My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 340

Lila’s POV

I sat frozen in my seat as everyone stared at me with gaping mouths.

Allie, who was confused, stared around at everyone’s faces with a timid frown on her face.

“I’m sorry…. Did I say something wrong?” She asked, glancing down at me.

I wanted to say something, but no words came to me. I just stared at everybody who was staring back at me. I looked up at Enzo who was also at a loss for words.

“Lila?” I heard my mother saying, drawing my attention to her. “Is it true? Are you--?” Her voice trailed off.

My hands were shaking under the table, and I couldn’t seem to stop them, even when I attempted to sit on them.

I looked up at Enzo again and this time, he was staring back at me. I saw the love and admiration in his eyes. It utterly melted my heart and for the first time since everything that’s happened, I truly felt safe and at ease.

I should have known I couldn’t keep this a secret from those I love. Telling from the look Enzo was giving me, he knew it too.

I smiled up at him, tears filling my eyes.

Then, I looked at my mother and nodded.

“Yes,” said softly. “I’m pregnant with twins.”

My mother gasped, covering her mouth and my father’s eyes grew large.

“Twins?” My mother croaked.

I nodded, fearing what her reaction was going to be. After a beat of silence, my mother finally stood to her feet with tears streaming down her face.

“Oh, my goddess!” She gasped.

Before I knew what was happening, she was running toward me and wrapping her arms around my body pulling me into a tight hug.

Soon, we were flourishing with happiness and congratulations. Everybody was jumping to their feet and wrapping me in hugs and giving my cheeks kisses.

My father patted Enzo on the back and gave him a handshake.

Diana had Enzo wrapped in a hug and soon she wrapped me in one too. My mother was wrapping Enzo in a hug as well and tears were spilling all over the place.

“We are so happy for you!” Connie said hugging Enzo before turning to me and hugging me. Tyler gave Enzo a handshake before turning to me and giving me a quick hug. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” Connie added as she swatted Enzo on the arm.

“We were waiting for the right time,” Enzo explained. “But I guess now is a good enough time.”

“I’m so sorry…” Allie said, tears in her eyes as she stared around at everybody. “I thought everybody knew…”

I almost forgot she was standing there until she spoke. She looked mortified despite how happy everybody was.

“How did you know, Allie?” I asked, furrowing my brows together. “How did you know I was pregnant, I mean,” I clarified.

I wasn’t showing yet, so for her to know that easily was alarming.

“I can see your aura…’ she admitted sheepishly. “I mean…I have the gift of seeing auras. Yours has many colors and I was confused by it so I asked Dee and…”

Her voice trailed off and I raised my brows.

“And she told you,” I finished for her.

Allie lowered her gaze and stared at the ground, her face reddening immensely.

I wasn’t angry, but I was a little upset that Dee told her about our pregnancy.

“Allie, how about you go see if Dee needs anything more,” Enzo said, cautiously as he glanced at me.

She nodded and turned to leave right away.

“I’ll speak to Dee later,” Enzo assured me, giving me a loving grin.

I sighed and shook my head.

“It’s okay,” I told him, stepping into his embrace. “I’m glad everybody knows. They should know.”

After another round of hugs and happy tears, we quickly finished our breakfast and then I went upstairs to pack my stuff to get ready to return to school. It felt like I hadn’t gone to school in months, but it’s only been a week.

I was excited to see my friends again and have everything go back to normal. As that thought surfaced in my mind, I glanced at my belly, which was currently still flat.

I guess things weren’t ever going to be normal again.

I placed my fingers on my belly. Things were forever changing, and they were changing fast.

“What are you thinking about?” Enzo asked, surprising me.

I didn’t hear him opening the bedroom door, but when I turned, I saw that he was leaning against the door frame.

I turned to look at him and noticed him smiling at me.

“We are turning into a little family a lot faster than I thought we would,” I told him.

He frowned and walked into the room.

“Is that a bad thing?”

I shook my head.

“It’s just fast.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I rested my hands on his broad chest, peering up at him and into his incredible and loving eyes.

“As long as we are together there’s nothing we can’t handle,” he breathed, bending down, and brushing his lips against mine.

The kiss was over before it began because then there was a knock on the door frame and Ethan was clearing his throat.

“The car is ready,” he said, averting his eyes from us.

His cheeks were red, and it made me laugh.

“Thanks,” Enzo muttered, shaking his head at his beta and best friend. “Remind me to interrupt you and Bri next time you have alone time,” Enzo teased.

I laughed and Ethan’s face turned redder, but then he gave Enzo a cocky smile.

“You’ll have to catch us first,” Ethan said, winking playfully.

I pulled away from Enzo, ignoring his huffs of displeasure, and I grabbed my suitcases.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I’ll take that,” Ethan offered, grabbing my bags, and rushing from the room.

