Reborn Heart of Steel

CHAPTER 83: It can only get worse

The structure of the armored vehicle echoed as Chase drove the vehicle to the extreme rocking through the various landscapes as the engine screamed in pain as we headed towards the drones. The night above was filled with metallic bodies and movements; there was a dense sea that obscured all celestial objects. “We will never get through that,” Zoe tried, her frustration which seemed to border with fear in the tone of voice she used. Morris was already digging through the car’s armory. “I have some EMP grenades here ” he informed him. “May be able to clear a path. ” Alessandro wriggled a little in my embrace: his eyes, although still closed, were now struggling between waking and being a set of servos. ‘The drones. . they’re not just trying to stop us’ he choked out. “They’re gathering. Combining. ” It seemed as if Alessandro’s words were enough to trigger the change of position among the swarm. They fell to the ground on impact and mingled and merged one with the other to form larger forms and shapes. Thus, the conversion was seen in a sped up time-lapse evolution where metal and circuitry distort and transform at a frightening velocity.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

My God,” he scoffed, “It’s growing new bodies for itself. The architect is taking over. ” I remember shivering at that moment. We weren’t fighting against a rebel artificial intelligence anymore. We were fighting an enemy that could adapt and improvise based on the situation, and the lessons learned in the process. “There!” cried Morris suddenly, and indicating a space in the crowd. “Floor it, Chase!” Chase didn’t wait for a second order, and quickly rushed outside. He pulled the wheel as hard as he could and thus flew towards the emergence of the opening. Morris stood by the window and equipped an EMP grenade. Everyone closed their eyes!” he shouted, and then lobbed the gadget at the cloud of drones. I closed my eyes; yet the photograph seared through my eyelashes. The vehicle encountered an invisible wave and shook as if we were on water. When I opened my eyes, we were in a sphere of clear sky with a number of dead drones’ coffins falling around us. However, our victory was short-lived. As this was happening, we moved through the gap to regroup, but suddenly the swarm was advancing again, filling the space much quicker than we were removing them. “We’re not going to make it to the bunker,” Chase snarled as he nearly hit a particularly large drone which fell from the sky and landed in front of our car. “We don’t have to,” Alessandro said, and even though the words were quite strong protest, the tone was much braver now. ‘But there is another. An old radio tower, approximately three miles east from here,’ Added Jack. If we get there, at least I can try and broadcast the counter code. Zoe looked skeptical. The next quotient that comes into the mind of Chase is “Will the signal be strong enough? Alessandro nodded weakly. “Unlike simple networks, The Architect’s network is alive now, which means that if we can input the counter-code at a critical node, it will go viral in the system. ” It was a risky venture that we could do, but it was the best strategy that we had on the table. Chase, spun the wheel, and drove us off the road towards the east. This I got to experience in the vehicle, which rumbled over fields and ditches with the drones pursuing us all the while. As we drove, I lifted Alessandro’s head to make him sit properly. ”Hi, how are you coping?” I enquired, struggling to mask my concern. He managed a poor smile, somewhat like a twitch. “It could have been worse. But still, I am who I am. ” I squeezed his hand. But it will not beat us, no indeed: ‘We’re going to beat this indeed, together. ‘ And in front of us there was the radio tower, somewhat resembling a skeleton of a building that was left behind by architects and builders on the night of a full-moon night. But between us and the end goal, a new factor of friction has entered into the scene. The drones had come together in a rather human-like silhouette, at least a dozen stories high. “Oh come on,” Chase said. “That’s just not fair. ” The giant drone-construct, the size of the house we were in, moved forward and with the step there was a rumble. Its upper portion, if I may refer to it as such, turned toward us and a group of dials faced our car. “Morris,” Chase called out. ‘Say to me that you’ve got another one of those EMPs. ” Morris looked into the weapon stash, his expression mostly austere. ‘Well, just one. Though, I don’t think that will be sufficient to demolish something as big as that’. I glanced at Alessandro, then I saw the same expression in his face as I had in mine. We realized that we were not going to be able to ‘shoot our way’ through it anymore. ‘I have an idea,’ I declared, the plan already in my head as I came out with the statement. “Well, you are not going to like it. ” I began listing my ideas promptly. Sure enough, it did not take long for people to respond, and their sentiments were nothing short of passionate. “Absolutely not,” Chase said. “It’s suicide. ” ‘We have no other option,’ I walked away stubbornly. “The idea is that someone needs to divert the attention of that object long enough for Alessandro to get to the tower and transmit the counter-code in. ” Zoe gripped my arm. “Brianne no,” he said firmly, “we won’t take that chance, we will look for another way. ” Yet Alejandro was slowly shaking his head. In their eyes, I fell into the same trap of ambiguity that they accused my father of. ‘Yes we could,’ he said. “If we time it right…” The argument was suddenly interrupted by a huge metallic hand falling on the ground near us, causing the car to fly around. Chase struggled for the steering wheel and was able to prevent the car from rolling over.

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