Puck Pact: A Marriage of Convenience Hockey Romance (East Coast Series)

Puck Pact: Chapter 16

“Hurry up with the popcorn. It’s on!”

Kourtney, Celeste and I huddle together on the couch while Cassidy scurries over with two overflowing bowls of freshly popped popcorn.

The Goldfinches are at a press conference today, and there’s a lot for the players to discuss. Not only are they in the middle of an undefeated season, but the world recently found out that defenseman Jason Stamos is in a polyamorous relationship with Kourtney and Celeste. And as of the other night, people also found out that Alexander Krum has been hiding a secret girlfriend. But the biggest bomb about to drop at this press conference revolves around a curly-haired little girl. Today’s the day Giuliana steps into the spotlight.

My stomach has been in knots all morning for Alexander. Seeing him the way he was the other night when he showed up at the gallery, shaking and anxiety-ridden, was so unlike the calm, composed man he usually is. It breaks my heart to see all the hard work he put into hiding Giuliana go to shit all because of his spiteful grandfather and his conniving lawyer. Giuliana is too innocent to be caught in the crossfire of this situation, and Alexander doesn’t deserve to have this choice stripped from him.

But I truly believe that taking control and being the one to announce this news will help Alexander in the long run.

Cassidy turns up the volume on the TV as the boys take their seats along the panel. The hockey questions start, but all I can focus on is Alexander in a suit.

Damn, that man is attractive.

Memories of his kiss flash through my mind for the gazillionth time today. It was so unlike him, so impulsive. There was no reason for him to kiss me. No one watching to catch it on camera. He did it because he wanted to. Because he couldn’t stand not kissing me. It was intoxicating and I want more.

But I can’t have more.

Alexander made it clear that we have to keep things platonic. While I don’t understand how sex would lead to love, I do understand him wanting to set boundaries where Giuliana is concerned. After a year, this will all be over. I’ll go back to my life, and they’ll go back to theirs. The last thing I want is that little girl thinking I’m going to be her new mommy, only to rip it away from her in the end.

Celeste’s fingers snap in front of my face. “You good, Aarya?”

My head snaps up as I blink back to the present moment. “What? I’m here.”

She snickers. “You were thinking about that kiss again, weren’t you?”

I rub my temples. “It’s like my brain is stuck on a loop.”

“A good kiss will do that to you,” Kourtney says, smiling at Celeste. “Do you remember ours?”

Celeste beams. “I’ll never forget it. I was shocked as shit that the girl I’d been in love with all throughout high school was actually kissing me.”

“And now look at you.” Cassidy heaves a dreamy sigh. “Together forever with Jason, after all three of you were best friends in high school.”

“Having sex on a porn website,” I add.

Kourtney’s cheeks redden like it always does when we bring up the new website she built. We’ve been friends for over a year now, and she’s the last person I’d ever peg for creating a porn-infused dating app. I’m more surprised about this than I am about the three of them being together—I saw that shit coming from a mile away, with all the flirting and stolen glances.

“Have you thought about making an account on the site?” Celeste asks.

I scrunch my nose. “I’m pretty much down for anything when it comes to sex, but posting it on the internet for anyone to see? I’m not sure if that’s my kind of kink.”

“You don’t have to post it publicly.” Cassidy shovels a handful of popcorn into her mouth. “You can see who you match up with first and then send private messages to them.”

“That wouldn’t be very proper for an almost-married woman like myself, now would it?” I roll my eyes. “I’m stuck in the world of celibacy for the next year.”

“Listen!” Celeste gestures to the press conference on the screen. “They just asked Krum Cake about his new girlfriend.”

Confident and composed as always, Alexander graces the cameras with a smile. “Aarya and I have been dating for the last six months. We met through mutual friends, and we wanted to keep things private while we got to know each other.”

“How serious are things between you?” a reporter asks.

Providing them with the answer we rehearsed, he folds his hands on the table in front of him and says, “Very. We both want the same things in life, and we make each other very happy.”

“Tell us about her,” someone else calls out.

“She’s beautiful, as you all saw from the pictures. But she’s also incredibly smart, creative, and ambitious. She has a big heart, and a fierce independence about her that I love.” Alexander’s smile widens as he looks head-on into one of the cameras. “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted to find in a woman.”

