Now and Forever

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Jessica.. Jessica.. Jessica..

Is he having an affair with with her? Is that why he got so mad? That I picked up the phone instead of


"Amelia!" Bella shouted and snapped her fingers in my face.

"Wha- Huh?"

"Are you still thinking about-"

"What? Of course not." I looked away and tucked my hair behind my ear- a habit I do when I'm lying

and Bella knew this as well.

"You're lying." She stated.

"No I'm not-"

"Don't bother.." She waved me off and fell back on her bed.

"It's that obvious?" I asked after a few seconds of silence as I played with my fingers.

"Yea, it kinda is." She kissed her teeth and sat back up.

"I just can't stop- I mean, is he in a relationship with her-"

"Nu-uh! Stop right there!"


"No, Amelia. Now, why don't you just ask him?"

"Are you crazy?! He was so mad when she called he didn't speak at all until we got here- even then he

just went straight to his study and hasn't been out since! That was three hours ago!"

"Okay. I see your point.."

"Yeah well I better go to bed." I said and stood up after a huge yawn had escaped my mouth.

"Night night- oh and don't forget, you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"I won't, goodnight." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and got out of the room.

You know what? let me check on Alexander real quick...

"Alexander?" I called after softly knocking on the door and entering his study.

As I had expected, he was working. You heard that right. He was working. On a Friday night- not to

mention it was the day we came back home. Isn't he tired? I mean- he's the one that was driving.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response but didn't bother looking up from his laptop.

"Isn't it.. isn't a little late for you to be working-"


"I mean, you did drive-"


"And you should probably get some rest-"

"You're not my wife so stop acting like it god damnit!" He suddenly yelled and looked up at me- a flash

of regret crossing over his eyes but didn't bother acting on it, instead, he looked back down at his

laptop and continued typing, ignoring my presence all together.5

I- you know what? Never mind.

I turned around and walked out of the room without saying another word.

I should have known better than to- no. I didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't be beating myself up for

getting yelled at- I mean, come on Amelia! You're better than that! He's the one that should be beating

himself up- he shouldn't have yelled at me in the first place...

Whoever this Jessica person is -whether she makes him angry or not- has been on his mind for hours.

Who is she?

I'm not even go there right now, I'm honestly too tired to.

If he doesn't think or see me as his wife, what's the point of sleeping in the same bedroom? In the

same bed? what's the point of sharing the same bathroom?

Am I overexaggerating? Maybe. Should I sleep in a different bed every time Alexander does something

like this? No. Yes he was wrong for what he did but being a coward doesn't make me feel all that better


I pulled back the covers and climbed into bed, the coolness of the sheets immediately melting away the

tenseness of my body. My mind went blank and sleep overclouded all my senses as soon as my head

hit the pillow.


As expected, when I woke up there was no sign of Alexander anywhere in the room. Today was

Saturday so there was no work but I wouldn't be surprised if he did go anyway.

I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for today at noon and it was currently 8 am. Might as well get

some breakfast..

"You guys are already up?" I yawned and sat down next to Bella who was reading a newspaper? since

when does she read newspapers?

"I just came down now and found him.. well.. doing whatever he's doing- what are you doing?" she put

the newspaper down and put her intertwined fingers under chin.

"I'm making pancakes." Tony replied in a 'duh' tone and cracked- or at least tried to crack an egg on the

edge of the bowl.

"That's the fifth egg you've tried to crack-"

"Making pancakes isn't easy!" He burst out like he was on the verge of tears which made Bella and I

laugh. "Yeah it is, why don't you sit down and let me make them?" I stood up and took the egg he was

about to crack out of his hand. "Sure." He sighed and took my seat next to Bella.

"Listen Amelia, we have something to tell you." Bella suddenly said in a serious tone. Serious Bella=

I'm not gonna like this.

"What?" They looked at each other first before turning to me.

"Did you guys have se-" I whispered before I was so rudely cut off by Bella screaming 'no' like a

hundred times.

"What?! Of course not! NO-"

"Okay I get it! what is it that you want to tell me?"

"I just want you to know that I still love you-"

"We're moving out- ow!" Tony yelped and rubbed the spot Bella had punched him on.

"I told you we weren't supposed to be blunt with-"

"But you were taking so long to tell her!"

"It's called being sensitive you doof-" Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"Okay enough!" They both stopped bickering and looked at me like I was going to break at any second.

To be honest; I wanted to. I wanted to fall down to my knees and cry my guts out. I was happy for them,

I really was, but I wasn't happy about the fact that I'm going to be alone. Who am I going to talk to when

Alexander and I get into a fight over something stupid -which is pretty often if you haven't noticed- but

who am I to deny my bestfriend to live her life however she wants to? I can't just ask her to stay for my

own selfish reasons. It's unfair.

