Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 227: Help Someone In Danger

Chapter 227: Help Someone In Danger 

Jennifer's POV:

Morgan jotted down what Anthony and I dictated.

When he was done, he rolled up the letter and tied it to the leg of the carrier pigeon.

He then opened the window to send the pigeon on its way. Watching the little bird fly off into the distance, I gradually felt relieved.

But then gusts of freezing cold winds blew in from the window, whipping at me.

As though the injuries weren't painful enough, the snow mountain's biting cold was simply unbearable.

I shivered uncontrollably as the cold seeped into my bones. "Jennifer, you're shivering! Stop pretending to be strong and drink the potion for the cold."

Anthony hurriedly looked for the bottle of magic medicine that Amelia had given us in his back pack.

When he handed it to me, Morgan's eyes lit up excitedly.

"Oh, my God! Isn't that Amelia's?"

He bounded over and pointed at the bottle in Anthony's hand.

"I would recognize it anywhere.That must mean Amelia really is alive!"

He clasped his hands gratefully, tears welling up in his eyes. "Yes, Amelia gave this to us.She helped us prepare for this trip.Without her, I doubt we would've made it this far,"

Anthony explained with a smile, pressing the bottle into my hand.

The second I swallowed the medicine, a wave of delicious warmth enveloped my body. "Can you take me with you back to the royal palace? I really want to see my dear Amelia again,"

Morgan pleaded.

Seeing how desperate he looked, Anthony and I exchanged emotional glances.

"Of course, Morgan," I said softly.

"We're indebted to both you and Amelia.Plus, we promised her that we would help her find her husband.You can go to see her at the royal palace any time you wish."

I reached out and patted him on the shoulder, smiling warmly. Just then, Anthony suddenly clutched his chest and gasped in pain.

"Anthony!" I rushed to his side.

"Are you okay? Is it the Love Curse? Wait, I'll get you the medicine!"

I started rummaging through my backpack desperately, but no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find the medicine.

Oh, God! Could it have been lost in the avalanche? As horror began to overtake me, I looked helplessly at Anthony, who was curled up in pain.

How could I relieve his pain? I was at a total loss.I could do nothing but hold him in my arms tightly.

"Anthony, I can't find the medicine.I'm so sorry.What should I do?"

Anthony had broken into a cold sweat.

I tried to wipe it off his forehead.

He grimaced in pain and shut his eyes tight.

I couldn't bear to see him like this.

"Let me help."

Suddenly, Morgan raised his magic wand, winking at me.

"Don't forget that I'm a wizard, too."

As he spoke, he started to wave his magic wand.

A bright light exploded from the wand's tip and landed on Anthony.

Anthony's tightly-knit eyebrows instantly relaxed.

"Anthony! Are you okay? Do you feel better?" I asked.

Anthony opened his eyes slowly and reached for my hand.

"Thank you, Morgan.I can't thank you enough!"

Now that Anthony's condition had stabilized, I quickly nodded gratefully to Morgan.

"It was nothing, really.You were the ones who let me know that Amelia is alive.I'm obliged to help you!"

Morgan stroked his beard.

"Now help him into bed.You both are still injured.Let's discuss things further once you've recovered."

After giving me a reassuring smile, he then turned to leave and closed the door behind him.

"Thank you, Morgan."

When he was gone, I helped Anthony to the bed and made him lie down.

I lay down next to him, pulling the quilt over both of us. Finally, it was just us. "Anthony, thank you for coming to save me back there.You were like my knight in shining armor—you made me swoon like a teenage girl!"

Recalling how we had almost died, I couldn't help but feel grateful to my mate and I wanted him to know this.

"But I still failed to protect you in the end.I'm sorry, Jennifer,"

Anthony whispered, pecking me on the forehead.

"Don't apologize.As long as you're fine, I'm fine."

I snuggled in Anthony's arms and kissed his lips.

"I love you, Anthony.Let's find the Tear of Edith as soon as possible.The sooner we remove the Love Curse, the better."

"You're right.After all, I'm still waiting for you to be my bride." Anthony smiled.

Nestled in each other's arms, we gradually fell asleep...

Skylar's POV:

The second I opened my eyes the following morning, I recalled the terrible nightmare I had last night.

I sat bolt upright and reached for my phone.

"Jerome, I'm going to try calling Jennifer." I dialed her number anxiously.

"Jennifer, please answer the phone."

But my prayers didn't work.I tried her number three times, but the call refused to connect.Next, I tried to ring Anthony, but to no avail.

