Planned Baby

Chapter 69 DREAM

Chapter 69 DREAM

I was so devastated after my daughter pushed me away. I talked to my son and asked him to stay with her sister tonight. I know that Amelia needed her brother right now. Even though Amelia bullies her twin brother most of the time, Alistair is still her confidant.

I am planning to go to my parent's mausoleum tonight. I needed to see them with all the things happening now.

This is what I always do whenever I feel down and lonely. Just being with my parents comforts me, especially when I start praying to God with them. It is just like when they are still alive, we pray and worship God together.

It's a good thing that I made this mausoleum exactly like our home, especially in times like this. I can stay here for as long as I want. When I went inside and saw my parent's grave. tears start to fall again. Losing them only seems like yesterday. “Mom,” My voice broke

“My daughter hates me. She doesn't want to listen to my explanation. She thought that I will take them away from their father. I should have made Hadley shut up and drive her away instead of listening to her delusion.” I told them.

I really wish you are still here with me, I need a hug from you guys.

“Mom, Dad, I made a big mistake. I knew that my plan was crazy and not pleasing to God but I continued anyway. I only think of myself and my happiness. I did not consider my children. My children are the one who is suffering because of my selfishness. And now, being hated by my daughter is the worst feeling. I don't know if she will still give me a chance to explain myself to her. I am dying just thinking about my daughter hating me.”

I am starting to hate myself now for being so selfish in the past. My children are innocent they don't deserve to be hurt. But now they are hurting because of me.

“But mom, dad, I can't say that I regret having them in my life. Alistair and Amelia completed me when I feel so broken because I lost both of you. I keep on telling myself to stop being selfish but my children are the best thing that happened to me. And I don't regret that.” I added.

“Mom, Dad, please pray with me as I pray to God to help me to reconcile with my daughter. And help me to be a good mother to them.” I said then I start praying to God.

I let myself cry like there is no tomorrow. I want to give myself this time to cry because I need to fix myself for my children. I can’t be like this forever. I need to move on. My children need me.

I need to finish my mourning and start to be a mother again to my children. After this, I will make sure that I will win my daughter back.

I fell asleep but I was suddenly awake but a bit groggy because I felt like someone is carrying me. I don't know if it's real or not. Maybe I was just dreaming. And then I hear a voice after that person put me down to bed.

“Sleep well, my love. I promise you, that I will do everything to lessen your pain. I will get rid of the people who keep bugging you and I will help you to reconcile with our daughter. I will do everything for you. my love. I love you so much.” The voice said.

What this person said just gave me so much comfort. It was exactly what I needed... I needed someone to assure me that everything will be alright and that I am not alone in this.

When I woke up, I was hearing laughter outside. I look at the surroundings and my forehead creased. I know this place. Why am I here? I remember that I fell asleep at my parent's grave. Why am I here? Why am I in my former room in our mansion?

I was still lost but I manage to walk outside my reom. I wanted to know who owned the voice and laughter that I am hearing right now because it sounds so familiar.

Then I saw my parents, my tears fell. They were happy doing what we love to do.

Eating in our garden while mom and dad prepared the barbeque.

“Mom, dad!" I called them.

They turn their head on me and smile

“Our baby.” They both said

I went to them and hug them real tight. I long for this moment to happen and it’s finally happening. I can’t believe it. “Why are you crying, my love?” My mom asked me while caressing my face.

“I miss you so much, mom, dad!” I said while crying

Thank you, Lord. Thank you for this.

“We miss you too so much baby.” My mom said while wiping my tears.

I hug them again, savoring this moment. I keep on telling them how much I love and miss them

My dad invites us to eat. We ate in the garden just like we used to do. I miss this. I miss having a meal with them. I was eating while crying, while my mom and dad were smiling at me.

We were on our usual spot in the garden. I was still hugging them. I was afraid that this will be gone any moment. “I am sure that this is just a dream. If it's possible, I don't want to wake up anymore. I just want to be with them, Lord.” I whispered My mom breaks from my hug and turns her face toward me.

“Baby, don't say that again. As much as we want to be with you like this forever, you need to go back. Your children and especially Ulie needs you.” My mom gently said.

I furrowed. “I Know mom and dad that my children need me. But why did you also include that guy?! He was the one who killed you!” “Ulie has nothing to do with what happened to us. It was an accident.” My dad said “But he was the one who caused it! If it wasn't for him, there will be no accident!” I hissed.

“Baby, listen to us. Stop blaming Ulie for the accident. He never wanted it to happen. He suffered enough. You need to help him to let go of the guilt that he was carrying for years.” My mom said.

“But because of him, I lost you,” I said and cried hard. “And it was also because of him that you have your children right now.” My mom said.

