Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate

Chapter Sixty - Eight

Chapter Sixty - Eight

Danica sat on the floor of the van, her hand hugging her bump, her heart in her throat with the sequel

of events. What was supposed to be an amazing day because she decided to buy some extra stuff for

the unborn child, has turned into a nightmare. She was just checking out some stuff when a man

walked to her. She felt uncomfortable with his presence and just before she opened her mouth to tell

him to give her space, he pressed a revolver to her bump.

Fear gripped her like venom. She obeyed the man's command to walk him without creating suspicion.

Luckily for her, Gideon had been watching her through the glass door from outside because he wanted

to give them space. To her horror, a bullet penetrated his chest before he could stop the man but that

didn't stop him from also sending out some bullets that injured two of Jerome's men, if not kill them

before the police arrived.

From where she sat, she couldn't see outside. Were these people after Loney? Was that the reason

why he told her to always be in the mansion? Why did he give her permission when he knew there

were still people after him?

Still, she worried for him. She worried about how he would be faring in such a time as this. Was he

aware that she had been kidnapped? Was he broken? Was he trying to find her? She closed her eyes

and said a silent prayer. The people had not abused her in any way but have made it clear that they

wanted the child in her womb. She prayed that God would keep her and her baby safe.

Taking in deep breaths, she calmed herself. She had to think up something for the sake of her child.

She won't allow them to get to their destination. Perhaps she could bargain with her kidnappers. No

matter what, kidnappers always wanted money. That was the reason they went to such extents.

Then, she heard the man she presumed to be their leader speaking on the phone. They requested

more money which made it seem that whoever they were speaking to was the orchestrator. Aside from

the driver who focused his gaze on the road, the leader and one other man, cast occasional deadly

glares in her direction, it made her shiver.

Nervous strands encircled her like a web yet, she tried to keep calm. She had to think of something.

She prayed that God would favour her and give her wisdom.

"I...I want to pee." That was the first thing that came to mind. They would have to stop the van for her to

pee. Then she could call Loney.

"You have to keep it in. We can't stop anytime soon." Jerome spoke in a husky voice, she was startled.

After all, she has never faced a man like him. She has faced gentlemen but never rogues.

"But I'm pregnant, I can't hold it in," she said in an unstable soft voice.

Jerome flung as if she hit him. Something moved inside him at the innocence lacing her voice, that

made him slightly uncomfortable or perhaps, guilty. "You can pee on yourself then. We will get you

cleaned up later but we are not stopping this van." He tried to ignore the uneasy feeling.

"Please let me go, I will give you anything," Danica tried to plead after a few minutes, seeing that her

first plan hadn't worked.

Jerome focussed his attention on her, as she mentioned giving him anything. She couldn't give him

more than what Daniella was paying right? Besides, he was following his master's instructions. "What

could you possibly have? All we want is your baby," he taunted.

Danica stiffened at the mention of her baby. She would rather die than give away her child. Now that

she knew how serious they were, she had to push harder or even fake being in labour. At least if she

faked and no baby came out, they would be forced to rush her to the hospital. "Please, my boyfriend is

rich. He would give you anything, please let me go," she continued to plead.

"You have no right to bargain. Just shut up. The one who hired us is coming. She would exchange

clothes with you and return to them. No one will know that you have been kidnapped," Jerome let out,

hiding the fear that Danica's boyfriend was rich. These rich people have so much power. What if they

get caught?

Exchange clothes with her? Danica didn't have the time to think deeply. The van was moving faster,

heightening her fears. "" A sharp pain coursed through Danica's lower abdomen. A shrill tore

through her throat. She was planning to fake it but this was real. Could it be false labour? Even if it

was, she still needed to get to the hospital. She had been educated on the warning signs since it was

her first time.

"What is it?" Antonio, one of Jerome's men asked, obviously startled. Jerome's eyes widened,

bewildered. This couldn't be happening.

"I don't know," Danica muttered just as the pain stopped as if it never came. Before she had the

pleasure of enjoying some relief, she felt warm liquid wet her dress. Jerome saw it too. Fear gripped

him. "She's in labour. We have to take her to the hospital," he ordered the driver. As a man with a

girlfriend who has given him two children and is pregnant with the third, he knew the meaning of the

water breaking.

"No, that's not part of the plan," the driver yelled. "We have to wait for her," he ended nonchalantly.

