Rebirth : A Woman With Frozen Heart

Si Ye Jiangjun

Si Ye Jiangjun


The figure who suddenly appeared out of thin air is a little girl! She looked like a nine years old girl.

Yes... the little girl was none other than Ling Mao.

The truth was, the moment Long Zhi Qiang walked toward Ming Yue, that was the moment Ling Mao

recognized Zhi Qiang as Zhong Kui. Ling Mao sensed the Yin energy that was surging from Zhi Qiang's

body. It's the purest Yin energy that could only belong to The Ghost King, supreme ruler of Demon


Ling Mao quickly used a simple enchantment to hide and paid attention to Zhi Qiang's behavior. The

more Ling Mao saw his behavior, the way he spoke, the way he carried himself especially the way he

behaved in front of her master, the more Ling Mao was certain that Zhi Qiang was Lord Zhong Kui.

However, Ling Mao couldn't address Lord Zhong Kui in front of her master. The reason for it was

because her master didn't have all her memories from the time she lived as Chang'e yet. Now that her

master had left, Ling Mao wanted to greet Zhi Qiang but didn't know how and when to begin. Only after

Zhi Qiang asked the question that Ling Mao finally undid the enchantment.

Ling Mao kowtowed to the ground and greeted Zhi Qiang. "Ling Mao, the deserter of Witch Clan greets

the supreme ruler of Demon Realm, Lord Zhong Kui, The Ghost King."

The members of Black Falcon, included An Fu, were surprised to see the little girl kowtowing to the

ground and gave her greetings to their captain. This situation was exactly like it was straight out of

Kungfu Movies!

"I accept your greeting. Rise." Zhi Qiang ordered in domineering tone.

From the way Zhi Qiang accepted the greeting, the way he ordered Ling Mao to rise from the ground,

the way he spoke and the way he carried himself, the members of Black Falcon once again realized

that their captain was really what he claimed to be. Even though they knew that their captain was

someone who didn't like telling lies, deep down the seed of doubt still lingered a little bit.

"Our captain is really The Ghost King.." Cao Wen muttered softly.

"Do you know what this means, cousin?" Cao Feng asked Cao Wen who was staring at Zhi Qiang with

dumbfounded expression on his face.

"What?" Cao Wen turned his gaze to Cao Feng only to find that there were fire in his cousin's eyes,

burning with excitement.

"That means we are the subordinates of Ghost King, you know?!" Cao Feng said, "How cool is that?!"

"...It's cool indeed." An Fu nodded in agreement.

"Right?! I have to start searching a name or tittle for myself." Cao Feng said with a wide grin on his


"Ah Feng.. you.."

"Leave him be.. he is just a kid at heart.." Wei Qian patted Cao Wen's shoulder, trying to sooth his


"Oh? That's rich coming from a person who is afraid of supernatural things~" Cao Feng retorted,

wiggling his eyebrows up and down and sent a look full of mischief at Wei Qian.


remark from Cao Feng, Wei Qian snapped instantly while Cao Wen stared at the both of them with flat


"....Both of them are children.." Cao Wen muttered softly under his breath.


"Who the hell are children?!"

Both Wei Qian and Cao Feng reacted at the same time, causing Cao Wen to roll his eyes and heaved

a weary sigh at them.

Meanwhile, Zhi Qiang who was ignoring the reaction of his team members and their stupid debacle,

gazed at Ling Mao. "Why did you hide yourself?" Zhi Qiang asked the little girl.

"Ling Mao felt The Ghost King's pure Yin energy and was wondering if it was really you, My Lord. So

Ling Mao hid herself to pay attention to you. However once Ling Mao knew that it was really you, Ling

Mao couldn't greet you in front of Master." Ling Mao explained.

"Was it because she doesn't know her identity as Chang'e?" Zhi Qiang asked, thinking that it would be

logical since her reaction toward him was cold.

"No, My Lord. Master already knew that she is Lady Chang'e but Master only recovers a tiny bit of her

past life's memories." Ling Mao answered honestly.

Hearing that, Zhi Qiang's face turned grim and seeing such reaction from him, Ling Mao flinched

slightly. Her eyes stared at him in question, wondering if she had said something rude but Zhi Qiang's

next words, caught her off guard.

"If it's like that, then Ming Yue still doesn't remember how The Heavenly Emperor betrayed her and

cause her death." Zhi Qiang said in grim tone, "If she doesn't recover her past life memories as

Chang'e then her soul and goddess' power won't be complete."

The Heavenly Emperor was the one who betrayed her Lady?!

He was the one who caused her death?!

Then.. He was the one who worked together with HER and trapped her Lady in that cave?!


Ling Mao was surprised.. no more like shocked to hear that the one who caused her Lady's death was

The Heavenly Emperor himself. Ling Mao knew how close her Lady with The Heavenly Emperor. Her

Lady always treated him just like her own older brother.

Her shocked face turned sad when she thought how heartbroken her Lady was if she knew about this

matter. Ling Mao opened her lips and was about to say something but Ming Yue's voice could be heard

faintly from a far. Looked like her Lady was searching for her.

"Go. It will be suspicious if Ming Yue sees you talking to me." Zhi Qiang ordered her.

"My Lord, will you stay in this city?" asked Ling Mao.

"I won't, at least for now. I will go to Demon Realm after this, there is something I need to do there." Zhi

Qiang answered.

"I understand, My Lord." Ling Mao replied and turned into her black cat form.

