Obsession and desire

suspicions begin.

suspicions begin.

After his unexpected reunion with Camille, Andy goes straight to his mansion, Zoé, had stolen his heart and was the only woman for whom he could overcome the great feeling he felt for Camille, he is totally in love with her, since he found out of her existence, she took refuge in the idea that she had to take care of her daughter, since the absence of her biological father in her life caused her a lot of emotional havoc, which is why she often acted possessively, her defense mechanism before the world was to be an irrational being without feelings, fortunately for him despite the circumstances, meeting Camille had changed his perception of life. “But you took too long Andy! I'm desperate- Keyra receives Andy in the living room, despite having had his baby a few days ago, he was already beginning to act as if the baby had a good time of birth”. “I'm sorry, I was in the company, tell me, what's wrong with my daughter?” Andy asks with anguish. “Well, I think she has a fever, I'm calling our primary pediatrician, but she left traveling two days ago, it's better that we take her to a hospital, she won't stop crying” Andy approaches the small crib where Zoé is, the baby is crying desperately and her head is hot, he takes her up and hangs her diaper bag on her free shoulder, rushes to leave, while Keyra simply watches him as if It wasn't his own daughter. “Come on, what are you waiting for?” Andy yells at Keyra “Andy! How do you think I'm going to get out like this?” He sends Orlando to come for me later, he calls Raquel to accompany you to the hospital, I can't go out like this before society, I must fix myself up a bit. Andy sneers at her as he rolls his eyes and leaves with his little lift and his suitcase. “Orlando, please take me to the priority children's care hospital” Andy is now stressed by the responsibility he carries, it is not enough to carry his cane, but now, he also had to do everything alone with his daughter. “With pleasure, sir-Orlando, as always an expert, takes Andy as if he were an ambulance”. Upon arriving at the hospital, Andy achieved immediate care for his daughter. The advantage of

having money is that he could buy everything that came to mind; That made him remember when his mother separated from his father Samuel and he was sick, his mother had to take him to a charity medical center for people who did not have a type of security for their care, everything that was always left in his memory was marked that he had to wait, it took more than seven hours for them to attend him, and his health worsened, from there to there, his memories are null, his short- term memory weakened. “Tell me, Mr. Alf, what happens to your little girl?” A slightly older pediatrician is doing the consultation. "She won't stop crying and she has a fever, doctor," Andy answers while looking at the little girl who, perhaps due to exhaustion, has fallen asleep. “How long has he been like this?” The doctor keeps typing on his computer. “I think that, from today, he was in the care of his mother”. “Ok Mr. Alf, because she is such a small baby, we must hospitalize her because we don't know what she has, so we will do some tests to rule out anything important, it is very likely that it is simply a symptom of a cold, but we still must take care of her, do you agree? agreement?” “Yes doctor, do what is necessary for her.” “Don't worry Mr. Alf, your daughter is in the best hands”. Andy begins with the process for his little girl to be admitted to the hospital, he felt a special need to take care of her, because she was going to be the one who would love him unconditionally in the future. Zoé is taken to a room where she will stay while she is in the hospital, Andy is always by her side, fortunately in the few days she was born, I take care of her and learn to know her baby's whims, when she he needs a diaper change, or required a bottle, this is thanks to the fact that his wife dedicated herself to recovering, but Andy was the happiest because he was doing his role as a father well, so, for him, Keyra was not needed at that time . A nurse is the one in charge of taking a small blood sample from Zoé, all this in order to do some tests, and the doctor gave her a medicine that helped the fever and pain that the baby had to subside. will minimize.

So this gave Andy a chance to call Camille, as her baby was now fast asleep. He dials the new number that she gave him, the first attempt failed, but he kept insisting. “Hello?” Camille answers on the other side of the line, she still doesn't have Andy's number registered, so she greets him as if he were a stranger. “Baby, it's me Andy” He spoke in a lower tone so as not to wake his daughter. “Hi, I didn't think you were going to call me so soon. How is your daughter?” “We are in the hospital for now, she is hospitalized so that they can do some tests.” “I'm really sorry Andy. I imagine how painful it must be for you that your daughter is sick” Camille's voice sounds sincere, she really regretted hearing him in that state. “Well, the doctor tells me that it can't be anything important, but because of how small it is, he suggests that you stay in the hospital to find out the origin of your fever”. “And your wife, how is she? I imagine she must feel very bad, with her sick daughter and just coming out of labor, I don't think she should be having a very good time”. “She's at home, I don't think she'll be long in arriving, she didn't leave at the same time with us”. “I guess so!” Camille's tone was a bit ironic, she wasn't a mother, but she thought that if her daughter got sick no matter what state she was in, she would accompany her. “How are you little girl? I haven't stopped thinking about you!” Andy in a soft tone asks Camille. When she hears the tone of his voice, she feels her skin crawl behind the phone, she had never been able to deny her fervent passion for that man, so many nights she imagined him above her, or below, because not only had he been obsessed, Camille hallucinated every Once he was remembering the moments of passion with Andy, now he was remembering the one that he had just spent a couple of hours ago in his office. “I, Andy, I'm fine” Camille sounds nervous. “I'm glad little girl, as soon as I can get out of this with my daughter, I'll go for you, I'll make love to you hundreds of times and I'll live only for you, you don't know how much I've missed and desired you” Andy speaks to her with an erotic tone that she She loved it, almost, falling into their networks, she responds, but she can't do it, she remembers that now she was in a relationship. “No, Andy, wait! I think you're taking things hastily; I already told you that I'm with someone else and

