Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



Alexander, Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna were well aware that this was war, but they were willing to fight

because they cared deeply about their mates and wanted them to live.

The tension in the room was rising as Alexander's rage was frightening his father and mother-in-law,

Elena and Gavin.

“Alex, stay away from this fight,” Jace warned Alexander, who stood ready to protect Luna, Alyssa, and


“I remember very clearly that the day your cousins abandoned my friends, you told me that I needed to

be brave so that I could support and protect them, so that is what I will do,” Alexander said as he glared

at Jace.

“You can't protect them all by yourself.” Ronin spoke as Juliet laughed and shook her head, taking a

step forward and saying, "Who said he's alone?" While Luna and Alyssa took a step forward, they

alerted Ronin that they were with Alexander.

Loukas looked at Jace and whispered, "Now," while Jace nodded and yelled, "WOLVES ATTACK!"

As Loukas, Draco, Ronin, and Jace stared at them, not a single wolf moved.

“I said to attack them,” Jace said as Alexander clicked his tongue and shook his head as Maya took a

step forward.

Maya said, "Brother, those wolves will never listen to you," motioning to the wolves who had moved to

Maya's side, while adding, "You might be the king, but your orders only work on me so you need to

control me to make them listen to you, but you overlooked that detail."

“The wolves are on our side because the pack alpha is on our side.” Nathan said, nodding to her

friends who had gathered around the girls to protect them.

“It doesn't matter because few of them are on our side,” Draco said, as Jace nodded and added, “and

we have vampires on our side, too.”

Maya was suddenly attacked by a wolf, but she avoided it by quickly transforming into a wolf while

standing ready to fight.

“ATTACK!” Loukas yelled as all the vampires, wolves, and witches on his side attacked the vampires,

wolves, and witches on Alyssa, Juliet, Alexander, and Luna's side.

Amy, Kim, and Sam sat on the throne without a care in the world, relishing the sight of blood being

spilled as the fight progressed.

Everyone knew they weren't supposed to kill the other, but rather make them faint so they could be

imprisoned for betrayal.

Both sides obeyed, and all of the wolves had transformed into their wolf-self whereas the vampires had

no transformation unless they had royal blood in them.

Adrian and Nathan were fighting Draco while trying to protect Luna, who was also fighting Draco while

a wolf was helping him.

While Loukas was attempting to murder Alyssa, he was assisted by a vampire, but Nathan, Victoria,

and Isabella were doing everything they could to protect Alyssa.

Alexander continued to try to attack Jace, who was attacking back with the help of two wolves, but

Gavin and Michael were assisting Alexander, knowing full well that Jace would not calm down until

Alexander was dead or on his side.

Juliet, on the other hand, was attempting to hit Ronin with a broken chair piece while Layla, Mia, and

Elena assisted her because Ronin was being assisted by a vampire.

The entire hall was turned upside down as most of the guests who had no idea what was going on fled

because they didn't want to be a part of this war.

Juliet was trying her hardest to attack and figure out what was wrong with her mate when she

accidentally hit the wolf that had almost attacked her, and the wolf fainted after being hit on the head

with wood.

“Oopsie,” Juliet said as she poked the wolf with the wood when she heard Alyssa yell, and she looked

over to see her arm had a burn mark.

Juliet noticed Loukas' transformation into his true vampire form, which meant he was using his royal

blood's powers.

"Alyssa," Juliet said, terrified, as she saw Victoria use her waterpower to calm Alyssa, who was crying,

while Isabella and Noah were protecting them.

“Juliet, be careful!” Mia yelled as she hugged Juliet and was hit by Ronin as she fainted in Juliet's arm,

tears streaming down Juliet's cheek.

Juliet yelled "MIA..." as she shook her, and then she yelled again. “...MIA WAKE UP,” as she glanced at

Layla, Mia's mate, to see her terrified stare at her mate.

Juliet stuttered out “I-Isabella” as she took a deep breath and continued “Switch places with me” she

stood up grabbing the wood as her eyes turned a beautiful shade of yellow as she angrily took steps

towards Ronin.

Juliet noticed Elena fainted on the floor as she sighed and stared back at Ronin. She punched Ronin,

who blocked her punch, but she suddenly kicked him as he collapsed on the floor.

“You have harmed my friends and family, so I will never forgive you,” Juliet said through gritted teeth as

she transformed into her vampire form and punched Ronin again, who dodged it and punched Juliet

back, as she fell.

