Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 34 Tale of Fantasy

Chapter 34 Tale of Fantasy

Percy’s Point of View

Percy still hadn't gotten over that kiss on his wound by Artemis. Now and then he kept touching the place where her soft lips touched his skin. A sensation of happiness ran through him, yet he tried to make a straight face to bring down the suspicion.

He walked behind her, trying not to stay next to the goddess or the colour of his cheek would reveal everything.

He believed it was a sisterly kiss since he got beaten up by her hunters. Actually it was more like a pity kiss to congratulate him surviving their assault. Percy was glad though, it was probably the first male to be ever kissed by the goddess of man-haters.

"What's holding your legs?" Artemis turned to him, startled the werewolf. "You know the hunters wouldn't be pleased if you serve them late dinner right?"

Percy eyes widened at her words. Once to anger the hunters was enough, he wouldn't dare to be pinned down by arrows again. His legs found some motivation to catch up with Artemis.

"You know they went easy on you back there" Artemis started a conversation after awhile.

"By sticking me to a tree by arrows?" Percy sneered with sarcasm. "I'd really appreciate that"

"Oh stop being a grudge holder" Artemis groaned in annoy. "They were planning about punishment. I was surprised that they didn't carry out all of them."

"Save for the future maybe?" Percy glance at her from the corner of his eyes.

Percy didn't notice until he felt Artemis stopped. She looked at the ground for a while, her brows knitted together, her lips curled downward that made Percy heart fell.

Why was she sad?

"Hey...what's wrong?" He walked closer in front of her and said softly.

"They are still angry at me you know" Artemis mumbled. "Even when they don't talk or show anything about it, I know they still felt uncomfortable of why I stabbed you that day."

"Maybe you are just overthinking it" Percy tried to cheer her. He didn't believe that the hunters could actually angry at Artemis.

"Because you haven't been here long enough Perseus"

"Well I'm here now and I'm sure what ever they had in there mind back then have been ceased to exist." Percy smiled, clapping his hands. Percy then pointed at his chest with a smirk. "What can I say? I'm too awesome"

That got Artemis chuckled a little as she pushed him playfully. Percy grinned at her but turned serious after a while.

"It was practically my fault in there." He told her. "This time I'll make it right Artemis. I promise you that no matter what happens and how many more time I'm gonna land int he infirmary by you. I won't leave the hunt."

Her eyes sparkled. They actually sparkled at his words. That silver eyes reflected the sky and Percy's face as her lips slightly opened. He was afraid she was going to cry or doing something to avoid of crying. Normally getting angry and Percy ending up beaten. He immediately tried to clear the mood.

"Just don't abuse it and send me into the infirmary too often yeah?" He winked, holding up his hands.

She laughed at his words and did the most unexpected thing. She hugged him. A strong embrace that her arms squeezed around his back, her height made her only reached up his chest. Percy was like

paralysed on the spot.

"Thank you"

He could barely get any word in, his brain was all messed up at the moment their. All the neurons transmitting the information just ran all over the place. Finally he managed to form some words.

"F-for what?"

"Promising not to leave" she whispered, giving him another squeeze before releasing him.

The moment she left the contact, Percy brain started to function again. He tried to make a joke to hide the blush that was starting to form on his cheeks.

"I guess you're already terrified from the troubles every time I run away?" He smirked.

And that got him a punch. It wasn't a playful one

"You stupid idiot!" She yelled and stormed off.

Oops, maybe she thought he didn't appreciate her words and made fun off it. Probably she was thinking how big was his brain and how much of her words actually get into that dense skull. Still better than let her discover him having a crush on her though. That would totally awkward and not to mention him being executed.

Percy sighed at the thought and hurried after her.

At the bottom of the hill that leads up to the dining pavilion, Percy heard cheers and glass clinking and yells.

He made his way to the dining area and the scene glued his feet to the ground.

They were having a party.

Wine barrels lined one after another at the corner of the hall. The hunters were fully emerged in the atmosphere of the party. Food lined up on the long table but no one seemed to be interesting in it as they devoured down that purple liquid. They jumped across the table, cheered with the others and dancing everywhere. Artemis seemed to be chilled, he thought she was still angry from the last moment they had.

Even Apollo and Aphrodite were there.