I was taken aback. They are right. If I did not meet Ulie that night, I don’t think that I can do a one-night stand with another guy that night. I mean many guys approached me and I like none of them.

“Ellie, everything happens for a reason. You lost us, your only family but you also gain a new family. It was already our time. We need to respect that.” My dad said.

My tears began to fall again. That is one thing that I can’t accept... That it was their time already that is why they're not with me anymore.

"Please, baby stop blaming Ulie. We witness how rauch he loves you and how much he waited for the perfect time to wig you back. Ulie respected what weequested from him. It was not easy on his part. He keeps © on asking us for an update aboutyou. He-was scared that youm ight fall fo? someone else, but he Still waited until you graduate. He respects what we want for you.” My mom explained.

Ulie told me about this already. They did have an agreement. And all of it was for my well-being.

“You need to let us go now, Ellie. You need to move forward with your life not only for yourself but especially for your family. They need you, especially now that Ulie remembered everything. You have no idea how difficult it is for him right now.” My dad said.

I shake my head. “I don’t want to let you go, mom, dad! I want to be with you.

My parents shook their heads. They both hold my hand.

“Our time is dane here on earth, but yours is not Let us go and be happy with yoursew family. Live a happy life with them. That is our greatest dream Yor you now. We are welf my childsYou don't need to think-about usztet us go.” My dad sain his sWeetest and most caring voice.

I slowly nodded my head. I need to stop my selfishness and let them go. “Okay, mom, dad.” I just said while sobbing.

They both hug me. “Forgive Ulie and tell him that we never blame him for what happened. And we thank him for loving you since then until now. Even though he lost his memories of you, he was still able to find you and be with you.” My mom whispered.

I look at both of them.

“Ellie, stop blaming Ulie about what happened to us and stop blaming yourself for loving him. You guys are meant for each other. Don't let our accident hinders you from your happily ever after.”

That was the last message I got from my parents after I woke up from a great dream. I touch my face and I can feel the fresh tears that came from my eyes.

The dream looks and feels so real. I look up and thank God for the great opportunity of being with my parents even if it's just a dream Thank you, Jesus. I feel so peaceful right now. And I know I am ready to face my family and reconcile with them. I finally let go of the guilt of loving Ulie.

Ulie and I are meant for each other. It already came from my parents, they never blame him and they are rooting Ulie for me. What more can I ask for?

I went to my parent's grave again, this time with a smile on my face. “I will fix this mom, dad. I promise you both that I will win my family back.” I said and touch each of their tombs.

I feel light and happy while I was on my way to my penthouse. I wanted to take a bath and change before I go to the Escarrer mansion and get all of them back to our home.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I miss them so much. When I opened the door of my penthouse, my eyes widen as I see my twins playing in the living room.

“Amelia? Alistair?” I called them.

They both look at me with happiness in their eyes. “Mommy!” They both greeted me and hugged me. “We miss you, mommy!” They both said.

The tears fell again in my eyes. But this time, it was tears of joy. My children miss me. I look at Amelia. She's smiling sweetly at me. My daughter is not mad at me anymore! Thank you, Lord! I am not doing anything yet. but you my daughter already forgiven me.

“I miss you guys too!” I said and hugged them tightly.

“What about daddy?” Amelia asked looking hopeful that I will give her the answer that she wanted.

I smile at her and pinched her cheek. She pouted and I just laughed.

Don't worry baby, you will hear the answer that you want to hear from me.

“I miss him too.” I honestly told them.

They both screamed and giggle. I laughed at their reaction.

‘I'm a sorry mommy for what I tald you these past few days. I didn’t mean it. I was just so sad because you guys separated.” Amelia said in a whisper. I kissed her and pinched her on the cheek. “You don't need to apologize to me, it was me who should apologize. Can you forgive mommy?” I asked. She nodded. “Dad explains everything to me. It was his fault why you are mad at him right now.”

I shake my head. “No, honey. It was not your dad’s fault. It was nobody's fault. I want to apologize to your dad for blaming everything on him well in fact, it was not his fault.”

‘It was an accident. No one wants it to happen. It was my parent's time to be with our Creator. just can't ~ accept itand choose to blame = everything on your dad but it was not iS" fault. I want to talk to-your dac-now and ask for his fSPgiveness.” I explainedfo them.

‘I'm sure dad will forgive you, mom. He loves you so much!” My children said then they gave me another warm hug. I feel so happy and contented right now. I just need to talk and reconcile with Ulie. Then it will be complete happiness.

We were about to go to the Escarrer mansion when my phone rang. It was Kaela.


I was not able to finish talking because Kaela starts talking.

“Ellie, my brother committed suicide.”

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