Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



The cave suddenly lit as Draco, Loukas and Ronin glanced back at Jace and Alex gestured them to go

as the boys walked inside the cave while Jace drove away to their private house after seeing that the

boys had now entered the human world.

Loukas, Ronin, and Draco remembered the human world as they sighed remembering all the memories

that roamed around.

“So where will our mates be?” Ronin questioned as he sighed scratching his neck all confused.

“I have no clue” Draco chuckled out as he looked around to see no cars, roads, or humans.

“Human world is extremely big” Loukas spoke as he sat on the ground sighing since he just wanted to

find his mate as quickly as possible.

“I know right so where shall we start?” Ronin questioned when Draco saw the paper that Loukas had

so he spoke “Guys, there is something written behind the paper” which made Loukas turn the paper


“Hmm, what is it?” Loukas whispered to himself as Ronin spoke “Oh a note from Ruby” while Draco

hummed sitting next to Loukas.

‘If I told you guys this before, I swear you guys would have asked a ton of questions. This human world

portal took you to the place where your mates actually are. Just sit down and take off your necklaces.

Keep them in the middle while you guys should concentrate all your energy on that necklace and think

about your mate. Maybe you might get a hint or two’

“Just great, I have a question” Loukas rolled his eyes as he frowned.

“This is why Ruby didn’t tell us this before” Draco laughed out as he shook his head looking at his older


“well now let’s do what she said before wasting any more time” Ronin spoke as he stood up while

Loukas and Draco hummed standing up as well.

The boys took off their necklaces as they sat inside the cave while they concentrated all their energy on

it. They imagined and thought about mates while they waited for anything that could happen.

They suddenly saw an orphanage they were once in before. The necklace that was meant to find their

mates was now working as the boys could see things in their brains.

“Orphanage” Draco whispered as all the memories of the past suddenly started to reply in his head

which was really confusing to him.

The boys opened their eyes as they took their necklaces and stood up.

“Where was this orphanage again?” Loukas questioned as Ronin shrugged his shoulder as he replied

“I don’t remember” while he tried to remember the place not noticing Draco sitting all silently.

Draco opened his eyes as he sighed while he spoke “I remember where it is” which made Ronin and

Loukas cheer all happily.

“Lead the way dragon” Loukas spoke as the boys followed Draco out of the cave as he closed his eyes

and took in a deep breath while he turned into his vampire form.

Within no time Loukas and Ronin saw a small car made out of clouds as they followed and sat behind.

“What if someone sees us?” Ronin questioned as he settled himself.

“I knew we had to travel so I asked Ruby if there is a way to have a protection like a field that could

make whoever sits on this cloud invisible” Draco spoke as he settled as well.

“So no one would see us?” Loukas now questioned as he sat comfortably next to Ronin.

“Yeah, I will put a barrier around so cover yourself up and hold on tight” Draco spoke as he kept his bag

on the side.

Loukas and Ronin quickly wore their jackets as they were now ready. Draco sat in his place

comfortably as he made the cloud go up to the sky while he chanted “A way to go back home from a

ride that no one could feel or hold”.

“No one can see us?” Ronin questioned yet again as they looked down at the people who were walking

or traveling to their destination.

“As long as you are inside yes” Draco laughed seeing how his brothers weren’t believing him.

“Great now let’s quickly go to that orphanage and see our mates” Loukas spoke as he noticed a guy

looking up but not seeing them.

The boys reached the orphanage in 8 hours and they were very tired of sitting. They got down in a

place where no one was as they took off their jackets and kept them in the bag while they looked


“I can’t feel anything” Draco spoke as Ronin hummed agreeing while he mumbled out “me neither” all


“And here I was so excited” Loukas groaned out as he rubbed his face disappointed.

“Sir you have to believe me. Something might happen to my daughters and I really want them to stay

here for like maybe a month or two” A man half-yelled and by his shaky voice, the boys could tell that

he was scared.

“We cannot do that Mr” Another man spoke as he sounded irritated.

“But please, I adopted them from this place and I really don’t want to leave them alone” The man

begged which made Ronin feel sad for him as he could feel the pain in his voice.