My body heats as I shift on the couch, suddenly feeling stifled in Cassidy’s enormous apartment.

The girls squeal, but Kourtney notices the look on my face. “You okay?”

I nod, forcing a laugh. “Yeah, that just wasn’t something we rehearsed.”

Celeste and Cassidy exchange glances, while I reach forward and chug the glass of water sitting on the coffee table in front of us.

“There’s also something else I’d like to talk about today,” Alexander continues. “Something I’ve been keeping from everyone—aside from my smoking hot girlfriend.”

The press room erupts in laughter before falling eerily quiet, waiting to hear the next piece of juicy news.

“I have a daughter.”

There’s an audible gasp from everyone in that room, and my heart leaps into my throat. Cassidy reaches out and clasps my hand, giving me a supportive squeeze.

“Her name is Giuliana, and she’s four-years-old.” The questions start, but Alexander holds up his hand to silence them. It’s shaking, and I wish like hell I could be there to soothe his nerves.

“For a long time, I didn’t want her in the spotlight. I still don’t, honestly. But I also don’t want to hide the most important part of my life from the world anymore. I want to be able to take her to my games, and take her out of the house without worrying about who’s going to see us together. I want her life to be normal—or as normal as it can be with a professional athlete for a father.

“I won’t discuss her mother, so you can hold those questions. She’s not in the picture, and that’s all you need to know.” Alexander gazes around the room as the cameras click. “I chose this lifestyle, and I know the media comes with the territory. But Giuliana is only a child, and all that I ask is that you respect her privacy.”

McKinley leans over and pats Alexander on the back. “And anyone who doesn’t respect his wishes has to answer to the team.”

The guys laugh, and the spotlight shifts to Jason as he clears his throat. “Since we’re coming clean with our secrets, I have one of my own I’d like to talk about today.”

The girls and I watch as Jason professes his love for both Kourtney and Celeste, also taking the heat off Alexander’s news for a while. He looks so calm sitting there listening to Jason, but I know deep down, he’s feeling anything but calm. The memory of his panic attack twists my stomach, and I hate that I won’t be there for him when the conference is over.

I can’t begin to unpack why I care at all, so I shoot him a quick text, knowing he’ll read it as soon as he gets out of there.

Me: Deep breaths, Big Man. I’m proud of you.

We spend the rest of the afternoon celebrating Jason, Celeste, and Kourtney’s polyamorous relationship being outed to the world.

But my mind keeps pulling me back to Giuliana.

Her life is going to be so different now, her sheltered little world about to triple in size. I feel a responsibility to help her maintain any semblance of normalcy. To protect her.

My mother never protected me from the cold realities of the world. She made sure I knew from a young age that my father deceived her, and didn’t want me. I didn’t have the luxury of living in a happy bubble. If there’s anything I can do to shield Giuliana from pain and disappointment, then I’m going to do it.

Even if it means perpetuating her foolish notion that fairy tales and princesses are real.

I rise from the couch. “I have to go.”

Three pairs of eyes snap up to me. “Where are you going?”

“I want to be there when Alex gets back.”

For some reason, the thought of him in that big house by himself, panicking after he puts Giuliana to sleep, really bothers me. He’s been nothing but sweet and kind to me, and he’s in a shitty situation. He deserves a little kindness too.

Cassidy shoots up from the couch and rushes me, wrapping me in a bear hug. “I love you, Aarya.”

I shove her off me. “Eww. Stop. Don’t make this into something bigger than it is.”

She nods, swiping a tear from the corner of her eye. “Okay, I won’t.”

I scrunch my nose. “You’re such a freak.”

After we make a quick stop, I ask my security detail to take me to Alexander’s house.

It’s weird having a bodyguard follow me everywhere I go, but Eddie barely speaks, and I don’t mind not having to pay for an Uber.

I pause before stepping outside. Maybe Alexander wants to be alone. Maybe showing up here unannounced wasn’t the best idea.

“You okay?” Eddie asks.

Yeah, just trying to muster the courage to get out of the car.

“I’m fine. Sorry. Thanks for the ride.”

I hoist the bags out of the car and carry them to the gate before pressing the button on the keypad.

