Pure Perfection

Bonus Chapter 2- Adrian

Bonus Chapter 2- Adrian


"I'll have another one of whatever the fuck this is." I said to the bartender as I slammed the empty glass on the counter.

Tyberias and Juliana's wedding ended a couple hours ago and the first place I went was the bar.

I was really happy for them but upon reflecting, it had only shown my how truly alone I actually was.

I wasn't exactly jealous of my brother. I knew he and Juliana were amazing for each other. I just wanted to experience the type of love they had. I want to look at someone with the same admiration and adoration that he had for her.

I mean, I was 26 for fùck sake. I was bored of the one night stands and meaningless flings that I was used to. I wanted to settle down.

"I said, get... off me." I heard someone huff. I turned my head to the side and squinted to try and see what was happening. The darkness in the club wasn't helping at all.

"So, you want to dress like that, dance with me and think you can just leave me with a hard on? You knew what you were getting yourself into. Now stop moving so much, my car is just around the corner." The man said as he put his hands in the girl's waist and tried to drag her out the door.

"S-Stop. What the fùck did you put in my drink. Why is everything... b-blurry?" The girl said as her eyes because to slowly open and close. It didn't take an idiot to figure out what was going on.

I quickly jumped to my feet and moved towards them, bumping into several people in the process, but I didn't care. All I was focussed on was helping the semi-unconscious girl.

"She said stop" I said as I approached them. The man instantly halted and turned to me.

"Listen, bro. It's not what it looks like." He said.

"Really? Because it looks like drugged this girl and are taking her home without her consent." I stated and the man's eyebrows raised, knowing he'd been caught.

"Nah, man. We're actually friends, I was just dropping her off home since she's too drunk to drive." He said.

"N-No... help" the girl said. The man must've pinched her or something since she then flinched under his grip and winced in pain.

"She doesn't mean that, do you?" He fakely smiled at the girl, but I didn't miss the warning look he gave her.

"Listen here because I'm not going to repeat myself. I'm going to give you 10 second to get the hell out of here, and if not..." I began and moved the side of my jacket so he could clearly see my silenced pistol. "Let's just say you'll probably be walking out here limping. Am I clear?" I smiled to myself when I saw his eyes glint in fear.

"Whatever, man, she's not even all that. You can have her." He said and shoved her in my direction while rushing out of the club. I caught her before she could hit the floor.

"What's your address, I can drive you home if you want." I said to her but heard no response. The lack of light made it hard to see her but I presumed that she was now fully unconscious as her body was limp in my arms. I sighed out loud, debating on what to do with her. I couldn't just leave her here alone with a bunch of strangers and I didn't know where she lived so the only thing I would do was bring her to my house where she could stay the night.

I tugged down on her short dress to cover more of her up before placing my hands on the back of her things and picking her up bridal style. We were already near the exit so it didn't take long for us to


As soon as we stepped out of the club, the first thing I noticed was the bright street light that was shining over us. The girl frowned at the sudden change in atmosphere while subconsciously turning her head away from the light. I looked down at her, finally getting to see what she looked like clearly.

I... I think she was just about the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had bright blond hair that acted like a curtain to her angelic face, bright pink lips and cute button nose. I couldn't even look away even if I wanted to.

Perfume. Sweet, fruity perfume invaded my senses and it was the only thing I could smell.

She seemed to have more of an affect on me than alcohol and that was saying something.

I carried her over to my car, placed her in the passenger seat and buckled her up securely. I went over to the driver's seat when I jumped in and started driving over to my house.

The journey was normally short but I had to slow down so that her limp body wasn't moving around too much. I glanced at her when we were stopped at lights and I saw that her head was bent at a weird angle. I took my hands off the wheel and moved it so it was upright but as soon as I let go, it slumped down to the side and rested back on her left shoulder. I shrugged and kept driving.

We arrived at my house in about 15 minutes and I carried her all the way to one of my guest rooms where I laid her down on the bed.

I saw her purse on the bed and began to search it, hoping to find her driving licence or something so that I could know her name. I found it and quickly looked to see that her name was Olivia. Olivia Johnson. Quite a basic name if you ask me but that didn't matter.

I contemplated changing her into something more comfortable but decided not to since I didn't want to undress her without her permission.

I gave her one final glance before shutting the light and walking over to my own room

-_- -_- -_-

I stepped into my spacious kitchen and the first thing I did was take pain killers to get rid of my mini hangover.

I began to make my coffee without any milk or sugar, just how I liked it. I took a sip and sighed in content.

All of a sudden, an ear piercing scream came from one my guest bedrooms. I jolted you in shock, spilling hot coffee all over me in the process.

"God dàmnit." I cursed under my breath as I slowly pealed the soaking shirt off my body.

Another ear deafening scream bounced on the walls of my house as I began to jog over to where the hell it was coming from.

"What's wrong?" I said, out of breath, as I opened the door. My eyes widened as I saw the girl from yesterday in the corner of the room holding a lamp in her hands, using it as a weapon.

"Don't come any closer! I will hit you." She said, acting brave but I knew she was prettified on the inside. What took me by surprise was that she had a British accent. I had never come across someone from there before.