“Just go to the police and I am sure they would help” The other man yelled which made Draco really

angry seeing how rude the man was being to the other one.

“I did but they refused to help saying I am making everything up” The first man spoke with a shaky

voice as Loukas sighed glancing at his brothers to see them staring and listening to the conversation

as well.

“Please you are disturbing everyone. Can you go out?” The man who the boys could tell was the owner

of the orphanage spoke angrily.

“But-” The man spoke with tears in his eyes as the owner yelled “just leave” while he pushed the man

out of the door who fell which made him twist his left wrist a little.

“How rude” Ronin growled as Loukas hummed while he said “If this was my world, I would chop that

guy’s tongue” while Draco agreed as he spoke “And I would chop off the hands for pushing the poor

man” while Loukas noticed Ronin walking up to the man.

“Are you alright sir?” Ronin questioned as he gestured his hand towards the man who took it while he

stood up when his eyes landed on Loukas.

“Loukas?” The man questioned as he glanced at Draco and Ronin while he smiled seeing the boys.

“ I know you?” Loukas questioned as he stepped forward while he hid Ronin behind himself by

pulling him back since he always made sure to protect his family.

“It’s me Charles” The man named Charles spoke while Loukas replied “I really don’t know you” all

puzzled since he really didn’t know who he was.

“But I remember you and your brothers” Charles chuckled as Draco took a step forward and stood next

to Loukas.

“Oh really? What’s my name?” Draco questioned as he smirked which made Charles chuckle out

“Yours is Draco and that lil one is Ronin” which shocked Loukas since Charles was right.

“How do you know us?” Ronin questioned as he pushed Loukas to the side while he stared at Charles

who was about the same height as Ronin.

“I used to work here and I was told by your parents that you will be staying here in the human world

until you guys get your vampire form since you three were late bloomers” Charles smiled as he

remembered the past while he stared at the boys who had all grown up.

“Wait a second” Draco started as he stared at Charles while Ronin completed his sentence “You know

we are vampires” while Loukas just stared at Charles all shocked.

“Yeah, my dad was a wolf and my mom was a human but my dad died because he was attacked by a

rouge so your mom’s mom told my mom to take me to the human world” Charles explained himself

which confused the boys a lot.

“That’s confusing” Draco mumbled out but Charles had good hearing like wolves even though he was a

human so he heard Draco perfectly.

“So, I was born a human. I am the same age as your dad. He was in my grade. I worked in this Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

orphanage and your parents requested me to take care of you guys. I helped you go back to your

world” Charles explained again but this time he tried to explain a bit better than before.

“Oh, I remember him now” Ronin spoke as Loukas hummed agreeing as he remembered how he held

Charles's hand while he took them to the supernatural world.

“It’s great to see you,” Loukas said as he hugged Charles who hugged him back.

“Let’s go somewhere else and talk before the man inside see me” Charles spoke as he shivered a bit

scared so the boys agreed.

The boys took Charles to a near café as they sat while Charles treated them.

“Thank you I was seriously getting really hungry” Draco smiled as he waited for the waiter to bring his

order while Loukas and Ronin waited as well since they were also hungry.

“So, uncle, who was that man?” Loukas questioned puzzled since he remembered that man not being

there at the orphanage when he was little.

“After you guys left, I quit the orphanage and started working. It was getting boring alone without you

three so I went back to the orphanage and adopted three lively girls who are quite troublesome”

Charles explained as he sighed smiling telling the boys about his adopted daughters who were

everything to him.

“That’s nice” Ronin spoke as Loukas and Draco hummed agreeing.

“That wasn’t the guy who was in charge of the orphanage” Loukas spoke yet again all curious as

Charles hummed agreeing while he spoke “Yeah the old one retired and this mean one took place”

which made Loukas sigh since the current owner was really mean which annoyed him.

“That’s why he was being so rude to you” Ronin huffed out as the waiter brought the ordered food and

kept it on the table.

“Yeah, but someone is after me and they might hurt them” Charles spoke all sad as he played with his


“How can you be so sure?” Draco questioned as he glanced at his brothers who nodded their heads.

