Pure Perfection

Chapter 25- Hopeful?

Chapter 25- Hopeful?


"It's been 3 days. WHY HAVE YOU STILL NOT FOUND HER?" I yelled at my men and slammed my hand down on the table.

These past few days have consisted of restless nights due to not having Juliana in my arms.

"We found the car abandoned near a lake but Grey must've made a run for it" said Adrian

"Look for tire tracks, CCTV cameras... ANYTHING" I yelled again.

"We have but it seems like Grey drove around the city for hours to try and confuse us, before dumping the car.

"I have a tracker installed on all of my cars" I remembered.

"We know, but he deactivated it"

I slumped down in my chair restless and rubbed my fingers over my forehead, trying to think but the only thing that clouded my mind was Juliana.

"Give me his file" I commanded and one of my men quickly handed it to me before I snatched it out of his hand. If Juliana was here, she'd probably scold me for being mean.

I flicked through the pages before I stopped at his financial records.

I frowned. Most the money he has been earning has been sent to St George's hospital. A particularly large sum was paid 2 days ago.

"Adrian, go to St George's hospital and see if anyone there is under the name 'Grey', perhaps his wife or a parent . If there is, I want them transferred to my personal hospital where they will be cared for."

"That will be hard to do without creating suspicion."

"I don't care. Pay off whoever you have to. I don't care how much, just hurry." I said.

With that, Adrian nodded and took a few men with him.

Fùck. Juliana must be so scared right now.

*_* *_* *_*


"When you think about it, tobacco companies kill their best customers and condom companies prevent their future customers. So given this logic, condom companies should really start sponsoring brothels. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Shut the fuck up" said one of the men and began lightly banging his head on the wall next to him.

"And also, when you think about it, maybe plants are actually farming us, giving us oxygen until we eventually die and turn into mulch which they can consume" I said

Since being trapped here, I've begun embracing my philosophical side which I never really knew existed.

"And don't you find it weird how theme parks can snap a crystal clear picture of you on a roller coaster at 70 mph, but bank cameras can't get a clear shot of a robber standing still?"

"SHUT UP" the man yelled.

"And it's strange that when people think about travelling to the past, they worry about accidentally changing the present, but no one in the present really thinks they can radically change the future."

"Fuck this" the man said and pointed his gun at me.

"Put the gun away" Said a tall man as he entered the room. The mask was covering his identity.

"Thank god you’re here, you can take care of her now. I'm done." Sighed the man that was previously pointing a gun to me as he left the room.

"Who are you?" I asked the new man.

"Who I am is not important"

"Why am I here?"

"Tsk tsk. Always so many questions, sweet Juliana" he tutted.

"I'm curious" I stated

"Curiosity killed the cat" he said.

How original.

"But satisfaction brought it back" I replied and raised an eyebrow. People usually tended to ignore the last part of that infamous phrase so it could suit their context better.

He chuckled. "You're a clever one" he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Eat" he said and stuffed a piece of bread in my mouth. I gladly chewed it, due to being hungry for so long.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked. He didn't answer and simply walked out.

I'll take that as a yes.

But I wasn't going to stick around to watch it come true.

With that, I stated down at the zip tie, trapping my hands together.

I remember watching a YouTube video about how to escape a kidnapping. I was going to scroll passed it but decided to watch it 'just in case' and I've never been more thankful.

I started by putting my bound wrists over my head and held them up as high as I could. Then in a swift movement, I swung my arms down towards the ground while spreading your hands apart. The stress caused the tie to tear apart. I internally celebrated.

I then used my hands to untie the rope binding me to the chair. Once that was done, I realised my feet were still tied together.

I hopped around the room looking for something sharp to cut the tie with.

I looked around to find a mirror. Without thinking straight, I impulsively smashed it on the ground.

I cringed as it made a pound noise.

I began panicking as I heard footsteps come towards the door.

"Ryan, we need your help moving the crates" I heard a muffled voice say. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

I sighed in relief as the footsteps got quieter as the man walked away.

I searched the ground and found a big piece of glass. I used it to start cutting through the plastic tie.

In no time my feet were free.

"It's too quiet. I'm going in there to check on her" I heard a voice say.

I then reached for the glass again and stood waiting for him by the door.

He entered the room quickly to find me gone. I recognised him by his red bright hair that was poking out. It was the creep who was about to rape me the very fist day I was her, but then stopped when I lied and told him I have AIDS.

"Wha-" he was about to say but I held up the sharp glass to him neck.

"Shhh" I hushed and he froze.

"Do as I say or I'll slit your throat" I whispered and he nodded frantically.

"Now, give me your gun" I said and he reached for his pocket and hesitantly handed it to me.

"Good boy"

I pointed the gun to his head and began to drag him towards the chair where I was previously sat.

I tied him up, shoved a dirty cloth in his mouth and duck taped it shut.

I looked around and found a wooden plank. I reached for it and whacked him on the head with it, knocking him out.

I gave him one last final look before sneaking out.

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