All the activities stopped and eyes turned to him and his foot shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh I think I'm gonna take my leave" he said awkwardly , pointed his thumb to his back and started moving backward.

The next thing got him terrified.

Thalia matched up to him and had her arm swung around his neck.

"Where do think you are going Kelp Head?" She grinned, a gleam of evil sparked in her eyes.

Thalia started dragging him towards the party and announced.

"The guys of the party is here!"

Percy was pushed forward into the crowd after a cheer from the hunters. Thalia chuckled as she folded her arms and observed.

Cup and glasses of wines were coming to him. Percy was pushed from side to side , he was now more terrified and confused than before.


He heard a familiar voice and turned to see Thalia smiling at him.

Gods what now?

"Come and sit." She ordered, patting the seat next to her. Apparently, her place was where the oldest hunters sitting and they hated his guts.

Reluctantly, he moved since he did not want to ruin their mood. Especially not now.

He stared at the normal seat that he used to sit everyday, but now they evaporated a sense of suspicion. There could be anything on that seat, super glue, undried paint or some itchy substances of a herb that would give rashes on his butt afterwards.

Before he could reject the invitation, which was not wise, Thalia already grabbed his collar and pulled him right onto that seat. Percy tensed.

R.I.P butt.

Thalia swung her arms around his neck casually and smiled mischievously at him.

"Tell me Kelp Head" she said. "How much can you drink?"

The facts that her cheeks were already tinny red had indicated how much wine she had consumed. Percy was half glad since she would probably forget about the troubles he caused, but the other part was that she was drunk. People bring out the worst of them when they are drunk.

"I could say a bit"

Immediately, a wooden jar was pushed towards him.

"No break between" Phoebe smirked.

Percy stared at the wine, swirled like a whirlpool in the cup as he raised it before devouring down.

Artemis watched Percy being surrounded by the hunters and smiled to herself. Though he was an idiot, at least he could survive the hunters. The party they prepared for him actually surprised her. She expected some severe punishment and was prepared to hospitalise him. Yet he survived safe and sound throughout the event.

She watched him being forced to drink, but she knew he wouldn't get drunk by these mortal wines. That was when Apollo brought out the wine bottle from Olympus.

"This stuff has no effect dude!" He made a seat next to Percy.

Apollo was pretty drunk at the point, since he drank too much of that wine mixed with nectar and other godly ingredients that can make the gods forget their primal instincts. Actually Dionysus shouldn't have invented this stuff just to fill up his pocket with drachmas. All of a while, she had to keep her eyes on that stupid Fried Brain seen he kept trying to sit next to one of the old hunters. Zoe actually did a good job of pushing him away.

"Apollo," Artemis made her way closer and warned him. She didn't know if Percy would be affected by the gods wines or not. But she knew that stuff was not quite suitable for a mortal, that's why she didn't let Apollo summon any barrel of it to prevent the hunters from drinking the wrong one.

"Relax sis" Apollo waved his hands as she glared back him. "This is his party, let him be wild"

He handed Perseus another bottle and raised his own before devouring down some more.

"Uh this thing is good right?" Percy frowned since Artemis kept staring at him made the werewolf a bit uncomfortable. Thalia tried to snatch it from him but got a direct glance from Artemis so she back down.

"Oh stop being a pussy" Apollo patted his back. "One sip wouldn't hurt."

Reluctantly, his eyes still stared at Artemis for permission but his hand already raised the bottle and already drinking it. He's going to regret afterward.

He grinned after the first, he looked at Apollo disbelievingly.

"Wow, this one actually has some effects" he blowed out and drank a bit more. "You should try some Artemis"

He looked at her and Artemis glowed within when Apollo smirked at the opportunity. All the party, he had been trying to make her drink that despicable wine but she refused. She knew how destructive that stuff could be. Now since Percy already offered, backing down right now would be soo embarrassing since it was in front of all of her hunters.

"Sis you scared?" Apollo tried to make a fake concerning comment. "Actually your age shouldn't be drinking this. Not for kids ya know"

Artemis head started smoking.

"Who said I'm scared?" She flared.

"Here" Percy seemed to catch Apollo intention and handed her the bottle.

That idiot! He's sure going to regret that later on.

