Prince Reagan

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

My Heart Beats For You

I watch as Janet expertly glides around in

the water with her long legs in an enthralling manner before making her way towards the steps. Her yellow bikini, showing off her creamy white skin and curvy body. She’s in such great shape. Her manicured long fingers grip the handrails of the stairs as she climbs out. She

mumbles something about going to have a

drink before she strolls out of the pool area.

“If you keep glaring at her like that, you’ll

end up drilling a hole in her back.” Lexi chuckles All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

as she swims over to my side, resting her back

against the sides just like me.

Luckily, Lexi had done a bit of shopping for me while I had been gone for those three days. I had noticed the new clothes in the closet but hadn’t thought much about it. She had

purchased some bikinis for me too, some were

my size and some weren’t. She said she had just

picked anything that was around my size.

I’m wearing a red one now while Lexi had

on a navy blue swimming trunk. Both our hairs are wet, and we’ve been in the pool for a while now. Lexi sometimes leaves along with Janet but comes back later. I can’t leave because the second I step out, my body goes up in flames, but I do notice that I’m not horny like I was yesterday. Just hot.

I haven’t moved my eyes off of Janet since we came here, studying her every move and trying to see past that smile she always has on. She seems fake to me.

“Isn’t it strange that she has been with Reagan all this while, and when she heard he’s

found his mate, instead of throwing a tantrum

like every normal girl, she accepts it with a laugh

and even wants to get to know me?” I ask the

question without staring away from where

Janet had just exited.

“It does seem strange, but what can she do?” Lexi shrugs beside me. “You’re bonded to Reagan by the moon. Nothing can break that.

She has no choice but to accept it.”

I slowly nod at words with my lips pursed. I still think something is off. “Had Reagan really like her so much?” I ask the question with a

lump forming in my throat as I remember what

Janet had said earlier. Had Reagan been so desperate to keep her by his side?

“Janet might have exaggerated a bit earlier

on,” Lexi answers, causing me to whip my head

at her. My eyes are wide open in anticipation, hoping there was a bit of lie in Janet’s words, because knowing Reagan was ready to go to any length to keep her puts a heavy weight on my chest.

“What do you mean?” I whisper the question

“Well, Reagan hadn’t exactly done all that just to keep her by his side. He had other reasons.” She explains while taking her drink from behind us so she could sip from it.

“What other reasons?” I ask in curiosity.

“Sometimes, we wouldn’t hear from Janet

for almost a decade. Even her parents were worried about her and would contact us a couple of times. I knew she really liked Reagan

then and would do anything to keep him. Sol

was the one who usually came up with the plan

of faking something just to get her attention. And it usually worked. She thinks it’s because

Reagan wants her back, but it’s just a way to

ensure she’s safe.” She narrates, and I can feel

this weight lift off my shoulders.

“So Reagan wasn’t that…desperate for

her?” I ask.

“I don’t think he ever was.” She shakes her

head. “He never stopped her whenever she

tried to leave. Now that I think about it, he has

never looked at her the way he looks at you.”

She turns to stare at me. “Reagan, Danny, and !

have been a small pack of our own for a very

long time now…plus Adrian. And I can see there’s something…new in him ever since he met you.” She smiles at me before taking another sip from her drink.

Trelax back into the pool with a secret

smile playing on my lips. My heart is fluttering in

happiness at Lexi’s words, and my wolfis.

wagging her tail in excitement. I can even feel

my body cooling off. I step out then and wrap a

towel around my abdomen before laying back

on a chaise lounge. It’s almost afternoon, but

the sun was hiding behind thick dark clouds. It

might rain soon.

The pool area is an extended part of the

penthouse, and you can see the city’s view from

up here. Lexi also comes out to join me on a chaise lounge, pulling down her sunglasses as we both stare at the city together.

“Do you guys stay permanently in Canada, or do you explore different cities from time to time?” I ask Lexi after a while of silence.

“Yes, Canada is our official location. I came

to Los Angeles on my own last year, though, to start college here. Reagan and Danny only joined me here this year for some official work.”

We talk for a few minutes, getting to know

more about each other when Danny walks in on

us with his usual amused smirk back on.

“Isn’t this lovely? My own twin, having fun

without me.” He walks over to flop on the chaise

lounge beside mine. Lexi and I both roll our

eyes at him, seeing he’s back to his playful self.

“You guys are back early,” Lexi comments

as she leans up to stare at Danny over me. He

sighs as he lays down flat with his arms behind

his head as he looks up at the dark clouds


“Yep. Wrapped up the meeting quick so Reagan could come back to you, considering the

state you’re in.” He indicates to me with a wink,

causing me to blush pink. Does everyone know I’m a horny b***h?!

“Where is he?” I ask with my eyes scanning

the large pool area, but there’s no sign of


Danny’s mood turns sour a bit as he

mumbles, “With the creep.”

I furrow my eyebrows at his words untill


notice something. Janet hasn’t come back for a long time now. She’s taking too long, and I now

know why. I stand to my feet and stomp out of

the pool area, not caring if I seem like an overly

jealous clingy girlfriend. I just dont want

anyone close to my mate.

