Obsession and desire



“Andy, the investigator Víctor is here, he tells me that there is good news for you, what should I tell him?” Gisella runs to Andy's office, she was in a hurry, it seemed that something was about to happen. “What's up Gisella? She breathes or something will happen to you” Andy smiles at her, she had become her right hand and the vice president of ALF, had shown that not all Parkers were born with the evil chip. “It is that he told me that he had good news, it is something that has to do with Mario.” “Make him continue” Now Andy was the nervous one, dying to know what had happened to the man who had helped to ruin him. “Good afternoon, my dear friend, how are you?” “Víctor, well thank you, how is mom? Since he went to live with you, very little answers me, eh, you stole it from me” Andy appreciated Víctor, he had married his mother after she had divorced Samuel, Víctor had been the great love of his life. “Well, with the pregnancy, she prefers to be away from cell phones, she also told me that they talked two days ago, don't be exaggerated, well, I have news for you, and I know you'll like it.” “Oh, yes? From what you tell me, a little brother is going to dethrone me.” “Yes, but she's a little sister, sorry I can't bear to tell you.” Andy smiles well I have little time, Mario finally fell, the very stupid return to the country, it seems that he lost all his money, the woman who was with him stole it and he was left with nothing at all, when I tried to enter the airport, there was a red alert to capture him, I know that you will no longer recover what he stole, but at least justice will be done. Andy feels like a cool cross his face, he was satisfied by the news he was hearing, and he wanted to celebrate it, Víctor was right, the money would not come back, but at least he would enjoy seeing him have a good time in jail. “Thank you very much for all your management, you don't know how much relief you give me” Víctor and Andy talked for a few more minutes, Andy felt that this was good news that he should

celebrate and he would do it with the woman he loved, so without saying anything He prepared a surprise for her, very similar to the one he had done on her birthday, that night was special and she also deserved that justice. “Let's see, tell me, do you have to take me blindfolded again?” Camille was anxious “Yes, my love, I don't want to ruin the surprise.” Andy had rented a beautiful chalet, and had prepared a beautiful decoration, the typical romantic dinner that cannot be missing, but this time it was accompanied by a beautiful and giant sign made of roses. He guides her in front of the sign and uncovers her eyes, Camille's jaw drops, she had never seen such a beautiful spectacle, everything around seemed like a magical story, the lights, the roses, the effects that he had put on it and of course the sign giant. WILL YOU MARRY ME? SAY YES PLEASE She begins to cry inconsolably, Andy feels confused because he didn't know what was happening to him, he didn't know if he was happy, or if he was going to run away, but she holds him in his arms and cries on his chest. “My love, yes, if I want to marry you, please make me your wife” Andy also sheds a couple of tears over her, happiness flooded her heart, that night was magical and special, because the body delivery had also returned. Andy kissed her so passionately and made her his until he devoured not only her body but also her soul, there was not a single moment while they made love that they didn't look at each other and tell each other how much they loved each other, that That night it was as if they had sealed a love pact, one with him that they would never break. 1 year later “Andy! no more, I can't resist anymore, help me please!” “Camille love, don't tell me, don't tell me that it's time, but it's still not time” Andy is left thinking- Oh no, yes, its time, because I lost the bills, it's your fault for being so pampered, Carolain the suitcase, the baby's suitcase, please help us!! “Calm down, please calm down, she's only going to have a child. What's the mystery? Camille

