Pure Perfection

Chapter 20- Feeling Better

Chapter 20- Feeling Better


I woke up to the sweet smell of cinnamon. I rubbed my eyes and sat up to see Tyberias at the door with his sleeves rolled up and his top button unbuttoned and there was a plate of cinnamon rolls in his hand with a glass of water.

"How long have I been asleep?" I yawned

"A couple hours. I made you something to eat for when you woke up" he said and placed the plate in front of me.

"Wow. Thank you, it smells delicious" I smiled and I thought my mouth would water as the sweet smell invaded my scenes.

I finished the plate in no time and Tyberias put the plate on the night stand.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked and sat up against the headboard next to me. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I nodded and leaned my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around me and traced circles on it.

"What happened at work?" He said calmly but his fists were white from being squeezed so hard.

"Nothing. I just didn't feel well" I lied.

"Don't lie to me, tell me who hurt you" I said clenching his jaw.

I shook my head and buried my face further into his chest. I knew what he would do to Matt I'd he found him. I wasn't protecting him I just didn't want Tyberias to get into any trouble for my sake.

"I need a name." His voice softened

"Matt Williams." I said quietly and he nodded.

"I'll take care of it" he said and kissed my forehead.

A few moments passed and we laid in a comfortable silence.

"Do you only like me beacuse if how I look?" I asked in a small voice. I have never been insecure before but I could get what Matt said earlier out of my head.

"Where's this coming from?" He said and raised my head up so I was looking up at him.

"Just something that he said earlier" I whispered.

He sighed "although you're looks are a massive plus, I'm not with you solely because of that. I like you because you're smart and funny and you always put people before yourself. And that's rare to find nowadays."

I smiled and dug my head into his neck feeling shy all of a sudden. He chuckled at my reaction.

I saw Tyberias reach for his phone from his pocket and text Adrian.

‘I need you to take care of someone for me. Matt Williams, works at Michaels' oil Company in town.’

"What is he going to do to him?" I asked

"Nothing he doesn't deserve" he replied simply and I couldn't held but smiled evilly at the thought of Matt being in pain.

Oh god, what's gotten into me. I was starting to think like Tyberias.

"Guess what" I said and looked up to Tyberias.


"I've got a new boss. Mr Michaels resigned"

"Hmm really?" He said but something told me he already knew.

I nodded "would you have anything to do with that" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Of course" he said smugly. I was slightly surprised he actually admitted it. I just giggled and went back to cuddling him.

I quickly pulled away. How could I forget

"What's wrong?" Tyberias said and tried to pull me back to his body.

"Who is Vanessa?" I asked and sat up on my knees.

"No one important. We just used to date a few months ago"

"Why did you break up?"

"Because she was a psycho" he shrugged

"The whole of the male population say their ex is a psycho" I stated

"But she actually was. I tried to break up with her about a year ago but she lied and told me she was pregnant with my baby. It had been about 6 months and she still wasn't showing so I forced her to get go to the doctors where they confirmed that she was never pregnant."

"What the fuck. That bitch is crazy" I agreed

"I know. Remind me to tell the guards not to let her past the gates" he said and pulled me back into his awaiting arms.

I pulled away and pulled him up with me. "I want to do something fun" I said

I saw him grin and his eyes glinted.

"Say no more" he said and flipped me over so I was laying pinned down on the bed.

"Not like that" I smiled and rolled my eyes.

He huffed and pulled me up off the bed.

"Movie theater, swimming pool, cooking in the kitchen or I can take you shopping. Take your pick"

"Shopping" I gushed.

"I should've known you'd be a shopaholic."

^_^ ^_^ ^_^

We returned home with Tyberias carrying all my bags because he insisted. He also didn't let me pay for anything

I was now laying on the couch watching tv with my feet resting on Tyberias' lap while he typed on his laptop.

"I don't want to go to work tomorrow" I sighed.

"You don't have to. You could quit but then you'd be letting them win." He said and ran his hands up and down my legs.

I hesitantly nodded in agreement.

I knew he was right but I couldn't help but dread tomorrow.

*-* *-*

The next morning for work, I got out of Tyberias' car and I expected him to drive off but he surprised me by putting his hand on my back and walking along side me to my desk.

I saw people in the hallway stop to stare and whisper but I paid no attention to them. We stopped outside where I worked and he pecked my lips.

"Will you be alright?" He asked and I nodded.

"Call me if anyone bothers you" he nodded. We exchanged goodbyes and he walked off, people moved out the way creating a clear line for where he was going to walk.

I turned around and went to Mrs Jones' office

I knocked and entered

"Good morning Mrs Jones, I just wanted to apologize for leaving early yesterday" I said.

"It's fine Miss Hernandez. I saw what happened in the cafeteria and I would've been surprised if you didn't leave." She said and I felt embarrassed that my boss witnessed the most embarrassing moment of my life.

"However, you do not need to worry about Mr Williams anymore, I will talk to him about respecting colleagues when he arrives. But he's was supposed to be here half an hour ago which is unusual of him." She said checking her watch and frowning.

She might be waiting a long time.

When lunch came, no one approached me as per usual but I knew they were, not so discretely, whispering about me.

There was no sign of Matt which was good and I guess I had Tyberias to thank for that.

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