Pleasuring the Maid

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

****Ava's Pov***

It was supposed to be a good Sunday for me, but no, those pricks had to ruin it for me. Goddess I was

so mad that I could kill someone, and bury their corpse with no remorse.

One pathetic call, one goddamned annoying phone call from Bryson was all it took to dampen my

mood completely. I mean, I thought I was going to enjoy my Sunday alone, watching movies and

obviously sleeping in the afternoon, seems the boys had another plan for me.

Bryson had called me, demanding my presence at the mansion, he refused to tell me why he needed

me there, he just demanded I go.

His parents were out of the country, so I didn't get why he would bother me during my day off. They

were always going for business trips, they were hardly home. Even when they were around, they'd

spent most of their time at their office doing whatever business people do.

So mostly it was just their two boys and well me. Before they left, they had asked me to move into their

place, they weren't happy with the fact that I commuting to and fro on a daily basis.

Even when I tried to assure them that I was okay with going to and fro daily they still insisted I move in.

I still hadn't moved, but I would have to sooner or later, well before they came back.

Yes Bryson's call pissed me to no end. It's not that I could do anything about it, I was being paid, he

was literally my employer because I worked in their home. So I sucked it up, woke up and left my


Now I was walking furiously to the bus stop, muttering all kind of curses to those devils even though

they couldn't hear me. "Aaargh" I pulled my messy hair regretting instantly because of the pain I felt.

The pricks' phone call woke me up from my sleep, I didn't get time to comb my hair or even make

myself a nice cup of coffee with sweet pancakes. I know I looked hideous, with hair stuck all over the

place, red eyes, but I just wanted to go see why I was being summoned and go back to my place.

I had managed to put on baggy sweats and a big black tee-shirt, well I always wore baggy things.

Every trouser and tee shirt I owned was baggy, I liked them that way.

It wasn't long before I boarded the bus, but the creepy looks I was getting from other passengers made

me want to alight and just walk. Their disgusting looks nearly forced me to crawl under the seats. I

managed to survive the nasty stares and in less than 20 minutes I was standing at the front porch

ringing the door bell.

Thud! a few curses and then boom! the door was opened and oh Goddess! the man standing before

me was shirtless. Ray seriously had a nice body, his chest was glistening with sweat, seems he had

been working out. Should have been disgusted but damn! His shoulders were broad, with veinous arms

,the upper arms were packed with muscles. The protruding guns were literally calling on to me to feel

them beneath my small fingers.

He had a well defined six pack, one that would make any woman to salivate. His basket ball shorts

hanging dangerously low, giving a sneak peak of the nice trail that went downwards between his

muscular thighs.

goddes! mouth watering, I thought. It was definitely a sight to see. I didn't realize I was staring until

Rays' obnoxious laugh snapped me back to reality. I didn't miss the tingle between my legs, but I didn't

dwell on it odd I thought.

'Bry man, come down see for yourself' he shouted between laughs. Bryson skipped two stairs at a time

and when he saw me, he laughed so hard that he had to sit down at the bottom of the staircase.

'Oh my god Ava! you look like a princess' Bryson sassed ,still laughing.

'this bitch looks like she slept with a dick in between her legs the whole night, I mean look at her, looks

like she got it real good ha ha, her face is screaming sex, what a whore!' Bryson continued.

I was on the verge of breaking down, for goodness sake, why would they say such vile things. I didn't

have the after sex look. They were just pushing my buttons, but I wouldn't cry in front of the two.

No, I couldn't give them the satisfaction. After all it had always been like this, the insults and hurtful

remarks were thrown my way with every chance they got. I should have been used to them by now but Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

every single insult still got to me.

Gathering enough courage, I faced Bryson 'Why do you need me here?' I questioned, my voice shaky

because of the unshed tears.

'Oh now the scam can talk Ray.' Bryson said, rolling his eyes.

'but anyway, where the fuck is my white Calvin Klein briefs, I can't find them anywhere and you know

they're my favorite, where did you put them? You were the only one in my bedroom yesterday and I can

swear those briefs were on top of the dresser before I left, and I couldn't find them this morning, so I'm

not going to repeat myself, where the fuck are they? Or did you take them to your useless boyfriend?

oh wait, do you even have a boyfriend Ava, you are so ugly."