And so I did what I should do as her bestfriend. I smiled.

"That's amazing you guys!"

"Y.. you're happy we're moving out?" Bella asked and looked at me like I had run mad or something.

"I'm happy for you."

"Wait, really?"

"yeah! why are you guys so surprised- don't answer that..." I added on when they both threw me a well

known look.

"Let's have breakfast now, shall we?" I smiled and cracked the egg perfectly into the bowl which made

Tony scoff and Bella and I laugh.

"Oh by the way, can I come with you guys to the hospital?" Tony asked as he scrolled through the

channels on TV.

We had all decided to watch a movie or two after breakfast because there really wasn't anything to do.

"Sure." Bella answered.

"'Sure'? that's all you have to say? 'sure'?"

"Well what do you want me to say?"

"I want you to say-"


"Wha- no? You didn't even hear-"

"Okay! You guys bicker like an old married couple." I mumbled but they heard me and both looked at

me like I'd offended them in the worst way possible.

"We're not-"

"We do not-"

"Shut up I was talking!"

I- never mind..


"Okay.. everything seems pretty okay." Delilah said as she moved the wand around my stomach.

"Would you like a printed sonogram?" She asked an handed me tissue to wipe the gel off.

"Yes please-"

"We need to talk." Oh god.

"I- I'm gonna go-"

"No. You stay and finish up here," I said and looked up at her, "whatever he wants to say can wait." I

looked over at him and glared.

She looked at me, then him the me again. "I'm so sorry Amelia." She looked at me apologetically and

left the room in under three seconds.

"What do you want to talk about?" I folded the tissue in half and wiped it across my gel clad stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a doctor's appointment?" He didn't yell but man did he sound mad..

"I didn't think you'd want to come." I said nonchalantly and sat up.

"But you thought Tony would like to come?!" And there it is. The yelling. Music to my ears..

"No actually, Tony asked if he could come this morning-"

"You could have asked me-"

"And when would I have asked you?"


"Oh I'm sorry, before or after you yelled at me- oh oh I know! This morning? Oh wait, you were nowhere

to be found." I know I promised myself I'd be the bigger person but I'm not going to let him yell at me all

he wants for no freaking reason.


"I wasn't going to get yelled at -again- for asking if you would like to come for a doctor's appointment for

a child you didn't even want from the beginning."

He stayed quiet, probably contemplating on what and what not to say.

"Is everything okay?" Delilah asked popped her head through the door.

"Yes, everything's okay, could you please come and print the sonograms?"


"Thank you."

**four hours later**

"Baby's gender?"

"Next month."

"Baby shower?"

"I will not be having a baby shower Bella, we've talked about this-"

"No, you talked and I listened. That's not a conversation."

"I'm still not having a baby shower-"

"Shhh.. I don't want to hear it." She shushed me and went back to painting her nails.

"So..." She trailed off. "So?" I asked when I was getting impatient, "what happened last night?"

"What do you mean?" I know exactly what she means.

"Oh don't play dumb-" she stopped and looked up at me, "you know exactly what I mean."

"Nothing happened-"

"Oh that's BS and you know it-"


"Lying. " Oh god.

"Fine." I folded my arms and leaned back against the bathroom wall, "something did happen but it

didn't seem so big enough for me to tell-"

"Just spit it out for god's sake!"

"Alright! okay! calm down.. he yelled at me. See? it's in the normal so nothing to worry-"

"What did he yell at you for?"

"Nothing big-"


"okay okay! fine. I asked him to go to bed since it was late -big mistake that was- and he yelled; 'you're

not my wife so stop acting like it god dammit'- just the occasional punch in the gut-"

"But you are his wife-"

"On paper. Doesn't mean anything."

"'Doesn't mean a thing- then tell me why you're pregnant with his baby?"

"It was a mistake and you know it." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"A beautiful mistake- But other than that, what did you do after he yelled at you?"

"I walked away and went to bed." I shrugged and slid down to the floor when I'd gotten tired of standing


"Wha- y.. you did what?!"

"I walked away and went to bed."

"You didn't yell back?!"


"Why not?!"

"First of all; what would I have said? huh? and second; he was clearly bothered about something-"

"So what?! Everyone has problems but that doesn't give him the right to yell at you!"

"I know Bella-"

"If you did you would have put him in his place-"

"Bella! He's not the only one at fault here, okay? He clearly had something that was bothering him-"

"Stop defending him!"


"No! He's in the wrong here and he should apologize."

"I-" you know what? he should apologize. What he did was totally uncalled for, "you right."

"Of course I'm right." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Do you know what the worst part of all of this is?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.


"Once we're in a good place, something always has to come up and spoil everything- it's a never

ending rollercoaster ride!"

