Pampered Like A Princess

Chapter 295

Nelissa didn’t tell Anna that she and Edward had only been together for one night. Nathan and seven nights were her unexpected gifts. Now that she thought about it, she felt that it might be a kind of fate. It was the fate of her and Edward. Many years ago, she made a mistake when she was young. The person who made a mistake with her became her future husband and her child’s father.

Nelissa thought that she was lucky.

In fact, more than that, in the bar that night, the situation was complicated. Nelissa was prey to others. If Edward hadn’t been watching her all the time, she would have been taken away by the gangsters arranged by Susan. Until now, Nelissa still didn’t know what Edward had done for her that night.

Many things were like this. It seemed to be a simple fate, but she didn’t know the painstaking efforts of the people behind it. It could only be said that there was no fate for no reason. There must be someone behind it who couldn’t be forgotten.

Anna looked at Nelissa. The happiness on a woman’s face seemed to be real. At least, Anna felt that Nelissa was happy now. She suddenly wanted to laugh at herself. She used to think that as long as she stopped Edward from finding Nelissa, he and Nelissa would not be together. In the end, it was useless.

As long as Edward did not give up on Nelissa, he would still belong to Nelissa in the future.

Anna was so weak that he didn’t know what else he could do. She couldn’t change Edward’er’s mind.

Anna was silent, and Nelissa was also silent. The relationship between them was very subtle. They were not familiar with each other, and they didn’t really know each other. But they had been involved in each other’s affairs for many years and even fell in love with the same man.

Looking at the car whistling across the road, Nelissa said in a slightly absent-minded tone, “Ying Li has told me about your return.”

Anna was stunned for a few seconds before he found his voice and asked Nelissa, “What else did he tell you?”

Nelissa shook her head and asked Anna, “Did you come back this time because of Edward?”

Anna admitted it. “That’s right.”

“Will you give up on him?” Nelissa asked. At the same time, she turned her eyes to Anna and looked at her seriously.

However, Anna tilted his head and smiled. Instead, he asked Nelissa, “Have you ever thought that if you hadn’t appeared, who would be the woman closest to Edward now?”

Anna, of course, was originally the protagonist, but because of the appearance of Nelissa, he was taken away. No one would be willing to do so. In other words, Anna would not give up Edward.

Nelissa understood. She thought that she had the right to defend her own happiness. She took out the sapphire ring on her neck and said to Anna, “Edward and I are already married. Give him up.”

Anna suddenly widened his eyes and could not hide his shock. Not only did he see the ring in Nelissa’s hand, but he also saw a wedding ring on Nelissa’s ring finger. She knew what it meant. If even Edward was willing to let Nelissa wear this ring, then he would definitely spend the rest of his life with Nelissa.

Anna was stunned. This sapphire ring belonged to Edward’s mother. It was said that it was passed down from the ancestors, so he could find her when he found his wife in the future. At that time, Edward just played with it with a smile. In the end, he wore it himself, but he had never taken it off. Later, Edward’s mother died of illness, and this ring was equivalent to a precious memorial. Edward was not allowed to be touched by anyone.

But now, she was wearing it on Nelissa’s neck…

Anna’s eyes slowly turned red. In the blink of an eye, he wiped his tears with his hands.

Nelissa looked down and silently said sorry in her heart. Anna didn’t do anything wrong. She just liked Edward. But there was only one Edward. Anna had at least more than ten years of Edward. She and Edward had been together for such a short time. She didn’t want to lose the hard-earned happiness.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Although the method was not good, she had to let Anna know that Edward was already her husband. They had children and families. If Anna got involved, he would be a mistress!

Nelissa believed that Anna was different from Sophie. It was because of Anna’s pride that she disdained to be someone else’s mistress.

Time passed slowly. Anna’s silence seemed to indicate that she was sad. Nelissa felt sad and could not understand this contradiction. She was not suitable to be a bad person.

Anna’s phone rang at this time. She looked at the caller ID and picked up the phone after walking a little far away. She deliberately avoided Nelissa.

In the dark sky, the street lamp gradually lit up. Nelissa had no intention of eavesdropping, but she could vaguely hear some of Anna’s words. “Well, I know. I’m coming now.”

Sure enough, after a while, Anna came back and told her that he had something to do, so he left first.

It seemed that their conversation had come to an end. As for whether Anna would give up Edward or not, Nelissa did not know. She had told Anna everything she had to say, and she did not deliberately hide the relationship between her and Edward. The more Anna knew about these layers of relationships, the more he understood that she and Edward could not be separated easily.

It was rare for Nelissa to be scheming. Alas, she sighed.

Anna got in a car and left. Nelissa noticed with her sharp eyes that a black private car was following her at this time. The number plate plate number was a little familiar… It seemed that Yi Fan had shown it to her before. It was Chen Li’s.

When Nelissa was lost in thought, the private car was already far away. She had no chance to take a closer look at the number plate number, but just remembered it in her mind. Later, Edward would come back and talk to him.


In the car.

Anna looked at the rearview mirror thoughtfully. The driver was also well-trained. When he noticed that there was something wrong with the private car behind, he told Anna, “Miss, the car behind has already followed us all the way.”

Anna nodded and said, “Then let her follow us and see who it is.”

The driver understood and continued driving.

When they arrived at the destination, it was a French restaurant. Anna got out of the car and pushed the door open.

Chen Li had been secretly following from behind. When she saw Anna enter the restaurant, she immediately stopped the car and followed him in. The French restaurant’s environment was very high, and there were very few guests. Chen Li glanced at it in a hurry and went to Anna’s seat. She quickly walked to the table on the other side and sat down in a low-key manner. The waiter came to ask what she needed, so she just ordered a random Mocha, paying all attention to Anna’s table.

It was a middle-aged man who was having dinner with Anna. It just so happened that Anna’s back was facing Chen Li’s table. Chen Li could vaguely see the appearance of the middle-aged man. If she didn’t look at him, it would be fine. When she saw him, Chen Li was immediately shocked. Chen Li recognized this man. When Chen Li was young, she had done it in the nightclubs owned by the man. In the past, the man had done some shady business. Later, she heard that he was investigated by the police and began to work abroad. Now the man’s name still had some influence in the underworld. He had done all kinds of bad things in the past.

Cold sweat broke out all over Chen Li’s back. She couldn’t figure out what kind of relationship Anna had with this man. Coupled with the fact that Anna had met Nelissa just now, all of these things were very mysterious. It was like a conspiracy. Chen Li felt guilty in her heart. She was afraid that people would find out about her shady past. In this way, she would definitely not be able to gain anything from Ryan. She might even get her revenge!

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