Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



A 16 years old boy with no hope or love was sitting on his bed waiting that one day ‘Moon Goddess’ will

give him a mate and they would love him dearly.

The boy had baby brown hair that was curly, his height was 5’9 and he loved wearing oversized clothes

since he was short compared to all the wolves in his pack.

The boy named Alexander also known as Alex had crystal eyes which turned purple when he was into

his wolf form. Alexander was an omega boy which was one of the rarest species since in his pack, The

Merciless Blades, there were mostly betas.

The only thing Alexander always hoped was to be rescued since no one liked him in his pack. They all

loved omega girls but didn’t love him since a boy being an omega was rare.

The whole pack mistreated him and made him work. He left school when he was in grade 8 and now,

he was always at home working and doing everyone’s chores.

Alexander’s parents were both betas and his older brother was the right hand of the ‘alpha’ of his pack

but when Alexander was born, no one had any idea whether he was an omega, alpha, gamma, or beta.

Everyone expected him to be a gamma but when he turned 14 his omega features and wolf started to

come out. On his 14th birthday, Alexander turned into his wolf form where everyone saw his wolf being

a female which meant he could give birth that disgusted the whole pack which made him feel


Alexander did everything he could to be loved but every day it got harder and harder to survive. The

future alpha of the pack abused him while the future beta who was his own blood-related brother

helped his alpha.

As time passed by Alexander was thrown in a basement with a bed and small cupboard and a small

bathroom only. He had few clothes and was provided with less food.

His body couldn’t grow even though he was at a growing age. All the boys who were 6’5 or more were

just 14 and here he was 16 years old and only 5’9. Alexander slowly started to hate himself and wanted

to just disappear since his own parents stopped talking to him and told him that he is not their son.

The only thought that kept Alexander alive was that one day he would move out and live with his mate

who would love him no matter what. Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Love those who love you and believe in the one who might hold my fate” Alexander whispered to

himself as he closed his eyes while he fell asleep waiting for the day, he turns 18 so he could find his


“Get you fucking ass up” Alexander felt pain on his leg as he yelped sitting up. He rubbed his eyes to

see his future alpha and beta standing opposite to him with a knife in their hands which scared

Alexander a lot.

“I-I am sorry” Alexander spoke softly as his brother who was a beta slit his arm while the arm burned in


“You punk…You think you can ignore my orders?” His future alpha named Georgio yelled as Alexander

shook his head scared while he stuttered out “N-No sir” making his brother named Merritt laugh since

he loved seeing his brother getting beaten up.

“Very well now your punishment for not listening and waking up before me is that you have to clean the

whole house spotless since it’s my birthday tomorrow” Georgio laughed out as he slapped Alexander

who held his cheek this was now stinging.

“Y-Yes sir” Alexander stuttered out with tears in his eyes as he tried his best to control his emotions and

not cry because the last time, he cried got him into lots of trouble.

“Tomorrow wake up before me and clean the house again after that cook dinner and décor the whole

house without anyone’s help you slut” Merritt spoke through gritted teeth as he pulled the bucket of

cold water and threw it on Alexander who shivered trying to breathe since it was very cold outside and,

in his room, as he had no heater or warm water to heat him.

“O-okay” Alexander spoke as his teeth started to chatter which made Merritt and Georgio laugh seeing

Alexander in pain.

“Good now get the hell up and go do your work…you… worthless piece of shit” Georgio spoke angrily

as he grabbed Alexander’s hair that brushed his shoulder and made him stand.

“Now listen here you good for nothing brat…Everything should be perfect tomorrow since my new

friends will be coming and I want everything to be liked and if you mess up…I will make your life more

miserable than it actually is” Georgio spoke as he threw Alexander down who fell down all hurt.

Georgio and Merritt walked out of Alexander’s room also known as the basement leaving him all cold

and scared. “It’s just 12’0 clock at night and I cleaned the whole house before sleeping so how come

it’s dirty again?” Alexander spoke to himself as he quickly changed his clothes and carried his body up

the stairs while he looked around the house to find which room needs to be cleaned up.

Alexander entered the hall as he saw it was the messiest as he started cleaning while he just hoped

that no one entered the room because if someone saw him cleaning at this hour, they would beat him

up even though their alpha told Alexander to clean up.