“And I’ll take you,” Enzo said with a wink as he held his hand out for me to take. I gladly took him by the hand and entwined my fingers through his.

Together we walked out of the room and down the stairs. We said our goodbyes and we went out to the car where Rachel was already seated in the back seat. She kept her head down and she was tugging at her fingers nervously when I slid into the passenger seat in front of her.

“Everything okay?” I asked her, peering at her from the mirror while Enzo stood outside the car talking to Ethan about pack business.

“I’m just scared…” she murmured. “What if people aren’t forgiving? What if they don’t want me around?”

“Everybody knows this wasn’t your fault,” I assured her. “My father made sure to tell the headmaster everything. Nobody is going to blame you for anything.”

“And if they do?” She asked as tears filled her eyes.

“Then you will have your friends to back you up,” I assured her. “We are in this together, Rachel. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

She gave me a faint smile and then nodded her head once.

Enzo slid into the driver’s seat and glanced at Rachel through the mirror and then at me.

“Ready?” He asked us.

“Yes,” we both said at the same time.

Soon, we were driving away from the packhouse.


Most of the drive was quiet except for a little small talk between Enzo and me. Rachel chimed in here and there, but for the most part, she kept quiet and fixed her gaze out the window.

When we got to the school, Enzo parked the car and I decided to say goodbye to him right then and there. I knew that Headmaster Prescott and Alpha Jonathan knew about our relationship, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted everybody to know about it yet.

I figured it would be a good idea to keep a low profile until we had our meeting with Headmaster Prescott tomorrow morning.

“I love you,” Enzo whispered against my lips.

“I love you too,” I said in return.

“Yuck,” Rachel said, scrunching her nose in disgust. “Can we go inside now? I want to get this over with.”

I laughed, pleased that she was sounding like her old self again. I didn’t realize how much I missed her until this moment.

I gave Enzo another kiss before pulling away from him.

“Yes,” I said, breathlessly. “Let’s go.”

Enzo went back to his faculty house, and I walked with Rachel back to the dormitory. Thankfully, on Sundays, the campus was quiet. Either students were hanging out in the lounge, or they were chilling in their dorms.

Those we did pass didn’t seem to notice Rachel, which made Rachel relax as we walked the rest of the way to our section of the dormitory.

“Rachel…” Mrs. Carter said as we walked through the door. She then turned her eyes to me. “Lila…”

She looked startled to see us; Rachel’s face had paled, and I could feel her tension from beside me. I thought Headmaster Prescott would have caught her up on everything and told her that we were returning today.

I guess I was wrong.

I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could Mrs. Carter was throwing her around the both of us and hugging us close, much to our surprise.

“I’m so glad you girls are back and safe,” she breathed with tears brimming the corners of her eyes.

I glanced at Rachel who looked just as surprised, but she seemed to have relaxed as she awkwardly patted Mrs. Carter on the back.

“It’s good to be back,” I spoke for the both of us, not really sure what else to say.

As if on cue others from our dormitory were walking out of their rooms and coming and peering over at us with startled eyes.

“You’re back!” One of the girls cooed as she rushed toward us.

Soon, we were being hugged and praised by all the girls in our dorms. Apparently, everybody was informed about what had happened and they were happy that we were back.When we returned to our dorm room, Becca and Kayla were curled up on the couch and looked to be engrossed in a conversation. However, it stopped when we walked into the room and Becca jumped to her feet.

“Oh, my goddess! You both returned,” she cried, running toward us.

She hugged Rachel first and held onto her so tightly, I thought Rachel was going to pop.

“How are you feeling?” She asked Rachel, still holding onto her. “I tried to talk to you when we were at the Nova pack, but you kept refusing. I was so worried.”

“I’m sorry,” Rachel breathed, tears spilling from her eyes. “I was so ashamed of myself. I know it wasn’t my fault. But I hated myself and I couldn’t face anybody.”

“I understand,” she breathed. “I’m just glad you are here now.”

“Any word on Brody and Sarah?” Kayla asked as she gave me a quick hug. I knew she worried about her roommate; they had gotten close since Kayla arrived at this school, which was surprising because Sarah was tough to get along with.

“They are going to be out for another week,” I answered. “Sarah’s body endured a lot of trauma and she’s still recovering at the hospital. But Brody said she’s getting stronger and will hopefully return in a week.”

“Oh, good,” Kayla breathed.

The four of us chatted for a little longer, catching up on everything. Rachel had relaxed a lot and things were finally starting to feel normal again.

Well, as normal as they can for right now.

I told them the news of my pregnancy which started hugs and tears again.

After a little while, there was a knock on the door, drawing our attention from one another to the door.

I was the one who stood from the couch to answer the door. Once the door was open, I heard a gasp from behind me and once my eyes registered the man that stood before me, my entire body froze.

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