Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



The girls were still waiting and sitting on their respected seats in silence. None of them wanted to

speak since they were in their world.

The boys were watching all the guests from above. They knew they would soon be called down where

their parents were.

The boys waited patiently as the royal horn blew indicating to them that it’s their time to get down and

after them, it would be the girls' turn. It was 5:45 and the party was going amazing. No one knew that

the boys had finally found their mates so most of them were here with their sons and daughters so they

could mate with one of the vampire princes.

“Bro, when will the announcement start?” Jace questioned Draco who was as bored as the others.

“I have no clue” Draco yawned out as the second royal horn was born which made everyone quiet


The vampire king and queen stood up as they glanced at the wolf king and queen who stood next to

them as well proudly knowing their nephews would be mated today.

“Presenting our King his highness Michael Allan and our beautiful queen Victoria Allan of the vampire

kingdom” The royal announcer announced as everyone whistles and claps were heard while they sat

back on their throne.

“Next presenting our previous King his highness Gavin Edmund and our beautiful queen Elena

Edmund of the wolf kingdom” The announcer announced as they bowed a little while they went and sat

on their respected throne.

Even though Elena and Gavin were lower rankings compared to Michael and Victoria they were still like

best friends who were like family.

“Now we would be presenting our next rulers who will soon take the throne that belongs to their

parents” The royal castle’s announcer spoke as a loud horn was blown telling the boys it was now their

turns as they got ready.

“Now we present our King Michael Allan and our queen Victoria Allan first son prince Loukas Allan of

the vampire kingdom.” The announcer spoke while Loukas walked down the stairs noticing most of the

girls he had danced with before who were now yet again trying to get his attention as he was the oldest

and wisest one of his brothers.

All the girls and boys who weren’t mated were trying to get his attention while he stood near his throne.

Everyone at the ball today knew it was finally the day where the king would give his duties to his son

which meant the boys had to select a mate if they weren’t destined with one.

“Next we present our King Michael Allan and our queen Victoria Allan’s second son prince Draco Allan

of the vampire kingdom.” after hearing his name Draco walk down the stairs with his mischievous smirk

plastered on his face.

Draco was known as the most troublesome one out of his brothers yet the coolest and smartest one.

He broke all the rules yet he was the most popular and wanted one of all. He either was very serious or

amusing, so girls and boys loved to be with him since they knew being with Draco meant freedom in all


Draco stood on the left side of Loukas as he sighed looking at everyone who was staring at him with

lust. ‘Gross, thankfully I never danced with anyone plus I was never interested’ Draco spoke

telepathically to Loukas who chuckled shaking his head.

“Lastly we present our King Michael Allan and our queen Victoria Allan youngest son Ronin Allan of the

vampire kingdom” The announcer yet again announced as Ronin walked down the stairs flashing a

cute smile at everyone. He was known as the purest and most innocent one out of his brothers. He was

way kind compared to Loukas and Draco.

He stood on the right side of Loukas as he glanced at his brothers who gave him a small smile knowing

how he was getting nervous for Juliet who was going to walk down the stairs soon.

“Now we would like to announce our king Jace and his mate and our queen or luna of the wolf’s Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

kingdom” The announcer announced as Jace gestured his hand to Alex who giggled taking it while they

walked down the stairs hand in hand. They stood right next to Draco as he winked at Alex who smiled


The boys sat on their throne while they waited for some time. The unmated girls and boys knew that

the prince wasn’t allowed to get down from their throne for at least half an hour so they waited trying to

impress them so they could mate and be in the position of ruling over others.

After exactly half an hour the royal horn was blown making Draco, Loukas, and Ronin excited yet

happy as they knew their mates would be coming down any moment.

“Everyone may I please have your attention” This time the royal butler spoke as everyone got quiet.

“Now we present our Prince Loukas’s mate our beautiful princess Alyssa” The announcer spoke as

gasps filled the air.

Alyssa took a deep breath as the door opened while she walked down the stairs. She looked up as her

eyes met Loukas’s eyes making her smile while he walked her way and gestured his and which she

took as he walked back to his place.

“Hey, sister-in-law welcome to the world of ‘I don’t like you’” Draco joked as he gestured towards the

unmated girls and boys who were glaring at Alyssa who flinched and held Loukas’s arm tight.

“You guys have to keep me safe” Alyssa whispered as she looked at the floor a bit nervous.

“Don’t worry darling, I got you” Loukas whispered back as he made her face up.

“You are a princess, stop being afraid” Alex whispered to Alyssa as she hummed smiling happily.

“Now we present our Prince Draco’s mate our cute princess Luna” Luna knew it was her turn as she

took a deep breath and walked down the stairs ignoring everyone while she locked her eyes with Draco

who smiled at her surprising everyone since no one had ever seen him so gently smiling at anyone.

Luna made sure not to fall while she carefully walked towards Draco who noticed her struggle so he

quickly walked towards her and picked her up bridal style instead of gesturing his hand as Loukas did

with Alyssa.