A woman’s voice comes through the speaker. “Hi, can I help you?”

“Uh, yeah. I’m… I’m Aarya. Alexander’s, uh, friend.” I glance at the camera pointed in my direction. “I know he isn’t home yet, but I was hoping⁠—”

The gate swings open before I can finish. “Come in! Come in,” the woman says.

As I walk along the path to the house, a short, brown-haired woman with olive skin waits in the doorway wearing a wide smile.

Giuliana pushes past her and runs to me, with Ellie hot on her heels. “Hi, Aarya!”

I can’t help but smile as I set the bags down at my feet and brace for impact. “Hey, girl.”

Giuliana jumps into my arms and Ellie smacks into my legs.

“Stop running with your cast!” The woman I assume is Annie scolds the duo as she scurries down the path toward us.

I stumble backward but regain my balance. “Come on, let’s get inside before you catch a cold. It’s freezing out here.”

“I didn’t know you were coming over today,” Giuliana says, wriggling out of my hold and peering inside the bags at her feet. “You brought Chinese food!”

I offer Annie an apologetic look. “I’m sorry for showing up unannounced.”

She waves me off and throws her arms around me. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Annie.”

Jesus, what’s with all the hugging today?

I lower my voice so Giuliana can’t hear me. “I saw the press conference, and I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”

She cups my cheeks as she pulls back. “He’s going to be so happy that you’re here.”

We head inside, Giuliana leading the way as she attempts to carry one of the shopping bags, dragging it mostly, and talking the entire time. “I love Chinese food. Especially the noodles. Daddy says we can’t eat it too often because it isn’t good for you. Did you get fortune cookies? Daddy holds them behind his back and makes me pick a hand.”

Giuliana’s rambling continues as we step inside, but I lose track of what she’s talking about as she hops from one topic to the next.

In the kitchen, Annie gestures to a drawer. “Giuls, get out the silverware and set the table. I’ll get the plates down for you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Giuliana salutes her with her little hand.

Annie chuckles as she turns to face me. “I didn’t get to listen to the whole thing because I was with her. How did Alexander do? Poor thing was so nervous.”

“He did great. He answered their questions perfectly, and he looked like his usual cool and collected self.”

Annie heaves a sigh. “Of course. He never lets anyone see past that.”

We watch as Giuliana trots back into the kitchen and reaches for the plates stacked on the counter, humming a tune, completely oblivious to the way her life is about to change.

“I hate that his grandfather put him in this position.” My jaw clenches. “That little girl doesn’t deserve to be used as a pawn against him.”

Annie squeezes my forearm. “I think you gave him good advice. You reminded him that he can take his control back. He’s been feeling so helpless with everything his grandfather added to his will. If I could, I’d kill that man myself.”

I let out a surprised laugh. “Hell, yeah, Annie. I like you already.”

Her cheeks tinge red as she covers them with her palms. “Forgive me, I shouldn’t have said that. Some first impression I’m making.”

“Don’t worry. I’m with you on murdering his grandfather.”

Giuliana pops her curly haired-head into the kitchen. “Helloooo? Are we eating dinner, or what?”

Annie’s head whips around. “I know you’re not talking to us with that attitude, little miss.”

Giuliana giggles. “Just joking.”

Annie purses her lips. “Uh-huh. Get your butt in the dining room and find your manners.”

Giuliana holds out her hand for me. “Come on, Aarya. You can sit next to me.”

I watch as Annie serves Giuliana a small pile of lo mein, noting the way she cuts it up for her. Then she scoops a couple of broccoli florets onto the plate beside the lo mein, cutting it into smaller pieces as well.

Giuliana scrunches her nose. “But I don’t want broccoli.”

“You only have to eat these few pieces.” Annie sets the plate down in front of her. “No broccoli, no fortune cookie.”

She pouts, turning those big round eyes to me. “Do you like broccoli?”

I nod, having enough sense to lie as I flick my eyes to Annie. “I do.”

As if Annie can see right through me, she puts a scoop of broccoli on a plate for me. “Good, then you can eat it together.”

Giuliana lets out a whine, and I’m right there with her. I try not to let anything green infiltrate my diet, but something tells me Alexander is strict with the way Giuliana eats, and I won’t be the one to mess this kid up.