“JULIET WATCH OUT!” Ruby yelled as Juliet saw Maya in her wolf form attack Ronin, who fell yet

again as he tried to fight Maya while Juliet remained motionless.

Juliet felt bad because she knew she was being protected by everyone, and she despised the fact that

she was so frail that her friends and family were suffering because of her.

Ronin tried to hit Juliet several times, but Juliet noticed that no matter what, someone always saved


Though Juliet had noticed that no matter what, Ronin's punches and attacks weren't strong towards

her, nor was he using his powers against her, as if something was holding him back because he either

didn't punch her by stopping on his own, or it felt as if someone didn't let him hurt her.

Juliet despised the fact that everyone was doing everything they could to protect her, even if it meant

putting themselves in danger.

Mia was hurt and fainted, as was Elena, Jace's mother, who fainted in a corner while Isabella was

severely injured.

Maya was currently protecting Juliet while attacking Ronin, who was attacking her back, which terrified


Juliet gasped, tears welling up in her eyes, as she saw Ronin pick up Maya and throw her against the

wall, causing her to faint.

Juliet quickly stood up and ran towards Maya, but she was grabbed by someone and yelled in pain.

“Where do you think you're going?” Juliet overheard Ronin say as she gasped as she was forcefully

turned around.

Ronin yanked Juliet's hair as tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to push Ronin away.

Ronin laughed as he let go of Juliet's hair and said, "Now it's finally your turn to die," as Juliet stared at

Ronin in fear.

Juliet suddenly pushed Ronin away with all her strength, but it didn't work, so Juliet began to think of

something else that would work while struggling to break free from Ronin's strong grip.

Juliet looked around as an idea occurred to her, and she quickly kissed Ronin's cheek, who let go of

her as he took a step back, surprised.

Juliet took advantage of the situation by pushing Ronin down and sitting on top of him as Ronin began

to fight her.

Juliet began to fight, and Ronin grabbed her hair and punched her stomach as she gasped, her gaze

falling on Kim, Amy, and Sam, who were sitting with their eyes closed.

“JULIET,” Ruby yelled as Juliet glanced her way as Ruby yelled “TAKE OFF THE NECKLACE,” which

confused Juliet.

Ruby yelled, "ALYSSA TAKE OFF THE NECKLACE," took a deep breath, and yelled again, "LUNA

TAKE IT OFF," which puzzled Juliet greatly.

Juliet noticed Kim, Amy, and Sam holding something and their hands were glowing when Ronin

punched Juliet again while she gasped in pain that is when her eyes landed on a string that Ronin was


Juliet touched the string and remembered Ronin never wore any string. She pulled the string and

noticed a small pearl that was glowing and the color of the ocean, just like Ronin's power.

Juliet looked up again as she noticed Sam's hand glowing the same color as Juliet pulled the string

with the pearl in it while Ronin shook his head while yelling.

Juliet smashed the pearl as it broke into pieces on the floor when she glanced at Sam who was fainted.

Juliet smiled as she gasped in pain when she noticed Ronin had fainted, and she fainted in his arms.


Alexander was doing everything he could to fight his mate Jace, who was much stronger than


Michael was badly hurt, and he was fainted, whereas Gavin was injured and was too tired to move.

Alexander was left alone with his mate but still, Jace didn't want to hurt his mate but knew he had to

because his mate hadn't agreed to be on his side.

Jace didn't know why he was fighting, but all he knew was that he despised his mate, which perplexed


Alexander fought as hard as he could, but he was injured because Jace used his powers on him.

Jace punched Alexander, who fell as tears streamed down his face, and Jace grabbed Alexander

roughly by the hair.

“You could have been on my team,” Jace said, letting go of Alexander's hair and looking him in the


Alexander said, "I would never be on the team that killed my child." As Jace looked at Alexander


"I never killed our child," Jace said as he grabbed Alexander's face and spoke sternly, "How could you

blame me?"

“I never blamed you,” Alexander said as he tried to take Jace's hand away as he added, "I know you

never killed our child, but you are assisting those who did.”

As he let go of Alexander's face, Jace yelled "NO!" and added, "I am not," while glaring at Alexander,

who sadly smiled.

“Yes, you are my love,” Alexander said softly, as Jace responded, “Don't call me that” while punching

Alexander, who coughed in pain.

