Now and Forever

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

After having a late breakfast with Audrey and Alexis, I decided to pay Bella a visit at her work place and

tell her all about my petty problems.

"Mimi!" Isabella exclaimed and engulfed me in a huge bear hug when she saw me.

"I told you not to call me that!" I said with a giggle at the end, returning the hug.

"I missed you so much! How have you been?"

"Well, that's exactly the reason I came here." I said and took a seat.

"Aw sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked with concern laced in her voice and sat down on the other side

of the desk.

And so I told her everything that had happened in Hawaii.

"And now that I think about it, it's a stupid reason as to why we aren't talking to each other." Realization

hit me like a brick to the head.

"Yeah, but you know what you should do?" She asked with excitement in her tone.


"You should tick him off." She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms with a smirk settled on

her lips.

"How in the world am I supposed- oh, that's a great idea! But what am I going to do that's going to

make him go boom! And talk to me?"

"We're going clubbing tonight."Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

"Okay? And why is he supposed to care that we're going clubbing?" The former said by Bella.

"That's the point! You're going to put on something really tight and short."

"Yeah but he's not going to see me because he's going to be at work and i'm sure he's going to come

back home late so that he can avoid me." I leaned back in my chair, exasperated.

"Oh yeah, I never thought of that." She furrowed her eyebrows as if thinking of something.

"You know what? Fuck it! We're going clubbing tonight and not just because we want to get him ticked

off!" I stood up and picked up my handbag from the floor.

"Yeah, you're right!" Bella exclaimed and also stood up.

"Let's go and buy what we're going to wear right now!" She said as she stuffed her work papers in her

laptop bag.

"Um, Bella?"


"Don't you have work to do? And besides, it's just 1:43 pm."

"I'm just going to tell my supervisor that I'm not feeling well and that I should probably get home before

I get worse, and besides, I can help you unpack your stuff after we get the outfits for tonight, okay?"

I stared at her in disbelief.

"Did you just make that up?" I asked when she gathered up all her belongings.

"No, I was thinking about it the second I saw you." This girl is so unbelievable.

I rolled my eyes playfully and helped her carry some of her stuff.


"I'll pick you up in the next fifteen, ok?" I said through the phone to Bella.

"Yeah sure, bye!" I hung up the phone after I said my goodbye and observed myself in the floor length


I was wearing a black lace bralette with a matching high waisted mini leather skirt that reached mid

thigh. I matched my outfit with five inch black stilettos and a black leather jacket.

My makeup consisted of a bold red lipstick, mascara and a little bit of concealer.

Ok, and... done!

Just as I was about to step off the platform, the door to the closet opened and you cannot believe who

just walked in.

In walked non other than, drumroll please... Alexander freaking Knight!

He looked at me through the mirror and I did the same except his eyebrows shot up and his mouth

slightly parted.

I pretended I didn't see him and stepped down from the platform and held my purse and heels in my


Just as I was about to walk out, he stepped in front of the door, not forgetting to close it. I tried side

stepping him but failed miserably.

I sighed in defeat and finally looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me, I have somewhere to be in..." I checked the time on my phone and looked back at him "...

the next nine minutes."

"And where exactly are you going?"

Is he for real?!

"I'm going out with Isabella and I'm going to be late, so please do me a favor and move out the way."

"Where are you going with Isabella and why didn't you tell me earlier on?"

"Well you weren't exactly in the talking mood now were you?" I said through gritted teeth, not bothering

to look up at him.

"Why are going out dressed like that?" I averted my eyes from the ground and threw him a hard stare.

"Because I want to. Now move or else I'm going to be late!" I pushed -or more like tried to push him out

of the way but he didn't budge, not even just a little bit.

I groaned in annoyance then walked back to my dressing table and sat down on the table.

"Fine, what do you want?" I asked after I had sat down.

"I want you to change out of that.. that.. thing." He said as he walked towards me.

"What? No! forget it. There's no way I'm going to change out of my outfit just because you want me too,

don't forget, you're the person that hasn't been talking to me for a whole week let alone look at me for

some unknown reason. So excuse me if I want a drink or two with my best friend." I grabbed my clutch

and heels and walked out of the closet without giving him time for a response.


"No way, you actually said that?!" Bella exclaimed when I told her what happened when we got to the


"Mhm." I hummed in response then took a sip of coke through my straw.

"Oh my god Amelia." She nodded her head and took a sip from her vodka.

"I know right? I wonder how I'm going to face him when I get home."

"You know what? Forget it! Let's just dance!" She unexpectedly grabbed my hands and pulled me to

the dance floor and started jumping up and down to the beat.

"But.. But my drink!" I complained as I pointed to my glass.

"Don't worry about your drink! We'll get a new one!" She shouted over the music grabbed my arms.

Hours later, I had gotten into the music and I was just dancing, having the time of my life until I

eventually got tired and decided to sit down.

I ordered for another glass of coke because I didn't trust the one I left behind a long time ago.

Just as I was about to take a sip, I felt someone's hands encircling my waist from behind and it

honestly felt icky.

I immediately turned around to see a guy that looks like he's around his mid thirties and he looked

extremely drunk and he reeked of sweat, probably from dancing.

I had taken off my jacket moments earlier because it got to hot and I was only left in the bralette and


"Why... hello... sweetheart." He slurred out, looking directly at my chest, his hands still around my waist.