breathes as the medical control taught you, she takes air through her nose and exhales through her mouth, calm down!” Carolain had always taken things in a more relaxed way and was there to help almost new parents, although they had already had children each on their own, both were as if they were a pair of inexperienced parents, out of control and running like crazy. Andy helped Camille down, Orlando as always as a faithful lackey, he took Camille in his arms and lifted her up, put her in the car and as if it were a car race, he dodged absolutely all the obstacles and incredibly in fifteen minutes he was in the hospital where all the medical staff were ready to treat Camille. She resists the pain as best she can until they make her comfortable in a delivery room, Andy is made to put on a gown to accompany her during the delivery, he holds her hand, while Camille screams and cries in terror from the pain of labor. childbirth, Andy can't resist the emotion and faints. “Mr. Alf, are you okay? How does it feel?” a nurse is waking him up. “Where's Camille? How is my son?” he gets up tense, they had already taken him to a stretcher, and he was scared, he was nervous that something would happen to them, the nurse pointed to the side and there he was, Camille with her beautiful son in her arms when she looks at him she can't help but make fun “You are a coward Alf! Thank goodness we had a little boy, he will be the man of the house, because you, no way, you faint seeing flowers” Andy smiles at him and goes towards them. When he sees his son's face, he feels how a feeling stops in his heart, a flame of love is concentrated inside him, that was his family, the one he always wanted, the dream that I always long for, the happiness that I always implore, but that he didn't know how to look for her, because he didn't have to look for her, she would come by herself. During the following months, Andy had devoted himself solely to taking care of his son, his baby had been named Angel, he was a representation of a rainbow baby, who would appear after the loss of some previous children, they never forgot Zoé and the baby that had not been born, they were always in their hearts, at least once a month they went to the cemetery to visit them and bring them flowers, and although the pain for the loss was always present for both Andy and Camille, the

hope that had given them Angel, it eased any anguish they had. Mario was finally sentenced to more than 15 years in prison for robbery, fraud, document falsification, among other crimes. In jail he had become a more reclusive and empty person, because he had also fallen in love with Keyra, but she never she was going to stop being the evil woman she was, during the time they were in Dubai they were able to set up an emporium, which was quite fruitful, but she was never in love with him, she met another more handsome and younger man, stole Mario and left went with him Andy's mother had had her second child when she was older, but that did not prevent her from feeling a happy and fulfilled woman at 45 years old, she was very close to Andy's family and her daughter grew up next to Angel, helping each other like this. Affectively, Víctor really loved her, not like Samuel, who simply had her as a trophy. Little by little Carolain became a young lady, she was diligent and very proactive in her studies, she loved the family she had now, it didn't mean that she didn't miss her mother, it meant that everything was a process of improvement, and she did. he was taking in wonder, for his sister was like his own mother. “Andy, my love, come I need you” Andy is playing with Ángel, he was barely two years old, and he was beautiful. “Tell me my love, my queen, what does the most beautiful but ill-tempered woman in the universe want?” Camille begins to cry in front of Andy as if she were a spoiled child, she was heartbroken, her crying was heartbreaking, Andy rushes towards her and hugs her, he thought something serious had happened. “What happen? Tell me? What's wrong with you, don't do this to me baby please.” “It's just, I'm pregnant” she takes a positive pregnancy test out of her pocket and starts crying again, Andy only remains perplexed looking at her belly and throws himself on his knees to the ground and hugs him. “My love, thank you, my life, thank you very much, I cannot be the happiest man in the world, because there is no other who feels the happiness that you give me”.

“You are not upset because we are going to have another child in such a short time”. “No, my love, I'm not upset, there are two, but for me there will be six, your children are the most beautiful children in the world”. “they are also your children!” “That's why they're cute!” Andy laughs, since he married Camille and decided to change that absurd restriction and obsession he had for living, he was more fun, more relaxed and above all more loving, this made them happy . Months later, Andy had become that devoted father he never had, Camille's pregnancy was a bit complicated, this time she had to stay in bed until her baby was born. He wouldn't even let her move, although happiness was complete in a certain way, they were expecting a girl, a beautiful girl, whom they called Luz, Ángel and Luz had become the pillar of a family, who had decided to unite and give them love, many years passed, and Andy and Camille were more in love with each other every day, there was not a morning in which they did not tell each other how much they loved each other and show signs of love, there was not a single day in which between the two of them there was no pleasure and delivery and although problems were also present from time to time, because no love story is rosy, they always had time to breathe, And well, that was only the beginning of a long story full of love and happiness, where two souls who had been trying to be together for a long time had to go through a healing process to understand that a relationship is not only about love. You must also cultivate respect and trust, there is no need to touch such dark depths to realize in time that when love prevails, differences can be solved, and that if you are destined to be together, no matter how many difficulties, obstacles and reluctance, fate is responsible for putting everyone in their place. Cheers to those loves that succeed and that, as in fairy tales, are happy forever. End… Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

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