Prince Reagan

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

stronger than lamin very way. And he’s going to make

Harefully if I don’t do something


him freundirneath my palm, his canines stca

and begin to retract as his hold on me loosens. I’m still in a

te of panic as he moves buick to share a mi..

His face has this surprised look on, but there’s still

darkness lurking beneath.

His palm comes up to caress my cheek, “Oh, darling, You, saying my name like that anly encourages me.” He grins devilishly, showing his sharp canines as they retract back. I shiver in both fear and excitement as he strokes his thumb

over my cheeks.

“But that’s okay, maybe some other time.” i feel slightly

relieved but still tensed in his presence.

“Now, I think we understand each other. As long as your

pretty mech remains bare, you’re not allowed to go anywhere

without my permission. Got it?” He swipes away a lone team

that had escaped without my notice.

“Don’t cry, my love. I already promised your parents

you won’t ever cry because of me.” He shushes with mock

concern on his face written all over his face.

“If only I can erase that damn Alpha mutt from existence, then things would be so much better.” He sighs, looking irritated. He goes back to stroking my hair before caping me back into his arms.

“Sadly, he’s an important, and people would notice if he went missing Maybe vetmuld et rid of him with other

What do you say?” His eyes twinkle in the he asks in this question, and I’m petrified at how calmly he’s talking about it. Like he’s talking about the weather and not killing mymate. God, i hate asociating that word with Brad. le disgusts me.

“Don’t you dare hurt Brad.” I warn with a small must be really dumb to still care for a douchekog like Brad, but that’s the mate bond talking.

Reagan’s eyes glow in warning, his beast showing his

displeasure. Our wolves or beast’s eye colors are the glowing

ones of ours. For instance, I have blue eyes, making my wolf’s eye a glowy blue. For Alphas though, it different. Their

wolf’s eye color are usually a glowy red, and they’re deeper

the more powerful they are. All Lycans have golden eye color

for their beasts

Reagan strokes my hair aside, “Be careful there, my Sweet. With you defending him so strongly and his existence preventing me from getting what I want, maybe I just will.” He threatens with a growl.

“You know what will happen to me if you do. Haven’t

you seen what happens to wolves whose mates die

“No, I have only seen what happens to werewolves

whose marked mates die.” He states, making me furrow my

eyebrows in confusion.

You’re not mated neither do you both share any lovine

lationship with him, he is, you won’t feel anything or

be bonded ja him anymore. The mate bond will be

completely severed. Why do you think werewolves who

Tak someone else that isn‘t their real mates never find

their real mates anymore?” He asks with an eyebrow arched

“It’s because the bond has been severed since they

don’t share any kind of relationship. And that’s the same that’s going to happen if he dies.”

I frown, mulling over his words. Usually, mated

werewolves fall very ill, and some even die following the

deaths of their mates. But that’s because the mating process

has been completed and their souls intertwined. This way.

one can’t live without the other. But if a Werewolf doesn’t

meet his mate before his death, then his mate wouldn’t feel

it since they haven’t met or share any kind of relationship.

Their souls haven’t met or intertwined with one another.

Also, if we mate someone else before meeting our true

mrätes, the mate bond is severed, and we will never know we

were once máted or if we ever cross paths. So if something

bad happens to Brad right now, I won’t feel anything since

we share little to no relationship. I mostly even feel hate and

disgust for him. Though, sometimes, i know when he’s

intimate with some other she-wolf. I usually feel the burning

pain in my belly. But that’s all because of the mate bond.

And if he dien, it would be broken.

rin slavily tempted by this o r being finally free of Brad. Look up the mus grin anagan’s face but imediately felt disgusted at my train of thoughts. I may

hale Brad to the very care, but I don’t wish him dead.

“You are not killing Wad.” I slowly but sternly walce out.

His smile falls off, and a shadow looms over his face.

He clasps both his hands behind him, “Pity.” He mutter before taking a step back away from me to walk around me. “He rejected you and mated another. I can only imagine what you and your wolf went through all that time. The pain of your mate tossing you Aside, marking anather, mating

with another…” He whispers into my ear.

*That doesn’t mean I want him dead.” I twist my head

backward to interrupt him, not wanting to be lured by his

persuasive voice. His face is closer to mine now as a grim

makes it way to his lips.

