Reborn Hot Wife

Chapter 100

When they arrived, they sat down in the living room.

“Sit down,”s he said as she prepared a cup of steaming tea for Li TCM after dismissing the servant.

Li TCM sat down and said, “Thank you,” as he took a sip of the steaming tea.

The scent of Mohan’s perfume poured towards Li TCM as the man sat opposite him, leaned forward slightly, lifted his hand, and pulled his hair back.

“What can I do for Miss Mo?” Li TCM said, wrinkling the tip of his nose.

If Mary Kinson’s treatment for my aunt works, what do you think? With one hand on his knee, Mohan looked at him in disbelief.

When Li TCM saw Kinson’s abilities, she grinned twice: “the student truly has surpassed the teacher.”

He was in the same boat. It wasn’t until the latter portion of his life that he began to make progress in Chinese medicine.

Mary Kinson, which is more popular .

Mo Han’s eyebrows widened as she noticed the reluctance of his fundus.

She sat back in her chair, her voice booming: “I’m not going to sugarcoat anything either. This was the day you placed a wager with me. I guess Li TCM can see that Mary Kinson and I don’t get along.”

Li TCM sighed and shook his head in agreement.

“To be candid, I hope she doesn’t win. Please provide a hand; I desperately need it.”

Despite Li’s retraction of his gaze, it appeared as though he had confirmed something: “I don’t entirely comprehend Miss Mo’s intention.”

Li TCM shook his head and said, “I don’t fully understand.” Mohan gets irritated by individuals who are too scholarly.

“After that, I’ll say it as it is. I don’t want Kinson to help my aunt’s eyesight get restored. You assist me in doing something with Chinese medicine she used to cure Mrs. Qiao.”

Li TCM was a little shaken: “This…”

“I have no knowledge of Chinese medicine, and I do not want to make my aunt blind, therefore I need your assistance, which can make my aunt’s eyes worse without harming her.”

There was no reaction from Li TCM.

“Is it possible to save lives using medicine? Absolutely not! This type of behavior is a threat to medical ethics!” “Oh.”

Mohan’s pupils constricted, displaying an unkind hue: “You don’t have to stay at Qiao’s house if my aunt’s eyes are entirely cured. For Qiao’s family to accept the care you receive, you must perform three jobs at the same time.”

He bent his head and struggled: “I will not sacrifice my ethics for money… even if I don’t get a high treatment when I work outside, it doesn’t matter.”

Mohan tucked the hair and lifted her brows: “Is it?”

She said it carelessly: “You used to be a respected figure in the Chinese medicine community, but now you’re no match for a girl. It’s impossible to know what the future holds.”

Dr. Li’s eyes opened, and he stared at Mo Han, his gaze shaking.

In Mohan’s opinion, she gambled successfully, but she wants to give him some time to think about it: You have two days to come back s. I’ll wait for your response.

Li TCM walked out of the room without saying a word as if nothing had happened.

In half an hour.

Mohan received a message from the servant, who informed him that Li TCM had consented.

After Li TCM saw Mo Han’s soft grin, he knew just what to do.

last day.

Her eyes remain gauzed on this day as well.

Mohan remained at Mrs. Qiao’s side, a firm grip on her hand. “Don’t freak out.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

It was Mo Han who prevented Mary Kinson from taking the medicinal soup out of the kitchen: “The medicine soup has come to an end. Let me take care of my aunt’.”

Yes, Mrs. Qiao agreed: “Then Mo hancan join us. Thank you.”

The medication soup was quickly snatched up by Mohan from the servant.

With her eyes slightly squinted, Mary Kinson focused on the medicinal soup in the dish.

Mohan fed Mrs. Qiao delicately, saying, “Come, aunt, open your lips,” as she softly blew the hot air.

Glug, glug, glug.

Mrs. Qiao still had high hopes t. Her eyes began to heal when she finished the last of the pills and removed the bandage.

Mary Kinson licked her bottom lip .

Something’s amiss. Mohan will be not expecting so muchif Mrs Qiao’s eye illness is recovered

TAfter Mohan had removed the dish from which some drug residue , she said: “OK. You go assist your aunt unravel the gauze.”

When Mary Kinson passed her, he only heard Mo Han whisper, “Remember what you promised.”

Mary Kinson had a hunch about what was going on.

She carefully removed the gauze off her face.

Even though she was still in the chair, Mrs. Qiao’s breathing, his somewhat white face grew crimson at a pace noticeable to the naked eye, and her neck and facial muscles were tense.

Mary Kinson’s hand movement slowed as she took a closer look at Mrs. Qiao and her plight.

Muscles of Mrs. Qiao

Mrs Qiao twitched. “Ah… it’s so excruciating… I’m sorry…”

Mohan rushed to Mrs. Qiao, grabbed her hand and pleaded , “Aunt! !”

Mary kinson stared at her coldly.

Mohan smirked and snarled at the remark “Mary Kinson, what an accomplishment you’ve achieved! I will not allow you to go without my help!”

Her eyes were filled with a momentary gleam of happiness.

But Mary Kinson could still see clearly, and she couldn’t help but shed a few tears, as Mohan’s can do this to her relative.

Mohan had already contacted the servant before she had a chance to say anything: “CALL Li TCM . Go fast!”

Chinese doctor Li and his attendants had arrived.

Mohan hurriedly jumped out of the path and exclaimed, “Look at what my aunt has been through.”

Mrs. Qiao’s hands were still shaking, but She didn’t dare to touch them sinceS he was still in shock. It hurt, it hurts!”

She jerked her jaw and neck a lot, but everything else seemed good.

Mary Kinson isn’t bothered about anything. An element is added in the remedy that is excessively stimulating and has a short-term unfavorable response

When Li removed the gauze covering Mrs. Qiao’s eyes, he was shocked to discover her bloodshot eyes that seemed to be penetrating the surrounding crowd.

“This may be the last time she sees “, he said somberly.

“What do you mean?” asked Mohan, perplexed.

“Do you mean my eyes are becoming blind?” Mrs. Qiao exclaims.

Li TCM’s back was suddenly scraped by her powerful hands.

“I’m not sure, it depends on the final results in a few days.” Li Chinese medicine moaned .

Mrs. Qiao’s hands were still unfastened, and her entire body appeared to have been drained of blood, leaving only a pool of red.

After seeing a dramatic improvement in her vision just two days ago, she’s plunged back into a deep pit of despair

She is exhausted, and her heart is swollen.

The agony in Mohan’s heart is indescribable; she can’t tell it is guilt or sadness.

Mary Kinson was still staring at the dregs . Mohan eyes were engulfed in a huge fire: “Mary Kinson! I said heal you can’t heal aunt’s eyes,. Now, you make her lost sight forever!”

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