Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

#Chapter 166 – Getting his House in Order

“Over here, please!” Alvin calls to the Betas who carry in boxes and boxes of supplies, directing them to a cleared corner of the living room.

Victor is setting up his new temporary office and Alvin is helping, dressed for the part in Beta-black boots, trousers, and sweater. As the majority of Victor’s wardrobe burned up in the house fire, he too was dressed in Beta gear, a match for his son.

As the Betas set down the boxes, Alvin begins to open them with a little kitchen knife, pulling out the contents. Computers and electronics, mostly, which he carries over to the desk and begins to connect.

Victor, standing in the corner and receiving a briefing from his Beta team, keeps an eye on his son while he works. Where did the boy learn such an affinity for technology? Alvin was setting up the complicated computer system through intuition alone – knowing, apparently, just where everything went just by instinct.

Victor nods to his Betas, listening to them with half an ear, and deciding that the school he’s invested so much of his capital into is definitely going to have an unparalleled technology education center. He wanted to foster this aspect of Alvin’s talent.

Luckily, Annabeth was coming by to today to chat about that very project. Victor makes a mental note to mention it to her.

When the Betas finish, Victor encourages them to keep up the good work and begins to walk over to Alvin. On the way, however, he’s intercepted by Rafe.

“Brother,” Rafe says, crossing his arms and leaning against the living room wall. “Do you have a minute?”

Victor turns to him, sliding his hands in his pockets and looking Rafe up and down. “For what?”

Rafe rolls his eyes. “For me, you jerk. Can we just talk?”

Victor raises an eyebrow at him and Rafe responds by sweeping into a low, mocking bow. “Oh great Alpha Kensington, big brother whom I admire so much, may I please beg a moment of your time?”

Victor rolls his eyebrows in return, nodding towards the front porch. Rafe follows him there. Victor nods a dismissal to the guard Betas who make themselves scarce.

“Well?” Victor asks, folding his arms.

“Oh, relax a little,” Rafe says, slouching on the wicker loveseat. Victor just narrows his eyes and waits.

“Fine,” Rafe says, sighing and leaning forward. “Look, Victor – I know there’s been some bad blood between us. But the truth is, I want back in. I want a leadership role in this pack, and I want to help you to make it all that it can be.”

Victor just huffs a laugh and turns back to the door.

“Victor!” Rafe calls after him, “please.”

Victor pauses, trying to remember, really, the last time he heard his proud little brother plead like that. He turns back to him.

“Rafe,” Victor says, sighing, “it’s impossible. I could never trust you, after all of the crap you pulled this last month.”

“Victor,” Rafe replies, “I only pulled that crap because one,” he holds up his thumb, counting off the reasons on his fingers, “dad asked me to, and two,” he holds up his forefinger, pointing it at his brother, “because you were a serious disaster!”

“A disaster?!” Victor spits out. “Everything was fine until you two showed up –“

“Oh come on,” Rafe says, shaking his head and leaning back on the wicker chair. “You’ve been in a freefall ever since Evelyn came back around!”

Victor opens his mouth to protest but Rafe interrupts.

“Look, I’m not blaming Evelyn,” Rafe says. “Honestly, I think she’s great. But you, when it comes to her? You let everything fall apart. You gave away half of your Beta force to buy her into the pack, which is insane.”

Victor growls at his brother, but Rafe continues. “And you transferred them without getting the paperwork confirmed with your lawyers.”

“They’re working on that now,” Victor says, crossing his arms again.

“And the night of the Hunt?” Rafe says, leaning forward and raising his eyebrows. “You may have fooled everyone else, Victor, but I know that you lost control that night. And that you didn’t end up in Amelia’s bed.”

Victor scowls at this, looking away, embarrassed. Damnit, he thought he’d gotten away with that. But… he has to admit. He really has make some mistakes. Not that he’d ever consider the night of the Hunt a mistake, but –

Damnit, that was a thought for another time.

“It will all come out right,” Victor says, brushing past it. “We’ll get the Betas back.”

“Will we?” Rafe asks, raising his eyebrow. “Before or after Willard uses them to decimate our pack?”

Victor doesn’t answer, keeping his face stony. The fact is, it’s a very real possibility.

“And then you lost your Luna, which made everyone lose faith in you – and yes, you replaced her immediately with Evelyn, but come on, brother – you’ve got to admit, you’ve been a bit of a mess.” Rafe shakes his head at his brother slowly.

