clinton, Allia, and Layla, then spoke,

"Alex needs blood, I have to assist her." the three nodded while gulping as they stared into my eyes.

Sabrina grabs my wrist as we stand up.

In just a split second, our surroundings changed, and it was dark. I think we were in a small alleyway.

My dark red eyes automatically glowed brightly in the dark. Sabrina cursed. "Alex, can you dim your

eyes? Someone might see us," she whispered.

I nodded and dimmed my eyes. That took me 20 seconds. Sabrina sighed in relief. "What are we doing

here Sabrina?" I asked in confusion.

"We will find a victim to satisfy your bloodthirst. You need to drink human blood, Alex. You're getting

weak." I frowned at Sabrina.

"I cannot kill a human, Sabrina!" I protested. Even though human blood was tempting, I still cannot

harm them.

She sighed, "Alex, trust me. You need human blood before you will suck Layla's blood and mine." I

frowned. Sabrina was right. The accent of their blood always tempted me every time my bloodthirst

attacked. It's hard to control myself if I am with them.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming our way. Sabrina pulled me with her to hide in a small post. The

footsteps were getting nearer and nearer.

'Alex, he's the perfect victim. I always saw him walking in this alley. No one will look for him because he

has no family.' Sabrina said through mind-link. I frowned.

'Sabrina, I don't think I can do this.' I said back while trying to control myself to run into the man and

buried my fangs in his neck.

'I know you want it, Alex. Your bloodthirst is getting worse. Stop trying to resist yourself because you

might get out of control.'

Again, Sabrina is right.


'Good. Now.'

I sighed and let my eyes glow bloody red. When the man stepped foot behind us, I forcefully grabbed

the man and let my fangs show. I hissed when his unpleasant smell hit my nostrils. Ugh. My nose

scrunched up at the awful smell.

Sabrina can't help but giggled at my reaction while the man I was holding frozen in shock while looking

at me in horror. "You stinky human!" I uttered unbelievably. Doesn't this man take any showers?

I quickly pushed the man away from me, and he stumbled to the ground. Before he could scream,

Sabrina used her power to mute his voice. He was screaming, but no sound came out of his mouth. I

sighed in relief. The man stopped abruptly and closed his eyes. I notice Sabrina casting a spell towards

the man. Not long after, the man stood up and walked away as if nothing happened.

"I guess, we have to find another victim," she said. I didn't reply to her because my bloodthirst got the

best of me. The moment I heard footsteps coming our way, I didn't hesitate to run at a faster speed

without a noise. I saw a man stop walking while looking at me in horror. Before he could scream, my

long fangs were already in contact with his neck. I groaned as I sucked his blood. The man was

trembling and shaking from my firm grasp while whimpering. I didn't stop sucking the man's neck until

his body turned limp and drained of blood. That's how thirsty I am for blood.

I moaned in delight and Val, too.

‘That was good, Alex.’

When can we control our bloodthirst, Val?

‘I don't know, Alex.’

I sighed as I wiped my mouth from the excess blood and licked my lips. I release the limp body of the

man, who’s now drained of blood as I suck him dry. The body stumbled into the ground lifeless. I feel

guilty for killing the man.

I heard Sabrina walking towards me. "What will we do with the body?" I asked.

"We will throw him away to the river," she answered hastily. I frowned. I feel even more guilty.

Sabrina teleported herself and the man's lifeless body. I look around and notice that we are on a bridge.

It was a little dark because the light post seemed broken and it was blinking.

A gasp let out my mouth when Sabrina threw the man's body into the water without a second thought. I

felt a pang in my chest. I'm so sorry, whoever you are. I close my eyes and pray for his soul.

I'm so sorry...

I ran my hands into my hair guiltily. Sabrina smiled at me faintly and mumbled. "You will get used to it,

Alex. You know you can't stop your bloodthirst. I felt guilty too, but we need a sacrifice."

I let out a deep sigh and muttered, "I guess, I don't have a choice."

After one last look into the water, we teleported back into Sabrina's mansion. Layla, Clinton, and Allia

almost jumped in their seats when we showed up abruptly. Sabrina and I chuckled at their priceless


"You almost gave us a heart attack!" Allia complained, and we just laughed.

Layla looks at me questioningly, like asking me where we went. I just shrugged my shoulders. Deep

down in my heart, I felt so guilty and was still sorry for the man's family. While sucking the man's neck, I

saw his life. He had a daughter the same age as me. And now, his daughter was alone because I took

his life. I feel terrible and feel like crying because I know how hard it is without a parent. I promise to

find his daughter and help her anonymously. It is my fault, after all. Why do I have to be a bloodsucker?


