My Second Chance

Chapter 39: #39 Two Lives In One

Chapter 39: #39 Two Lives In One

Sapphire's P.O.V

"What is all this fuss about?" I complained, struggling as Clover pinned me down on a chair. "Just shut up. It would help us if you stopped moving." Bella grumbled, muttering curses as she combed the tangles out of my hair. "Whatever did you do to your hair?! It was perfectly glossy when you left this morning." Willow scolded, both hands on her hips. "I went for a run and accidentally fell asleep." I shrugged. As if Clover wanted to punish me, she yanked a comb through my hair.

"Ow!" I yelped as I felt some hair tugged from my scalp. "Don't move." Clover muttered. "Thanks for caring." I said sarcastically. "You're welcome." She smiled sweetly. I stared at the strands of my beautiful hair on the ground. Poor hair.

"Okay, what is this about?" I demanded, still struggling against my friends. "Its a surprise." Willow grinned. "Yay, I looove surprises." I deadpanned as Bella scowled at me, clearly not happy that I wasn't appreciating the fact that she had been combing my hair to free the tangles for an hour. "If you don't shut up this very minute, I will skin you alive." Clover threatened me, making me widen my eyes. I swear, I've just created a monster. The more she hangs out with me, the more violent she gets. That's what happens when you hang too much with me.

I muttered about how unfair my friends are and sat still, letting them perform their torture on me. After all, there wasn't anything I could do to take down all three of them.... not when Drew refuses to cooperate and is laughing her ass off at ehat was happening to me. I sighed and leaned into the chair, closing my eyes.

"Done." Bella said excitedly. I snapped my eyes open, "can I please look into the mirror and see what you made me look like? You could have turned me into a garden troll for all I know." I glared at her. "There. Look and tell me you look like a garden troll." Clover huffed and spun the chair around, letting

me face the mirror. I took a good look at myself and my jaw unhinged. "I thought so." Bella grumbled. I don't believe I'm saying this... no, I can't believe I'm saying this... but I look hot.

They had applied my makeup on lightly. The dark green eye shadow made my eyes seem bigger and brighter. In all words, my eyes popped out... and in a good way. Not the ones you see in horror movies. A thin layer of foundation and a good amount of blush were applied, giving my face more colour. I had light yet bright soft pink lipstick on, making my lips look irresistible. The two circle dangly earrings hanging from my ear lobs caught my eye. Giving me a classy yet casual look. But what I couldn't thank them enough... was my hair. They were curled then straightened. My hair curled slightly down on either side of my shoulder blades. The two braids that were tied at the either side of my head met in the middle of the back of my head and clipped with a glittering butterfly clip. I looked mature. Well... more mature than I am now. They had also sprinkled a little glitter on it. I turned around smiling, "okay, I admit it. You guys are amazing. But can you please tell me what's going on?" "No." They chorused together, my smile immediately turning into a scowl. "Oh don't scowl. It'll ruin the whole gentle girl image." Willow waved her hand. "Not like you have one." Bella muttered and I scowled deeper. "You wouldn't want wrinkles Sapph. Whatever would Ryder say?" Clover wrinkled her nose. A light bulb shone above my head. "This is Ryder's doing, isn't it?" I said in truimph. The three of them gave me a flat look. "What?" I pouted. "He's all the way in Germany Sapph." Willow snorted. I rolled my eyes. "But did you know his German is as sexy as fuck?" I grinned. "And do you know me sitting here hearing you talk is torture? No? Well now you know." Bella retorted, making me shut up. His German is hot, Gwen mumbled defensively. I know right, I scoffed. Oh hush, you guys are acting like lovesick people, Drew muttered. Maybe we are, I shrugged. Don't make me burn him, she warned and I scowled. Nobody would agree with me other than Gwen. Life sucks.

I pouted.

"Go change. The dress is in your side of the closet." Clover winked. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the door of the closet before I rendered speechless.