"Oooh!!" The Black Falcon members reacted as such when they say Ling Mao's transformation.

"Hey! She just turned into black cat!!" Wei Qian made a ruckus.

"Wei Qian ah, stop being noisy. It's just a transformation. You have watch Harry P*tter, haven't you?

Isn't this the same?" Cao Feng reprimanded Wei Qian who acted exaggeratedly.

"But it's a black cat, dammit! BLACK CAT!! don't you know what a black cat is?!" Wei Qian retorted


"Of course I know. It's cat that has black fur." Cao Feng answered, staring at Wei Qian as if the guy

was stupid.

"NO DAMMIT!! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!" Wei Qian shouted in annoyance.

Zhi Qiang and Ling Mao, once again, ignored the ruckus at the background. By this time, the level of

how they could ignore things had risen from level 1 to 10. It was a useless skill but at times like this it

worked splendidly.

"Then I shall take my leave, My Lord." Ling Mao's voice echoed softly. However when she just took two

steps, Zhi Qiang stopped her.


"My Lord?" Ling Mao turned her head, staring at Zhi Qiang with questioned eyes.

"Keep my identity hidden from the four guardians." Zhi Qiang said,

"Why, My Lord?" Ling Mao tilted her cat head slightly.

"It's not the time yet." Zhi Qiang answered simply.

"I see."

"Serve my beloved well, I leave her in your care for a while." Zhi Qiang added.

Ling Mao's head bowed slightly, "Yes, My Lord." She answered and left the training ground.

Zhi Qiang stared at Ling Mao's figure until she vanished from sight. Silence once again descended and

soon it was broken by Wei Qian.

"Uh, captain? Is that girl a shapeshifter?" He asked in careful tone.

Hearing this, Zhi Qiang chuckled softly, "The little girl is from Witch Clan. People from Witch Clan are

all animals who had cultivated some powers and can turn into human."

"So.. basically.. that little girl is originally.." Wei Qian trailed the words and Zhi Qiang nodded,

"Yes, she is originally a black cat."

"I see." Wei Qian only gave simple reply. He had heard about the four realms from his captain but not

too deep. He wanted to ask more but held back since this was not something he could ask in open



Demon Realm, Hei'an Palace...

Hei'an Palace, the palace that belonged to Ghost King. It was huge, bigger than the Moon Palace in

Tianshang De Kongjian and it was covered by purple mist. This palace was often called 'The Palace Of

Eternal Darkness'.

Deep in the underground chamber of this palace, laid four coffins made of dark jade. Inside the coffins,

laid four mighty general of Ghost King. After the Ghost King died, the four generals went into slumber,

waiting for the day their Supreme Lord rose once again.

A man with spiky black hair entered the chamber. In his hand, there was a black colored pearl that was

big enough to fit a man's hand. The man's feet stopped in front of the four coffins that were lining up

horizontally on the stone floor.

The man lifted his hand that was holding the black pearl and pointed it toward the four coffins. The

pearl was glowing in purple color, at first it was faint but slowly it glowed brighter.

"The Supreme Lord has returned, time to wake from your slumber, Si Ye Jiangjun! (4 Night Generals)"

Silence followed after the spiky haired man spoke the words but soon the coffins' lid blasted away to

the back as if it was slammed open from the inside. Inside the four coffins, three male and one female

were lying with their eyes closed. Slowly their eyes lids opened and their hands reached the side of the

coffins and stood up. Unlike the spiky haired man who was wearing modern clothes, the four night

generals were still wearing their clothes from ancient time.

The spiky haired man knelt in front of them and gave his greeting, "Li Guiren, care taker of Hei'an

Palace, greets the mighty four night generals."

Among the four generals, the one who opened the lips to speak was the man with long dark violet hair

and red blood eyes, "Young one, the care taker of Hei'an Palace, why did you wake us from our


"The black pearl has been glowing faintly from time to time. My predecessor already warned me to

wake the lords and lady when the black pearl glows in such manner." Li Guiren answered the question

while still kneeling.

"I see. You have done well, young one. You may rise."

"Thank you, My Lord." Li Guiren expressed his gratitude and rose to his feet.

"It seems the Supreme Lord has been reincarnated, thus the black pearl is responding." The only

female general stated her opinion. Her long, dark brown hair moved softly as her dark green eyes This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

stared at the other generals.

"True. We need to prepare for The Supreme Lord's return." Another general who had silver hair and

golden colored eyes added, "We can't have the palace in poorly manner, the Supreme Lord will be


"I agree.." said the last general who had black colored mask covered the left side of his face. His

expression looked stoic and his hazel eyes revealed no emotion, "The Supreme Lord will summon

them soon. We don't have much time for the preparation."

The other three generals nodded, agreeing to what the masked man said. They stepped out of the

coffins and was about to leave the chamber when one of them stopped walking and turned around. It

was the man dark violet haired man, his red blood eyes gazed at Li Guiren.

"I have been meaning to ask this, why are you wearing your underwear when greeting us? And what

kind of enchantment you put on your upper arm?"

Li Guiren who was wearing a sleeveless black shirt, dark blue jeans and had tattoo on his upper arm,

was rendered speechless by this question. Deep down he was wondering how to explain about modern

era to these four generals who had huge gap in civilization. Thinking of this, Li Guiren felt like a huge

headache was going come.


Character :

Name : Chang'e

Deity : Moon Goddess

Weapon : Silver Moon

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