Pleasuring the Maid

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

***Ava's Pov***

The Swahili philosophers once said Majuto ni mjukuu, huja baadaye. Meaning regrets are like a

grandchild, they usually come at a later date.

That is how I felt when I woke up sandwiched by the Romans brothers.

Don't get me wrong, I loved every fucking second of what happened the previous night. But I couldn't

help but regret the timing.

We should have made sure that Renata and Reynard had travelled and arrived safely.

We should have called them given the state in which Renata was in when they left the previous day.

Poor woman, she seemed shaken, even a fool could tell that something was really wrong, something

awful had happened.

That phone call the couple had received definitely bore bad news, what I didn't know is exactly what

the news was all about.

I mean we didn't even know exactly where they were headed. Oh my goddess, we didn't even ask

before they left! and we didn't even follow up.

This was not cool at all, I mean we got pretty intimate after they had left. It's like we felt no remorse

enjoying ourselves while they were obviously going through a rough time.

Damn, did the boys even care? Did they even think about their parents before pleasuring me? Did they

think about their parents happiness and safety when they were all over me?

"Morning Ava?"

"Morning Ray" I didn't hear him approach, maybe because he was wearing socks. Making his steps a

bit quiet.

I was leaning on the granite kitchen counter, trying to think things through.

"Why did you leave the bed angel? I didn't like waking up without you on by my side."

I was right, they didn't even think about their parents. Why was he here asking about my presence on

his bed when I woke up? Shouldn't he be worried about his parents well being instead?

"Hey beautiful, slept well?" Bryson chimed. Waltzing in the kitchen with no care whatsoever. He was

only clad in a pair of black sweats, leaving his upper body on display.

I forced my eyes to look anywhere but his drool worthy profile. No way I was letting my mind wander off

at a moment like this.

"Hey, Bryson just asked you a question."

Was he even serious now? I thought Ray was the sensible one, seems I was wrong.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" I couldn't help but facepalm.

"Huh, I should be the one asking you that, Bryson just asked you how you slept and you just glaringly

ignored him. So Ava what in the hell is wrong with you?" goddess damn it Ray.

"Are you regretting going wild with us last night? Is that it? or are you finally realizing that what I've

been saying about you is true?

Spreading your legs for me and shoving your boobs on Ray's mouth like the fucking slut you..."

"Shut - the - fuck - up- Bryson. Just shut it." Not again, I wasn't going to allow him finish that sentence.

"Hell no Bryson, not now, not today and as sure as hell not ever again. Enough is enough, I have

feelings unlike you.

You are just a self-absorbed prick."

"I'm going to teach you a lesson you bitch." Bryson sneered, already advancing towards me.

"Oh, by slapping me like you did the other day? Only a coward raises his hands to beat on a woman.

And that's exactly what you are, a scaredy cat." I was fueled up, I was tired of allowing to walk over me.

If I was going to sleep in this house then I would definitely need all the peace I could get.

"Ava, please calm down. This is not like you, so tell me what is it really? because I know this is not

about Bryson's insults." Ray hadn't moved an inch.

'Oh no Ray, I'm not calming down, I refuse to let your brother( I pointed at Bryson) continue with this

sickening torment. ' I was waving and throwing my hands exasperatedly.

'FYI Bryson, I've only slept with one man in my life. Does that make me a slut? What is it to you? Why

do you hate me so much? Is it something I did ?' My pitch rose with every question that I asked.

None of them said a word, they didn't even look at me. Bryson's hung his head, while Ray found the

kitchen counter top suddenly interesting.

'Ava, please...will you tell what this is all about? It's not about Bry's taunting, is it? ' Ray spoke


"Yeah, right, it isn't about your monster of a brother here. Seriously Ray did you not see how your

mother was so terrified, sad and confused all together? "

"Oh my god! " He swore, finally realizing it all.

'I can't believe I totally forgot to call her. Wait, that's why you were so lost in your thoughts when I came


You were worried about my parents and disappointed in all of us, right?'

I ignored his question, relieved that he had finally connected the dots.

"Your breakfast is served."

"And by the way Bryson", I turned to him, looking him dead in his eyes.

"If you ever call me a slut again..he he" I left it at that, wanting to give him something to ponder on.

I trusted Ray to check on his mum now that I had reminded him to.

"Ava wait." What did Ray want now?

"Will you stay while I call them? I know she will want to talk to you." I Wanted to talk to her too and


"Yeah sure." Ray dialed his mums number, tapping his left foot on the floor nervously.

"Hello it's okay...but are you and dad okay?...Okay...Yes she's here...okay."

' Hey Ava, mum wants to talk to you.' He pa

So I talked to Renata, we talked about her flight, about her call. She didn't really tell me much about it,

except that they would be coming in two days time and that they would bring a visitor along.

I even called her mum during the call, wanting to make her feel better. Her voice said it all, even though

she tried to cover it up, I knew everything was not okay.

She asked about Bryson, wanted to know why he wasn't around to at least say hi to her.

How could I tell her that he was just standing a few metres away, showing no interest whosoever?

That would add to her problems, so I ended up lying. Told her that he was in his room getting ready for


After the call, I left the two boys there, not even sparing Bryson a glance. I had beds to spread,

beddings to change and I also had to unpack.

I hadn't been in my room yet, well sleeping of course. Cause technically I had done a lot of cleaning

and dusting since I started working for the Roman's

It was a nice room, far much better than mine.

It was around 10 AM and the boys ought to have left for school already.

I really wanted to be alone, I needed to recollect myself. I wasn't supposed to be getting touchy with

them, I was in this house as a maid not their lover or sex toy.

Whatever we had needed to be left as it is. It needed to be put to an end, I needed to stop it.

Ray had made it clear that the parents had warned them to stay clear of my path.

I didn't want to lose my only job, I couldn't afford to.

A few hours later, I had already changed Bryson's beddings, made Ray's bed and now I was


The room was pretty good for a housemaid like me. It had a canopy bed, dresser, Tv cabinet and a

walk in wardrobe.

I only had a few clothes, the closet was so big for my few old tees and sweats.

I didn't own any jewellery, not even a single pair of earrings. Mmmh I'll just leave my clothes in the

suitcase like before, and just take out my toothbrush.

My mum's photo needs to go where's it's supposed to be under my new pillow.

Well, my shoes will remain in the boxes.

I was feeling tired, despite the fact that I hadn't really done any work and here I was feeling like a 1000

tons truck had run over me.

I decided to take a nap, well more like enjoy my new bed.

Before I fell asleep, I wondered what Aunt Eve was up to.

I suddenly realised that I really wanted to know how she was doing.

I hoped that she was safe and healthy. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Was she thinking about me? I hoped she really did miss me too.

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