I lift it off my plate by the stalk and shove the whole thing into my mouth, chewing and trying not to gag as I give Giuliana a thumbs up. “Eat it first, and then you can wash it down with the noodles after.”

Her eyes light up as she copies me, both of us contorting our faces as we force a swallow. Then she mimics me as I shovel a heaping forkful of lo mein into my mouth.

Annie shoots me a wink from across the table. “You’re going to fit in just fine around here.”

I sure fucking hope so.

Halfway through our meal, the front door opens and Giuliana leaps out of her chair. “Daddy!”

“Hi, baby girl.” His voice sounds tired, and when he finally comes into view in the dining room, I can see the evidence of his stressful day all over him. His tie is completely undone, as are the first few buttons on his collar. His hair looks like he ran his fingers through it a million times over, and his dark eyes have a dull hue to them.

“Aarya came over. She wanted to surprise you.” Giuliana waves her arm, gesturing to me. “She brought Chinese food!”

Alexander’s feet falter when his eyes land on me. For a split second, I worry that he’ll be angry that I’m here intruding on his privacy. But his expression morphs, and his eyes light up the same way Giuliana’s did when she saw me walking toward her house.

“Hey.” I offer him a sheepish shrug because I don’t know what else to say.

“Hey.” His eyes bounce around the table before landing back on me.

Giuliana kicks out of his hold and slides down his body into her chair beside me. “Aarya and I ate our broccoli first. Then we washed it down with the noodles.”

“Good girl, eating your vegetables.” He bends down and presses a kiss to the top of her head before moving around the table to take his seat at the head of it.

“Daddy, tell Aarya she’s a good girl too. She ate her broccoli.”

I smirk as I lean back against my chair. “Yeah, Daddy. Call me a good girl.”

My eyes widen as soon as the words leave my mouth.

Oh, fuck.

Annie chokes on her Pepsi.

Alexander’s mouth opens but no sound comes out.

Giuliana looks up at her father, no doubt waiting for him to call me a good girl, and shit, I am too.

Instead, he pops up from his chair and bolts into the hallway. “I’m going to get changed before I eat.”

This is exactly the reason I know I’m going to suck at this whole kid thing.

Annie steers the conversation back to something appropriate. “So, Alexander told me that you’re going to open up your own art gallery.”

I shake my head as I swallow. “Not for a while. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”

“I’m sure there’s a lot that goes into something like that.” She dabs the corner of her mouth with her napkin. “My husband used to fill every wall of our house with paintings. He hated watching television, so he’d sit in the living room and stare at the artwork instead.”

It’s not lost on me that she’s speaking in past-tense, and that notion is confirmed when Giuliana says, “He died.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” I glance at Annie. “What kind of paintings did he collect?”

“All kinds, but his favorite was abstract.” She laughs, shaking her head. “It never looks like anything but a bunch of scribbles to me, but he swore he understood it.”

I smile. “Some people have a knack for interpreting abstract art.”

Giuliana slurps up a singular noodle. “What’s abstract?”

“Art that uses shapes and colors instead of pictures of a specific thing.” I slip my phone out of my back pocket and Google an example for her. “See this? This is abstract art.”

She peers down at my phone. “That looks like scribble-scrabble. My teacher says we’re not allowed to color like that.”

Alexander waltzes back in the room, wearing those damn gray sweatpants and a black Goldfinches T-shirt. “People pay a lot of money for that scribble-scrabble.”

Giuliana scrunches her nose. “People are bonkers.”

Alexander shakes his head as he lowers himself into a chair. “Let me guess: Uncle Mac taught you that word?”

“Yup,” she says with a giggle. “Bonkers.”

“Your Uncle Mac is bonkers,” Alexander mutters before redirecting his attention to Annie. “How was today?”

“Good, as always. She has one page of homework tonight.”

Alexander’s eyebrows lift as he swings his gaze to his daughter. “My big girl has homework?”

She scoots up on her knees, unable to sit still for more than a minute. “I have to trace letters “B” and “G” tonight. “B” says buh, like b-b-banana. And “G” makes two different sounds. Miss Kelly used my name as an example today. She said the word game starts with the letter “G,” but so does Giuliana. That’s just confusing. Why wouldn’t they make it a “J” instead?”