I walk down the hallway, but before emerging into the sitting room, I hear soft music

sounding from the room, along with soft


“…Come on, Reggie. It’s not like we don’t

usually do it before.” I can recognize that

annoyingly sweet voice anywhere.

“Janet…” Reagan’s familiar grow!

reverberates through the room. “I’m not in


“Do what?” I walk in there in time to ask

the question. And the sight that greets me isn‘t

too welcoming.

Reagan is still dressed in the navy blue

pants and white shirt he had on when he left,

only the sleeves are rolled up to his elbow. But

Janet is standing too close for comfort to him,

still in her yellow bikini, showing off her nice body. I can feel the familiar pang of jealousy hit

me hard, with my wolf growling in my head. But

I try to keep her locked in with the lessons Lexi

had taught me earlier.

She had advised me to focus on Reagan

whenever my wolf’s emotions seem to go

haywire. I just have to look into my mate’s eyes, and it’ll help her relax. But it’s a bit hard to do so now, considering Janet is still standing so close

to him.

Janet turns to stare at me with her mouth

round in an ‘oh,’ seeming surprised to see me. But I keep my eyes on Reagan, whose eyes are

also on me, trailing down my form while I still

have on a white towel over my bikini. A look of

hunger flashes in them, along with some

possessiveness that I know all too well.

“Oh, Ellie. Didn’t see you there.” Janet’s

smile comes back on. “I just love this song and wanted to dance to it with Reggie.” She flutters

her eyes up at Reagan. I grit my teeth, seething inwardly before strolling over to Reagan.

Our eyes are once more locked as we can’t

look away, entranced by one another. His

swirling brown pools are drawing me in, and I’m

hopelessly drowning in them. It’s like the whole

world around us disappeared, and we’re the

only ones left.

I smile at him as I get to his side while

stepping between him and Janet. I painfully

divert my eyes away from his and turn back to


“I’m sure Reagan is a bit tired to dance

right now. I’ll be taking my mate along with me now.” I state before grabbing Reagan’s hands and leading him out of the room. Janet’s eyes

remain fixed on us as we walk out, but lignore

her all through. Reagan doesn’t protest and follows me right away, only when we’re out of sight and in the hallway does he stop me.

He grabs me and pushes me against the nearest wall with his lips attacking mine in a

hot, searing kiss that blows my mind away. We

don’t part until we’re a panting mess, our

breaths mixing together in the air.

“You’re so sexy when you’re jealous.” He

smirks down at me, his mouth seeking mine

once more. But I stop him with a hand on his


“What is she still doing here?” I ask the

question I’ve been dying to know. He pauses for

a moment, his eyes trailing downwards to

where my hands are on his chest, stopping him.

In a flash, he grabs both my hands and pins

them on the wall beside me before smashing his

lips against mine once more. But this kiss is different. It’s like he’s exerting his dominance over me, showing I’m his.

His lips trail from my lips to my cheek and then ear as he whispers harshly. “Never stop me from having what’s mine, Ellie.”

I lean forward to also whisper into his ear.

“Technically, I’m not yours yet. And I may never be if that…bitch isn’t out of here soon.”

threaten before moving back.

His grip over my wrist had tightened at my

statement, and his jaw is clenched tight. His

eyes are having that speck of gold flashing in

them, and I can see the warning visible in them.

But I don’t cower, and instead, stare back at him


“Be careful of the words that come out of

that pretty mouth, darling.” He smirks suddenly,

but I see no amusement in his eyes. “They

might get you in a whole lot of trouble.”

I swallow at the predatory look in his eyes but quickly composed myself.

“I want her gone, Reagan!” I voice out.

He pauses before sighing and moving back. He loosens his grip on my wrist before letting me go only to dip his hands in his pants pockets.

“What do you want me to do, Ellie? Tell her

to leave nicely? Or throw her out with her things?” He asks with a questioning look

directed at me. When he puts it that way, I

sound like a heartless b***h.

“I don’t like her.” I turn away to stare in the

empty hallway instead of him. He sighs against

before gripping my jaw softly and turning my

head to look at him.

“Of course, you don’t. You and your wolf

think she’s competition. But it’s not her I want.

It’s you. Only you.” He reaches down to take my hand before placing it palm flat on his left chest,

where his heart beats.

“You feel that? It’s calling for you.” A smile

breaks out on my lips at his words. That was the

cutest thing I’ve ever heard. A bit cliche, but still

cute. I break into a fit of giggles as he breaks up

my hand to lay kisses on my fingers. He smiles

against my palm as he looks back down at me.

“Now, go dress up so we can make it for our

date.” He suddenly announces.

“Date?” I furrow my eyebrows at him in


“Don’t tell me you forgot you promised me

one.” He arches an eyebrow at me. I recall then

“Don’t tell me you forgot you promised me

one.” He arches an eyebrow at me. I recallthen that we had made a deal.

“Where are we going.” I curiously ask as he

leads me to his bedroom.

“It’s a surprise.” He answers with a secret

smile playing at the corner of his lips.

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