Pampered Like A Princess

Chapter 241

“Who said I want you to have plastic surgery?” Edward tapped his head with his mobile phone and didn’t use much strength. “Hurry up and give up this idea. Just take care of it with skin care products. It will fade slowly in the future. I will buy any expensive skin care products for you. You can use them to take a shower.”

Nelissa felt that this man was too good at sweet words, and her bad mood was easily eased by him. She wanted to get close to him, but when she moved, she found that she couldn’t do anything big, which was very painful.

Edward immediately got up and put his arms around her slim waist. He lowered his head and asked her, “Tell me what you want to do. I can accommodate you.” Then he asked Nelissa in a low voice, “Do you want to kiss me, huh?”

Nelissa didn’t say anything. Edward kissed her on the corner of her mouth, which was covered with a charming masculine scent that belonged only to him. Her heart trembled. Looking at Nelissa’s wet eyes that required him very much, Edward’s undulating chest gradually became hot. He kissed her for a few more times before letting go.

Nelissa smelled the refreshing smell of his shower and asked, “When can I take a shower?”

Edward didn’t answer, but said, “How about I wash a towel for you and wipe your body first?”

Nelissa could only say that she couldn’t get wet for a few days, so she had to endure it and wipe her body first. It was better than being clean, although it was a bit of mysophobia.

Edward washed a hot towel for Nelissa and first wiped her white face and hands. His big hand grabbed her delicate fingertips. He couldn’t help but lower his head and kiss her a few times. His expression was sincere and sincere.

Nelissa felt that this man usually looked noble, but why didn’t he feel dirty?

When she was wiping her body, Edward washed another towel. Nelissa didn’t wear any underwear in her hospital gown. She was naked after taking it off. As time went by, a lot of bruises gradually appeared on her fair and tender female body, which were all places where she was injured.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Edward frowned. The big hand holding the hot towel was careful and clumsy. It was the first time he had served a woman like this. Finally, his eyes turned to Nelissa’s trembling chest.

Nelissa had always been thin-skinned in this respect. She stretched out her slender arm slightly to cover it, but in Edward’s eyes, there was only a hint of vague charm. She couldn’t cover it at all.

It was hard to even grasp his hand with one hand.

Nelissa asked him in a low voice, “What’s that look in your eyes?”

Edward looked at it for a while before replying, “A normal man’s eyes.” He was not so frivolous, and it was impossible for him to have any bad thoughts at this moment. He just felt that it was beautiful, so he instinctively took a few more glances.

After quickly wiping Nelissa’s body, Edward carefully put on Nelissa’s clean hospital gown and helped her lean against the bed with a few soft pillows.

She seemed to be tired and leaned back. Her black hair scattered, and a few strands fell on her cheeks, making her look even more delicate. The next moment, he reached out and tucked the strand of hair behind her ear. She squinted at him with a faint smile, but he knew that she was enduring the pain.

His face darkened.

“What’s wrong?” Nelissa tilted her head slightly and asked him a little slowly.

Edward didn’t say a word. He suddenly leaned down, put his arm on the side of Nelissa’s head, looked at her face from a close distance, and then kissed her lips, which matched her little by little, gentle and loving.

Nelissa felt a little comfortable. She liked this kind of kiss, which gave her a feeling of being loved by him.

After the lips parted, Edward whispered, “I’ll make a phone call.”

Nelissa nodded and said, “Okay.”

Edward did not go out to make the call, but stayed in the ward to watch over Nelissa. He stood in front of the window and looked at the night sky outside. The street lights were lit and spread far away. He was waiting for her answer.

After a while, Edward’s police friend picked up the phone. It seemed that he was busy, so he answered.

Edward asked him directly, “Did you get the video?”

His friend replied, “I got it.” He went to the transportation department to apply for it and got it back. There was no need to say much about the complicated process. He looked at the time and said, “I just got out of the police station. I’m busy now. Shall I send it to you now?”

Edward asked him first, “Have you seen the video?”

His friend said, “I’ve seen it. You know what I’m capable of. I’ll definitely watch it after I get the video.” Then he lowered his voice and said, “But the video should be complete. No one has done anything to it. At 12 o’clock and 25 seconds at noon, there was a vicious car accident at the fork of the road in the Rongan District. I saw someone pushing the girl out of the road. This matter can’t be judged as an accident or suicide tendency. It has to be taken seriously.”

Edward frowned thoughtfully. He turned to look at Nelissa. She wanted to sleep, but she didn’t sleep well. She kept moving. He asked, “Did you see that person’s face?”

“I can’t see it. That person is wearing a mask and a dark jacket with a hat, so it should be covered. But judging from his figure, it must be a man.” So he was more certain that it was an intentional murder. “Before the car accident happened, there were many people standing at the intersection waiting for the red light, and no one would pay extra attention to that person. After the accident, everyone’s attention was focused there, only that person. He was retreating, retreating from the crowd, and then a motorcycle came to help him and left.”

The whole process was completed in a minute. It was hard to imagine that it was not a good plan. It should be a veteran in dealing with a criminal. “The motorcycle is not on board, and it looks very shabby in the video. I guess I got it from a waste, so I can’t use this clue.”

Edward asked again, “Where is the motorcycle going?”

The friend said, “There are different surveillance videos in every road. It’s hard for me to capture all the videos. I can’t be sure where he drove to. And this kind of motorcycle usually doesn’t take the main road or the alleys. There are no surveillance cameras in those places. It’s too difficult to track him down.”

Edward thought quickly in silence and asked his friend, “Are you in the police station now?”

“Yes. I’m on the night shift tonight.” His friend added, “I did it secretly for you. If you file it, I can do it openly for you.”

Edward immediately said, “Send that video to my mailbox now. Prepare a copy first.”

The friend acted according to what he said. After confirming that he had clicked and sent it to Edward’s mailbox, he said with a smile, “You are quite cautious. My dad once said that you have the potential to be a policeman, but your big family will definitely not let you do such a dangerous business. By the way, what’s your relationship with the girl in the video who was pushed out of the road? How is she doing now?”

Edward looked at Nelissa, who was in low spirits, and said, “She’s in the hospital. It’s okay. Her life is not in danger. Stay in the police station tonight and come to the hospital tomorrow morning. It’s a little inconvenient for me now.”

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