Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



Alyssa and Juliet walked inside the house as they followed Alex to the hall and sat on the sofa.

“Excited?” Alex questioned as Alyssa shrugged her shoulders.

“I am excited yet nervous” Juliet giggled out as Alex hummed remembering when he got mated to


“Was it scary?” Alyssa now questioned as Alex shook his head to a no.

“It was fun to know now you only belong to one person and they belong to you that means no cheating”

Alex laughed out making Alyssa and Juliet laugh as their mind got diverted and they didn’t feel that

much nervous anymore.

“Having fun?” Loukas questioned as he walked in with Ronin and Jace. Loukas sat on his respected

seat with his mate while Jace and Ronin did the same.

“Fun? Mister you didn’t let us walk out of the guest room you assigned us and it was so boring” Alyssa

complained as Juliet agreed with her older sister.

“Yeah, you guys didn’t even visit us and we were served breakfast inside, lunch inside even dinner

inside. It was so boring” Juliet now complained as Loukas signed nodding his head.

“We know it must be hard but you aren’t mated and if we met you it would have been hard to control

ourselves” Ronin spoke as he held Juliet’s hand who huffed pulling it back.

“Jewels, you see if Ronin visited you in this red moon time, it would have been hard for him to pull back

because the red moon in the vampire world makes it hard for unmated vampires to control when their

mates are next to them,” Loukas explained as Juliet glanced at Ronin who pouted making Juliet giggle

as she hugged his arm.

“So, is that why in the human world it was easier to be with us rather than in the vampire world?”

Alyssa questioned as Loukas nodded his head.

“I have a question” Juliet spoke as Loukas nodded his head.

“Is this why Draco wasn’t going insane so fast? If it was this vampire world, he would have gone insane

quickly?” Juliet now questioned out of curiosity as Ronin hummed.

“Yeah, you are right.” Ronin spoke as he rested his head on Juliet’s shoulder who smiled at his mate.

“So, is this why you visited us for like half an hour every morning?” Alyssa questioned as Loukas stared

into her eyes and nodded his head while he hummed.

“Can we now have a tour?” Juliet spoke excitedly as she so wanted to look around and explore the

whole castle.

“Sure, you can little one but we can’t give you the tour.” Loukas chuckled out as Juliet pouted and sadly

glanced at Ronin who shrugged sighing.

“We have to set things for the mating ball tomorrow. Your cupboards need to be set in our room and

guest lists need to be set even crowns.” Ronin explained as Juliet sighed nodding and agreeing.

“Don’t forget the warrior side needs to go patrol first” Jace spoke reminding Loukas and Ronin about

the danger that Juliet, Alyssa, and Luna could be in if not careful since they are still humans.

“Until you 3 are not turned into vampires, I must protect you whenever Loukas, Ronin, and Draco are

not around” Jace spoke to Alyssa and Juliet who nodded smiling as they felt protected.

“I can give them a tour” Alex chirped in smiling as Juliet and Alyssa excitedly nodded their heads.

“Yeah sure, Alex can show you both around while Jace can handle the warriors and Ronin can handle

the settings in our rooms till Draco wakes up and I will see the guest list” Loukas spoke as he stood up

and gestured his hand in front of Alyssa who took it while she stood up.

“Come on let’s go” Alex spoke excitedly as he took Alyssa and Juliet with him.

“You shouldn’t keep them here. After mating ... take them to the human world and stay with them” Jace

suggested as he stared right into Loukas’s eyes who shook his head.

“They would be safe here as well. We have you, Alex, your parents and family, our family. We will all

protect them. After what happened to Luna, it’s better if they stay here” Loukas spoke making Jace sigh

as he nodded his head.

“Well let’s start working” Ronin spoke as he went to the workers and started working with Loukas’s

room first while Jace went to the warriors telling them and planning the security.

Loukas started checking and arranging the guest list and the cards while his dad and mom helped him.


“This was fun” Alyssa spoke as she sat on the sofa again all tired.