"Oh my fucking god!" My jaws unhinged when I caught sight of the dress. It was all white and in mermaid style. The light blue sash in the waistline of the dress fitted the design perfectly. A veil with pearls accompanied it. A pair of light blue peek toe heels accompanied them at the bottom of the closet. I spun to face my friends who were hiding smiles. "What... what is this?" I babbled. "It's your wedding day Sapph." I felt disappointment flash through me. They grinned but their grins soon wavered when they saw the frown on my face. "What's wrong?" Bella asked hesitantly. "If this is how he's going to propose, he can go fuck himself." I scowled,y mood ruined before shifting into my wolf form and leaping out of the room, escaping their outstretched hands to catch me. There goes the Pink tee and denim shorts I was wearing... and my neon orange socks. Sapphire... Gwen whined. You did good, girl. He should propose if he wants you. What a dick, Drew muttered. Drew... don't encourage her, Gwen groaned. Shut up, I snapped. Aren't you moody today, Gwen muttered before retreating. I ran through the lawn and into the woods. Ignoring the members who were staring at me strangely. The whole lawn had been transformed for the wedding. I didn't even spared the decorations a glance. Sapphire... Drew said hesitantly as I avoided the rocks and tree trunks to reach to my favourite spot. The crystal clear stream in the woods. What? I snapped. Don't you... don't you think there's a reason why you are so moody? Drew mumbled. Uhhh... yeah, I'm pissed. I answered begrudgingly. Gwen soon joined the conversation with a feeling of happiness that I didn't understand. Sapphire... Gwen whispered in awe. What? I asked exasperated. you seriously don't have a single clue? Gwen squealed. Sure I do. Cause I like asking people about things I already know, I muttered sarcastically. Don't be so sarcastic. This is such a happy and awesome day.... Gwen mumbled. Can either you guys tell me what's going on? I demanded. You're pregnant, Drew murmered softly. My cheeks immediately turned beet red when I thought of the night I had actually gave Ryder my virginity. The passion and heat while friction happened inside me. How he kissed every inch of my body, leaving no stone unturned. How we didn't use a condom- then, what Drew said hit me... hard.

Wait-what?! I gasped, my paws immediately stopped running. My claws digged into the dirt as I stopped myself suddenly. When was your last period? Think about it, Gwen scoffed. I immediately

shifted back, my lips trembling as I sat next to the stream. I hugged my naked body. "I'm pregnant?" I whispered to myself in awe. Sapphire? Sapphire? Ryder tried to reach me through the mind bond but I blocked him out. My right palm unconciously went to my stomach. "I'm pregnant?" I hyperventilated. Hey, calm down, Drew rolled her eyes. But... but I'm going to have a child, I panicked. Yeah so? You already knew this was coming when you jumped on him, Gwen grinned. You jumped on him, not me, I protested. Like you regreted what happened that night, Gwen winked making my cheeks heat up again. Look, aren't you happy? You're having Ryder's child, isn't that something you want? Drew countered. Not like this? Not.. not without planning! I cried. Sapph, listen to yourself. Are you serious about not wanting the baby?! Gwen growled. No! I didn't mean I don't want the child. I do... its just- I babbled. Just nothing. Sapphire, are you ready to be a mother? Drew said in a stern voice. I calmed myself. It doesn't matter if I'm ready or not... what can I do now? I'm already pregnant, I groaned. Are you ready to be a mother or not? Drew asked again in a hard voice. Yes, I whispered. Then there's your answer, Gwen smiled. That's when I freaked out. But for a different reason.

Shit! I couldve hurt the child when I shifted, I cursed. Its not hurt, don't worry, Gwen murmered. How do you know that? I scoffed. I can feel it. I'm somehow connected to it, Gwen said, her voice full of love. How am I going to tell Ryder? Oh my god, what if he doesn't want it, I started to panic again. Geez, shut up will you? Drew snapped. But- I protested. He'll love it. Its something made of both of you. How can he not? Drew rolled her eyes, irritation seeping into her voice. I couldn't blame her, it must be frustrating to hear me complain. He'll love it, he wanted to be a father you know, Gwen smiled. And how do you know that? I countered. Jay, his wolf told me, Gwen shrugged.

Should I be worried you guys talk about us? I raised an eyebrow. Yeah, you should. Who knows what we've talked about? Gwen winked and I scowled. Great, Gwen have been talkinng about me behind my back.... just great.

Anyways... you should probably go back now. He's back from Germany and on a rampage, Drew started before pausing, oh wait- he coming. I was about to ask her what she meant when I felt a surge

of worry and anger through the bond. What the hell did you not understand of breaking it to her slowly?! I wanted it to be a surprise! Ryder yelled. I winced. Don't worry, this will be the first place he would search for you... well... after your room where you are obviously not in, Drew shrugged. If there was a such thing as mental glaring, it would be what I was doing at Drew now. Opps, he's coming here now. I'll leave it all to you. Don't wanna be part of this why do you hate the wedding surprise I planned for you talk, Gwen said before shutting herself from me. Gwen... I whined. Better run if you are to escape the talk, Drew winked before shutting herself out too. I sighed in irritation. But a scent I knew too well hit my nose and I knew he was close. So, me being the dumb person I am, took their advise before shifting and running, my paws pit patting on the ground, crunching dry leaves and breaking dry twigs. I soon felt his presence not far behind, I was probably already in his sight. I pushed myself forward harder, only the thought of wanting to escape him in my mind.

Sapphire, the baby! You'll hurt it! Gwen screamed all a sudden which gave me a big scare. Shit! Without thinking I quickly shifted back, not wanting to risk the second life inside me.