I have a formal relationship with him now, I can't just end him like that, I…” “Do you love him as much or more than me?” “Andy!” Camille's voice is even more sensitive to what hers, always loved by her, asks. “Reply! Do you want it the same as me? “Now his tone of voice went from being a passionate tenderness, to that of an enraged maniac. “Wait a minute Andy, don't talk to me that way, it's not your problem, you're a married man, you have a daughter now that you must deal with, I don't understand your complaints, also forget about today, no It will happen again”. Camille hangs up without even letting him answer. Andy curses to himself, his eyes cloud over, but not with sadness, but with the anger caused by not being able to be fervent in Camille's life anymore, he never stopped thinking about her for a single moment, much less betrayed her, with His wife had not been intimate, he was only with her because of the clauses, now because of his daughter. While Camille, he was already in a new formal relationship. While he is lost in his thoughts, a doctor approaches to give him some information about his daughter, he is a little distracted, but by that time he forgot what had just happened, he needed to be attentive. “Mr. Alf, nice to meet you my name is George, specialist in pediatrics. How are you? - Andy stretches out his hand to the couple.” “Nice to meet you doctor, here as you see you a little worried about little Zoé's situation”. “I perfectly understand Mr. Andy, but there is something I must tell you, we are going to do an ultrasound on your daughter's kidneys, since the blood tests did not come out very well, it seems that the fever is caused by the renal part, it is We need to do more tests. do you agree?” “Doctor, is what my daughter has very serious?” “We don't know Mr. Alf, first it is important to do the exams, soon the nurse will take some of the little ones, the others will be tomorrow, of course you will always be present, your presence is too important.” “Thank you very much, doctor, I'll do whatever it takes- Andy feels like a stab goes through his heart, just thinking that his little girl would have some serious illness froze his whole body, but if

something was certain, it was that he would treat her with all the necessary specialists. While they were arriving for his daughter, he decides to call Keyra. “Hi Andy, tell me what the doctors said to little Zoé” Keyra says coldly, as if she didn't care. “How do you feel? First” “I'm fine, I'm resting a bit, you know I just gave birth.” “Hmm. Well, our daughter requires some more in-depth tests, it seems that she has problems with her kidneys, but it is not something that can be known without a few previous tests. what time are you here?” “How so? No, Andy, you take care of it, I'm a bit inflamed, so I don't want to go anywhere, and it's likely that she's not sick, she wouldn't have anyone to go out like this, you and I are very healthy”. “I know, however, I'll take care of it, it's okay, you rest, I can only handle her”. “Ok, let me know when you know anything else” Keyra hangs up the call Andy was realizing that she was the most denatured woman in the world, she was his baby, and it seems that he didn't care, but he would take care of it, even better if he didn't have to see her in that place, just having her live his mansion. Andy calls her mother, and she is present in twenty minutes, between the two of them know they are waiting for the results of Zoé's most advanced exams. Minutes later the specialist arrives again with the results of the exams. “Well, first I want you to take what I am going to tell you calmly, it is not something easy to take, but it is important that it be calm, understood?” Andy takes Raquel's hand, who immediately shakes from what the doctor tells them. “Proceed doctor, what is wrong with my daughter?” Andy asks her with anguish, her eyes are cloudy now, it was so different to feel the pain for a son than a regular pain. “Your daughter has hydronephrosis in both kidneys, this will cause diseases such as urinary tract infections and other things, the question is that we must trigger what is the cause, and look at her treatment, for now she will be here in the hospital while we do the tests” . Andy's face pales, the news the doctor just gave him left him speechless, he was so sensitive to what was happening that he and Raquel didn't utter a single moan. “One last question, Mr. Alf, does anyone in your family or that of your wife suffer from a disease like

the one mentioned, or from kidneys?” “No doctor, as far as I know, no. Andy looks at his mother who shakes her head, she knew the two families perfectly and she never heard anyone complain about anything related”. “Well, I say it because it seems to be genetic, so we must do more studies, with permission”. When the doctor tells them it's genetic, Raquel's face is a whole poem, she looks at Andy with concern and with grimaces on her mouth, she tries to say something to her son, but she can't find a way to avoid hurting him. “Mom, I know what you want to tell me, you are going to tell me that Zoé is not my daughter, but I don't think that is the case, Keyra would lose too much, she has signed clauses, and whoever is unfaithful during the marriage loses the guarantees of separation, she is greedy, she would not lose her money and her good name by giving me a daughter that is not mine”. “It is OK son! It's okay I'll trust heaven to be so, because apparently that poor creature has only you and me, if it's not yours, I don't know how you could handle the situation”. Andy hugs his mother, they are both anguished by what comes with the little girl, it is not an easy situation to handle, sometimes life takes care of giving us everything financially, but things like health, support and love from the family, they are not acquired with millions. Those things flow by nature.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

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