One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 205

Chapter 205

Third Person

One month ago...

Fiona's heart pounded like a war drum in her chest as she threw herself into the passenger seat of the waiting black car, her fingers gripping the leather seat so tightly her knuckles turned white. The driver hardly even waited for her to shut the door before he was peeling away from the curb, tires screeching on asphalt.

"Go, go, go!" Fiona urged.

They sped through the city streets, weaving between cars with a reckless precision that made Fiona's stomach lurch. He had always been an excellent driver, but this... this was on another level. Fiona had picked a good partner in crime-that was for certain.

For hours, they drove in tense silence, the only sounds the purr of the engine and the occasional squeal of tires as they took corners far too fast for comfort. Fiona's eyes darted constantly to the rearview mirror, half-expecting to see flashing lights in pursuit. But there was nothing.

She really had slipped through those m**ns' fingers like sand through a sieve.

It wasn't until they crossed the railroad tracks into Coldclaw territory that Fiona finally allowed herself to relax. She let out a long, shaky breath, feeling as if she had been holding it since they left the city. A hysterical giggle bubbled up from her chest as she leaned her head back against the leather headrest.

"We did it. I can't believe we did it," she breathed. "Man, I thought we were gonna get caught."

"You did a great job," the driver said, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

Fiona turned to him. "All thanks to you," she purred. She reached over, tracing her index finger along the man's muscular forearm. She felt him shiver under her touch, a low growl of wanting rumbling in his chest.

"I hope you'll make it up to me later," he grunted huskily.

Fiona smirked and leaned back in her seat, looking out the window at the darkened forest rushing by-such a stark change from the neon-lit city. The thought of falling into bed with him after his whole ordeal did sound tempting. "Don't worry," she purred. "I've got a bed big enough for the two of us back home."

The car fell silent after that exchange. Despite her earlier bravado, Fiona felt a chill run down her spine and wrapped her arms around herself. She was free, yes, but at what cost?

The driver seat glanced at her. "Hey. Don't worry," he said softly. "We have a backup plan, remember?"

Fiona swallowed hard, nodding. But doubt gnawed at her insides. Was she making a mistake? She could have lived comfortably, protected from Coldclaw, if she had just suffered through six months of probation. Instead, she had betrayed Claudia, the woman who had been like a mother to her.

Poor Claudia... Guilt twisted in Fiona's gut as she thought about what she had done. But her lover had promised her that Claudia would pull through, that it wasn't enough to kill her. Just enough to frame Audrey and take her down.

"Do you really think it'll work?" Fiona whispered, still staring at the passing trees.

08:50 Tue, Sep 24 GB.

Chapter 205


"It has to," the driver said firmly, his knuckles tightening around the steering wheel. "All we have to do is wait. The girl will become vulnerable, and then..."


He trailed off, but Fiona knew what he meant. Coldclaw was supposed to take the Silver Wolf from the cottage where Edwin had sent her. But something had gone wrong. Audrey had slipped away before they could get there. When the rogues had shown up, the cottage had been empty.

"What if they can't get to her?" Fiona voiced the fear that had been plaguing her since the moment she'd learned of the failed abduction.

"Then we move to plan B," the driver grunted. "We've come too far to back out now."

Fiona nodded, but she couldn't shake the cold ball of dread settling in her stomach. If this didn't work, if they failed again.... Coldclaw didn't give third chances. She had already failed them once, and the consequences of a second failure would be of the utmost severity.

Death. That would be the consequence.

As if reading her thoughts, the driver reached over and gripped her hand. "I won't let anything happen to you," he promised. Fiona looked at him, really looked at him. The passing streetlights illuminated his face, revealing features she knew as well as her own. Axel, Edwin's younger brother, the man she had fallen for against all odds.

His dark hair was tousled from the wind, his jawline sharp in the shadows. But it was his eyes that held her attention-fierce, determined, and filled with that twisted, manic sort of devotion that made her stomach flutter.

The Clyde to her Bonnie.

"Why are you doing this?" Fiona asked suddenly. "You're risking everything-your pack, your family..."

Axel's lips curved into a bitter smile. "My family?" he scoffed. "You know how little I care for them." His grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white. "No, Fiona. I'm not risking my family. I'm creating a new one. With you."

"And Coldclaw?" she pressed. "Can we really trust them after...?"

Axel's expression darkened. "We don't have to trust them," he said. "We just have to use them. Once we have what we want we'll be powerful enough that they won't dare cross us. We're going to be okay. More than okay. We're going to rule, you and


Fiona grit her teeth and looked away. "Except you'll be married to her."

"Hey." Axel glanced at her, his face darkening. "I told you-"

"I know, I know." Fiona sighed. "A political marriage and nothing more." She'd heard it a hundred times already; Axel just needed to marry the Silver Star to use her powers to help him take over the packs. He wouldn't sleep with her, wouldn't create an heir with her. Once he got what he wanted, she would be... taken care of. The poor little thing wouldn't even know what hit her.

"You'll always be my number one," Axel assured her. "She'll just be my pawn."

Fiona managed a nasty little smile and covered his hand with her own. "Promise?" she purred, unable to hide the glee in her voice.

Axel smirked. "Of course. It's like I told you that first night we spent together. Do you remember?"

Fiona couldn't help but smile as the memory washed over her. It had been on the night of her birthday, after she'd pushedContent is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

08:50 Tue, Sep 24 GB.

Chapter 205

Audrey over the balcony. Axel had found her trying to catch the train, and had offered her a ride.


"I've heard of your work," he'd said, leaning haughtily against the side of his black car, those muscular arms of his crossed. "I

want in."

After some convincing, she had agreed to let him drive her back to Coldclaw. Her bed was indeed big enough for the two of them, and that night, as they laid together in the aftermath of their almost violent passion, Axel had made a promise to her.

"I'm going to take over Crescent and the rest of the packs, one way or another. And you... You will be my queen."

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