“Alright, then” He moves back and walks over to the bar

in the corner. He pours himself a glass of scotch before

putting the bottle cap on

“But if he gives me a reason to rest assured I will take

care of him.” He states before downing his glass,

“What do you have there?” He asks. gesturing to the

duffel bug a few feet away from me.

“Some of my belongings.” I briefly answer before

nirkine it un


Godd. You can put them in the close. It’s bachar

Out considering holy displented you were with the si

lackway, embarrassed at my show at jealousy yesterday. Way to lead him on, Ellie.

I still wanted my own room, but remembering his

reaction when I asked yesterday, I decided then no to bring

up the topic.

Drageing the bag along with me, I make my way up the stairs, ignoring Reagan’s burning stare on my back. When I walk inte his closet, i can still get a whiff of that female’s scent on her side. It irritates me still, and I don’t even want to out my clothes there. I sigh before dropping my duffel bag on the floor. Maybe I should just leave my clothes in the bae and take other stuff out. Yes, that’ll be better, I certainly

don’t want my clothes mixing in that scent.

I bring out my toiletries and some of my other

textbooks before heading out. I drop my toiletries in the bathroom before putting my books on the nightstand since he had no other desk. Final exams were approaching solhad

a lot of reading to do.

I sit down on the bed before calling my parents to

assure them I’m alright. They kept asking me if I needed anything, bugging me and slightly irritating me. I can hear

the worry in their voices, though, making me smile.

surpriset. Her eyes immediately land on me on the bed, and sich af relief escapes her lips.

“You could have Witt a text before running of Reagan’s pissed at mel” She exclaims before stomping in to come to sit beside me. Her eyes, staring accusingly aime as she

crosses her arms on her chest.

“You wouldn’t have let me go.” I quickly defend myself while sitting up. She hufts in response before her eyes trail to the large textbooks on the nightstand.

“Already settling in. Nice.” She states with a smirk. I’m

still amazed that a Lycan and I are 30 cival. I’ve heard so

many stories about them, and with the way Lexi had shut

Gina down, I’m still a bit wary of her:

“I just needed them for studying along with some of my clothes. I can’t be borrowing yours or Reagan’s all the time.” I quickly say, suddenly feeling shy.

She nods before standing to walk over to the closet.

“Nice, he finally got rid of that stabbing bitch’s clothes.”

I hear her voice from the closet. I furrow my eyebrows at how

she referred to the woman the clothes belonged to.

She walks out then, “Don’t tell me those are the only

clothes you brought along.” She lifts her eyebrows at me, but

I only shrug in response.

“You definitely need to do some shopping. Come on,

let’s go.” Sheurges while gliding towards the bedroom door.

Where?” I ask, confused.

To do some shopping, duh! You’re scan to be a Princess. You have to look the part.” She dramatically flips her hair before sending a wink my way, It still feels weird being called a future princess. Everything’s just happening so

fast. But I don‘t want to pass up the opportunity to go out.

*Yeah…b…but I’m not exactly…equipped for shopping” Plainly, I don’t have cash for shopping

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure His Highness won’t mind us

borrowing one of his credit cards.” She whips out a platinum

credit card, making my eyes tumi to saucer at how shiny it


“He gave that to you?” lack with my mouth agape.

“Not really,” she says while inspecting the shiny card

with her fingers running over the edge.

*1 kinda took it since he seized mine.”

Ic*kan eyebrow at that, needing more details.

She sighs heavily. “I had an addiction to shopping last month and wouldn’t stop until I almost got us bankrupt. Just kidding. We can never go bankrupt because of some plain old shopping. Anyway, I’ve been clean ever since I

Swear!” She quickly defends as I give her a wary stare.

“Just to be safe,” I take the card out of her hand, “Til be holding on to it.”

*Fine.” She hulls before stomping out of the room. I

follow after her out with a happy whip to my steps. When we pel downstairs, is eam is still there. He’s slumpedan the couch, a glass of wine in hand with his arms extended in the back cushian. He’s Excing the ceiling, looking deep in thoughts, but his ces divert to us as we step down.