Well, that's dumb me. I didn't even care about stopping to run. Once I was in human form, one of my legs tripped over a root of a large oak tree.

"Fuck!" I cursed before crashing down. Oh my god, the baby! Don't crash down on it! Drew panicked. I immediately twisted my body so I would fall on my shoulder. An instant pain shot up my ankle. I groaned in pain. I think you just broke your ankle, Drew mused. What the hell Drew? You are happy about that? I groaned as pain took over my senses again. You'll heal in a day, Drew said absently. Since the baby is okay, I'm going into hiding, Gwen mumbled before closing herself in with Drew again.

"What the hell?!" I yelled into the sky in frustration. Well, not really the sky. More like the leaves from trees that were hiding the view of the sky from me. I whimpered as I tried to pull my leg free from the tree root. And Drew wasn't joking when she told me I broke something. Cause it hurt like hell.

Four black paws skidded to a stop beside me and I mentally cursed. Good. Another trouble awaits me. He quickly shifted back, standing in front of me with all his naked glory. "What the hell Sapphire?!" Ryder said angrily, his eyes shifting colours. "I wasn't the one who was being insensitive!" I grumbled referring to the stunt he pulled earlier. "You could have just told me you didn't want to talk about it than running off and hurting yourself!" He yelled at me. My anger spiked but soon died down when I registered his words. He wasn't angry that I hadn't accept the marriage.... but the fact that I've gotten myself hurt. My eyes blurred as I felt tears burning my eyes. They soon slipped down my cheeks. I felt his mood instantly change. "No.. don't cry. I didn't mean to yell at you... its just... I was worried about you and..." He murmered softly sitting beside me and pulling me into the safe haven his arms provided me. I cried harder. I swear... my pregnancy hormones were all over the place. How could I have questioned the fact that he would want the child? How could I have doubted him like that? I wrapped my arms around his torso, hiding my face into his broad chest. He didn't shush me or tell me to stop crying, he just gently rocked me, calming me with his scent. And that's why I love him. He understands me.

I smiled a little.

"You okay?" He murmered into my hair and I slowly nodded. "Come on, let's go home. We can talk about thid at home." He kissed me gently as he wiped my tears away. I nodded and snuggled into his arms as he carried me home. This is the special thing in a realationship. They'll surely be pain. There will be tears. But someone will be there to wipe them away and make you smile. "I love you." I murmered before letting the tiredness wash over me.

I felt my stomach grumbled. Uhhh, I groaned. Go get food, Drew rolled her eyes. But its so comfortable, I murmered sleepily. Of course it is, you're in Ryder's arms, Gwen said in a 'duh' tone. Nahh, I'll just- Before I could finish, I was already on my feet and running to the bathroom despite my throbbing ankle. Seems like it hadn't healed completely. "Sapphire?" I heard him call but I was already kneeling over the toiletbowl, pouring the contents from my stomach. His presence was soon by my side. "Its okay... let it

all out." Ryder murmered as he held up my blonde hair and rubbing my back up and down. I dry heaved when I had nothing else to puke. "You okay?" Ryder raised an eyebrow. I nodded silently before washing my mouth and trudging silently to bed. He didn't know that I wasn't vomiting because of my food problems... but because of my pregnancy. And yes, I told him about my food problems. He had merely stared at me for a while, blinked once, then twice and murmered, "I should really fatten you up." Did I mention how much I love this guy?4

"You have been acting strange since just now." Ryder observed. I rolled my eyes with my back to him. No duh. "And I know you're rolling your eyes now." He muttered. How does he do that? I demanded. He's your mate, Gwen shrugged. "Do you want to talk?" He asked softly, treading the waters carefully. "Maybe in the morning." I whispered before hiding in the covers of our bed. I heard him sigh before the bed dipped down beside me. When I heard his steady breathing, I put on my slippers before silently leaving the room. I navigated through the house with the moonlight that were streaming in from the windows.

"Couldn't sleep?" I heard a woman's voice and jumped. I turned to see Georgia smiling at me. "Oh, its you." I sighed in relieve. "Being up this late isn't good." She gave me a secretive smile and my eyes widened. Why do I have the feeling she knows about the baby?