"There's no way I'm gonna drink the same bottle with you" she snarled.

"Fine suit yourself" The idiot just surge and drank.

Urg he's so frustrating.

Artemis took upon her anger and snatched the bottle from Percy before he could have a second shot. She clutched down that liquid of insanity. Se emptied the bottle with a second blink of eyes and threw it away with a deep breath.

Apollo's jaw hit the ground.

"Damn sis" He uttered. "That would've taken Dionysus a few times to finish it."

Her vision started to feel blurry a little, but overall she felt...good. It was like she had let all her concerns flooded away like the wine into her blood. Her muscled relax from all the disciplines and annoyances. Her mind was free, so empty at that moment that Artemis did not care of what could happen or had happened, and before she knew, a grin was already visible on her face.

"Gimme another one" she said.

The next few hours were a blur of clinking wine bottle and dance around the table. Percy watched in disbelief of how Artemis behaved. Normally she was so tensed and strict. Who'd have thought the goddess of the hunt would be dancing and jumping from table to table with a wine bottle on her hand. It was a wild fun that Percy also felt a little affected by the liquor. But since the werewolf blood evaporates wine faster than immortal or mortal, he still could stand his ground for few more hours. Apollo was completely wasted on the floor.

More and more wine were summoned. Aphrodite somehow joined the funny with Artemis as they started dancing some funny style. Their elbows locked around each other and both faced opposite directions and started moving their feet in circle, knocking plates of food off the table and the hunters hammered their fists on the wooden surface like hit a drum to raise the mood.

There was arm wrestling with Percy had to take one any opponent from the hunters. Aphrodite refused to sit on the air at the time and kept climbing onto his laps, which even in her drunken stage, irritated Artemis. She had dragged the goddess on love off and scooted in between them. So that she was

sandwiched by Percy who gave all his might for an arm wrestle with Phoebe, the daughter of Ares and on the other side Aphrodite who kept glueing onto her arm.

There was point where because nearly leaped onto his real form due the competition and the urge of wine that boosted up his competitive mind. Lucky Artemis somehow, accidentally or intentionally laid her hand on his under the table that the claws of that wolf was contained.

It was until midnight where the hunters were soundly asleep all over the place in the pavilion. Even Artemis was struggling to keep her balance, the party with that must be ended.

"You sure you guys are ok?" Percy asked as the drunk Aphrodite, had a unconscious Apollo on her side. "You could stay here in the morning to sober up."

"Nah *hiccup* I'm fine" she said, though her eyes just couldn't kept open anymore longer. "It's still better than waking Apollo at this stage. The last time he tried to teleport after a party *hiccup* he ended up in the sewage somewhere in Asia."

That got Percy chuckled and Apollo snored in response.

"Ok so goodbye for now" Percy waved but before he could receive a response, the two already disappeared.

Percy sighed. At least Aphrodite still had some senses. She had to get back fast before unconscious take over her. Percy walked back to the bow silent pavilion, so quite that the sound creaking from the crickets in the bushes and grass.

"Percyyy let's drink" Artemis whined as she shook the empty wine bottle for more.

"You are completely knocked up " Percy chuckled. "Anymore and you will be unconscious"

"I'm not drunk" she tried to growl, but her voice sounded like an eight years old girl who doesn't want to admit their fault. It was so adorable that he just wanted to kissed her forehead and made some jokes. Since she had turned into a twelve years old form, it was now impossible to tell if she was a goddess.

"Hey c'mere" he leaned down to her level and opened his arms. Artemis just that fell right into it.

He picked her up bridal style and walked away from the pavilion.

"Where are you taking me?" She said, rubbing her eyes that the wine bottle fell along the way.

"Your tent of course" he knocked on her head and she rubbed it with a pout. He wished they could be like this forever, she relied on him like this as he protected her. But he knew this wasn't real, this acceptance from Artemis was from the drunk one. The conscious one would never allow to be carried like this.

He laid her on the bed and immediately she grabbed for her bolster. Percy chuckled and brushed her silky silver hair before walked into the bathroom to get a towel.

The moment he came back, the bed was empty. Their was the mess that indicated she was still in the room. Guess she just wanted to find more wine. That was until he felt the presence behind him and turned back.

