Rebirth : A Woman With Frozen Heart

Reforming Black Falcon

Reforming Black Falcon

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"Do you believe in reincarnation?"

Zhi Qiang asked the question, staring at the five men one by one as they stared at him, looking


"..Captain.. you..." Cao Wen lost for words, didn't know what to say.

However, Zhou Gong Jin was different. He wanted answer so he would do or say what needed to be

said in order to get one.

"Let's just say I believe it. What does reincarnation have to do with what you want to talk about?" He

asked, looking interested.

"Everything. In that tomb, I learned about my past life." Zhi Qiang replied, "The proof to that.. is THIS."

Zhi Qiang summoned Blood Moon out of thin air. Four men stiffened and their hands reached for their

guns, while Zhou Gong Jin was stunned. Zhi Qiang chuckled softly, seeing their reaction. Mortals were

interesting sometimes.

"The sword.. is that what you got from the tomb?" Gong Jin asked.

"Yes. Well, this sword has waited thousand years to meet me." Zhi Qiang replied, "Blood Moon,

introduce yourself."

"Yes, Master." Blood Moon answered and started to introduce himself. "My name is Blood Moon, the

sword that was made by My Lord Zhong Kui thousand years ago."

"Zhong Kui?" Gong Jin frowned, staring at the black sword then to Zhi Qiang.

"My past life's name. I was called Zhong Kui in the past, the supreme ruler of Demon Realm." Zhi

Qiang explained.

"Demon Realm?" The frown on Gong Jin's face grew even more.

Zhi Qiang sighed, "I will explain everything but this matter MUST NOT be told to anyone else,


Zhi Qiang watched how his four men glanced at each other before nodding. Gong Jin also gave a firm

nod. Seeing that the five men agreed, Zhi Qiang started to explain about Four Realm Of The World.

The Heaven Realm, The Cultivator Realm, The Mortal Realm, The Demon Realm. It was quite a long

explanation and when Zhi Qiang finished, the five men was quite bewildered of the new found

information. Especially Gong Jin, there seemed to a lot in his mind.

"So there are that much of realms unknown to humanity.. interesting.." Gong Jin muttered to himself,

"..But they are hidden from our eyes quite well. This must be have something to do with the power they

hold, am I right?"

Zhi Qiang nodded and lifted his hand, his two fingers drew an enchantment seal up in the air and

suddenly Zhi Qiang disappeared from their sight. The five men gasped instantly and cold chuckles

echoed in that room, sending eerie sensation down to the men' spine.

Soon Zhi Qiang appeared once again, amused seeing the five men reaction. "Mortals are the most

weak among the four realm but they have protection from Heaven Realm and Cultivator Realm.. at

some point. Large scale death of Mortals will destroy the balance between Yin and Yang energies of

the world." He explained.

"S-So Captain.." Wei Qian spoke in quite nervous tone, "Is that mean.. you're not.. a mortal?

All eyes fixed at Zhi Qiang, the way they saw him as if he had become a monster. Zhi Qiang chuckled

once more in amusement. "I am not. My body is a cultivator and the power of someone from demon


"So.. you're a demon?" Wei Qian asked, looking bewildered.

Zhi Qiang was about to answer but Blood Moon answered it instead. "My Lord's power is the strongest

in Demon Realm, hence the reason why he became the supreme ruler and has a tittle 'Ghost King'.

Whether he is a demon or not, it doesn't have anything to do with you mortals."

Hearing the black sword spoke like that, Gong Jin frowned and stared at it coldly. Zhi Qiang laughed

softly, staring at Blood Moon with soft eyes as he tapped the blade once, as if flicking it. "Calm down,

Blood Moon. They are not one to blame for being cautious. This matter is quite a surprise for them."

"My apologies, My Lord." Blood Moon spoke.

Zhi Qiang turned his gaze to Gong Jin. "Lieutenant General, I have something to discuss with you." he


"Oh?" Gong Jin replied, looking curious "What is it?"

"I want to resign from Military."

"What?! Captain!" Cao Wen stepped forward, "Are you out of your mind?!"