“I know right. This castle is so huge” Juliet giggled out as Alex chuckled humming.

“I know...when I first got mated to Jace, I was really confused about everything cause he brought me to

this house and later took me to another saying that is my house” Alex spoke all confused as he shook

his head.

“So, you are a vampire, right? And since Jace is a vampire too can you tell us how the mating goes?”

Alyssa questioned all confused.

“Uh...honestly Jace is a hybrid. He is half wolf. His dad is a wolf king while his mom is a vampire.” Alex

spoke as he sighed smiling at his new friends.

“So, he is more of a wolf?” Juliet questioned as Alex hummed happily.

“Yeah, so Jace’s mom and Loukas, Draco, and Ronin’s mom are twins. Non-identical twins and they

went to the same school as Jace’s dad and Loukas, Draco, and Ronin’s dad. My uncle and Jace’s dad

who is also my dad now were and still are best friends so they rule in harmony.” Alex explained as he

coughed rubbing his eyes.

“Are you ok?” Juliet now questioned as Alex hummed.

“Yeah, my heat is getting closer that’s all” Alex explained as he closed his eyes for few minutes.

“Will we have heats too after mating?” Alyssa questioned as Juliet bit her bottom lip scared.

“No, you won’t and since you both will be my family soon you both should know that I am not a

vampire. I was once a low-life omega and I still am one” Alex spoke as tears prickled his eyes

while he swallowed trying to control his tears.

“No, omegas are extremely precious. His pack was a low life that’s why his kind ended up being hated”

Jace suddenly spoke as he entered the room and sat next to Alex who hugged him.

“Um, I don’t get it” Juliet spoke all confused yet again as Jace ruffled her hair.

“It’s ok. I will explain when Luna is here too because you 3 should know how precious Alex is” Jace

spoke as he kissed the crown of his mate’s head.

“Well, he is already my precious friend” Alyssa smiled as she stood up and sat on her knees keeping

her hand on top of Alex’s hand.

“Mine as well” Juliet spoke as she hugged Alex who chuckled hugging them back.

“Have you seen your rooms?” Jace suddenly questioned as Alyssa and Juliet shook their heads.

“Well, Ronin informed me that they are ready and Alex can drop one of you to your room. Everything is

ready so you can select tomorrow’s mating outfit at night” Jace spoke as he stood up.

“I can take you Alyssa to your room because I need to talk with Loukas anyway while Alex can take

Juliet to her room” Jace spoke again as Alyssa hummed waving at Alex and Juliet as she quickly

followed Jace.

Alyssa stayed quiet as she looked around while she tried to remember the way when Jace suddenly

stopped. “Well, this is your room. Go in and please call Loukas out for a minute” Jace smiled at Alyssa

who nodded her head and knocked on the door.

Jace suddenly laughed as he opened the door and pushed Alyssa in a little.

“Bro, your princess is here and was knocking on the door also come here for a bit” Jace laughed out

making Loukas laugh as well.

“You don’t need to knock on your room door” Loukas smiled as he lightly pinched Alyssa’s cheek while

he gestured her to sit.

Loukas walked out of the room and closed the door as he stared at Jace who stopped laughing and

stared at Loukas while he sighed.

“We found an intruder” Jace whispered as Loukas’s gaze hardened.

“What the hell? Where are they?” Loukas questioned all angry as Jace could see the fire in his eyes.

“Calm down. He is in jail but I needed your permission in two things” Jace spoke as Loukas nodded his

head and listened to his cousin.

“What is it?” Loukas questioned as Jace scratched his neck all worried.

“Well, I want to take the prisoner to my jail because what if he does something? He shouldn’t be in this

castle but till I find out everything with Draco...I just want you to let my mate stay here. I want him to be

safe” Jace requested as Loukas hummed agreeing.

“Sure, this is your house as well idiot and your mate is like my little brother so he is welcomed here

anytime.” Jace hugged Loukas happily as he walked away leaving Loukas who chuckled shaking his

head as he went back to his room to see Alyssa looking at their luxurious room in awe.

