One Night With My Alpha Professor

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Audrey

I approached Edwin's office slowly, trying to steel myself for what was waiting for me inside. The closed door of his office looked even more large and imposing as I stood in front of it, slowly reaching out to knoc My hand fell back to my side before I knocked.

"Get a grip, Audrey," I muttered to myself, shaking my head. I squared my shoulders and took in a deep breath through my nose before exhaling through my mouth.

It would be fine. Just fine...

"Come in, Audrey. Relax."

I whipped around at the sound of that all-too-familiar voice. None other than Edwin was striding down the hallway, his black hair

now loosened from its knot and cascading around his shoulders. He had a cup of coffee in one hand and a paper bag that I recognized from the local bakery in

the other.

Inwardly, I cursed myself as my chest seemed to cave in. As if this day couldn't have possibly gotten any worse, the older professor who had taken my virginity had just seen me giving myself a pep talk right out "Oh. Professor Brooks," I stammered out in the most nonchalant tone I could manage, stepping out of the way so he could unlock the door. "I thought you would have been here already"

"I thought I told you to call me Edwin." He casually thrust his coffee into my hand, silently telling me to hold it for him while he fished his keys out of my pocket 1 took the coffee and felt my fingernails dig relentle Relax, Audrey Just relax...

"Sorry," I said. "Edwin"

Once he had unlocked the door, Edwin shot me a polite, albeit thin, smile from over his shoulder and took his coffee back. He shoved the door open a little wider with his foot as he strode in reminding me all too "Coming!" he called over his shoulder.

I swallowed and scurried in after him, taking in the small office-

cardboard boxes were scattered around the floor and the desk, indicating that he had only just moved his stuff in. The shelves, however, were already lined with old textbooks and other things that likely belonge and didn't feel like taking them.

As Edwin busied himself with settling in, I looked around at the office. Anything to avoid looking at him, really.

"Sorry for the mess," he said. "I'm usually more organized than this but I only just moved in here."

I managed a shrug as I thought back to his apartment-

it wasn't that organized, if I was being honest. I recalled piles of books and other things scattered around, half of his laundry hadn't made it into his hamper, and his shaving supplies had been laid out on the bat "Did you just move into your apartment, too?" I blurted out without thinking

My own eyes widened as soon as I uttered those words. I opened my mouth to apologize, to say that that wasn't what I meant, but Edwin cut me off

with a snort

"Sort of," he admitted. "It's not my main residence. More of a bachelor pad, if you will."

1 blanched at his description. Bachelor pad. Was I just one of a steady stream of women walking in and out of there!

Before I could say that, however, he cleared his throat. "So," he said, settling into his chair and pulling a sandwich out of his paper bag. "About the teaching assistantship.. I expect you to grade papers per my ru to your email. I also sent you the conduct guidelines for the students, and if they don't comply, it's your job to write up misbehavior reports for the dean..."

As he spoke, I felt my shoulders relax a bit. So he was just talking about the teaching assistantship after all, which was a huge relief.

But it was only a couple of minutes into his lecture when it happened. my stomach growled. Loudly.

Instantly, my hand fluttered over my stomach to quell the sound. "I'm so sorry." I said with a nervous laugh. "I've been so busy, I haven't eaten yet torlay

"You haven't?" Edwin paused, setting down his sandwich and checking his watch. "It's five PM. You shouldn't be running around on empty all day" simply shrugged. "I just forgot, that's all."

Chapter 7

With a sigh, Edwin picked up his letter opener and begin cutting into his sandwich. I watched, wide-eyed, as he held the uneaten half out to me "Here. Ful." "No, I appreciate it but I couldn't-

"Ex," he commanded.

I may not have been a werewolf, but I certainly knew when an Alpha was brooking no

argument. And besides, I was starving. So, with a shaky smile and an equally shaky hand. I took the sandwich. "Thank you." I murmured, taking a bite.

"Now then. Onto the matter of the final project," he explained without hesitating for a

moment, standing and wandering over to the window to look out over the campus grounds. "Td like you to ar bedule sotme extra days to sit in the workshop while they sketch out their designs. I was thinking of For the next twenty minutes, Edwin and I went over the guidelines of the assistantship without a hitch.

1. h. Once I had finished my sandwich, I was feeling far less queasy-or maybe that was because he hadn't made eye contact with me for a while.

Finally, when we were finished, I thanked him again for the sandwich and gathered my things. I was only halfway to the door, however, when he stopped me.

"Wali. We haven't talked about last night.

My heart began thundering in my chest as I turned slowly to face him. He was seated behind his desk once again, leaning back in his ch hands tented on his lap. For a moment. I almost considered dropping my chair with his

Stop it, I thought to myself.

"What... What about it?" I found myself asking.

He shrugged. "We're both adults here-even if I'm just an old man to you," he added with a wink. "So I think we could easily resolve this on our


I nodded stiffly and looked away. "I wasn't planning on reporting you to the dean or anything like that." "Good," he said. "Because last night was an accident. I had no idea who you were; can you say the same?"

"I didn't know you were a professor here. Or well, I didn't know anything about you, if I'm being honest."

Edwin quirked an eyebrow at me, "You didn't recognize me at all?"

I quickly shook my head. "Not at all, I'm afraid."

There was a brief silence, and for a moment I thought that the Alpha might be upset that I didn't recognize him as a CEO or an Alpha. But when he saw the sincerity in my eyes, he seemed to deflate a bit. "Very well," he said coolly. "So then we can agree that last night was a mistake, and that it won't happen again. And now we can continue with our professional relationship "Yes. I would like that."

"Perfect. You may go now, I'll see you tomorrow."

With that dismissal, I turned on my heel, honestly feeling relieved as I left. He was drop-dead handsome, yes, but it felt good to have resolved that amicably and behind closed doors. But...

Suddenly, the thought of the internship with his company flickered through my head. I stalled, turning. "I applied for the fashion show," I said. "I believe first place is rewarded with an internship at your company."

My voice trailed off, and to me, the implication seemed clear: I only wanted to know whether it was still appropriate for me to stay in the running or if he might take issue with me vying for an internship at Brooks Edwin, however, seemed to gather different implications

He rose from his chair, planting his fingers into the dark wood of his desk. "Are you implying that you want the internship in exchange for staying quiet about last night?" he asked.

"No, ["Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I have you know that we don't take

bribery or blackmail well at Brooks Designs. A previous intern once paid a large sum of money to be considered for our internship and was fired immediately upon discovery. You are no different"

I frowned, taking a step forward. "Edwin, that's not what I was saying. I just—"

"Right," he said with a wave of his hand. "You just thought that you could imply that because I slept with you, that you deserve payment. Well, your v-card isn't worth nearly that much,

my dear. Of course, I would pay you if you insisted on compensation. But not at the expense of my company."

No sooner had the words left his mouth than I felt my blood begin to simmer beneath the surface. Was this what he truly thought of me? A low woman trying to get money or opportunities through sex? "How dare you," I growled, storming up to him and wondering why I had ever gotten involved with a man like this to begin with.

Gritting my teeth, I fumbled in my bag and pulled out a wad of cash, which I threw down on the desk in front of him. "Here, Professor. Perhaps I should be the one paying you instead."

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