Michael, Victoria smiled at their son knowing how he had always been the most troublesome one.

Draco walked back to his place with Luna in his arms who had now hidden her face all embarrassed in

Draco’s neck.

“Idiot” Luna whispered as Draco put her down chuckling. “You know Luna, I did the same thing when

Alex became the queen of the wolf kingdom. He wasn’t able to walk so I had to go and pick him up”

Jace chuckled remembering their time making Luna giggle.

“How adorable” Luna whispered as she held Draco’s arm who gestured her to look forward while she

noticed few people looking at her hungrily which made her remember her memories. Draco noticed

Luna being uncomfortable so he took a step forward and hid her a bit from all the people present in the


“Lastly we like to present our Prince Ronin’s mate our pretty princess Juliet” Juliet smiled as she

walked down the stairs perfectly as she was prepared for all this since it had always been her dream to

be a princess and marry a prince.

Ronin smiled at Juliet who smiled back as he walked her way. He gestured his hand while Juliet took it

as they walked back to their place to see Luna pulling Draco back.

They stood in their place while they all bowed down together. “Our Future king and queens” The

announcer announced as everyone whistle while claps were heard.

“You are turning me on” Draco whispered in Luna’s ear as she groaned annoyed.

“Tell me your turn off so I do that” Luna spoke through gritted teeth while Jace wrapped his arm around

her shoulder.

“My cousin has no turn-off button” He whispered back as Luna playfully pinched his arm making him


“Guys shut your mouth” Loukas scolded as they all stood straight while Alex, Jace, Draco, and Luna

tried to hold back their laughter.

“You may now enjoy the mating ball” The announcer announced as whispered were heard while the

music started.

“Come on” Draco spoke as they all sat on the two-seater sofa that was placed for each couple.

“By the way why did they call Alex luna?” Juliet questioned as Jace glanced at Loukas, Draco, and

Ronin who nodded their head.

“You see for wolfs the name luna is referred to as the alpha’s mate who rules next to him,” Jace

explained making Luna smile.

“My name is special in wolf kingdom” She wiggled her eyebrows at Draco who wrapped his arm around

her waist pulling her closer.

“Well, you are special in my heart too” Draco flirted as Luna rolled her eyes.

“So, the all the alphas are kings?” Alyssa questioned confused as she remembered once reading that

there are many alphas in each pack and only the strongest rule.

“No, I am the alpha of all the alphas. Since I am a hybrid. My position cannot be taken as the wolves

didn’t have a king but when my mom married my dad, my uncle who is Lou, Ron, and Draco’s dad

decided the wolves should also rule so they made me the prince. Rest our mother will tell you in detail

because I was just 2 when this rule came along” Jace shrugged as Alyssa nodded her head.

“Can we dance?” Juliet questioned Ronin who nodded his head as he stood up gesturing his hand

while Juliet took it as they waved at others and went to the dance floor while they did the ballroom

dance like how the other couples were doing.

“Come on Alyssa, I will introduce you to some people” Loukas spoke as Alyssa stood up while they

walked away leaving Jace, Draco, Alex, and Luna.

“Draco” A girl spoke as he glanced her way nodding his head while he stood up and walked away

leaving a jealous Luna behind.

“Who is she?” Luna whispered to Alex as she saw Jace standing up and going after Draco.

“That girl is Jace’s sister who is a hybrid as well but her mate is a witch who was the one that helped

Draco with the necklace” Alex explained as he stood up gesturing his hand towards Luna.

“Let’s go have some fun” Alex smiled as Luna nodded her head smiling back while she kept her hand

on top of his. She stood up as they walked towards the crowd.

“Draco looks so serious right now” Luna whispered to Alex who chuckled shaking his head. “You see

Draco and Jace do look the mischievous and fun type but in reality, they are the most serious ones in

the group” Alex chuckled out as he stood in front of the food table taking a glass of Pepsi and giving it

to Luna who thanked him.

“So, you are saying he acts all mischievous for me?” Luna questioned as she saw Alex taking a glass

of Pepsi for himself while they walked away.

“Yeah and No. He kind of forgets his position when he is around you me...when he returned

home and ended up crying in front of Jace but when he noticed me...he just stopped. That is when I

realized that Draco isn’t how everyone says he is” Alex spoke as Luna saw Draco who nodded his

head while he rubbed his face walking away with Jace.

“They are coming this way” Luna spoke as Alex hummed clearing his throat. “J-Just don’t tell Draco

what I told you even though he loves and treasures me...I sometimes get scared of him, Lou, Ron, and

even Jace” Alex stuttered out as Luna nodded her head understand.

“Just act normal” Luna whispered as Jace and Draco stood in front of Alex and Luna. “Let’s go dance”

Jace spoke as he dragged Alex away while Draco smiled at Luna while he walked with her.

Alyssa was with Loukas while Ronin was with Juliet whereas Alex was with Jace and Luna was with

Draco as they all enjoyed the ball hoping nothing goes wrong.

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