“You’re talented, Victor,” Rafe continues. “But you’ve really let things fall apart since she came into your world. And you can’t blame her for it – she didn’t make those choices for you.”

Victor turns away, looking down the driveway, neither confirming nor denying what Rafe is saying.

“I know that you’ve always thought me a little bit of a fuckup, and as ridiculous,” Rafe says. Victor turns to him, frowning, opening his mouth to protest but Rafe interrupts again.

“No, it’s fine,” Rafe says. “I get it. But the fact is, Victor, I almost beat you in those trials. This pack was almost mine.”

“Yes, but you cheated,” Victor growls.

“Who cares, Victor,” Rafe says, spreading out his hands. “When it comes to real war, to real politics, there aren’t rules like that. Frankly, you’re a bit too much of a stickler for the rules, and for honor, and for pride. And it’s going to get you killed.”

Rafe takes a minute to study Victor’s angry face. “You might not like my dirty tactics,” Rafe says quietly, “but they win, in the real world. Wouldn’t you rather have me on your side instead of against you?”

“Is that a threat?” Victor asks, staring down his brother. “That if I don’t give you a leadership role, you’ll go against me?”

“No,” Rafe says, shaking his head. “I’ve sworn I’m not going to do that again, and I’ll keep my word. This is your pack. But brother, let me help you. You’ve got 90% of the Alpha skills in this family, but I got the other 10%. Together, we will be unstoppable. Let’s work together again. Like…like we used to.”

Victor studies his brothers’ face, considering the plan. But he lets nothing of his inner emotions or his decisions show.

A beat passes and then Victor turns back towards the house. “I’ll consider it,” he says firmly. “But until then, you and Bridgette go back to the hotel. I want my bedroom back.”

“Sorry, bro,” Rafe says, again lounging back on the chair. “She’s pregnant and says that’s the only bed she can sleep in.” He smirks at Victor. “We’ll have to stay here.”

“Out,” Victor insists, walking into the house. “Or I’ll have you thrown out on your ass.”

Rafe laughs at that as Victor goes into the house, walking over to his desk to see that Alvin has made good progress on the computer.

“Are you almost finished?” Victor asks seriously, working to keep the pride off his face. He wants Alvin to feel like a member of the team, not like an indulged son.

Alvin looks up at him and nods. “Yes, I’ve just got to link the monitors. But that’s easy.” Alvin looks eagerly around the room. “It is so busy today – I like it. What’s everyone doing?”

Victor looks around and sits in the desk chair that a Beta had put together this morning. “They’re doing their jobs,” Victor says.

Victor takes Alvin by the shoulders and makes him face him. “We’ve had a tough couple of months, this pack, and frankly I’m a bit sick of being walked all over. It’s time we get this pack back in order. At the top, where it belongs. Will you help me with that?”

Alvin gives him a big smile and a Beta salute. “Yes sir!” NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Victor can’t help but crack a smile at that.

“Good,” Victor says. “Our first job is to squash the threats to our reign, which currently are the Walsh and Willard packs, as well as Rogue Amelia. Once we do that, our top priority is getting mommy and Ian back.”

Alvin frowns a little at this. “Why aren’t mommy and Ian our top priority?”

Victor looks his son straight in his eye. “Because,” he says. “Your mother deserves to be the Luna of a strong pack that can support her, protect her, and allow her to do her job. We’re going to build that for her. Plus,” he shakes his head a little bit, thinking. “I get the feeling that…mom and Ian are working on something.”

“I think they are too,” Alvin whispers to him. “Something big.”

“Well, then let’s let mommy work,” Victor says, putting a hand on his son’s shoulder. “And when the time is right, and she’s ready, we’ll welcome her home.”

Alvin nods, giving him a big smile, but before they can say anything else Annabeth Prath walks into the cottage.

“Well,” she says, looking around. “This is much…cozier than your other house.”

“Annabeth,” Victor says, giving her a smile. “Yes, but cozy is not bad.”

“No,” she says with a smile, crossing to the couch. Burton quickly comes over with a tea tray, the pot steaming. His timing, as always, is impeccable. “I admit, I rather like it,” Annabeth says, a hand on her stomach as she settles onto the cushions. “I’ve always preferred stone to steel.”

“Good,” Victor says, settling in a chair across from her. “Shall we begin?”

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