One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 188

Chapter 188 Audrey

The following weeks melted together in a whirlwind of training, studying, and late. nights.

Every Saturday, I met Peter in the woods for shifting practice. Every Sunday, I met with Claudia to work on my thesis. And four nights a week, I trained with Edwin in combat.

1 practically lived with Edwin at this point, so the combat training was the least of my worries-an hour long session Mondays through Thursdays. On those nights, we would move the furniture out of the way in the living room and practice on a mat he would pull out.

"Come on, Audrey," Edwin goaded. "Show me the new moves you learned."

I narrowed my eyes, focusing on his stance, looking for an opening. When he shifted his weight slightly, I saw my chance. I lunged forward, ducking under his guard and h**ng my leg behind his. With a quick twist, I used his momentum against him, slamming him onto the mat.

Edwin let out a surprised grunt as his back hit the floor. I quickly straddled him, pinning his arms above his head.

"How's that?" I asked, breathing hard but grinning triumphantly.

Edwin's eyes flashed yellow, but it wasn't just pride that swirled in their depths.

"Hm. Impressive," he growled. Then, with a swift movement, he bucked his hips and flipped us over, reversing our positions. "But never let your guard down."

I gasped as my own back hit the mat now, looking up at Edwin's face just inches from mine. The air between us cr**ed with electricity, and suddenly, combat training was the last thing on my mind. Edwin must have felt it too because his lips crashed down on mine. I responded eagerly, my hands tangling in his hair as he pressed me into the mat. Our training clothes suddenly felt like far too many layers between us.

As if reading my mind, Edwin's hands slipped under my tank top, his touch leaving trails of fire on my skin. I arched into him, desperate for more contact.

"Edwin," I gasped between kisses. "We should probably move this to the bedroom."

Chapter 188

He pulled back slightly, his eyes now fully golden. "Why? I kind of like you right here on the mat."

I couldn't argue with that logic,

Later, as we lay tangled together on the mat, catching our breath, Edwin turned to me.

"You really are improving, you know," he said softly. "I proud of you."

I smiled, but it didn't quite reach my eyes. Despite his words, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't improving fast enough. Erik's words from New Year's Eve still plagued me every night, reminding me of my failures no matter how hard I tried to move past them.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Sunday arrived, bringing with it my weekly brunch with my mother. As I settled into a chair across from Claudia at our favorite cafe, I stifled a yawn.

"You look tired," she commented as I poured myself a cup of coffee..

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I'm fine. It's just been a busy few weeks, that's


My mother shot me a concerned look. "You're still training with Edwin and his brother, right? How is that going?"

I shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant. The last thing I wanted was to worry my mother. "It's going okay, I guess," I said. "I... I still haven't managed to shift yet."

Claudia's eyes studied me carefully. "You know it's alright to give it some time, right?"

I swallowed hard and looked away. "Yeah. I know."

My mother watched me for a moment as she sipped her coffee. Surely she noticed the dark circles under my eyes, the hollow look to my cheeks. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to hide them with makeup these days, and just last night I had been up late working on an assignment that was due on Monday.

Finally, she sighed. "What about your thesis?"

I pulled out my notebook, flipping it open to reveal my design sketches and notes. "Here's what I've got so far. It's still pretty rough, but..." I pushed it over to her, and she flipped through it.

A pang went through my chest at the disappointed look on her face.

"Audrey." Claudia shut my notebook and handed it back to me. "You need to rest. I can


and then prior work is taking a


Thôi mu bo svending her gire. 'T'm fine, really I just want to do well, that's all, so I'm

Saudis sighed sesin. "I know you do, sweetheart. But maybe you should consider focusing on school until the semester is over The Silver Star stult can wait."

No I said, perhaps a bit too forcefully. "I can handle it. I need to keep training"

Claudia's brow Farrowed with concern, but she didn't push the issue. Instead, she changed the subject. She explained what had happened with Fiona over winter break she had been officially removed as a Silverbite heir as punishment for what she had


On top of that, Claudia had sentenced her to six months of community service as well as constant surveillance. Fiona was living in her own apartment in the city again, but she had two guards with her at all times, and a tracker installed in her phone in case she tried to run off to Coldclaw,

At least one thing was settled, I supposed.

Fiona wasn't going to be causing any trouble anytime soon. I just hoped I could learn to shift before she could start up again.

The following weekend, I found myself back in the woods with Peter and Edwin for another shifting lesson. As always, Peter guided me through the process of grounding myself and reaching out to my wolf. This time, I was determined to make it work. I pushed harder than ever before, desperately trying to connect with my wolf. But as I delved deeper into the trance, the familiar pain and fear began to creep in. I saw flashes of silver, heard the whistle of arrows and the beating of war drums, felt the phantom pain in my side. And then, suddenly, I was back in reality, lying on the forest floor with a sharp pain in my shoulder where I'd hit it on a rock when I fell,

"Audrey!" Edwin's worried face swam into view above me as I returned to my senses. "Are you alright?"

I groaned, sitting up slowly. "I'm fine. Let me try again."

But Edwin shook his head firmly. "No. That's enough for today."

"He's right," Peter chimed in, his easy smile traded for a look of concern. "I think we should call it quits for now. Maybe... maybe you're just not ready to shift yet, Audrey."


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Those words felt like a punch to the gut. Not ready? But I had to be ready. I was the Silver Star. I was supposed to be special, powerful. Instearl. I was a failure.

The drive back to the apartment was silent. I stared out the window, refusing to meet Edwin's concerned glances. When he pulled up to the curb, I jumped out and ran inside before he could say anything. The next week passed in another blur of classes, assignments, and fitful sleep. I threw myself into my work, desperately trying to prove that I wasn't a complete failure. If I couldn't be the Silver Star everyone expected, at least I could excel in my studies.

But even that, the one thing that had always come easily to me, was a struggle these days.

On Friday afternoon, I found myself hunched over my desk in my studio, textbooks and papers and fabric swatches sc**ed around me. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, I felt a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I blinked awake to find that the studio had gone dark, save for the lamp that was on beside my desk. Edwin was leaning over me with a soft smile on his face. "Hey, sleepyhead," he murmured. “Edwin?” I mumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?"

"Time to get you home and changed," he said, pulling me to my feet. "It's Friday night, and I'm taking you out."

"Out...?" I glanced at my textbooks. Goddess, I still had so much to do. Too much.

"Yes, out," Edwin said, already grabbing my things for me and propelling me toward the door. "On a date." 12:37 Mon, Sep 23

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