"Jerome!" I cried helplessly.

"How could this be? Something must have happened to them.We need to do something!"

Jerome was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at me worriedly.

I threw myself into his arms, tears already streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"Don't cry, Skylar!"

Jerome hugged me back tightly. "Jerome, we need to send some werewolves to look for them and we need to inform the royal palace that something must have happened to them..."

In a state of panic, I started rambling.I could never forgive myself.I already knew that they couldn't be reached yesterday, and despite all the bad omens, I didn't take any action.

Jennifer was my best friend! I couldn't lose her! Just as I was about to break down, we heard a rap on the window.

I looked up and found a white pigeon perched outside on the window will.

Upon a closer look, there was a small note tied to its leg.

Jerome hurried to the window and opened it.

"Skylar, it's a carrier pigeon!"

Jerome carefully untied the note from its leg and handed it to me.

"Here, read it.Maybe it's from Jennifer!"

My hands trembled as I unfolded the piece of paper.

"Dear Skylar, it's me, Jennifer.We're fine.Please don't worry about us.We made it to the snow mountain and are going to look for the Tear of Edith.There's no signal up here, so the only way to let you know that we're safe is through this carrier pigeon."

As I read the letter, I covered my mouth with excitement.

"Jerome, it is from Jennifer!" I exclaimed.

"She's fine! She and Mr.Jones are fine.They're going to look for the divine flower."

Now that I knew they were safe and sound, I buried my head into Jerome's arms and broke into sobs.I was so relieved!

"Don't cry, honey.Jennifer is fine, isn't she? Stop stressing over it.It's not good for the baby."

Jerome gently stroked the back of my head.

"It sounds like they'll be back soon.I just know they'll succeed!"

"Jerome, I'm still a little worried.How about we go talk to Tony?" I wiped my tears.

"Okay.I was just about to send someone to summon him, anyway." Jerome helped me up.

"It's a cold day today.Make sure you put on more layers."

After freshening up, Jerome and I set out to look for Tony.

"Oh, Alpha Jerome, Luna Skylar! You must be here for the news about your sister and her mate."

As soon as Tony opened the door for us, he greeted us warmly. "Yes.What have you found out? How are they doing?"

Jerome asked.

"I tried to find out about them as soon as I woke up this morning.The resulting divination gave me good signs.In fact, I was just about to go out to tell you."

Tony clapped his hands happily.

"I saw that they were helped by someone else, and they're out of harm's way now."

Hearing this from Tony, I finally let out a huge sigh of relief.

After expressing our thanks, Jerome and I turned to leave.

We chatted and chuckled on our way back.

As we were talking, I suddenly noticed a billboard in front of us was about to fall on a little boy, who was playing under it.


I screamed and rushed to save the little boy regardless of anything else.

But I was too late; the shaky billboard snapped and plummeted to the ground.

I couldn't stand the thought of the little boy getting crushed by the billboard.

Suddenly, my blood began to boil and I instinctively raised my hand.

A force exploded from my fingertips.

Driven by that force, a strong gust of wind suddenly rippled through the air.

Before I realized what was going on, the wind had managed to blow the billboard far away. © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

The little boy was spared, and no one was hurt.

When I saw this, I stopped in my tracks.

Panting, I stared at my palm in a daze.

"Skylar, we need to go.The boy is fine.His mother will take care of him."

Snapping me out of my trance, Jerome suddenly came over and grabbed my arm.

He started dragging me away and I was too stunned to resist.

After putting some distance between us and the scene, Jerome finally let go of me.

He looked at me with mixed emotions.

He seemed troubled.

"Skylar, I saw what just happened.You used your special power again just now.I'm just glad we left quickly enough and that no one noticed anything unusual."

Jerome sighed heavily. "Jerome, I'm sorry, but I couldn't just stand by and watch a child get hurt without doing anything."

I slumped into his arms like a deflated balloon.

"Skylar, look!"

Jerome grabbed my wrist.

When I looked down to check, I found that the hexagram mark on my wrist was shining.

"The mark's getting more and more noticeable.Maybe this has something to do with your identity..."

"Honestly, Jerome, I don't think I can control my special powers much longer," I murmured sadly.

"Daniel's getting married in a few days.You can't expose your special powers at the wedding.Promise me you won't do anything rash, Skylar."

Jerome's tone was grave, but he held me tightly in his arms.

"Okay.I promise."

In that moment, I made up my mind not to make things difficult for Jerome.

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