Rebirth : A Woman With Frozen Heart

Yang Lixin's Awakening

Yang Lixin's Awakening

(A/N : Thank you for reading this story. Please support the Author if you like this story by giving rate,

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Ming Yue woke up with a soft gasp. What greeted her was the ceiling of her chamber in Moon Palace.

Staring at the ceiling of her chamber for a while, slowly she lifted her hand and moved it toward her

lips, touching it softly. Once again intense longing attacked Ming Yue, making her heart vulnerable.

Deep down, Ming Yue felt scared and tormented by her conflicted feelings. At one side, she doesn't

want to fall in love but on the other side, she longed for that man, Zhong Kui. Ming Yue was wondering

in her mind, the question always appeared and making her uneasy.

'Will I be losing myself and become Chang'e if the memories keep on coming?'

'Will I no longer be Ming Yue in the future?'

Sighing softly, Ming Yue once again pushed the uneasy thoughts to back of her mind. She didn't want

to think about this again, at least tried not to. Yet, at this time, Ming Yue didn't know that this fear of

hers would be a trial she had to overcome in the future.

Ming Yue returned to Wu Mansion and went to the dining room after cleaning herself. Wearing casual

clothes, she let long black hair untied after drying it. As soon as she entered the dining room, Ming Yue

greeted everyone with a smile. The family greeted her back with warm smile and they began eating


"Yue'er, the party is going to be held this Saturday. You can invite your friends if you want, how many

people are you going to invite?" Fan Mei asked as she took a bite of the toast on her plate.

Ming Yue who was drinking an orange juice, put the glass back on the table before answering. "I will

only invite three of my friends, principal Zhuge, Teacher Mo and Doctor Yan."

"So it's six people." Shi Jian commented as he nodded. "I am sure you don't want to invite the Qin

family, right?"

"Yes. No need to invite them at all." Ming Yue said, coldness could be seen in her eyes. She didn't want

to entangle the Qin Family anymore.

"I will give the invitation to you later, Yue'er." Fan Mei said, "Tell your friends that if they don't have the

proper attire, we can buy it together."

"Okay, Mother. I will tell them."

After breakfast, Ming Yue returned to her room and texted her friends, telling them that they were

invited to her welcoming party. Such news of course made the three friends happy, they congratulated

Ming Yue through Wechat group.

...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£

Mu_Chen : Congratulation, Leader! ( ¿ )

Ran_Ran7 : Congratulation Leader, Thank you for the invitation. ½(oï¼¾ ½ï¼¾o)

Cool_Wang : Congrats, lead! I will definitely come! ( Ï )

Ming_Yue'¥ : Thank you, do you guys have outfit to wear? My mother invite you guys to buy it together

with me.

Cool_Wang : What?! Really?! I'm going!

Mu_Chen : Would that trouble you, leader?

"(ï¼ ï¼")"

Ran_Ran7 : Yes.. I am afraid we will only trouble you.. . » ¾(.ï¼ ï¼") ·

Ming_Yue'¥ : It's no trouble, the twins wants to go as well. the more the merrier.

Cool_Wang : C'mon guys! let's just go!

Mu_Chen : Yu Wang.. stop being so shameless.. (ï¿£_ï¿£)

Cool_Wang : what did you mean by shameless?! Lead kindly invites us, won't we hurt her feelings if we

don't go?! ½(` ´ ¡)

Ran_Ran7 : But..

Ming_Yue'¥ : Yu wang is right. I will be hurt if you all don't go (。¯ï¸µ°ï½¡)

Cool_Wang : !!

Ran_Ran7 : !!

Mu_Chen : !!

Ming_Yue'¥ : ...What?

Mu_Chen : Leader.. you used emoji..

Ran_Ran7 : It's the first time!

Cool_Wang : Lol! Leader is being contaminated by us! \( Ï )/

Mu_Chen : Contaminated, you said... Don't stamp us similar to a virus.. ( ̄︿ ̄)

Ming_Yue'¥ : hahaha..