“W-why?” stuttered Alexander. Why can't I call you that?” he exclaimed, breathing heavily from the


Jace said, "Because I Jace Edward reject you, Alexander." and as Alexander's eyes widened in

surprise, he whispered, "Y...You can't," while Jace stood up and replied, "Oh yes I can," as tears

streamed down Alexander's cheek.

As Alexander watched Jace walk away to fight with Maya and Ruby, old memories of being alone and

never having a mate resurfaced in his mind.

Alexander felt hopeless and alone, and bad memories of being hated by everyone echoed in his head

as he yelled in agony.

Tears streamed down Alexander's cheek as he shivered in a corner, gasping for air.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Alexander's entire body ached as his mating mark burned, making him dizzy, but he tried his hardest to

stay upright.

“I…I won't lose,” Alexander said as he stood up, feeling weak but still attempting to walk towards Jace.

Alexander noticed Maya running away to save Juliet while Jace was fighting a wolf from Maya's pack.

“Look who we have here,” Alexander's eyes widened as he realized the voice belonged to his previous

pack alpha, making him shiver with fear.

Alexander wasn't afraid of anything except his previous pack because they had mistreated him, but he

was getting used to not being afraid of them, but now that he had been rejected...he was terrified.

Alexander shivered in fear as he turned around to see Georgio and Merritt.

“J-Jace,” Alexander said as Georgio and Merritt laughed, while Alexander realized that Jace had

rejected him and that he now had no mate.

“Look at the poor thing,” Georgio said, adding, “he just got rejected, and his mate told us to finally kill


“Y-You're lying,” Alexander said as he stumbled back as Merritt replied, "No, little brother, I hated your

mate but what he told us today made me like him a lot," as tears streamed down Alexander's cheek.

Alexander turned around after colliding with someone and looked up to see Jace.

“I am sorry,” Alexander said, clutching Jace's shirt tightly, adding, “I would rather die than break the

promise I made to my mate that I would protect his cousin's mate with my life” as he punched Jace and

prepared to fight Georgio and Merritt.

“JULIET,” Ruby yelled, as Alexander looked at Juliet, concerned. Ruby then added, “TAKE OFF THE

NECKLACE,” which perplexed Alexander.

Ruby yelled, "ALYSSA TAKE OFF THE NECKLACE," took a deep breath, and yelled again, "LUNA

TAKE IT OFF," which perplexed Alexander when Jace suddenly held Alexander as Merritt punched

Alexander as Alexander gasped for air but continued to stare at Juliet.

Alexander saw Juliet take something from Ronin's neck as he saw Juliet look at Sam and then break it

while Sam and Ronin fainted.

Jace let go of Alexander as he yanked his hair back, saying, "I seriously loved you, but you chose the

wrong side." Alexander noticed Jace was wearing a string with a small green and brown pearl that

looked like his powers.

Alexander drew the necklace as Jace stumbled back, shaking his head, as he fell on the floor while he

struggled to stay awake.

Georgio and Merritt suddenly attacked him while Alexander fell with the pearl in his hand.

Alexander saw Jace who was on the floor as he sighed while he pushed Merritt aside and quickly sat

next to Jace, caressing his cheek.

Alexander said, "I knew my Jace wouldn't hurt me," as he pecked Jace's cheek, adding, "You were

being controlled by those assholes all along, and I'm sorry I didn't notice that instead, I kept on hurting


Georgio grabbed Alexander's arm and yanked him up as he forcefully tried to take him away while Jace

couldn’t move.

Alexander pushed Georgio and quickly threw the pearl on the floor and stomped on it, shattering it into

tiny pieces.

Alexander noticed how Jace kept on staring at him as his eyes closed while Alexander looked around

when he noticed Nathanial fainted next to Kim, proving he was in controlling Jace.

Merritt and Georgio grabbed Alexander together this time as Alexander yelled for help.

Georgio and Merritt punched him together, causing Alexander to gasp for air and pass out on the spot.

Alexander has fainted as Georgio picked him up to lock him in a room.

No one noticed Georgio and Merritt as they went and threw Alexander inside a small room outside the

castle while locking the door and throwing away the keys.

Georgio said, "I hope this time your brother dies," as Merritt laughed, and he replied, "This time he will

die, and because of this Jace will die, and our revenge will be taken," as they both laughed and walked


Alexander was badly injured and bleeding while he was locked away with no one knowing anything

about it.

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