"Well what are you going to do about that?"

"I don't know-"

"Wait, I have an idea!" She burst out like a lightbulb had lit up over head.

"And what's that?"

"You seduce him-"

"Woah woah woah.. what has that got to do with anything we're talking about?!"

"It doesn't but think about it-"

"Think about what Bella?! There is nothing to think about!"

"He'll tell you everything-"

"I don't want to know anything!" lie.

"You sure? Not even about what's her face.. that's right! Jessica?!"

"Yeah I do but not like this! We haven't even been on our third date -that I doubt is even gonna happen-



"So?! So?! Okay let's say I seduce him-"

"That's the spirit-"

"Listen! Let's say I do it, what next? Huh? What if he wants to.. you know.. without telling me anything?"

"Oh don't tell me you wouldn't want to-"

"Look where it got me the first time!"

"Okay fine, I see your point. So that's off the table.."

"It was never on the table in the first place."



Knock Knock

Who could possibly be knocking at the door at 11 pm?


"Is Alexander here?" A woman I've never seen before interrupted me.

She looked mixed with long curly brown hair with streaks of gold falling down her shoulders. She had

dark brown eyes with splashes of freckles spread out across over her nose and cheeks. Her lips were

pink, plump, and heart-shaped. She was no taller than me- maybe only an inch taller. She was


"Uhh.. yes he is, may I know who's ask-"

"Wait, who are you?" Excuse me? I- you know what?

"I'm his wife, who are you?" I answered, putting emphasis on the word 'wife'.

"You're Amelia?" She asked and when I nodded she scoffed and folded her arms over her chest, "Xan

xan could have done so much better.." Hold on- 'Xan xan'?

"I- who are you?" something tells me I'm not gonna like the answer to the question I just asked...

"I'm Jessica. Jessica Bailey-"

"Who's at the door-" Alexander stopped mid sentence and glared at the woman that was standing in

front of us when he opened the door wider to see who was at the door.

"Aren't you going to inv-"

"What're you doing here?" Is it possible that I heard him growl out that question?

"I told you-"

"That's not a reason."

"Well what do you want me to-"

"I want you to leave."

"Are you sure? Because you didn't seem to happy the last time I did that." She tilted her head to the

side and smirked. What does she mean by that?

"Leave, Jessica."

"I've just gotten here-"


"Fine, don't get your panties in a twist." She said and held her hands up , "see you later." She put her

hands in her pockets -smiled and walked back to her car. Alexander glared down her car until it was out

of the gate and nowhere in sight.

That was.. well.. what was that?

"Let's go to bed-"

"I have work-"

"No! You are going to take your ass to bed-"


"Shut up I'm talking! You can yell at me all you want but I'm not changing my mind! I'll even drag you

there if I have to!" I ranted and closed the door when it started to get chilly.


"I- wait, 'okay'?"

"Mm-hm sure, I'm tired anyways." we all know that's a lie..

I can't sleep. My back was faced to Alexander so I couldn't see whether he was asleep or not but I

know it's the latter. I have questions a lot of questions, but the one I want to know most is: Who is she

to Alexander?

"She's my ex." Crap! did he read my mind??

"Ex..?" I asked slowly incase he changed his mind about telling me about her.

"Ex fiancée." Hold up- they were about to get married??

"What happened between the both of you?"

"She left -correction- she slept with Damon Kingsley then left me on the day of our wedding." That's

why he hates him so much.

I sat up and switched on the light. He was lying on his back, arms under his head and eyes looking

straight up at the ceiling.

I crawled over to him and hesitantly swung my leg over his, I was straddling him. He looked away from

the ceiling and down at me with confusion swimming in his piercing grey orbs.

"What're you doing?"

"I- I don't know.." What am I doing?

"You don't know?" He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side.

"I- this is stupid-" I tried to climb off him but stopped when he put a hand on my bare thigh, electricity

shooting through my whole leg from that spot.

"No," he sat up and leaned back against the headboard, "it's not." He smiled and pushed a lock of hair

behind my ear.

"It's not?"

"Mm-hm.. in fact, I think," he raised an eyebrow as if asking for permission to touch me even further,

"that this," I nodded my head and he placed another hand on my other leg, "is just," he ran his hands

up my thighs excruciatingly slow and stopped when he landed on my waist, "perfect." He smiled and

gave me a little squeeze.

Is it bad that I want to kiss him? I mean, if you saw those lips you'd want to as well. Trust me.

"Guess what?" he whispered in my ear.


"I can see you staring at my lips.." Oh god...

"This is so embarr-" would you like to give a guess at to what cut me off? Hint: pink, plump, warm... if

you still don't get it you're either really slow or just dumb. But being the nice person I am, I'll tell you.

He kissed me.

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