Obsession and desire

Getting closer to a painful truth

Getting closer to a painful truth

For Andy, having received the news of his daughter's illness, made him suffer a very strong depression, Camille tried to be with him all the time, but no matter how much he wanted, his heart was breaking into pieces, he never explained the injustices of the universe and he did not understand how innocent beings like his little baby were at risk of dying, due to diseases that they had not even chosen at birth, for him that was too unfair. Camille quit the job where she was, she wanted to dedicate herself to Andy and her mother, the deep love that she felt for them surpassed any barrier of need that she had, however Andy in the midst of everything, this time he did not forget his promise, and he gave her She was assigned the position of head of personnel on floor number four of the building with an excellent salary worthy of a professional, but she knew that up to now she had created that position, because in the time that I work in the company, I have never I hear from him. Zoé was still in the hospital under the watchful eye of the specialists, until the fine day she turned four months old, and they released her to be cared for at home, however, she was still connected through the nephrostomy waiting for the so-called yearned for surgery that would leave her like any other child. But this was something that Keyra never liked. Andy arrives with his baby at the mansion again, incredibly Raquel never separated from him, she was a good mother, only that she was manipulated by Samuel, an evil man and full of resentment with Andy, who did not care about anything , his only objective was that his stepson, whom he called "son" before society, would fail at any moment. They enter the mansion and incredulous at Keyra's look of contempt, Raquel and Andy cannot believe the denatured woman who gave birth to Zoé. “ Why don't you say hello to your daughter? If you went to the hospital three times during these months, it was a sacrifice for you, right, Keyra?” Raquel reproaches him Andy looks at her with hatred, for him it was no surprise what he was seeing. “Leave her mom, she doesn't know how to love anyone, she only loves herself” He looks at her contemptuously, he still doesn't understand how he got entangled with her, if she is bad from the

depths of her heart. “Look at her, Andy! She's a girl with malformations, this must have been inherited from your family, in mine there is no one with any type of malformation, I just can't stand her” Keyra is not even able to look at her own daughter. Raquel approaches and slaps her that takes her by surprise, she could no longer argue that she had just given birth and no one could attack her, because Zoé was born 4 months ago, so she had no medical impediment. “But what's wrong with you, Raquel? Agh! She doesn't take away your stupid and poor thing, you have to be violent” Keyra rubs her cheek from the blow. “You are a denatured, perhaps it did not hurt you to have your daughter, that now you reject her for having a disease that can be cured, that with surgery she could be a girl like everyone else. You're a. . .” She goes to hit her again, but he hears Andy's scream of fury. “Breast! Leave her now, that woman isn't worth it, you know how she handles things, besides, my daughter doesn't need her, she's a poor wretch, I'll just warn you of one thing, Keyra, don't regret it later or you'll pay dearly, do you understand?” “I'm going to regret not wanting a deformed daughter! Stay with her, after all, you're the only one who loves her” Keyra takes her purse from one of the racks and leaves the house, from her appearance it was very certain that she would go to a party, because it was just having recovered totally from the delivery of her little daughter and her wanderings increased. Andy and Raquel look at her with contempt, they had to get rid of that woman as soon as the clauses were fulfilled or find a way for her to be the one who broke them so that the divorce would be immediate, but not wanting her daughter, it was not stipulated in any document. “Son, that woman doesn't give me confidence, she never has, oh son I know how in love you are with Zoé, but look at her, she doesn't look like you at all, son do a DNA test on her, please, I love her from the heart I do, my soul is dying for her, but it would be unfair if you are blocking your life for a daughter that is not yours”. “Breast! Where do you get those insolence from, I appreciate everything you've done for Zoé and

me, but I can't tolerate you saying that she's not my daughter, I feel her as such. -Andy was enraged at his mother's words, the feeling towards Zoé made him fight even with the devil himself if necessary”. However, Andy felt a little that his mother was absolutely right in the world, Zoé was his adoration, but she didn't have any resemblance to him, and as she got older her brown tea was a little more evident, at the clinic they had ordered some tests of gene compatibility in the next few days, but, to tell the truth, it was difficult for him to want to submit to that, because he felt that he could die trying, if he found out that Zoé is not his daughter. He watches Zoé while she is in her little cradle, he feels immense pain when he sees the small probe come out of her body, he felt bad not knowing what would be of the girl's future if she was left without his support and without his love. He would wait the next day for the gene compatibility tests to be taken, that night Andy couldn't sleep, the idea seemed terrifying to him, but it was a necessary test. Already in the hospital, he, Keyra and Raquel, wait for the results to be given by the medical specialist, Zoé is growing properly despite her health, and plays with her grandmother, who gestures for her to babble, Keyra she stays as far away from everyone as possible, she is not even enthusiastic about the idea of being a mother, she does not have even the slightest act of love with her little girl, who fortunately has had the purest and most sincere love from her father and her grandmother. On the other hand, there was Camille, suffering raw from her mother's illness, every day Angela was refusing treatment, there was no way for her to recover, the doctors had already given her up, even though Camille was devoted, in deep down she knew that at any moment her mother would leave the earthly plane and this broke her heart, there was nothing sadder for her than the news of losing her, she had been away from Andy for a few days, each one had personal problems to solve, this It was not a reason to stop talking, every day they maintained continuous contact by message, and although they needed each other's face-to-face support, they knew that their loved ones needed them more. “Mom, calm down, I sent for some stronger medicines that will help you with the pain- Camille triesContent is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

to calm her mother who is writhing in pain” “Daughter, please, I don't want any more medicine, I want to go with your father, I can't stand the pain anymore” Angela cries with anguish and impotence “Mom don't say that”. “Daughter I am suffering too much, please let me go, don't waste your time and money on me anymore, be happy, be happy with Andy, you love each other, you will have a nice home, let me go” “Mom, no! There's still a lot to do! I can't go on without your presence in my life, please hold on a little longer”. A nurse arrives with a more powerful medicine, they had tried everything, but nothing worked, however, some stronger medicines relieved her pain a little. The days in Camille's house had turned into these scenes, just screams of anguish and pain, and she was filled with an egoism of love, because she knew that her mother was crying out for her not to prolong her physical and mental suffering any longer, while that she tried by any means to avoid the course of nature, of a nature that was already irremediable to change.

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