The person made him stepped back with a yelp. But then his brain was clouded and words were uttered and stuck in his tongue.

Artemis, it was still Artemis but something had changed. She was older around twenty with that breathtaking features of her face, at the moment even Aphrodite putting on her best form wouldn't be compared to Artemis beauty. Her eyes were not that shinny colour but instead dull and clouded, her soft lips were so inviting that he took all his will to stand his ground. But no matter how hard he tried, his eyes couldn't kept away from her body, perfect from head to toe. She was lean yet not muscular,

her female features were now expanded from the twelve years old from and he realised it was the reason why she kept her twelve years old form most of the time. Because men couldn't keep their lust and desire when they see her.

"How do I look?" She asked with a smile, playing with a flock of her auburn hair, twirled it around her finger.

Percy was not able to move his jaw muscles at the time. But he knew if he did anything wrong, he would regret it the next day. So he took back his senses, telling himself that was not Artemis but the other her.

"I-uh I think I should go" he scratched his head, trying to walked but Artemis stepped in front of him, so close that he hitched his breath, controlling himself.

"Where do you think you're going?" She said with a voice that only Aphrodite could make, that seductive tone as she played with his collar button. Her breath fanned on the crook of his neck that his blood started running fast.

"Artemis you are drunk" he reminded her, trying to use a little more serious voice.

Artemis pouted but she did the next unexpected thing. Her arm flung around his neck, that body pressed tight against his and the next thing he knew.

Their lips were already connected.

It was like a fantasy, yet he knew it was also insanity. He tried to keep her away, her her lips locked tight on his.


"Sshhh" She laid a finger on his lips. "I need to tell you something Perseus"

"You are drunk" He shook her. "Get a hold of yourself"

"I am not drunk!" She growled, yanking his hands off her and jumped away. That action somehow calmed Percy a little. At least she's not really crazy when she's angry.

"You know drunk people never admit they are drunk right?" He said, raising his brows.

She glared at him, her fists were formed and Percy gulped. He forgot drunk people also change their mood easily. Because her eyes just sparkled and tears were falling out.

"Why do you always have to contradict me!?" She screamed, hitting him.

"Artemis calm down" he tried to get hold off her, but she just pushed him back.

"Don't tell me to calm down" her tears leaking down her cheeks as she snapped. "What do I do that you never oblige, you never indulge in obliging me? Why are you so stupid that you don't realise it!? Why does Aphrodite have over me that you always listen and follow her!?"

"Why does Aphrodite has something to do with this?" Percy frowned, completely confused by her words.

"See that's the point" she said. "You are too stupid to ever notice anything! You never try to fight or to let to know how I feel!"

At that point Percy mind was like a wire coiling. She made no sense at all and the more he tried to break it down, the more confusing it would get. So instead he walked closer and tried to carry her to the bed, she started yelling and screaming.

"Artemis get a hold of yourself" he had his arms around her while Artemis kicked and struggled out from his arms.

"Get off me!" She screamed and blasted a ball of energy that sent Percy flying and landed on the bed.

His shirt was smoking and burnt marks were visible. Percy groaned at the sudden attack. The wolf never jumped out at that point but he tried his best to contain the anger. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Artemis jumped on him, grabbed his collar shirt and smacked her lips against his again.

"Why do you have to be so stupid?" She cried, kissing him again. "Why you are too oblivious? Why do you have to be scared by the rules!?"


She stopped him, her hands pressed his against the bed, locked him on it.

"What do you need more from me?"

"Grarrr!!!" A roar came up as Percy spin Artemis down. He stared down at her, his hands kept hers on both sides. She was quite, looked so vulnerable as she stared up at his. That silver eyes sparkled, gleamed at the light by the wetness of tears.

He leaned back but at that moment, he knew it was crossed the line.

"Goddammit" he muttered. "Why so you have to be so beautiful?"

He cupped her cheeks, and with that the time frozen.

Music like playing in the background, travel the sound of connection swirling around the room. The fire flicking, dancing as they seemed magnified, bright and shine on the two, on their connection. That kiss

was not harsh, he kept like that, for a long time that it seemed for Percy as eternity and slowly, little by little, his kiss was responded.

The moment Artemis arms was around his neck, pulling him closer. Everything just snapped.