"What are you doing? Why were you screaming." I said as I put my hands up in surrender.

"I'm the one asking the questions around here" she said and held up the lamp towards me, warning me to be quiet.

"Who are you? What am I doing here? And why can't I remember what happened last night? Did you- Did you drug me?" She asked disgusted.

"Of course not" I said and took a step towards her. She instantly narrowed her eyes at me and I quickly stepped back to where I was.

I told her my name and everything that happened yesterday, about how I found her getting dragged out the club by a man and how I brought her home since she was unconscious.

"So, you... saved me?" She asked in a small voice while lowering the lamp.

"You could put it like that." I shrugged.

"Did we do anything else last night?" She asked nervously as she looked at my shirtless body. I knew what she was insinuating.

"Trust me, doll, if we did do anything last night, you'd definitely remember it." I said.

Her gaze lingered on my body for a couple more seconds before she finally stopped but I wasn't complaining. "I'm sorry. I should probably stop staring now." She said and blushed

I though for a second. Maybe it was time to use some of the tips Tyberias gave me. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to that type of reaction from girls." I played off coolly. My brother always told me to act cocky around girls, apparently they're attracted to that type of stuff.

Olivia frowned but I couldn't tell exactly what she was thinking. Dàmnit, did I mess up already?

"I think.... I should go now. Thank you for everything Adrian but I think I've overstayed my welcome." She said and I tried to hide my confusion.

"You don't need to go just yet. You can have breakfast." I said, hoping it would convince her to stay a little longer.

She hesitated before answering. "Okay. I'll stay for breakfast." She nodded. I saw her tug on her dress that she had been wearing since yesterday, probably uncomfortable in the tight sparkley material.

"I can bring you one of my shirts and a pair of pants if you want." I offered.

"... That would be great." She smiled in relief. I nodded before leaving the room to go grab the clothes. They would probably be way too big for her but I've always found girls in oversized clothes insanely attractive.

I entered her room not too long after and handed them over too her. She smiled at me before going into the bathroom to get changed.

^-^ ^-^ ^-^

"Hi" I head a shy voice say, making me jump slightly. I turned from the bacon I was currently frying and looked her up and down.

She was wearing my clothes and as predicted they were far too big for her but she still looked adorable nonetheless. I had to look away from her because I knew that if I stared at her any longer, I would melt into a puddle of nothing.

"So, what are you cooking." She asked and moved to sit on the kitchen stool.

"Just some bacon and eggs." I replied. I reached for two plates and began putting some food on them. When I finished, I placed her's in front of her.

I sat in the stool opposite her's and I help my breath as she began to eat, hoping she would like my cooking.

"This is so good." She praised and ate more spoonfuls. I smiled and also began to eat.

"Thanks. I get that quite a lot. Girls can't seem to get enough of my cooking." I said, remembering the things my brother told me.

Olivia frowned, the same as before but didn't say anything else.

We finished our plates and I began to mentally prepare myself to ask her for her number.

"Olivia?" I said when she was about to go back to her room to get dressed and leave.

"Yeah?" She said and turned to me.

"Do you think... maybe I could get your number?" I asked hopefully but me smile faded when she hesitated.

"....I'm not sure. I don't normally go for guys like you." She said bluntly.

"Guys like me?" I asked, trying not to let my voice give away my hurt. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

"You know... the arrogant type. The ones that think they can get any girl they want."

I was never going to listen to my brother's advice again.

"I'm not like that." I said weakly.

"That's what it seemed like." She muttered and looked away.

"I just.... I wanted you to think that I could get a lot of girls to hide the fact that I've literally never had a girlfriend and have zero game. Only, now I realise that instead of making you want me, it actually did the opposite. And now I'm embarrassing myself by rambling on. I should probably shut up now." I said awkwardly and shoved my hands in my pockets and I looked down at the ground.

"So you were just.... pretending?"

"I know it sounds dumb, but I was only following what my brother told me to do. Apparently it 'scores all the chicks'." I said and she chuckled lightly.

"And how far has that got your brother." She said and shook her head while smiling.

"He actually got married yesterday so you can't exactly argue with results, right?" I said and she laughed. Our eyes met and she hesitated before speaking.

"I actually don't have work today so maybe we can hang out... if you want." She said quickly looked away.

"You want to hang out?" I asked in disbelief. I had already been mentally preparing myself to be rejected.

"Yeh. You seem like a cool guy.... when you're not pretending to be a douche." She said and laughed at the end. I looked down and blushed slightly, still embarrassed that I actually thought it was a good idea.

"You're not too busy, right?" She asked. I was about to reply when I saw a message come through on my phone.

From: Tyberias

Remember, I'm on my honeymoon for the next two weeks so you're going to be in charge while I'm gone. The contract with CT Inc. needs to be sighed by the end of the day. And-

I stopped reading at that point and quickly typed my answer.

Fùck you. I replied, remembering how his advice almost costed me Olivia. I shoved my phone in my pocket, but still a mental note to do everything later.

"No, I'm not busy at all." I smiled.

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