“Where are you both going?” He marrows his eyes at us,

and I suddenly remember I can’t go anywhere either his

permission. Yeah, I’m still his prisoner.

“We’re going shopping!” Lexi announces with a glint af excitement evident in her eyes. She has this look of bliss on

her face, causing me to believe she still isn’t over her


“I thought I confiscated your card.”

“Oh, we’re not using my card. Since it’s your little

princess, we’re using yours.” She smiles before plucking the

card out of my hand to show him.

“Where did you get that?” He questions with his eyes

still narrowed at her.

She rolls her eyes at him in response: “You literally just

toss this anywhere when you’re done with it. Do you even know where last you kept it?” She arches an eyebrow up at him, and his expression proves her right.

“Come on.” She says to me, and I take one last glance at

Reagan, hoping he would let me go

“She isn’t going anywhere, Lexi.” He stops her with a

ngh, Harding up from his position on the o.What in our ships before turning back to start at him. He still has his drink in hand she walks avarious.

“But why?r be there with her, Lexi speaks up while glare at the Prince, He can’t keep lockedupan ver.

“Because she went kainst my rules.” His eyes are on

” I mot allowed to go out anymore? Won’t I be going to school then tomorrowt”‘ I suddenly ask as he moves closer to me, his socht wrapping around me ashe umirksi

down at me.

“Oh, no, I can never restrain my precious from her

education. But you see, this is your…” He takes his time to

think over the word before smirking once more,

“Punishment. Take it as you’re grounded.” He states before

walking away back to the bar and place down his glass.

“What?!” i exclaim. “What am Achildir” i follow him to slam my palm down on the counter. My blood is boiling in my veins with anger coursing through them.

What does he take me for? I’ve never been so

disrespected in my entire life except by Brad. They’re all the

Arrogant bastards.

He sighs as he pours himself another drink, “You’re not

going out, and that’s final. This discussion is closed. And it

allha kitaifunt don’t been an nar=rinamaanit i

will be better if you don’t keep on p

ering me about it

Hemember, i barely can keep my best restrained.

We move and even I won’t be able to stop him.’ Hamams

with his eyes slightly powing to

this point ross.

i laok to Lexi for help, but she only slightly shrugs spaloptically before looking away. I feel a www.this way. Something I had promised myself not to feel anymore. And he was making me feel this way. I hate it. I’m back to that defenseless girl who was taken advantage of by her supposed mate and his bitch of a nutriend.

I run up the stairs to hide the pool often in my eyes before running down the hall to Ragan’s team. Immediately his sont hits me, I feel a sense of comfort. It’s funny

because he’s the one causing me this pain, but he’s also the

one I feel I need right now.

After I got back to my feet from Brad’s brutal rejection, il

had promised myself and my aunt that would never be that

weakever again. No one would push me around or tell me

what to do. I was my own person. No bullies would break my

walls ever again.

I had gone through a lot in my high school days that a normal teenager isn’t supposed to. Most of it had been because of Stacy’s constant bullying and Brad blatantly ignoring me. It had hurt me every day to

see him flaunt around with Stacy. My wolf got weaker every time, pulling me down with her. I cried myself most nights to sleep. Hiding

I had gone through a lot in my high school days that a normal teenager isn’t supposed to. Most of it had been because of Stacy’s constant bullying and Brad blatantly Ignoring me. It had hurt me every day to see him flaunt around with Stacy. My wolf got weaker every time, pulling me down with her. I cried myself most nights to sleep. Hiding my tears away from my parents and the rest of the world.

Now that I thought things were finally going to be

alright, Reagan shows up. Tuming me back to that weak

defenseless girl. I can’t go against him or else there will be

consequences, and no one would be able to help me. He’s a


Well, no more! I’m tired of people always using their

position to overpower me. Stacy used her popularity at

school to torment me. Brad had used his position as an

Alpha to threaten me before marking Stacy. And now NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Reagan. Wanting to control my movements like some pet. I’ll

show him. I’ll show him real good that I can do whatever the

hell I want.

Alll have to do is just wait till tomorrow when I’m

allowed to go to school. Then I’ll teach him never to mess

with me

Asmug smirk makes its way to my lips as I think of my

plan for the next day.

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