253 I don’t need your boss, but he needs me!

For a moment, time seemed to stop in the restaurant.

Those nearby furrowed their brows when Zoren suddenly halted. However, when their eyes landed on the lady at the table, they understood why a man like him would pause.

As for Penny, she studied his face before offering an awkward smile. “Did I just catch you red–handed… husband?” She carefully emphasized the word “husband” to gauge his reaction.

However, hearing her say that only made his lips turn down.

Oh, so he doesn’t know either?‘ she thought. That’s strange. Neither of us knows we’re married to each other. That doesn’t make sense at all.”

Her train of thought halted when she noticed something in his eyes.

“Huh?” She squinted and observed that his pupils were abnormally wide, like when a person’s pupils dilate in the dark to allow more light in. But it was already bright.

“Are you okay…” she trailed off as his cool, low baritone caressed her ears.

“Stop,” he said, watching her look back at him. “Stop following me. Otherwise, my bodyguards might hurt you. Don’t get yourself hurt for someone who is not interested.”

After saying that, Zoren took a step away and resumed his retreat from the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Penny’s mouth dropped as she watched him stride off.

“Excuse me?” She placed her hand across her chest, scoffing. “I’m not following him because I’m interested in him.”

Penny instinctively pushed herself up to follow him. But just as she stepped out of the establishment, some of his bodyguards were waiting for her to stop her.

“Miss, we’ve already told you,” one of the bodyguards who had blocked her at the hospital frowned at her. “Stop following. You’re not the first person who’s attempted to get our master’s attention. So don’t blame us if we become ruthless in making you stop.”

“Miss, whatever you want from him, forget about it, another bodyguard spoke up. “If I were you, I’d live peacefully.”

“That’s right, Miss. You’re still young, so you can still achieve something in life. Live your life with some dignity instead of trying to use the shortcut of climbing up the ladder.”

Penny scoffed at the bodyguards blocking her way. However, when she saw the car Zoren got into speed away, she clenched her teeth and glared daggers at the men.

“What nonsense are you all talking about? I don’t need your boss, but he needs me!” she retorted, only for them to snort at her. “Tsk tsk tsk. You guys… are making a big mistake!”

Ves Miss We made a hit mistake in not ensuring that you wouldn’t follow me here” the first


“Miss, this is your last warning, said the bodyguard. “You’re lucky this time, but next time, you won’t be as lucky as you are today.”

After delivering their warning, the bodyguards headed to the escort car and sped off.

As for Penny, she only watched them leave in disbelief. Her gaze followed the direction where their car sped off, but she didn’t pursue them.

“Gosh. Those guys… wow! I’m speechless!” she mocked once more. “Did they seriously think I’m trying to climb up his bed?”

Fat chance!

Not to brag, but Penny had attracted a lot of interest from men in their prime–men who were healthy and successful. Although Zoren’s looks weren’t bad, his complexion was alarming. “He actually reminded me of that kid, she muttered. “But that kid was very small, and I don’t even know if he’s alive.

Penny shook her head to rid herself of another depressing memory from the past.

Every time Penny returned to the Bennet Mansion, she would always spare a few hours on Thursday at her meeting place with Renren. However, he never showed up. Even during her last visit to the country, Penny waited for a few hours.

But he never showed up.

“He’s alive. Probably, somewhere. She shook her head and was about to head to her car when her phone buzzed. Answering the call on her way, she heard Yugi’s greeting. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.


“Say it, she replied coldly as she approached her car. “What did you find out?”

“Not much, and you probably figured it out.”

Penny paused as she got into the driver’s seat. “I’m listening.”

Connecting the call to the car’s dashboard, she listened to Yugi while driving to her office building.

“Well, Zoren Pierson is the current head of the Pierson Family,” Yugi summarized. “From what I gathered, he was actually out of the country until five years ago. When he returned, he declared war against his uncles and everyone who was a candidate to become the next head of the family”

According to Yugi, Zoren Pierson’s rise to the “throne” was bloody, In the end, Zoren emerged


“But even though he’s already won that battle, the internal strife within the company and the family still continues, Yugi added in a matter–of–factly tone. “But because the elders and the chairman favor him, he still has the largest share of the company. What a complicated family!

numst fram hlm. Haunu. Und new…….].


253 I don’t need your boss, but he needs mo!

Penny kept her eyes on the road, but her mind dwelled on the information she had just received from Yugi. “Yugi, when you said ‘bloody battle!.. did he literally kill someone?”

“That–I’m not sure. But what I do know is that some of the candidates left the country and were never seen again. I also heard a rumor that he feeds people to his pets alive.”

“I see.” Penny tapped her fingers against the steering wheel, her other elbow propped on the window ledge.

“Why did you ask me to look him up, by the way?” Yugi asked out of curiosity, but Penny didn’t answer. Instead, she said:

“Dig up more information about him and everyone in the Pierson Family. No matter how small the detail, don’t tell Dean even if it kills you.”

“That damn jerk-”

“Also, I’m sending you a date and time, Penny continued, not interested in hearing Yugi’s passionate hatred toward Dean. “Find out what I was doing at that time, where I was, and what I did. If possible, check Zoren Pierson’s whereabouts on that same date as well.”

“Huh? Him again?” Yugi’s voice displayed confusion. “Why?”

Penny didn’t answer immediately, but when she did, her tone was serious. “Because I want to know what kind of animal I’m going to deal with.”

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