He was mocking, taunting me with his insults.

I couldn't believe my ears, this douche disturbed my beauty sleep, made me miss my cup of black

coffee, forced me to endure all the creepy looks I got in the bus. He even made fun of me with his big

douche of a brother and for what? to ask about his stupid boxer briefs? and as if all that wasn't enough

he called me ugly.

I knew I didn't dress up like girls my age or apply make up. But I was certain I wasn't ugly, that was for


Now I was fuming, I totally lost it, gone was the timid and stupid girl, the one who wouldn't stand up for

herself. In her place, a more outstanding one stood. One that would give Bryson her piece of mind.

'Listen here asshole, first, I do not touch your boxer briefs, wouldn't want to get infected with a bunch of

STIs, secondly, you just ruined my day for stupid briefs that you probably wore yesterday night to one

of your whores place, and after sticking your small prick in her sick cunt, left it there, you are one spoilt

useless college boy, fuck you Bryson! I'm not your boxers keeper.'

The silence that followed after my outburst was really threatening. I knew I was totally screwed when I

looked at Bryson.

He was mad, no that is an understatement, he was raging. The eyes said it all, they had turned

completely black, his fists were clenched and the tip of his nose was turning red. His overall demeanor


Then he took a step towards me, and that's when I noticed I was trembling out of fear, for sure he was

going to hit me. He never did it before but then I had never talked back at him like that.

'I'm so sorry Bryson.'I whimpered. The sudden realisation of what I'd done became real. But he was

having none of that, he was advancing towards me slowly, with calculated steps like a predator, finally

he was in front of me.

And then I felt it, a sting on my left chick, the power of his hand connecting with my cheek was

deafening . I could taste the metallic liquid on my lips. Nothing could stop me from crying then, the pain

was just too much.

'and by the way my dick is not small at all, and I would rather fuck sick cunts than fuck your filthy

unshaven one.' Bryson said.

Lifting my thumb to wipe the blood off, I noticed that I was nose bleeding too. damn it! I lifted my tee

shirt and pressed it on my nose to stop the bleeding.

Goddamn it Ava, cover yourself up and follow me to my room, you have to clean that up.' Ray

addressed me.

I didn't want to be anywhere near Bryson, I couldn't even look at him without cowering. Deciding that

being with Ray was much better than being there, I took on his offer.

Ray made me sit on his bed while he was cleaning me up with antiseptic. I didn't understand why he

was being nice to me, I thought he'd be laughing at me after that slap but instead he was here, tending

to me.

By now the nose bleeding had stopped, though my cheek was still throbbing. As if reading my mind,

Ray picked some painkillers on top of his dresser and took a bottle of water from the mini fridge just

beside his couch and gave them to me.

"Ava, I'm really sorry about that, you shouldn't have crossed that line though. I understand your

frustrations about him ruining your Sunday but Ava, people are different, and if you didn't know that,

then by now you know that some people can't control their rage.

Listen, I am not justifying what my brother did to you, but sometimes he can be like that. it's not a

reason enough why he slapped you though and for that I am truly sorry. Your cheek is already bruising

but the Panadol should rid the pain, so for the next few hours you will be alright."

'Thank you Ray, I just want to go home now. Is it alright if I go' I asked Ray in a broken voice.

' Yes beautiful, you can go rest for the rest of the day. It's your day off after all.' Ray answered.

Later that night I sat on bed, my back on my blue pillow against the headboard, thinking about Ray. I

still remembered how his fingers felt against my bursted lip and cheek. I swear they had a cooling

effect. I remember closing my eyes and enjoying his touch as he applied ointment.

The tingle between my legs had returned and my eyes couldn't stop looking at his lips wondering how

they would feel against mine. He had been still shirtless and that even made it worse.

I didn't even think about my outburst and the slap. No, I thought about why and how Ray had dared call

me beautiful.

That night, I drifted off, thinking about Ray, still wondering how Ray could think of me as beautiful. I

didn't dare forget though that he was still an asshole who made fun of me daily.

I couldn't possibly want him but I did.

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