The curtains were red while one wall was painted orange and the rest were painted black. The king-

size bed was placed in a corner while a small sofa set was placed in a corner on the other side.

On both sides of the bed, small side tables were placed with a lamp on the top. There were two doors

in the room and one of them led them to the luxurious washroom while the other led them to a big room

that was their walk-in-cupboard.

Alyssa sat their all amazed as Loukas walked up to her and sat next to her.

“You like it?” Loukas questioned as Alyssa looked at her as she giggled.

“Like it? I love it” Alyssa hugged Loukas who laughed hugging her back.

“I kind of feel sad cause Luna is finally back but I still couldn’t meet her and talk to her” Alyssa

whispered as Loukas hummed agreeing.

“Don’t worry darling, you will meet her soon” Alyssa hummed as she stood up and looked around.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

Alyssa opened the washroom door as her mouth dropped. It was as big as her room in the human


“I feel like a princess” Alyssa whispered as she closed the door and opened the other door while the

lights opened on their own and she looked at all the clothes amazed.

“My darling, you are a princess” Loukas laughed out making Alyssa giggle as well.

“Let’s go somewhere” Alyssa spoke as Loukas shook his head to a no.

“No, my darling, not until you are mated so let’s watch a movie instead. A date on our bed?” Loukas

questioned trying to brighten up Alyssa’s mood as she nodded smiling.

Alyssa sat on the bed while Loukas tried finding the perfect movie.

“Hey Lou, tomorrow there is going to be a ball where your parents will announce our mating and I am

really nervous. What if everything goes wrong?” Alyssa questioned as she played with her thumb

making Loukas laugh.

He took the remote and walked to the bed as he sat next to Alyssa. He pulled her on his lap while he

kissed her neck.

“Till I am around, nothing can go wrong. Trust me and stop being nervous. You are soon to be the

queen of the vampire world” Loukas hugged Alyssa as she hummed resting her head on Loukas's


Loukas pulled the blanket as he covered himself and Alyssa. He took the small remote on the side

table as he clicked the ‘off’ button which switched off the lights.

“I love you” Loukas confessed as he kissed Alyssa’s cheek making her smile as she said “I love you

too” while she hugged Loukas’s arm.

Loukas now sat comfortably while Alyssa relaxed as well. Loukas played the movie and watched it in

silence enjoying each other’s company.


On the other hand, Alex took Juliet to her room while she excitedly walked.

“Well, this is your and Ronin’s room” Alex spoke as he waved at Juliet and walked away to the guest

room that he was staying in with Jace.

Juliet bit her bottom lip all nervous as she opened the door and walked inside the luxurious room as her

mouth went wide out of shock.

The room was blue with only one wall painted grey with grey and black curtains. The furniture was all

black as well and just like Alyssa and Loukas’s room this room also had two doors and one led to the

luxurious washroom while the other led to a luxurious walk-in-cupboard.

Juliet sat on the bed all stunned when Ronin walked into his room and saw his mate looking at the

room all surprised. He closed the door and he went and sat next to her and held her hand.

“Tomorrow we will finally be mated” Ronin spoke all excited as Juliet nodded her head happily while

she hugged him.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow’s ball. I just hope I don’t make a fool out of myself” Juliet nervously laughed

making Ronin smile.

“I don’t mind because no matter what I will always love you” Ronin kissed Juliet’s cheek as she smiled

kissing his back.

They stared into each other’s eyes as they moved their heads forward and connected their lips.

The peck lasted for few seconds as Ronin broke it remembering the main reason he was here.

“Sorry, princess but I just remembered since I can’t take you outside the castle so I thought if you want

to go to our castle’s garden? There are all kinds of colorful flowers and we have swings” Ronin spoke

hoping Juliet said yes.

“Yeah, sure I would love that” Juliet happily cheered as she stood up pulling Ronin up as well.

“let’s go” Juliet happily chirped and hugged Ronin’s arm while they walked out of the room to the

garden that was at the backside of the castle.

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