Annie laughs. “The English language is very confusing.”

Giuliana keeps us entertained for the remainder of dinner, but I can’t help it as my eyes drift to Alexander. He gives his daughter his full attention, never once pulling out his phone or telling her to be quiet, and there’s no TV on in the background.

It’s a true family dinner—nothing like I’ve ever experienced.

Annie tries to clean up once we finish eating, but Alexander shoos her out of the kitchen. “You’ve done more than enough. You’re officially off duty.”

I bump him with my hip. “And you’ve had a long day, so go spend time with your daughter. I’ll handle the dishes.”

Annie watches us from the doorway with a faint smile on her lips. “I like this one, Alexander.”

His dark eyes flick to mine. “Yeah, so do I.”

Giuliana barrels into the kitchen holding two fortune cookies in each hand. “Daddy, do the thing!”

He lifts her into his arms and sets her down on the island before taking the cookies from her. He tosses them into the air, juggling them, while she squeals with laughter. Then he holds them behind his back and asks her to pick a hand.

She taps on his left arm, and he tosses a cookie at her. We watch as she tears through the wrapper and cracks open the cookie, pieces dropping onto the floor below—where Ellie is waiting to lick them up.

“It says…” Alexander flips the small piece of paper to face him. “Good luck and prosperity will follow you.”

“What’s pros-rare-ity?” she asks, totally messing up the word.

“Prosperity. It means success.” He scoops her off the counter and sets her on the floor. “Which will happen if you keep eating your broccoli and doing your homework.”

She rolls her big eyes. “My fortune isn’t about broccoli, Daddy.”

I laugh at that.

Alexander turns around. “Pick a hand, Annie.”

She points to his right arm, and he tosses her a cookie. “You will always be surrounded by true friends.” She crouches down and pulls Giuliana into a hug. “That’s the best fortune.”

Alexander spins to face me. “Your turn.”

I tap my chin with my index finger. “Left hand.”

He holds out my cookie with his palm facing up, and I tear into the wrapper. Fortunes are silly and meaningless. My mother always threw out the cookies with the takeout bags, so we never read them. But with three pairs of eyes on me, I know I have to read this one with a smile.

“A dream you have will soon come true.”

“Your art gallery!” Giuliana wriggles out of Annie’s arms and crashes into my legs. “Your dream will come true now.”

“Maybe you’re right.” I pat the top of her head and toss the paper onto the counter. “Okay, it’s your dad’s turn.”

Alexander breaks open his cookie. “The art of life is not controlling what happens to us, but using what happens to us.”

I nod. “See? Can’t be in control all the time, Big Man.”ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

“Where did you get this food from?” he says with a laugh.

Yeah, these fortunes were oddly specific.

“Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Aarya.” Annie steps forward and wraps me in another hug. “I hope to see you again soon.”

“Likewise.” I glance at Alexander and gesture to the sink. “I’m going to handle these dishes, and then I’ll be out of your hair too.”

“No!” Giuliana wraps her entire body around my leg. “You can’t go until you see my room. And I want to show you my homework. My handwriting is really neat. And then you can read me a bedtime story. I’ll show you all my stuffed animals. Can you sleep over?”

“Easy, tiger.” Alexander pries her hands from around my leg and lifts her into his arms. “Aarya can see your room, but then she has to go. You have homework, and you have to take a bath.”

She groans and her body goes limp in his arms. “Why does she always have to go?”

Guilt pricks my stomach. “Why don’t you come by the gallery after school tomorrow? I can take you on a private tour.”

Her curls bounce around her face as her head whips around to look at me. “Really?”

I shrug. “As long as your dad is able to take you.”

Alexander rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know if we’re ready to go out just yet.”

“Please, Daddy, please! I want to go!”

“I don’t know if you’ll ever feel ready,” I say, lowering my voice. “But the paparazzi won’t be allowed inside the gallery, so it’ll be nice and quiet in there. You can even have Sam drive you around to the back entrance if you’d like.”

His dark eyes bounce between me and his daughter. “I’ll think about it.”

Giuliana squeals and launches herself at me. “Come on. Let’s go see my room!”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.