After few hours Alexander had cleaned up all the messy rooms as he went back to his room to see his

bed all wet. Alexander picked up his pillow and blanket that were dry as he laid down on the rock-hard

floor hoping that everything ends for him and he dies.

“Come get me soon or else I might not be able to make it” Alexander spoke to himself as tears fell from

his eyes as he hoped that his mate appears in his life soon even though he knew that there were still 2

years to find out who his mate is.

“Moon Goddess why did you put me in so much trouble? Now if my mate ends up hating me as well…I

won’t survive since my future mate is my only hope and the only reason I wanna live and move forward

even though I am a worthless low ranked omega” Alexander spoke as he stared at the moon from the

small window hoping that the moon goddess listens to his cries.

Alexander wanted to just run away even though he remembered that they all abused him till the point

he was about to die last time when he tried to run away.

It was the very next morning and Alexander had woken up earlier than usual as he saw everyone go to

school. He loved studying but every time he asked if he could go to, they all beat him up and call him

names saying that an omega doesn’t deserve to go to school.

Alexander remembered how other packs treasured their omega’s boy or girl but, in this pack, he was

the only omega who was mistreated.

Alexander took a deep breath as he prepared his mind to work three times harder today. He quickly did

his daily routine as he walked up the stairs. He opened his bedroom door while he looked around to

see no one.

Alexander jogged his way to the kitchen as he quickly grabbed some chips and chocolates while he

picked up two water bottles and juice. He stuffed them in a bag while he took the small shopping bag to

his room.

He hid the bag as he walked up the stairs again and went to the kitchen to clean. Alexander knew very

well that his alpha would lock him up today in the basement so-called his room for at least three days

or till the guests would stay like every single time this pack had a party and they invited the guests.

The pack, also known as The Merciless Blades had shifted to another city so everything and everyone

was new for the whole pack even their alpha had to change schools just like the rest of the kids in the

pack except Alexander who wasn’t allowed to attend school in the first place.

Alexander cleaned the whole house while he cooked dinner for the party that was going to be at night.

He was done with all the work by 5’o clock in the evening. He was all tired and his body was all sore

since he was working since 7 in the morning.

“There will be better days” Alexander spoke as he hugged himself sighing when he got pulled up by his

hair so he quickly stood up in pain.

“Who told you to rest asshole?” One of the pack members spoke as he punched his gut while

Alexander coughed in pain. Tears prickled his eyes when he felt a slap against his cheek so he glanced

up through his eyelashes when he saw his alpha’s younger sister standing all tall in her high heels

while she was looking down at him.

“It’s my precious brother’s birthday and you are resting?” Charlotte spoke while Alexander shook his

head with his tears falling.

“Oh, look the cry baby is crying again” Charlotte's friend spoke as she laughed which made Alexander

more terrified when his eyes landed on his alpha who was walking his way.

“Listen here you punk…” Georgio started as he suddenly held Alexander from his shirt while he lifted

him and he continued speaking “…you done? Get out and stay in that fucking room of yours since very

important guests are coming today.” Georgio let Alexander’s shirt go as he fell on his bottom which

made him hiss in pain.

“You must be guessing who is coming right?” Merritt spoke as he laughed bending down while

Alexander shrunk closing his eyes scared.

“The vampire princes are coming to our alpha’s 18th birthday. All three of them will come and their

cousin who is a hybrid and our king would also join us” Merritt laughed out as he grabbed Alexander by

his wrist while he pulled him up.

Merritt pulled Alexander who stumbled few times as his brother opened the basement door and he

pushed him inside.

Alexander fell as he hurt himself and cried in pain since there were seven stairs which meant he fell

from a bit top.

“Those guests are new best friends of your alpha and soon they will beat you up just like our previous

friends did” Merritt spoke evilly as tears streamed down Alexander’s eyes while he shook in fear.

“By the way, they got powers which are fire, water, air, and earth and we will make sure you get scars

by them. They will arrive soon and when the party starts, we will make sure they love this pack

wholeheartedly and I heard the hybrid hates weak crybabies and omegas in general” Georgio spoke

proudly as he closed the door and locked it leaving Alexander in shock who had tears streaming down

his cheek.

“MOON GODDESS SAVE ME” Alexander cried out loudly as he tried to control his cries for help and

his emotions that were running wild.

