Obsession and desire

Difficult situations and decisions to face.

Difficult situations and decisions to face.

“Well, tell me, why the intention of uniting the two companies? I don't understand if Parker is just as functional and productive as ALF? A merger in economic terms is not that it brings a great advantage to the companies, or I don't know.” “That is clear, the difference of the merger of the companies would not be so advantageous in economic terms, but it is simply something personal” Mario lights a cigar and begins to smoke in front of Camille, the look of that handsome man changes completely, notably he had a rivalry with Andy, which was not only aimed at the professional level, but was also on the personal level, and his hatred was quite evident in his eyes, this impressed Camille, who simply asks his intentions. “Mario, what are you up to with Andy? I'm seeing that it's something personal”. “I can't tell you right now precious, for now it's something you can't know.” “But you can trust me, you know that things ended very badly with him, he hurt me and well, if I could be part of this plan, and earn a little for what he did to me, it would also be good” try to persuade him to give you more information. “I know that I can trust you, little girl, but I already gave you too much information that I should not have provided from the beginning, but I know that you are charming and loyal, I also know the level of damage that man did to you and I swear that we will make him pay.” she smiles hypocritically, that idea scared her, ending a relationship due to toxicity did not mean that she wanted it to end with a revenge where Andy could possibly be affected, so at that moment she had to let Andy know the plans that were against him In order to warn him and make him do something, first of all she respected his feelings of love. “For that same reason you should fully tell me why you have those intentions, and what are the plans to follow, you have me on edge” she takes a sip of her glass of wine, she wants to relax and let go of her nerves to show him that she was indeed on his side. “All in good time my little one, now I don't want to talk about Andy Alf anymore, I want us to talk about the two of them”. “Well, at this moment, if we talk about the two of us, I begin to suspect that you are using me as

another joker to hurt him, because precisely you with your desire for revenge and want to be with me, and I want to warn you about something” Mario interrupts her by putting one of her fingers on her lip. “Things are different with you little ones, you are spectacular and when I met you I had no idea that you were in a relationship with him, as far as I understood he had a wife and a daughter, both of whom died, so your journey through life was so short and basic, that no one knew of your presence” Mario's arrogance was already bothering her, however she had to stay comfortable to find out what she wanted. “Hum, so what you feel for me is real?” She didn't like that idea either, it couldn't be denied that Mario was the single man that any woman would want for her life, besides being very handsome, he was intelligent, captivating and more, but lately he was showing her that his intentions were different, and then he lost all his charm. They finished having lunch and he took her home again, he had to return for a meeting, she was totally sure that she had to tell Andy about the plans that were against him, so she typed in his number, she still had it and she didn't know why. What, I don't imagine I would use it for this. She decides to write him a message... “Andy, we need to talk, I have something very important to tell you” send I waited about forty minutes while I was organizing some things and she didn't respond, apparently she had been blocked from her chat, so without further ado, she dialed her phone number. But he also had his calls blocked, the only option was to go to his mansion tonight, he shouldn't wait for Mario to execute his plans anymore, there were only two months left for the final decision of the presidency, and ALF's stability would depend on that and ASSOCIATES. For Camille, the only important thing at that moment was to talk to him, regardless of how she was dressed, she only puts on a jacket that reaches her knees, touches up her bow in her hair and leaves for Andy's house, she knew his routines from perfection, and I would know that around 7 pm, he would already be home. Upon arriving at the mansion, she stands at its door, she wants to wait for him there, well she knows the employees weren't going to give her a chance, but it's already past 7 and he doesn't arrive,