She held on him, bringing them close, connected him as he rise, pulling her along. She legs wrapped around his waist, sitting on his laps at Artemis let the moment consumed her.

They poured their feeling to the kiss, the passion, that fierce and the desire dwelled so long within. It was the wine that drove them to their insanity, opened and emerged them in their own fantasy.

At that moment, Percy did not care of tomorrow nor the past. Artemis did not care of herself nor their relationship. It was their moment, the light bright and shine, brought them closer and closer to their own world, the time stopped for their emotions to be poured, in his mind was only her and as in hers was him.

She pushed him to his back, their kiss still connected that she was glad they were immortal, that they did not have to care of breathing. He rolled her to her back, pressing is strong body against her as her hands gripped at his shirt, ripped the buttons away and that tattered fabric that kept her from the view of his glorious body.

He sway, brought them to the sitting position with her on his laps. He broke the kiss, traveled down her neck that Artemis arms pulled him closer to take the taste of her skin.

With a roar, her silver jacket was teared apart by his claws. He pushed her to the wall, her back pressed against that cold surface as she arched, leaning herself closer to him. His claws pierced through the solid wall, held them in place at the sides of her face and kissed at that exposed chest of her. It was still covered in the black bras, that eager him to rip it apart. He realised it was not time, even in that stage where everyone would assume their connection. He knew he was not ready. He spin them

around and laid her on the bed, still on top as he connected their lips again. It was softer this time, not for the lust that controlled him a second ago.

He leaned away, brushing her cheek with his thumb, a flock of her hair fell at her side as she leaned on his hand. Her eyes closed, that eyelids casted shadows around her eyes.

"Don't..." she caught that hand and pressed it closer to her cheek when he intended to move away.

She held like for a long time, until he noticed her chest rise and fell evenly, no more movement coming from her that indicated she was now soundly asleep.

Smiling, yet a little disappointed he carefully let go off the goddess. He sat back on the bed disbelieving. He tried to count his fingers to check if he was dreaming. But it was reality he had for the result.

How could this and why did this happen he couldn't know. It was just a blur and yet he knew, something had changed within both. Like somehow after that session, they had exchanged something. At the moment he had no energy to think of it, but he knew something within them had changed, something had connected them closer than before; and he was afraid at last.

He looked at Artemis who was half naked, blood gushed to his cheeks as he tried to find her jacket and the next thing ferried him.

He was the one who ripped it to ribbons.

He wanted to kick himself and that lustful wolf inside. He held up the tattered silver jacket and shiver. If she finds out about this in the morning, misunderstanding would likely to occur and he would be taking bullets. He was concerned that she remembered what they did, but since she was already that drunk, it relaxed him a little that she might forget it by morning.

He had to take care of the evidence.

Opened her closet, pulling out a new silver jacket that was identical to the one that was destroyed. Luckily she had a variety of sizes, it would be horrible if the closet filled with sizes for twelve years old.

Her put the jacket on her, zipped it to its position and she looked like just returned from the party and did not have any making out session. The tattered jacket also his shirt worried him. He couldn't hide it in his closet since Artemis sometimes opened it and grabbed one of his shirt to clean the floor. Within the tent was kinda dangerous and outside would take too much risk.

He didn't know it was his brain told him, or the dunk part told him. His eyes darted to the small space between the bed and the floor. He hurried pushed the evidence under the bed and breathed out in relief.

He stared down at Artemis, who occasionally gave out a snore and pulled the blanket up to her neck. He leaned in and kissed her forehead, a smile planted on her lips as she hugged the bolster closer.

He did not dare to sleep on the same bed, so he made his way to the couch, devoured another Olympus wine bottle to help him set the scene between them that kept replaying in his mind aside and relaxed his muscles in a soundless sleep.

N/A good blessing since this chapter is pretty long. It took me 3 days guys and since now is a tough time for me to manage so chapter maybe updated unevenly. But I'll try my best. If you guys like this chap, please do me a favour and press te nice little star to VOTE down their and COMMENT to let me know how you guys feel about this chapter. See yea for now and take cares ❤ ❤ ❤ ??????

Oh nearly forgot there. This chapter is dedicated too..... TweeIsAwesome

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