I tried to peel his hands off my waist but it was no use so I put my fingers under his chin and lifted his

head so that he could look at me and not my chest.

The moment he saw my face he quickly let go of me and jumped back, pointing and stuttering as if

trying to remember where he had seen me from.

My face contorted into that of confusion when he started tapping his temple as if racking his head for

an answer.

"Right! You're that Ame.. amelia? Woman! Alexander Knight's wife!" His face glowed up like he had just

had the best idea ever but it quickly vanished and was replaced with one of horror.

"Oh my god! What did I just do to Alexander Knight's wife?! Oh my goodness I'm so so so sorry ma'am,

I swear it will never happen again! Please forgive me!" At this point he sobered up and looked like he

was about to cry.

"No no, it's fine." I gave him a polite smile to show him it was ok.

"Re.. really? So.. so you won't tell your husband?" He stammered a little bit when he asked.

"Yes really, it's ok, and no, I won't tell my husband..." he sighed in relief "... as long as you don't treat

other women the same way you have treated me tonight, alright? Because it's not fair to anyone,


"Yes! Of course! I swear I won't treat anyone else like that, I promise." He said enthusiastically.

"Ok good, thank you, bye then." I picked up my clutch, Bella's purse and my jacket and went looking for

her on the dance floor.

I found her and I had to literally drag her off the dance floor because she was apparently still 'having

fun', I mean, I would have understood that 3 hours ago.

"Oh.. come.. on.. Amelia! I.. was.. still.. having.. fun!" She slurred when I strapped her in the passenger

seat and made sure to put in the kiddies lock incase she tried opening the door.

"We've had enough fun for tonight Bella, maybe next time." I started the car and drove out of the

parking space.

I first dropped Bella off at her place and got help getting her inside by Mark and made my journey back

to a probably sleeping Alexander.

By the time I got home it was around 2:54 am and to tell you that I was 'sleepy' would be the

understatement of the year.

I walked into the room and and saw Alexander already sleeping and thought of how I wish I could be

him right now.

I went into the closet and dropped everything that was in my hands on the dressing table and got out

my face wipes.

I held my hair up in a messy bun, removed the makeup from my face and changed into my pajama

shorts and white tank top since it was so hot.

I walked out of the closet and Alexander was still asleep but I decided to take detour to the kitchen

because I was hungry and I didn't have dinner, all I had was like five bottles of coke.

Since no one else practically lived in the house apart from me and Alexander, I didn't put on a robe

because he was sleeping and like I said, it's only him and I living in this house alone.

I grabbed a packet of chips from the pantry and sat down on the kitchen island counter, swinging my

legs back and forth while humming a song that just popped into my head.

After a few minutes, I was done with my chips and just as I was about to jump down from the counter,

Alexander's voice startled me.

"Where have you been?" He demanded.

"Oh my god! Don't scare me like that!" I jumped down from the counter and walked over to the trash

can, not sparing him a glance since he spoke up.

"Where have you been?" He asked again.

"I told you-" I stopped short of my sentence, my voice no where to be found when I turned around to

face him.

"*ahem* I was out with Bella." I finished, trying not to look at his torso.

He was only wearing grey plaid pajama pants and that's it. Nothing else. Just that. And let me tell you

this, I was not complaining one bit about it.

"I know you were with Isabella but where were you?" He asked and a raised an eyebrow.

"Now you see, that, I cannot answer, you wanna know why?" I walked past him and out of the kitchen.

"Why?" He asked and followed me up the stairs.

"Because. It's. Non. Of. Your. Business." I said it slowly while walking down the hallway and into the


"You're still hung up on that?!" He suddenly exclaimed and shut the door behind him.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.

"Me?! What do you mean 'am I still hung up on that'?! Excuse me but I'm not the one that stopped

talking to you for a whole week!"

"Is that why you went out?! Huh?! To 'teach me a lesson'?!"

"Excuse me but am I not allowed to go out and have fun with my best friend?!"

"Not when you're dressed like that!"

"First of all! What was wrong with the way I dressed?! And guess what? If you must know, I went to a

club! Do you have a problem with that?"

With each retaliation we had stepped closer and closer to each other and at this point our chests were

almost touching.

"Yes I have a problem with that Amelia!"

"Well then, deal with it." I then glared at him one more time and turned on my heel, ready to walk away

but guess what? This idiot had something else in mind.

He held me by my shoulder spun me around and before I could process anything, he crashed his lips

down against mine.

My eyes automatically closed shut and my hands immediately wrapped around his neck.

You know, this was all so wrong what we are doing, but tell me one thing, why did it feel so right?

He licked my lower lip and I gladly gave him access. He tasted like coffee and mint.

We broke free from the kiss to get air but he just continued by planting kisses down my neck and

across my collarbone.

"Listen Alexander." I moaned when she sucked at the nape of my neck.

"Hm?" He hummed but not stopping what he was doing.

"What we're going to do now-"

"It doesn't mean anything, just think of it as a one night stand." He cut me off and continued leaving a

trail of kisses down my neck.

"Fine by me." I whispered and in under 30 seconds, my back was on the bed and my bra was off faster

that you can say Mississippi.

I reached out and switched off the lamp on the bedside table and just let all thoughts leave my head for

the rest of the night.

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