she's anxiously waiting for him, but almost 8 is arriving. and nothing. “Maybe he's already here and I'm here waiting for him” with the hope that he's already home, she's ready to ring when she sees her car arrive in the parking lot, she smiles and goes in search of it, when she gets close to the car she realizes that Andy is no longer alone. He gets out of his car first and next to him, a beautiful blonde of about 1.75 comes out stunning, with her red lips and perfectly well-groomed hair, she has tight pants on her body that highlight her wide hips, and a blouse that only covered her breasts, the climate of the city helped her to dress like that, contrary to Camille, who didn't mind enduring the heat, just to be comfortable. Andy opens the door for her and smiles at her. “We have arrived Greta” he extends his hand, and with the one that remains free he points to the mansion. “It's been a long time since I came to your mansion. How since we were seventeen years old?” Her voice is quite stylized as well as her clothes. Camille unconsciously stands in front of them and watches him, a week and he had already replaced her, well it had been a while, but apparently their love was not as real as he said. And although they still haven't seen her, she wants to escape from her, she was no longer interested in what she had to say to Andy, but when she took the first step, Orlando's voice flooded the place. “Miss ibis?” she immediately stops her step, she was not going to act like a criminal on the run, she just stares at them out of the corner of her eye, for a moment she feels a little disagreeable with how she is dressed, but she does not pay attention. “Hey, if it's me Orlando, how are you?” she greets him as usual. “Very well miss” who does not come out of his astonishment is Andy, who not only looks at her out of the corner of his eye because of her appearance, while he is impeccable, but also did not expect that on the very day that he was arriving with Greta at his mansion, he had to find that show. “What are you doing here Camille? Excuse me, Greta, I have business to fix”. “Why are you talking to me like that?” Andy approaches her and takes her arm, taking her away from where her guest was, it seemed that she felt ashamed “You came to interrupt my peace, after you left with your lover, what are you doing here? And more

like you're dressed” in her voice it was noticeable that there was no trace of the love that I swore to her the last day in her office. “I needed to talk to you, there are things I must tell you, there are plans against you” “And what do I care? Who sent you? Mario? Well, tell him that I'm prepared for whatever comes, so I'm not afraid of him.” “No, otherwise I'm here to tell you the plans... listen to me” Andy takes her by the arm and leads her further towards the entrance of his mansion. “In two minutes, a taxi will arrive for you, now get out of here, just as you decided to get out of my life, I hope you don't come back” he leaves her there waiting alone. She doesn't even assimilate what just happened, she never expected that the person she loved with her heart, because she truly loved him, would treat her with such contempt and humiliation. She leaves determined not to tell him anything, although she would not lend herself to Mario to execute the plans she had against Andy, what he just did to her, it really offended her, she understood that her love was never real, it was just a love passenger, which was sustained by words, an absurd obsession, but not by actions. Disappointed by what she had just seen, she leaves through the garden of Andy's mansion, turns back, and realizes how they enter the mansion smiling. Greta takes him by hook, Camille imagined that this was the woman he deserved, she was at his level, she no longer wanted to know more about the relationship she had with him one day and if Mario was going to affect him, not anymore It would be in his hands to notify him, because for the umpteenth time, he was being indifferent and proud, thus demonstrating his true self, he didn't even get into the taxi that he asked for, he just decided to walk, he didn't even know how far his house was, but he preferred to do it, he felt so bad that he had to reflect. Andy, what happened there? Who was that horrendous woman? When I saw her I thought she was a thief or a beggar-Greta, she used to be contemptuous of people who were not in the same social position as her. “You said it, she was an employee of this mansion, we had to fire her, and now she came to ask for a job again” Andy had his heart so full of hatred and resentment towards Camille, that he didn't

mind lying about who she was, he just he wanted to get any good feeling that once existed in his heart, and the way was to lie, lie to others and lie to himself. “Ouch! What unpleasant visitors, you should have security at your main gate, well, rather tell the one that you have to prohibit them from entering those kinds of people, they are a danger” Andy really knew what Camille meant to him, but out of pride he preferred to keep that position that she represented everything he didn't want from a woman, so he preferred to continue on the date with a woman he had known years ago. Greta Collins, was a famous fashion designer in the city, and of course she came from one of the most prominent families, she was always in love with Andy, since high school, but he never gave her the opportunity to be with him, because he always Concentrating on his studies and his company, due to fate they lost track, causing each one to start a new life, and that's where Keyra appeared. However, in a scheduled meeting of ex-students, they spoke to her again, Greta still wanted him and so they began to talk that night, the purpose of going to the mansion was not even known to Andy, but he would like to give himself a new opportunity in the love, and a fair candidate for it, was Greta Collins. For her part, Camille, with a lump in her throat and with a sore heart again, is walking home, not only did she know about the plans to kill Andy, but she was also realistic that he was not going to find out, Well, just as he took her out of his mansion, so she would remain silent, the humiliation to which he had subjected her was not consistent with what he had told her a few days ago, he would simply let things take their course, but he would also gain a name for himself. that he could never humiliate her again and he would do that by accepting the position that Mario had offered him at the Parker company, from there he would show her what she was made of.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

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