Someone was caressing my hair carefully, and it felt comfortable. I like the feeling of it. I smile when I

know who it was. My eyes widened as realization hit me.

"Azrael!" I uttered in surprise, and I saw him smiling at me. I quickly got up, and I fell down from the bed

as I panicked.

"What are you doing in my bed?!" I asked, while my eyes narrowed. He looks at me, amused.

"I should be the one asking that. Where am I? This is not my packhouse." Oh... right, I thought I was


I froze while looking at him. My heart pounds inside my chest as I stare into his eyes. I swallowed my

saliva and cleared my throat.

"Oh, sorry... I forgot. You are... you are in Sabrina's house." I mumbled. His eyebrows furrowed

together in confusion.

"Sabrina?" he uttered.

"She's a friend. I will introduce you to her later and the others."

Azrael suddenly became quiet, which made me worried. What he's thinking right now? I don't want to

be rude so I didn't read what's on his mind. I will give him privacy.

"I thought I was dead..." he mumbled out of the blue. I felt a pang of pain in my chest. I let out a deep


"Well, you almost died. Thanks to Vorges." I said sarcastically. I eyed him intently. "How can you easily

let your guard down? I thought you're strong because you're an Alpha." I said, and he let out a

frustrated sigh.

"Because he distracted me by using you. He wanted to kill you, Alexandria."

I gasped. I know Vorges wanted to kill me in the first place, but something happened that night I killed

all the rogues and the witch without my knowledge. It's a mystery that Vorges escaped. I knew Vorges

was up to something. I have to find out and I will find him.

"Why would he want to kill me?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "He told me that he will kill you first before you will kill us all." He

stared at me straight into my eyes. "But I will never let him kill you, Alexandria," he said.

I said nothing back and just stared at him. He smiles faintly and diverts his gaze into his bare chest. My

face reddened at the sight. Sh*t. I saw him smirking. But he frowned when he noticed the scar and

traced his own finger in there.

"Tsk. I swear, I kill Vorges once I see him," he mumbled angrily. Damn. He looks hot when angry. I

gulped and shook my head a little when my three spirits urged me to touch the scar on Azrael's chest. I

felt embarrassed.

Azrael stared back at me, and his expression softened, and smiled. "Thank you, Alexandria, for saving

my life," he said thankfully.

I cleared my throat and spoke seriously, "I can't let you die, Azrael, because you are still my mate, even

if I turn the world upside down. "

His lips pursed into a thin line, "I'm happy to see you again... I thought I would never see you..." he

mumbled the last sentence sadly. I frowned.

"Azrael, tell me, you did not take back your rejection towards me because Liza was gone, right?" I

asked seriously, showing no emotion, but deep down in my heart, I am nervous about his response. He


"Of course not!" He mumbled and walked towards me until he was inches away from me. He looked at

me intently. "Alexandria, I was waiting for you my whole life. Rejecting you was stupid, and it was the

biggest mistake I have ever committed. The moment I turned my back on you, I know I will not forgive

myself for hurting you. The moment I stared at that beautiful two different eye colors, I knew you

already had my heart. I was thinking of you the whole time. The day you ran away is also the day that I

was planning on taking my words back." he heaved a sigh and touched my face. "Did you know I was

looking for you everywhere?"

I stared at him, speechless. My heart was beating loudly inside my chest like it would burst out of my

rib cage at any moment. Staring at his brown orbs is a mistake because I got lost in them.

A knock on the door startled us. Azrael took a step backward. I quickly trotted my way through the door

and opened it. Layla's smiling face greeted me.

"Good morning, Alex!" she said and hugged me. I smile.

"Good morning, Layla," I mumbled back and released the hug.

"Come. Breakfast is ready and Sabrina is waiting in the dining room," she said happily and held my

hand, but I stopped her.

"Wait—" I took my hand in her and she looked at me, puzzled. I walked back towards the door and saw

Azrael standing there with furrowed eyebrows. I smile at him. He already put on the shirt I put out for Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

his last night on the nightstand.

"Come. We'll eat breakfast." I said, and he just nodded, then looked at Layla behind my back. I took his

hand and ushered her towards Layla.

"Azrael, this is Layla, my best friend." Azrael smiled at Layla, which got a faint smile from Layla. "And

Layla, this is Azrael, my mate." I introduce my mate, even though Layla already knows Azrael.

They said 'hi' to each other, and I saw something flashed in Layla's eyes. Was it anger? I frowned. Is

Layla still mad at Azrael because he rejects me? Is that why it pissed her off when she found out I

brought Azrael here? Was she jealous because I have spent less time with her? I have to talk to her


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