Planned Baby



“What is this girl doing here?!”

I frowned. Can’t I be here? Did she own this place?

“Hadley can calm down first?” Quen said.

“What is this girl doing here?! Answer me first!”

Hadley is acting like a spoiled brat. I just shook my head.

“Do you want me to give you two a time to talk Quen?” I asked Quen.

Hadley’s eyes widen again. “What did you just call him?!”

My jaw dropped. Is Hadley for real? Is she jealous? Does she realize that she likes Quen? If that’s true then it’s too late for her.

“I was the one who told Ellie to call me Quen,” Quen explain in a calm voice.

I was amazed at how Quen stays calm despite the hysterical of Hadley. Quen can handle her well.

“What’s brings you here?” Quen asked when Hadley didn’t say anything.

“Do you want me to leave?” I asked Quen again.

I know that what they will talk about is Ulie’s lost memories. What’s bothering me though is the fact that the information came from Nic.

I know that Nick and Hadley are quite close. But to what extent? Why did Nick have to tell Hadley about Ulie’s lost memories?

“No, you should stay. After all, what she wants to know is about you and Ulysses.”

Hadley rolled her eyes on me when she reaches the chair across me.

“So is it true?” Hadley asked impatiently.

“What exactly did that guy tell you?” Quen asked in a serious tone.

I know that Quen and Nic are not on good terms though I thought it’s because of Ulie. But I guess the real reason for their hatred of each other is Hadley.

“Nick told me this girl and Kade has a past. But since Kade’s accident, he was not able to remember her.” Hadley said.

Quen nodded. “What else?”

Hadley rolled her eyes on Quen. “Nick told me that they are not in a relationship or something but they almost had it.”

Quen rested his head on his chair. “I think he already told you what you should know. Why are you still asking me?”

“Because I know that you know it better than him. I remember that in the past you keep on avoiding Ulie. Is it because of her?” Hadley said then she glared at me.

I ignore her blazing eyes. I already know all these. I don’t know why Quen ask me to stay.

“Yes. Ulysses' parents ask me to keep the memories he lost a secret. They don’t want him to remember his past because it might be a trigger for him to take his life again. So you see Hadley, this one is a serious case. If you are planning something, I am telling you right now to stop.” Quen said in a warning tone.

I saw fear in Hadley’s eyes but only for a split second. And then she looks at me in an insulting way.

“You already know about this yet you are still sticking with him like a leech.” Hadley insulted me.

My forehead creased. “Excuse me?”

“What? Did I say wrong? I did some research, the reason why some people have selective amnesia is that they want to badly forget the person or the situation that they have forgotten. You are the only memory he lost, meaning Kade badly wants to forget about you.” Hadley said confidently.

“You don’t know anything about me and Ulie. And I don’t have any reason to explain myself to you.” I said to fight back.

Hadley laughed like crazy. “I may not know what really happened between you and Kade in the past but one thing is for sure, you hurt him big time for him to want to forget you.”

“Well too bad for him. Because no matter how his mind forgets about me, but his heart will never will. As you can see, he is madly in love with me now.” I said to piss her of.

Hadley's face reddened from anger. I think I hit the right spot. I can’t answer her well because I honestly don't know why Ulie lost our memories in past. But I’m sure that Quen knows the reason why. And he kept it well.

“I didn't know that you are so full of yourself! Does Kade know about this side of you? You two-faced bitch!” Hadley looks like she was already defeated.

“I am no two-face bitch. And Ulie knows everything about me and he loves it!” I said to irritate her more.

“I bet you hurt him big time in the past! I will do everything to find it out and I will show it to Kade.” Hadley warned me.

“Hadley stop! I told you to stop digging Ulysses’ past!” Quen raised his voice.

“Did you just raise your voice on me?” Hadley said in disbelief.

“I’m sorry if I raised my voice on you. But I already warned you about digging Ulie’s past. His life was at stake here. Can’t you get it?” Quen said in a calmer voice.

“I get it okay! If this girl is the trigger of Kade’s memories, it only means that she was the reason why Kade committed suicide. I’m sure she hurt Kade big time.” Hadley said in a desperate voice.

Honestly, Hadley has a point. Am I the reason why Ulie committed suicide? But why? We haven’t met since I left the University. I can’t think of the reason why he will commit suicide because of me.

“It’s Ulie who hurt Ellie and not the other way around,” Quen said in a defeated voice.

Hadley looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“Ulysses was so confused with his feelings with Ellie. He thought that he was seeing her as a friend. That is why when Ellie saw him kissing another girl, he told her that he only sees her as a friend.” Quen started his speech.

“When Ellie left the University Ulysses realized that what he felt for her is far from a friend. He loves her, but he was coward to approach Ellie again because he knew that he hurt her big time.” Quen added.

Quen went on Hadley’s side and look at her intently. “So you see Hadley, since then until now, it was only Ellie in Ulysses’ heart. The reason why, no matter what you do, he can’t give you the love that you want from him. So please just give up. You will only be hurt from this.”

“I hate you! I hate you! You should be on my side, not her!” Hadley said while hitting Quen.

Quen did nothing. He just let Hadley hit her.

“Hush now Hadley. Just move on and forget about Ulysses. He was never meant for you.” Quen said while hugging her.

Hadley pushes him hard. “I hate you! You traitor!” Then she went out of the office.

Quen looks exhausted while he went back to his chair. “I’m sorry again about that Ellie.”

I smile at him. “It’s okay. But I guess she has a point.” Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

His forehead creased. “What do you mean?”

“Am I really the reason why Ulie committed suicide? Or am I related to it?” I asked him curiously.

Quen averted his gaze. I saw him swallow hard. Am I really connected to it?

“I’m sorry Ellie but I really can’t tell you any details about it. It was already in the past. Let just all move on.” Quen said.

I don’t know but for some reason, I got nervous and scared.

I was back in the office when I saw Kaela sitting on the sofa.

“Finally you are here!” Kaela said then she kissed me on the cheek.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her.

Kaela rolled her eyes. “Quen told me that Hadley went to his office and you two met in there. I just want to know if you are okay.”

I smile at her thoughtfulness.

“Well, she heard about the lost memories of Ulie from Nick. She went to Quen’s office to ask for confirmation.” I said then shrugged.

“Ugh! Why can’t she just give up?! It’s 100% clear that my brother will never accept nor love her!” Kaela said in a frustrated voice.

“I can’t give you the answer. It’s better to ask her.” I said to tease her.

Kaela looks disgusted with what I just said. “I will never talk to that girl.”

“Well, I guess you had no choice. I mean if Quen becomes your boyfriend then you will surely have to deal with her.” I told her a matter of fact.

I think Kaela can’t avoid Hadley forever because from what I saw a while ago, I can say that Hadley is an important person for Quen.

Kaela asked me to tell her everything that happens in Quen’s office.

I saw from Kaela’s expression that she was hurt by the concern that Quen is giving Hadley.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

Kaela nodded then she rolled her eyes. “Of course I’m okay. That was nothing. I was so used to it.”

I hold her hand and squeeze it to give her a bit of comfort.

“But don’t you think Hadley has a point?” I told Kaela what’s bugging me the whole time.

Kaela frowned. “What do you mean?”

“She might be right by her assumption that maybe the reason why Ulie can’t remember me is that I was the reason why he committed suicide or connected to it,” I explained to her.

Kaela nodded. “Maybe? Because as per Quen’s story my brother realizes that he loves you way too late. Maybe he did that because of the guilt from hurting you?”

Is that really it?

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