"..Captain.. I refuse.." An Fu stood up from the couch.

"I have my own reason, I am sorry." Zhi Qiang said.

"Tell me the reason first. I won't approve to your resignation if it's not good enough." Gong Jin warned


A heavy sigh escaped Zhi Qiang's lips, "I have to look for my beloved's reincarnation. I have a strong

candidate but if she is not who I think she is, then I have to look for another candidate." Zhi Qiang

explained, "More over, I have to regain all of my past memories and power, because I need to confront


"and the person is?" Gong Jin asked,

"Someone who I hate so much. This person is a person from Heaven Realm." Zhi Qiang said, "..I have

to do this." He added, his tone filled with determination.

There was a heavy silence until Cao Feng broke it. "It's fine by me though, but I am coming with you

Cap'n~" He said in casual tone. "I am going to resign too~!" Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

An Fu stood up right away, his eyes glared at Cao Feng. "A Feng!"

"What?" Cao Feng asked, trying to look innocent. "It looks fun and interesting to follow Captain's

journey. You know I joined the military because I follow Cao Wen. Now that there is something

interesting, I can resign anytime~"

"...." An Fu gritted his teeth, clenching his fist tightly as he looked away.

Gong Jin sighed heavily, didn't expect that things would become like this. "To think the tomb will cause

this result." He muttered, rubbing his forehead.

"Cao Feng, the place where I go will be very dangerous for mortal. You don't have the power." Zhi

Qiang spoke.

"Mortals can't wield power?" Cao Feng asked, "How about you then? Weren't you a mortal before?"

"I am a reincarnated person. I will give the details later but not now. As for power.." Zhi Qiang paused

for a while before continuing, "Mortals can have power but the chances.."

"What are the chances?" Asked Cao Feng calmly, "50/50?"

"Yes." Zhi Qiang answered, "For Mortals to be cultivators, their body needs to be changed so it can

hold aura inside their meridians. The way to change that is by having to do the 'Trial of Nine

Tribulations', you have to endure the pain of having internal energy wreak havoc your body for 3 days 3

nights. If you survive then you will become a cultivator.. but if you don't..."

"I'll die, end of case." Cao Feng finished Zhi Qiang words, his expression was way too calm. "I am okay

with it."

Cao Wen looked troubled seeing his cousin made such decision. Cao Feng was known for having

unpredictable personality, Cao Wen could never understand him. "Cao Feng, don't do this. Think about

how your parents--"

"They're not my parents." Cao Feng cut the words right away, his tone was dead cold.

Cao Wen opened his mouth, wanting to speak but no words could come out. It was because he knew

the very reason why Cao Feng joined military. That very reason was also a taboo subject within Cao

Feng's family and why Cao Feng was alienated by his own parents.

"...I.. also want to come with you, Captain!" Wei Qian spoke, Cao Wen turned his gaze at the man,

staring at him in disbelief. The Black Falcon seemed to be disbanding just like that.

"Wei Qian.."

"Don't get me wrong. I just want the power to deal with something I can't kill. I won't do this for fun, just

like that Psycho there." Wei Qian grumbled

Cao Feng grinned, "Aw~ I bet you just want to face your fear of 'undead', Qian'er~"

"Don't call me that!" Wei Qian refuted in anger.

"Hmmm.. This can be useful for Black Falcon Team." Gong Jin suddenly spoke, Cao Wen turned his

gaze toward his superior, frown was on his face. Seeing the expression on Cao Wen's face, Zhou Gong

Jin explained more.

"Wei Qian and Cao Feng wants to join Zhi Qiang, they want to be cultivators so this will be a good

chance to reform the Black Falcon team. Of course, knowing the danger that you will die if you failed to

get this power, I leave the choice to you." Gong Jin said,

"As for resignation, I will refuse it for now, Zhi Qiang. You want to go to search for power and people, I

will try to use my power in military to negotiate with the upper up to give you a leeway on certain

conditions. IF and only IF it doesn't work then.. regrettably, I will accept your resignation."

Zhi Qiang became silent, contemplating it for a while before nodding in agreement. "Okay, I agree."

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