Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



Alexander's longing eyes told Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna that he missed Jace a lot, so they decided it was

best to let them be for a while.

“You both met after 3 weeks, so we'll wait outside while you both enjoy yourselves.” Alyssa laughed as

she stood up to grab a bag of chips, while Juliet grabbed the jellies.

As Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna nodded and walked out of the room, Jace said, "Thank you, I will just take 5

minutes so you can wait in Juliet's room."

As the guards kept an eye on them, Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna went to the other room and sat down while

they waited for Alexander and Jace.

Nobody knew what would happen in the future, but it was certain that something disastrous would


Alexander sighed as he gazed at Jace with love in his eyes, and Jace returned his gaze.

There was no sound, nor was there any movement. It was eerily quiet, but it was peaceful.

Alexander felt as if he had met Jace for the first time and had fallen in love with him all over again.

Jace and Alexander's only messages in the last three weeks were either "Good morning, have a good

day" or "Good night, sweet dreams."

“I-I missed you,” Alexander stuttered, his face flushed, as he turned away when he noticed Jace stand

up and rush to lock the door.

“J-Jace?” Alexander tilted his head, perplexed as to why Jace wasn't speaking.

Jace abruptly turned around and took big steps toward Alexander, who was taking small steps back.

Alexander's back hit the wall as he turned his body to see there was no way to escape Jace's predatory

eyes, which caused Alexander to squeak in embarrassment as he looked back at the front.

Jace was directly in front of Alexander, towering over him, causing Alexander's cheek to flush.

“Um...Jace, I-I ... Um we have to g-go" Alexander stuttered as Jace hummed while keeping his right

hand on the wall, causing Alexander to gulp nervously.

Jace wrapped his left arm around Alexander's waist and drew him towards himself, while Alexander

pushed him away with his hand on Jace's belly, but Jace was far stronger than Alexander.

“J-Jace, we need to g-" Alexander couldn't finish his sentence because Jace kissed him, causing him to


Alexander slowly closed his eyes, embarrassed, as Jace drew him closer than before.

Jace broke the small kiss by licking Alexander's lip while staring directly into Alexander's purple orbs,

causing Alexander to smile.

“I missed you too, my cub,” Jace said, smiling at Alexander, who quickly hugged Jace and rested his

head on Jace’s chest.

“I'm sorry we sent you to investigate Kim, Sam, and Amy,” Alexander said as Jace pulled away from the


As Alexander stared into Jace's orange orbs, Jace said, "No, it's good that you did that."

“Are you certain?” Alexander inquired, to which Jace replied, "Yes, look, I even found out that they are

really behind it, and to top it off, they want to hurt you as well."

Alexander shrugged his shoulders and said, "I kind of knew that because they always hated me,

especially Kim."

“Well, you captured my heart, which is why she despises you.” Jace spoke as he pecked Alexander's

shoulder and sucked on it, leaving a kiss mark while winking at Alexander.

“It's not my fault I'm your mate,” Alexander replied as Jace chuckled and pecked Alexander's neck.

As he hugged Alexander, whose face was still red, Jace said, "If we were both humans, I would still

have chosen you."

Alexander inquired, "Why?" Jace replied, "Because I love you," prompting Alexander to smile and

respond, "I love you even more."

“You didn't reply to my messages for a week, and I was worried,” Alexander said as he frowned while

Jace sighed and hugged Alexander tightly.

“I am sorry, my cub, but unfortunately my work was completed in two weeks and I was returning home,”

Jace said as Alexander let go of Jace with confusion written all over his face.

“What happened?” Alexander inquired, to which Jace replied, "It was all perfect until I ran into your old

pack," scaring Alexander.

"D-Did anything happen?" Alexander stuttered out scared as Jace sighed and replied, "Yeah, they

captured me for crossing their territory," which terrified Alexander.

Jace hugged Alexander to try to calm him down as he shivered in fear.

“How did you get away?” Alexander was terrified as Jace replied, "Well, I am the king after all," which

caused Alexander to smile a little.

“You weren't hurt, right?” Alexander inquired once more as he cupped Jace's cheek, who kissed

Alexander's hand while keeping his hand on top of Alexander's.

“No, your brother and that ex-alpha did beat me up with some of their other friends and kept me in jail,

but thankfully, the actual alpha of that pack returned from a peace treaty thing she went to and got

extremely angry at them,” Jace said, as Alexander stared him worried.

“What happened next?” Alexander inquired, to which Jace replied, “Well, they let me go and begged

me not to hurt them or say anything bad about their pack, so I agreed because it wasn't their fault.”

Alexander hummed nodding.

Alexander spoke up. “Yes, it was my brother's and that asshole's fault,” he sighed, his gaze fixed on

Jace, who smiled at Alexander.