She merely laughed softly. "I've been a mother Sapphire. I know how women act when they are pregnant. Your hand is one of the signs." She shook her head walking to kitchen. I looked down to see my right hand covering my flat stomach protectively from the scare. I quickly put my hand down and went after her. "There'll be morning sickness for a while. So just endure it. It'll end after a week or so." She told me before taking a cup from the cabinet and filling it with water. "Oh." I murmered, sitting on the counter. "You haven't told Ryder?" Georgia smirked, sipping from her cup. "Not really. I'm scared." I smiled sheepishly. "You don't have to be. Ryder loves you...a lot. And he will do the same with the baby." Ryder's mother reassured, sitting on a chair next to the counter. "I know. Deep inside, I know it. Its just... I have this tiny bit of fear that won't stop nagging at me." I shrugged, looking down at

my hands. "Sapphire. That's what a mother feels like. She has this nagging fear about her child. Its normal. And you know what, the child isn't born yet and you are already acting like a mother. Sapphire, you'll be a great parent..." She said softly, cupping my hands. "Thanks." I smiled thankfully. "Well, I'm not sure about Ryder though. I think he'll end up as those childish fathers... the one that teaches their children its okay to eat ice cream for breakfast." Georgia muttered and I laughed. "Yeah. And I'll have to take care of two people. A baby and a grown man." I shook my head, smiling. "You haven't talked with him yet?" Her face turned serious as she took another sip of water. "What talk?" I avoided her eyes. I knew exactly what talk she was referring and I don't really want that topic to be brought up.

"You know what I'm talking about." She rolled her eyes, drinking from her cup. "Okay fine. I didn't want my marraige to go like that. I want to be proposed to, I want to help with the wedding preperations, I want to choose the dress I was going to get married in.... I want to go through what brides are suppose to go through." I muttered. I thought she was going to scold me for not following what Ryder had planned just now but come on... she's a woman full of suprises.

"I told that moron that you wouldn't like that kind of bullshit. But no... he just ignored me. Serves him right." Georgia muttered. "Should I be worried that words like bullshit will escape from you and imprint itself into my child's innocent mind?" I gaped at her. She smiled slyly. "Where do you think Ryder gets his dirty mind from?" She smirked. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay fine. But I won't do it to my grandchild okay? I'm not that bad." She shrugged. "Sure you aren't." I teased. She stood up and gulped down the water left in her cup. "You should get some sleep. Its not good for the baby if the mother sleeps late. Night." She winked as she went up the stairs to her room. I sighed and went up the stairs, heading to my bedroom. I climbed into bed and snuggled beside the broad body of my mate.

"Where have you been?" He murmered, turning his body so it faced mine. "Just... went down for a glass of water." I lied. "Okay. Sleep tight." He whispered as he tucked me in before wrapping his arms around me.

I inhaled his delicious scent and it slowly lead me to slumber.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Oooh, I love pancakes, I leaped up from bed. I hope he puts banana slices in it, Drew muttered. But I hate banana slices in my pancakes, I frowned. Exactly my point, Drew smirked. Stop being so negative Drew, Gwen rolled her eyes as I went down the stairs. "Hey. Sleep well?" Ryder smiled when he saw me. I just nodded, not trusting my mouth. He just had to cook shirtless and he knows how I feel about him being shirtless. Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

He placed a plate of pancakes with chocolate syrup on the counter. I sat down smirking. Georgia had taught him how to cook pancakes because its one of my favourite food. So he has pancakes in his cooking list. And let me make it clear. Only pancakes. Anything else he cooks taste like shit. As I bit into the pancake, my stomach lurched and I rushed into the bathroom. "Shit! Sapphire, you okay?" He patted my back as I vomited nothing but water out. I nodded breathing heavily. "I'm calling the pack doctor." He stood up. I quickly grabbed his hand. "Sapphire. I know you don't like discussing about your food problems but this is getting out of hand. You've worsen in the last week." He murmered, soothing me. I shook my head. "It isn't my food problems." I blurted out. Shit. Now I have to tell him....while kneeling beside a toiletbowl. I sometimes wonder how I got myself into awkward situations. Now I know. With my big mouth.

"What do you mean?" He frowned. I stood up shakingly. "Ryder..." I gulped, "I'm pregnant." I whispered. His eyes widened and he froze. I fidgeted scared of what he might say. "When did tou know?" He whispered. "Yesterday." I mumbled. "Yesterday?! And you didn't tell me? Oh my god, we're having a baby. Like there's this little thing in your stomach now. And it'll grow into a baby. How did you know? Did your period stop. Its actually double good news. I live in fear whenever you have this emotional outburts when you have your period. Wait... but pregnancy hormones are much worse. Damn, I'll have to wait for 10 months before you turn back to normal-" Ryder kept on mumbling. "Hey! What's normal suppose to mean?" I said indignant at his last sentence. "We're having a baby!" He grinned, summarizing everything into one sentence. "You're happy right?" I asked hesitantly. "Of course I am!" He kissed me on the forehead before bouncing out of the kitchen, eager to share the news.

I smiled. He was happy about it. He's even acting like a kid on sugar high mode. I rubbed my flat stomach, wondering how it'll feel when it's round.

Soon enough, my friends rushed in yelling at me for not telling them sooner. I smiled. Now this was life.

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