Ming_Yue'¥ : Anyway, let us meet at the mall, in two hours?

Cool_Wang : Roger that!

Ran_Ran7 : Okay, leader!

Mu_Chen : Aye, My Leader!

...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£ ...£

Ming Yue smiled as she stared at the screen for a while. It was the first time for her to use emoji and

somehow she was quite embarrassed after using it. She acted like teenage girls even though her soul

was the soul of a mature woman. The giddy feeling mixed with embarrassment turned into a complex

feeling for Ming Yue.


'This kind of feeling is not too bad..'

'I have suffered so much in the last life. Just enjoy it while it last.'

With that Ming Yue took her smartphone and returned to Moon Palace. As soon as she arrived, Ming

Yue headed toward Green Moon Chamber straight away. The reason for that was because Yang Lixin

had finished the trial and was hospitalized there after.

Ming Yue arrived at Green Moon Chamber only to find Yang Lixin was still in unconscious state. Xuan

Wu was there to monitor his health.

"How is he?" Ming Yue asked Xuan Wu who was checking his pulse.

"Still the same."

"Is this a normal state after the trial?" Ming Yue asked again, her brows slightly creased as worry

started to form on her face.

"I don't know. This is the first time I assisted a mortal in the trial. So far, no mortal ever survives the trial

in ancient time. That's why many mortals at that time gave up on being cultivators." Xuan Wu


Hearing Xuan Wu's answers, the worry on her face grew deeper. She noticed Yang Lixin's face that

was pale and his haggard state. Extending her hand, Ming Yue touched Yang Lixin's hand.

"Yang Lixin.." Ming Yue spoke to the unconscious man, "You made a promise that you will return safely.

You need to uphold that promise."

There was only silence and Ming Yue let out a soft sigh filled with sadness. It was a wishful thinking for

her to think that Yang Lixin would wake up after she finished speaking. This was not some TV drama..

However just as she pushed the thought away, Yang Lixin's body glowed in faint golden color and Ming

Yue felt energy coming from Yang Lixin. Ming Yue's eyes widened, the gloom that was decorating her

eyes turned into hope.

"He succeeded."

Ming Yue heard Xuan Wu's words, the hope bloomed in her heart. Her eyes never left Yang Lixin, as if

counting the the time for the man to open his eyes. As the glow dissipated from his body, Yang Lixin

started to open his eyes. The moment the eyes were opened, it instantly focused on Ming Yue and a

smile appeared on the man's face.

"I have returned, Young Miss." Yang Lixin spoke in hoarse voice, his throat were dry but he still

managed to speak those short words.

Yes.. He had returned..

Just like what he promised her..

Ming Yue returned the smile as the worry that had been burdening her heart disappeared. She nodded

once and replied,

"Yes.. Good job for returning Yang Lixin, welcome back." NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

The word 'welcome back' sent warm feeling to Yang Lixin's heart. He finally had the place to return to, a

place where he belonged.

'Zemin ah..'

'The 'me' who had lost the place in this world after that incident..'

'Finally found the place where I belong..'

'I wonder if you can see me from up there..'


Somewhere in Demon Realm..

A man stood in front of a coffin, his red eyes stared at it for a while before speaking in a tone full of


"How long are you going to continue to sleep? Wake up!"

The coffin lid shook slightly and slid to the side. A figure rose from inside, a man who had black hair

with slightly messy bangs. His blood colored eyes stared at the man, clearly showing his dissatisfaction

due being woken up from his slumber.

"Don't look at me like that, Master has ordered me to wake you up." The man grumbled,

"He has an important thing to tell you, Pan Zemin."


Character :

Name : Long Zhi Qiang

Age : 24 years old

Job : Major General in Military

Name : Ying Yue

Age : 15 Going 16

Job : High School Student

Additional Info :

She is the twin sister of Ming Yue

She is a vessel of Chang'e Memories

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