Jace let go of Alexander as he sat on the sofa and motioned for him to sit, so Alexander sat, but Jace

pulled Alexander onto his lap.

“Is it painful?” Alexander inquired, concerned about Jace's wounds.

“Yes it’s painful and I told them I needed to go home soon, so I didn't check my wounds,” Jace said, as

Alexander frowned and said, “Let me see.”

Alexander stood up and took the first aid kit from the drawer, while Jace undressed and sat on the bed

with Alexander.

Jace remained silent as Alexander examined the wounds on Jace's back that were all red.

“I... I am s-so sorry,” Alexander stuttered as Jace turned around to see Alexander crying, which caused

him to frown.

“Why are you crying, baby?” Jace inquired, concerned, as Alexander stuttered out, "You are h-hurt, and

it's all because of me," causing Alexander to sigh.

Jace inquired, "How is it because of you?" Alexander sniffed and replied, "Ever since we mated, you

have been their top enemy, and if the actual alpha wasn't around, they would have done something

bad," which made Jace smile.

“Cub, I could have used my powers on them, but I didn't because I knew their alpha would punish

them,” Jace explained as he wiped Alexander's tears away.

“What if she doesn't show up at the right time?” Alexander inquired as he sobbed loudly, and Jace

quickly hugged him.

As Alexander hugged Jace back sadly, Jace replied, "I would have used my powers but I was waiting

because I didn't attack, which is why even the alpha of that pack got scared and begged me for


“I am so sorry,” Alexander said quietly as Jace smiled and kissed Alexander on the cheek. “Don't be

sorry, my cub,” Alexander sniffed.

“But it's true, ever since I met you, I've only caused trouble for you,” Alexander said, making Jace


Jace never considered Alexander's problems or anything else to be problems, and he always

appreciated the fact that Alexander shared his problems.

While Alexander pouted, Jace cupped his cheek and said, "No Alex, you never caused any trouble for

me besides I love you that is why I will do anything for you”

As Jace sighed and pecked Alexander's lips, Alexander said, "But ever since I met you, my brother and

his friends have been annoying you."

“And I don't mind because I love you and am willing to do anything for you,” Jace said as he locked his

gaze on Alexander.

“I love you, Jace, and I am grateful that you are my bonded lover,” Alexander said as Jace smiled at his


Alexander's face flushed red as Jace said, "I love you more, my beautiful mate, and bonded lovers or

no bonded lovers, I will always love you."

Jace wiped away Alexander's tears as he smiled at his mate, knowing that even if they weren't bonded

and were humans, Jace would still want to be with Alexander because he was madly in love with him.

“Now come on check my wounds so we can go inform my cousins about everything,” Jace said, to

which Alexander replied, “Okay babe.”

Alexander smiled as Jace kissed his forehead and said, "That's my boy."

Alexander quickly checked the bruises on Jace's body while bandaging him and trying not to cry.

Jace hummed in approval as he stood up and extended his hand to Alexander, who took it as they

stared at each other.

Alexander stood on his tiptoes and kissed Jace's cheek as they both walked up to the door, which Jace

unlocked, and they both walked out to find no guards in front of Juliet's bedroom, which worried them


“Go check inside quickly,” Jace said angrily as he transformed into his half-wolf form, ready to attack if

there was any trouble, while Alexander opened the door and found no one.

“Let's check the house,” Alexander said as Jace hummed while holding Alexander's hand and they

began to search for Juliet, Alyssa, and Luna.

Jace's gaze fell on one of the guards, and he yelled, "HEY YOU!" as the guard turned around, and

Jace motioned for him to come where he stood with Alexander.

As Jace glared at the guard, the guard jogged towards Jace and Alexander.

“Where are Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet gone?” Jace inquired, to which the guard replied, "Um your

highness, they are sitting in the hall with their mates." Jace sighed nodding and holding Alexander's


Alexander and Jace dashed to the hall when they noticed Draco, Loukas, and Ronin sitting on the sofa

with their mates.

“There you are,” Jace said as everyone turned to look at Jace and Alexander as Draco stood up


Draco yelled "JACE!" and dashed over to his cousin, hugging him tightly.

“I missed you so much,” Draco said as Jace hugged him back and replied, “I missed you, too.” From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Where were you, Jace?” Loukas inquired. Jace sighed and nodded, looking at Alexander, who smiled.

“Sit, I will tell you.” Jace said as Draco sat with Luna on the opposite sofa from Jace, who sat with


“First and foremost, it wasn't my runt or heat time,” Jace said, holding Alexander's hand. “I went on a

mission,” which shocked Loukas, Ronin, and Draco.

“Which mission are you referring to?” Ronin inquired, to which Juliet replied, "We sent him on this

mission," as Jace smiled and nodded his head.

“They were curious about something and told me about it because they knew you wouldn't believe

them and I would because I have been through all of this,” Jace said as Draco looked at Luna with a

sad smile.