Jerome understood his point and dialled Daniella's number. He needed to explain the situation to her.

However, after dialling the seventh time, there was still no answer. Another shrill tore from Danica's

throat. Fear gripped him.

"The shameless bitch isn't picking her calls. Can't you see that she's in a critical condition? If we lose

her, we lose the child too. Drive to the nearest hospital." This time, it was an order but the driver was

not ready to listen. He needed the money from this deal terribly and he didn't want it to fall into the


"If we take her to the hospital, she will tell on us. We will be arrested," the driver tried to reason with

Jerome, therefore, he decided to call Ray.

"No, please help me. I promise I won't implicate you. My boyfriend will reward you. Trust me, he's very

rich," Danica said after the pain had died down again as if it never came. Jerome realised that Ray was

also not answering his call. Then it clicked to him that Ray might be on the run. He was trying to

escape from the FBI. Therefore, he knew without a doubt they were on their own.

"Who is your boyfriend, what is his name?" He asked Danica.

"Arrrhhhhhhhhh," another contraction made Danica scream as she gasped for air, holding tightly to the

hem of her dress. She wished Loney was there or Herty or maybe Mabel. She needed loved ones

around her.

"To the hospital," Jerome ordered.

"I won't do that," the driver retorted. Jerome gritted his teeth and pressed the revolver to his head. "Do

it now," he commanded in a calm but deadly tone. The screeching of tyres was heard, the feel of the

van making a u-turn.

"Are you mad?" Antonio screeched. He was worried about Danica but was also scared for his life.

"Let's drop her there and go. Someone will find her," Jerome reasoned. Danica had promised not to tell

on them so the most important thing was to leave her somewhere close to the hospital," he explained

his plan

Gratitude, blended with relief crowned Danica but it didn't take away the awful contractions coursing

through her like wild fire. "Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe out through your mouth,"

Jerome instructed. That's what the nurses told his girlfriend in the labour ward year's back and he

vividly recalled it.

Danica obeyed and continued that way. "We are taking you to the hospital but if you let the police in on

us, I will find you, kill you, and your child together."

"I promise you. I will make my boyfriend reward you," Danica gave her word.

Jerome didn't believe her but he made them drive to the hospital. His initial intention was just to leave

her at the car park and go but seeing her in pain, it reminded him of his pregnant fiance therefore, he

went into the hospital to get some nurses. Once they were getting close, he turned to step in the car

and drive away but felt a frail grip on his arm.

"Your name, what is your name?" Danica asked in a painful tone.

Could he trust her? Even though she looked exactly like Daniella, she was different. She seemed

innocent and honest. "Jerome," he finally said before climbing the van.

"Thank you. My boyfriend will find you. He will reward you," Danica continued to say, masking her pain.

"Take care." NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Jerome stepped in the van and the driver drove off. Two of his men were already in the hospital. He

had changed the whole plan therefore, he couldn't face Ray. The latter might be trying to escape but

would drive a bullet through his head when he finds out what he has done. However, he strangely didn't

regret helping Danica. He felt rather elated. Thinking through the options of survival, they decided to

escape since they didn't trust that Danica would keep her word and they had forgotten to ask the name

of her boyfriend again. Those contractions drove them crazy, they forgot to ask the most important

question. It would have been easier for them if they knew who her so called rich boyfriend was.

The nurses wheeled Danica in a wheelchair to the labour ward. Luckily, Dr Jeff was on duty. As soon as

he saw Danica, his eyes widened. How is it possible that Danica came to the hospital alone and

without any escort, be it Loney or Paul? "What happened?" He asked, expectation nudging him.

Danica breathed deeply and let out, "I was kidnapped but I'm fine."

Dr Jeff froze. He could sense a pending problem. Who had the guts to kidnap Loney's surrogate?

Whether of not she was safe, Loney would never let it to. He would revenge at all cost. " who?"

Who startled a little.

Another pain tore through Danica, spreading to her waist and it was more intense. This has been going

on for hours now. "I don't know but a guy saved me. His name is Jerome." She said with a painful grin.

She didn't notice Dr Jeff had stiffened at the name she mentioned. "Let me examine you," he tried to

sound casual, seeing her contractions were quite intense.

"Please call Loney. He said he would be with me. He promised," Danica said admist her painful

contractions. Dr Jeff nodded, instantly putting a call through to Loney. "Danica is in the hospital," he

said as soon as the line connected.

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