Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



The alarm caused Luna's eyelids to flutter open as she gazed around, exhausted when she noticed a

glimpse of light coming from behind the curtains, causing her to gasp.

Luna hastily grabbed her phone while hissing, her body aching from all the bite marks and blood-

sucking her vampire mate had done.

It was 5 p.m., making her groan as she rubbed her face with her palm while keeping her phone on the

side table.

“I slept for an entire day and woke up the next evening” Luna sat up slowly, all the pain rushing through

her body, making her wince.

Luna was well aware that this was the result of her dumb decision to tell Draco not to drink her blood,

and as a result, she had almost lost him as well.

Draco was fast asleep next to Luna, who was now staring at him and smiling.

In Luna's eyes, he looked adorable, and the way Draco hugged Luna made her feel even more loved.

Luna got up carefully to freshen up without making a sound because she didn't want to wake Draco.

The ache in Luna's body made it difficult for her to walk, but she gathered all her strength as she went

to the restroom to complete her normal morning routine.

It took Luna 20 minutes to walk out of the washroom, but she was still wearing Draco's shirt because

she forgot to take her clothing inside.

Draco had gotten up, and he was now sitting on the bed with his tangled bed hair, rubbing his eyes.

“Good morning,” Luna said as she sat next to Draco, who sadly replied in whispers. “Good morning,

baby,” Luna kissed Draco on the cheek while he avoided her gaze.

“I'm going to get ready,” Draco said quietly as he stood up and walked to the restroom, leaving a

puzzled Luna behind.

Luna sighed and shrugged her shoulder as she cautiously stood up and quickly taking out black jeans

that she wore with a black sleeveless tank top and button-up red shirt tied around her waist.

Luna simply brushed her hair and wore her clip on the side while grabbing a tiny shoulder bag and

putting her phone, wallet, and other necessities inside.

Luna applied some makeup on her arm where Draco bit as Draco walked out of the washroom wearing

only his briefs as Luna glanced at him while she noted he was still ignoring her while wearing his black

jeans, black t-shirt, and black leather jacket as he grabbed his motorcycling gloves.

Draco kept his phone in his pocket while brushing his hair and pulling it into a small ponytail as Luna

instantly hugged him.

“Wait, why aren't you talking to me?” Luna questioned since Draco did not respond, which terrified

Luna, so she had Draco face her while she questioned again "D-Do you hate me now?" as Draco


“No, baby, I love you,” Draco murmured as he kissed the crown of Luna's head, while Luna asked,

"Why are you acting like this?" Luna scowled as Draco continued, "Wear your shoes."

Luna huffed as she took out her socks and sneakers, noticing Draco wearing his shoes as well.

“Ready?” Draco questioned as Luna hummed softly as she walked out the door with Draco after her.

Draco kept the key card in his wallet while he kept the wallet back in his pocket as they strolled silently

to the elevator.

Luna hit the button, sadly, hoping that Draco didn't hate her as the elevator dinged and they both

stepped in to see a couple with four children inside which made Luna smile.

The elevator door closed as Luna glanced at the youngsters, who continued to bother their parents,

which reminded her of how she was about to become a mother but her baby died.

Luna swallowed and tried not to cry as the elevator door opened and Draco held Luna's hand as they

both went out.

Draco proceeded towards a good café where they could eat something while Luna silently trailed

behind while Draco sat on the bike and handed Luna the helmet.

"Does it hurt, baby?" As Draco caressed Luna's hurting shoulder, she bit her lip and hastily hugged

Draco, who hugged her back.

“I'm sorry, my love,” Draco said to Luna, who was wearing a helmet that just covered her head, and


Draco let Luna go as he assisted her in sitting behind on the bike, while Luna held Draco firmly while

he wore his full-face helmet.

Draco sped his bike towards any café where they could eat, while Luna smiled, knowing Draco was

truly sorry he bit her and she was in pain.


Luna and Draco exited the café, their stomachs full, and they were both drinking juice.

“It was delicious,” Luna remarked as she leaned her back on the bike and Draco caressed her cheek.

Draco threw the trash in the bin as he glanced at Luna, who did the same as Draco abruptly pecked

Luna's lips, breaking the small peck and pulling her in for an embrace.

“I sincerely apologize for causing you pain,” Draco whispered in Luna's ear as she snuggled in Draco's

chest, whispering back. “Babe, it was also my fault for warning you not to drink my blood”

Draco sighed, knowing he was to blame for Luna's pain, but he let it go, knowing Luna would never


“How did you find out?” Draco was perplexed when Luna let go of him saying, "Loukas helped me. I

wore the necklace and tried to mind link him, and it worked,” Draco was taken aback.

“You could have called Phillip's number.” Draco chuckled as Luna huffed furiously and stated, "I was

panicking," which made Draco smile.

“Okay, let's forget about that and go home because you must be tired,” Draco replied, pinching Luna's

cheek and shaking his head.

“No, please, we can't waste our day sleeping, so let's go clubbing,” Luna pleaded, pouting and staring

at Draco, hoping he would agree.