"Wait, why didn't you tell us?" Alyssa held Loukas' hand and said, "We weren't sure and didn't want to

hurt you, so we asked Jace since he had no connections to those people," as Loukas nodded


“All right, tell us everything,” Loukas said as Jace nodded and looked at his cousins.

As Draco, Loukas, and Ronin looked at Jace, he said, "I went on a mission to investigate Kim, Amy,

and Sam."

“What? Why? What exactly did they do?” Draco questioned, perplexed, as Luna frowned, seeing how

he was worried about Kim, Amy, and Sam, making her envious.

“They did a lot, but Alexander and I always kept quiet for your sake, but now they're trying to kill your

mates, and I'm not going to let that happen,” Jace said as Loukas, Ronin, and Draco exchanged


“How can you be so certain?” Ronin questioned as Jace replied “Look, this mind sounds crazy, but we

stayed quiet because we thought they seriously were your mate, but now that we know Alyssa, Juliet,

and Luna are your mate, we can tell you openly that those girls are dangerous,”

Loukas inquired, "What did they do to be so dangerous?" Ronin nodded and replied, "I agree they just

loved us, and the love rival thing is okay."

“Yes, we love our mates, and we will not abandon our mates for them.” Draco said this as Alexander

looked at Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet, who were all sad.

“They are dangerous, and they have done a lot of bad things,” Jace said angrily as Loukas questioned,

“Like what?”, infuriating Alexander.

“Come on, Jace, tell us " Loukas spoke as Alexander abruptly stood up and yelled, "THEY KILLED MY

BABY!" as Draco, Loukas, and Ronin's eyes widened in shock.

Draco asked, "What?" as he looked to Jace for answers, but Jace remained silent to calm his anger.

“They...They killed my baby. I-I was told to be in my wolf form because it's female, and they told me to

turn into a human,” Alexander said as tears streamed down his cheeks, prompting Jace to stand up

and hug Alexander, who hugged Jace back.

As Draco approached Alexander he asked, "A-Are you telling the truth?" as he stared at Jace, who

sadly nodded.

“Brother Draco, why would I lie about something so important? They told me to transform, and when I

did, they pushed me, and I fell down the stairs in my fragile form,” Alexander said as he let go of Jace

and stared at Draco, who quickly hugged Alexander knowing how depressed Alexander remained and

how much Alexander cried.

“We had no idea,” Loukas said sadly, as Alyssa kept her hand on top of Loukas' hand to calm him


“We never wanted to tell you because we didn't want to see you upset,” Jace explained.

“You should have said something and we could have helped,” Ronin said as Juliet hugged Ronin, who

hugged her back sadly because Alexander was a member of their family and they were aware of how

much he suffered.

“E-Even Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna are aware of this,” Alexander stuttered as he sadly smiled at them,

and they returned his smile.

“Yeah, Alexander told us and warned us about their sneaky moves,” Luna said as she stood up and

hugged Alexander, who hugged her back.

Juliet sighed and said, "That's where we became suspicious of them."

Jace sat on the sofa with Alexander next to him, Draco next to Alexander, and Luna next to Draco.

“They're the only ones who despise Luna, Alyssa, Juliet, and Alexander. You remember Nathanial

telling us that Alexander would die as well?” Jace said this as Draco, Loukas, and Ronin nodded in


“Kim, Amy, and Sam are masterminds, then.” Ronin said as Jace replied "Yes, and I just got back from

investigating them. I heard them say in front of us that they will kill our mates one by one.”

Draco said, "You must have heard their entire plan," to which Jace replied, "No, they never discussed

this in front of anyone, but whatever happens, it will happen this week."

“I still can't believe it,” Loukas said, rubbing his brow in confusion.

“It's up to you, but I'll protect them no matter what.” Jace said as Draco smiled and said, "And I am with

you," making Alexander and Jace smile.

Luna asked, perplexed, "You are?" Draco chuckled and replied, "Yeah, Jace never left my side no

matter what and I believe him, Alex, and you," as Luna smiled and hugged Draco, who pecked the

crown of Luna's head.

“I am also on Jace's side.” Ronin exclaimed as Juliet questioned, "Really, Ronin?" Juliet smiled as he

hummed and replied, "Yeah babe."

"Come on, Loukas!" Alyssa sighed as he looked at her and nodded his head.

“All right, I believe you, and Jace never lies.” As Alyssa quickly hugged him, Loukas smiled and hugged

her back.

“What should we do first?” Draco inquired as Jace responded, "First and foremost, we must ensure that

this castle is surrounded by guards so that no one attacks us." Draco, Ronin, and Loukas all agreed.

They were all prepared and believed their mates because they knew how important it was to keep their

mates safe because they loved and cared for them.

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