Alexander pulled his hair as he cried while he tried his best to breathe since it was getting hard to

breath as every second passed by.

After 2 hours of crying, Alexander glanced up at the beautiful moon as he whispered “Please…

Please…Please…I want to be away from this hell” while he sniffed standing up and going to the

washroom to clean up.

Alexander walked out in his pajamas that were oversized as he sat on his bed sniffing. His eyes were

and puffy. His hairs were all messy as he was trying to control his tears that were still falling.

Alexander took the small shopping bag that he hid under his bed as he took out the chips. He opened

the pack of chips as he started munching on them while he tried to control his sadness by stuffing

some junk food in.

Alexander could hear loud music that made him cringe while he huffed drinking his juice as he stuffed

his mouth even more. He was extremely sad and just wanted to run away but the poor boy was even

more scared knowing they would catch him and make him suffer triple times than they actually do.

Alexander sighed as he spoke to himself “I am living for you my mate and if you don’t accept me...I

would have no other reason to be here or anywhere anymore” while he stood up to throw the rubbish.

Alexander sat back on the bed as he quickly opened another pack of chips and juice when he heard

muffled voices on the other side of the door which got him all scared.

Alexander took a deep breath as he shook his head while he concentrated on eating when the door

busted open making Alexander stand. He saw four boys who were way taller compared to him walking

down the stairs. He quickly backed up against the wall as his pack of chips fell on the floor while his

heart started to beat faster and faster seeing four boys who stood above 6ft.

“Hey” The boy with orangish-brown eyes spoke that made Alexander squeak scared of his deep voice

while tears streamed down his cheek.

“P-Please don’t hurt me” Alexander whispered as the four boys heard him clearly.

He could tell by the aura they were giving that they were the prince and they had powers. He could tell

that the one who had black eyes had air powers while the one who had light brown eyes had fire

powers and the one who looked worried and had blue eyes had the power of water.

Alexander’s eyes widened in shock as he cried even more seeing the boy who was a hybrid and had

earth powers was right now few inches away from him. His alpha’s words roamed around his head as

he remembered how the hybrid prince hated weaklings and omegas the most.

“D-Don’t hurt me please I beg you” Alexander cried out as the boy with orangish-brown eyes held

Alexander’s arm making him yelp and cry even louder.

“I-I will do whatever you will tell me…I will clean the house and do whatever you want so please don’t

hurt me” Alexander stuttered out scared as the boy with blue eyes lightly pulled the boy with orangish-

brown eyes back.

“What the fuck bro?” The boy with orangish-brown eyes spoke as the one with blue eyes smiled

shaking his head. He sat on his knees as he stared right into Alexander’s eyes.

“We won’t hurt you” He spoke as he smiled at Alexander who sniffed glancing at the boys who were

way taller than him.

“You got scared cause we are way taller than you right? Especially him” The boy with blue eyes spoke

pointing at the boy with orangish eyes as Alexander nodded his head.

“Well, I am Prince Ronin. You can call me Ronin or Ron” Ronin spoke as Alexander sat on the bed as

he pulled Ronin up and patted the bed which made Ronin smile so he sat next to him.

“That guy is my older brother and his name is Loukas. That one with black eyes is my middle brother

and his name is Draco” Ronin introduced his brothers who walked forward as they sat next to

Alexander who smiled at them still sacred a bit since he had no clue what they were up to.

“I am Jace” Jace suddenly spoke as he sat on his one knee while he held Alexander’s hand and kissed

his knuckle while he asked “What’s your name love?” which made Alexander’s cheek go red.

“ name is A-Alexander. You all can call me Alex” Alexander introduced himself as Jace

chuckled which made Alexander all shy.

“Well, Babyboy it’s nice to meet you. So, can you tell us what you are doing over here?” Jace

questioned as he glanced at Draco who nodded his head telling him to go on.

Alexander was scared, he had no clue if he should trust them or not but he was sure of one thing that

he felt safe being near Jace.

“I-I will tell you so please don’t tell anyone” Alexander whispered out as the boys hummed agreeing.

“My alpha locked me up in here and they always do since I am a worthless low-life omega” Alexander

spoke in a low voice as he heard a growl so he glanced up scared to see Jace’s eyes that were golden

with a hint of orange in them which made Alexander even more terrified.

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