“Yeah, baby, but your body hurts.” Draco spoke as he rubbed his thumb on Luna's arm while she

winced and added, "I know, but you're here to help me," which made Draco sigh and say, "Fine, you


Draco sat on the bike while Luna wore her helmet and sat behind him as Draco wore his helmet and

started his bike.

Luna smiled as she grabbed Draco firmly as he sped his bike towards the club.

After a while, Draco came to a halt at a signal when he spotted a few other bikes come to a stop as

well, and the bikers gazed at Luna strangely.

Luna returned her gaze to the motorcyclists, one of them smirked at her while she glared back and

averted her gaze.

The signal turned green as Draco zoomed his bike as the riders began to round him, and Draco looked

annoyed at them.

All the bikers were gathered around Draco's bike as they forced him to stop while one of them got off

and removed his helmet.

Luna clutched Draco closely as she glanced at the motorcycles, as one of them said, "Come on man,

hand the girl," while Luna knew very well that Draco would never do that.

“Why should I?”, Draco questioned in his deep husky voice that always made Luna quiver in longing.

When a man abruptly seized Luna's helmet, yanking it off as he grabbed her by the hand.

The man fell as Luna noticed how Draco had just punched him, causing her eyes to widen, while Draco

removed his helmet, causing the girls with the motorcyclists to stare at him, making Luna jealous.

"Does it hurt, baby?" Draco questioned Luna as he caressed her hand and she shook her head, smiling

and kissing Draco on the cheek as all the motorcyclists scoffed.

“Stop flaunting yourself,” one of the bikers shouted as Draco looked at him and pointed to the helmet.

“Give it or I crush your bones into little pieces,” Draco shouted back fiercely as the motorcyclist who

had been hit stood up, his legs wobbling, and handed Draco the helmet.

Draco grabbed the helmet and handed it to Luna, who wore it while Draco zoomed towards the club

while Luna gave directions.

They arrived at the club in no time, as Draco parked the bike and Luna got off, handing her helmet to

Draco, who kept it on top of his bike with his helmet.

Draco got off the bike as they proceeded towards the door.

“Do we require a membership card?” Draco inquired, and Luna shook her head to a no, saying, "As

long as we are over the age of 18, we are welcome," as Draco hummed, taking out his wallet to

present the false human id that he manufactured before coming here to find his mate.

When Luna and Draco entered the club, they were welcomed by loud music, which made Luna smile

because she recalled coming here when she was bored.

Draco kept his hand on Luna's waist as they moved towards the bar and sat in the chairs.

“2 cokes, please,” Draco said as Luna laughed and added, “What? I want beer,” Draco smiled shaking

his head to a no.

“I can drink beer since I don't get drunk, but I don't want you to get drunk because you are already

sick,” Draco remarked as Luna huffed, nodding her head, knowing Draco was correct.

Draco drew Luna onto his lap and murmured in her ear, "I want you to get drunk so maybe next time in Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

our palace in our room on our bed," which made Luna shudder while she looked at Draco, who winked

at her.

The drinks were served to them as they both cheered and sipped in peace while Luna sat on Draco's

lap as he rubbed her painful waist from all the bite wounds.

“Luna, your arm bites aren't visible,” Draco stated, as Luna nodded and continued, "I covered it with

cosmetics," which made Draco laugh.

“Come on Draco, let's dance,” Luna said as she finished her drink and stood up. Draco immediately

gulped his drink and followed Luna, who led him to the center of the dance floor.

Luna and Draco were having a great time, dancing with one other as if no one was there.

Draco's arm was securely wrapped around Luna's waist as she moved her body against Draco, who

could sense Luna was getting quite hyper, which he adored.

‘Dra…’ As he sighed, turning Luna around and pecking her lips, Draco heard Ronin and Loukas' voices

in his brain, knowing that his brothers were attempting to mind link him.

" Hey Luna," Draco muttered in her ears as she stared at him and drew him down a little as she replied

" yeah?" while laughing and letting Draco go.

“Lou and Ron are mind linking, so I'll be back in a minute,” Draco murmured, as Luna nodded and

pulled Draco down and kissed his cheek.

Draco left the club for a few moments, going to an empty area, closing his eyes, and concentrating on

his brothers.

‘Hey guys,’ Draco murmured via mind-link as he heard Loukas curse, which perplexed Draco because

Loukas never cursed unless it was something major.

‘Woah…Woah, did you just curse randomly, Lou boo?' Draco teased through mind-link as he heard

Jace and Ronin's laughter, which made Draco smile because he missed them all so much.

'You know you scared Luna. She was concerned, and I believe she cried, but what important is that she

was able to reach us for assistance; otherwise, she would have been terrified.' Draco groaned as he

heard Jace's voice in his brain, knowing his cousin was correct.

‘Do you want to go insane again?' Draco cursed as Loukas lectured him via mind-link, knowing his

older brother was correct.

'No, I don't. What makes you think I'd like to go coco head?' Draco spoke as his siblings and cousin

heard him through mind-link while laughing.