“I saw them, no one would believe me but they werewolves. I heard them say ‘to get the man, attack

the family’ and I don’t care what happens to me but those girls can't get involved” Charles spoke as he

was now terrified since he didn’t want anyone to lay their hands on his precious daughters.

“No one saw the wolves? That’s strange” Draco yet again spoke but he knew that he needed to tell this

to Jace since those people could be the ones who might have hurt Alex.

“I was working at a forest and collecting few things I would need when I saw them. They turned into

their human form while they talked. I couldn’t hear much until one of them angrily said that” Charles

said as he took a sip from his fresh orange juice while the boys nodded their heads understandingly.

“You helped us in the past so, as the prince of our land, I shall help you” Loukas spoke as he smiled at

Charles who smiled back at him.

“I will help” Draco smiled at Charles as Ronin smiled at him as well and cheered “Me too” which made

Charles all relieved knowing someone powerful would help him.

“Thank you so much” Charles thanked them as the boys nodded their heads agreeing.

“We will always help those who are nice to us” Ronin smiled as he took a bite of his sandwich happily.

“Please protect them in secret” Charles pleaded while he hoped the boys agreed and to his luck, Draco

nodded his head.

“We don’t even know how they look like” Loukas spoke as he ate his sandwich while Charles hummed

agreeing when he remembered so he quickly spoke, “I have their picture” while Ronin nodded his head

so Charles took out the picture and kept it near the boys.

“T-This” Loukas stuttered out as he didn’t know what to say.

“No way” Draco whispered as he kept on staring at the picture when Ronin suddenly questioned “You

adopted them?” while Charles hummed nodding his head.

“Yes, this is Alyssa and she is the oldest of the three. She is a headstrong girl and she is a bit of a

rebel” Charles spoke as he didn’t notice Loukas’s eyes shining.

“Alyssa?” Loukas suddenly spoke remembering a girl with the same name in the orphanage with him.

“This is my youngest one Juliet, she’s a bit shy and she gets scared easily” Charles chuckled out as he

pointed at his youngest step-daughter not noticing Ronin who kept on staring at her with love.

“She is still cute” Ronin spoke as he kept on staring at Juliet as he remembered her a bit.

“You said something?” Charles questioned as Ronin’s cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

“N-No uncle please continue” Ronin stuttered out as he averted his eyes and quickly diverted his mind

by going back to eating.

“Okay, so this is the middle one Luna. She is the easiest yet hardest to handle. She is stubborn, likes to

stay in her own world, and never lets anyone near Juliet” Charles chuckled remembering how Luna

scared everyone away who tried to hurt Juliet.

“Cute” Draco mumbled as he kept on staring at Luna while he licked his lips.

“Why not?” Ronin questioned sadly knowing his mate was under protection by Luna and won't let him

near Juliet.

“I don’t know but she says Alyssa can handle herself but Juliet can’t so I am her bodyguard” Charles

laughed out which made Ronin smile knowing at least his mate was being protected.

“Uncle, we have something to tell you” Loukas spoke a bit worried because he really didn’t want his

uncle Charles to reject them and separate them from their mates.

“Yes, go on” Charles spoke when he noticed a worried look on the boy's face.

“The reason why we are here in the human world is that our mates are humans” Draco started of as

Loukas and Ronin hummed agreeing when they saw their uncle all happy.

“That’s great news congratulations” Charles chuckled out as he ruffled Ronin’s hair.

“Our cousin Maya helped us a lot. Maya’s mate Ruby is a witch and she gave us these necklaces and

these necklaces showed us the orphanage that is why we were there” Loukas explained as Charles

listened to them closely.

“Your mate is in that orphanage?” Charles questioned sadly knowing the new owner was mean.

“They were but not anymore” Ronin spoke as Charles nodded his head all relieved knowing it won't be

that hard but it still confused him a lot.

“Oh, you know where they are now?” Charles questioned because he wanted to get rid of the


“Uncle, your step-daughters are our mates” Draco spoke since he couldn’t wait any longer which made

Charles gasp as Loukas and Ronin got ready for rejection.

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