‘Because when the girls didn't accept us, you drank Luna's blood, didn't you, and that caused you to go

insane before, and then you drank her blood near her heart, and now you have to drink her blood

regularly till you guys mate if you don't want to be insane that is.' Ronin's voice echoed in Draco's

thoughts, causing him to curse since he knew his younger brother was correct.

‘Is there anything else, idiots?' Draco inquired via mind-link because no one said anything, which

concerned Draco because he could now sense something was wrong.

‘Is everything okay?’ Draco inquired as Ronin cursed and groaned as if he were about to break at any


‘Yeah, Juliet overheard Kim, Sally, and Amy saying trash, and that shit is very bad. Draco heard

Loukas' voice as he muttered and gazed at his foot, wondering why he had even dated that girl.

'What did Jewels overhear?' Draco inquired via mind link, and Ronin replied, "Those girls are plotting to

kill our mates," which caused Draco's eyes to widen.

‘They intend to assassinate Alex as well.' Jace said through mind link which enraged Draco who had

no clue as to why were those girls doing this...

‘Loukas make sure that you are all prepared for the worst, and you must always keep Alyssa with you,

and you, Ronin, must always be with Juliet, and Jace must always be with Alex.’ Draco muttered

through his mind connection, concerned as heard his siblings and cousin reply yes.

'We know Draco, even though I thought everything was over and we'd just live with our family, shit

occurred, and now who knows if we'll survive or not,' Loukas stated as Draco grumbled and rubbed his

anxious face.

‘Stay with Luna because she is the first target, according to Juliet and Alyssa, as well as what our other

friends have heard.' Draco's eyes widened when he heard Luna's name, and he worried that she would


Draco despised the idea that Luna ever cried or was upset since he knew she struggled and went

through a lot, which scared him even more.

‘I have to go because I'm at a club and I left Luna alone.' Draco whispered through the mind link as he

heard his brothers' and cousin's voices echo in his thoughts, ‘go to her,’ as the connection broke.

Draco was concerned as he immediately entered the club and began looking around for Luna, who was

not present.

Draco's anxiety and rage were apparent on his face as he didn't stop and just kept looking everywhere

until he finally halted and noticed the females who were seated behind the motorcyclists who had

rudely stopped them and attempted to grab Luna.

Draco went over to them, glaring at one of the girls and asking, "Where is my wife?" The girl shrugged

her shoulder, chuckling, as the other female began to cling to Draco.

“Don't you dare touch me,” Draco said fiercely as he walked away, closing his eyes and tried to connect

with Luna, hoping she was okay.

Draco sensed his mate as he heard her voice. “Hey, let me go,” while she hiccupped, frightening


“You are not him, so get off me.” Luna’s drunken voice rang in Draco’s thoughts as he said, 'Baby, calm

down, I'm here,' while he heard Luna giggle.

‘Oh, Draco is here' Luna remarked as Draco grinned and said, ‘Where are you, my love?' while Luna

hiccupped and said ‘Boy's washroom’ as Draco laughed.

Draco cut the connection as he headed to the boy's washroom, cautiously opening the door so as not

to make any noise as he found Luna pinned to the wall with all the other lads surrounding her and a

few beer bottles informing Draco how she got drunken.

"I think that girl belongs to me," Draco yelled as he showed the marriage ring while evilly smiling and

cracking his knuckles at them.

“BABE,” Luna hiccupped, as Draco smiled at Luna, who grinned with a flushed face.

“I love you more than anyone Draco, I love you,” Luna hiccupped as Draco grinned, seeing her all

drunk and cute but also irritated because she was virtually forced to drink.

Draco approached Luna, ready to vent his rage on the guys after what they had done to his mate.

Luna smiled at Draco, who shoved the guy and drew Luna towards himself as she gladly hugged him.

Draco wrapped his arm around Luna's waist as he observed how the man who had fallen stood up and

charged to attack Draco, but Draco punched him first, causing him to stumble and fall.

Draco shook his head and made Luna stand in a corner while he used his magic to create an invisible

air force field around her to ensure her protection.

Draco observed the man was still screaming in anguish and asked, "ah, is it broken? Don't worry, I'm

planning on shattering every bone in your body," as the man backed away.

Draco hit another guy in the gut as Luna closed her eyes and covered her ears as Draco fought


“Baby, you can open your eyes now,” Draco whispered as he removed the force barrier, and Luna

looked around to see all the boys bruised and in pain, hissing.

Draco picked up Luna in bridal style, while she waved to all the boys who were crying in pain.

“I love you,” Luna said into Draco's ear, and Draco replied. “I love you more,” as he walked out of the

restroom and out of the club, thinking it was better if they headed home.

Draco sighed as Luna pecked his lips as she clutched him, knowing that restraining his desire for Luna

would be difficult.

Draco put Luna down and helped her to wear the helmet while he sat on the bike and started it while

also helping Luna sit.

Draco used his airpower to make sure Luna doesn't fall as he sped right towards the


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