My Hunted Mate

Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Three


Awkwardly, I shift in my chair next to Kai as we wait for the last couple of people to enter the room and

find their seats. A million thoughts rush through my head as I take in the large numbers of vampires in

front of me, I had seen many in the house but a lot of them were new faces.

" We have other houses on land I own. " Kai mutters to me.

" How do you keep tabs on everyone? " I whisper back to him.

" I have a handful of people who I trust to watch over each house, they come to me with updates and

then of course there's this meeting. " He explains.

I nod. " So you have like an inner circle? "

" I suppose you could call it that. " His eyes scan over the crowd in front of us, then with a sharp nod of

his head he tells me it's time to start the meeting.

He stands to address his clan. " Okay let's get to business, can the representatives from each house

come forward. "

Immediately I recognise two familiar faces walking towards us, Darius and Sabine. I stay silently seated

as I watch an Asian woman with long black hair that she had cut into bangs at the front of her perfectly

structured face, her big brown eyes almost looked golden, she had a small smirk set on her plump lips

as she approached us.

" Darius, Sabine, Cleo, it's nice to see you again. " Kai greets them.

" And what of me? " A voice calls, gaining my attention.

An extremely tall Latin man with light brown hair with what look like arrows shaven into the sides, the

long patch of hair on top of his head he had gelled back neatly. His emerald green eyes stood out

brightly against his tanned skin, his grin showed off his perfectly straight teeth and dimples.

" Mateo! It's been a while my friend. " Kai grins, shaking his hand while patting his arm lightly.

" I suppose this is your wolf beloved everyone seems to be babbling about? " Another voice interrupts

just as I think everyone is here.

My eyes scan the tall slender black haired woman as she struts over to us, her heels clicking loudly

against the stone floor. Her hazel eyes watch me through her thick lashes, one of her perfectly shaped

eyebrows arches as she takes me in, her bone structure is strong and defined and I suddenly can't

help the feeling of insecurity that takes over me.

Pushing through it, I stand and hold my hand out to her. " Corinna and you are? " I introduce myself.

Her plump lips coated in red lipstick purse, she gives me a once over before taking my hand. " Farrah. "

Kai clears his throat, gaining my attention just in time to see him shift on his feet nervously. Oh god,

seriously? I narrow my eyes at him accusingly, the guilt that flashes through his eyes briefly answers

my thoughts on if he'd also slept with the flawless dark haired woman before us.

" Oh I'm also a witch. " I randomly state, not knowing why I suddenly felt the need to seem powerful.

" What? " Farrah questions with amused eyes.

" You said wolf beloved, but it would be correct to say your hybrid beloved. " I inform, noting the

amusement in her eyes turning to shock.

A break out of mummers can be heard throughout the room, now making me realise every vampire

here could hear every word of the exchange that had just happened. Well I guess they had to find out

at some time or another.

My gaze falls on Malakai who doesn't seem too fazed by the announcement of my status, instead he

moves toward me and wraps his arm around my waist. " Okay any over all issues in any of the houses

that we should know about? "

" We are still having issues with that group of wolves lingering around our border. " Darius speaks up,

his words cause my heart rate to pick up slightly.

Sabine nods her head. " Us too, they seem to be going back and forth between the borders closest to

each house. "

" Any idea as to why? " Kai questions, his eyebrows furrowed.

" None. " Darius answers.

" No attacks either yet. " Sabine adds.

Kai sighs. " Okay, keep a close eye on them and be alert when they're around, keep me updated.

Anything else? "

" There's a vampire who wants to join the clan. " Cleo tells him.

" And what do you think? " Kai asks.

Cleo shrugs. " He seems trustworthy to me. "

" Very well. We'll organise a meeting for him. " Kai rubs his chin with his free hand.

" If you don't mind. " I suddenly find my voice, gaining the small groups attention. " Why does he want

to join the clan? Surely he has a reason? "

Cleo looks surprised by me joining the conversation but answers me anyway. " He joined a clan to be

with his beloved, but after his beloved died, the clan exiled him. He's gotten used to being with people

and the loss of his beloved weighs heavily on him. I think he's lonely. "

" That seems fair. " I say.

Kai squeezes my hip lightly as he continues to speak. " Anything else? "

" Uh yes actually, I would like permission for my beloved to join us. " Mateo blushes, making a small

smile creep onto my lips.

The news seems to make everyone in the small group overjoyed, except Farrah who picks at her

fingernails as though this whole thing is rather boring. I turn my attention back to the group, who are

now congratulating Mateo.

" Your beloved is more than welcome to join us, we can set up a meeting her clan leader, if she has

one that is and start the process right away. " Kai grins, subtly pulling me closed to him.

" He does have a clan, I'll start to make the preparations. " Mateo grins, his stunning eyes gleaming

with happiness.

When we come to the conclusion there isn't anything else to discuss within our small group, we return

to our seats to address any other matters for any of the vampires in front of us. A couple of people

stand, state their business for Kai to then give them an answer or help them problem solve.

Dahlia stands from her seat in the front row. " I'm looking for permission to turn my beloved, I'm not

sure when but hopefully in the near future. "

Kai nods. " Of course. "

My eyes widen slightly, as I send a smile to Dahlia, I guess things really are improving for her and Lila. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Just as we think the meeting has come to an end Farrah stands up.

" Farrah, I thought you had nothing to discuss. " Kai seems confused.

" Is the hybrid going to be here every meeting from now on? " She crosses her arms.

" She is my beloved and- " Kai begins.

" Yes I will be here, at every meeting from now on. In packs, there is an Alpha and a Luna, they are

equals and rule the pack side by side. I am Malakai's equal and I want to look out for and care for this

clan as he does. " I interrupt.

When I look to Kai he has a proud look in his eyes and a sly smile on his lips until Farrah speaks again.

" We are not mutts , we are vampires. Our customs are different and I do not accept it. "

Kai practically jumps from his chair, but I place my hand on his arm, pulling him lightly to sit back down.

" You will just have to accept what is. " I tell her. " Now does anyone else have any other business? "

When no one speaks up, Malakai announces the meeting is over. Everyone begins to file out of the

room and I don't miss the dirty look directed at me by Farrah. Kai and I begin to walk out together but a

hand on my shoulder makes me pause and turn around. Sabine stands before us.

" Do you mind if I steal your beloved for a moment Mal? " She sends a smile to the two of us.

Kai looks at me, agreeing when I nod at him. Sabine waits until every person as left the room, then she

shuts the door behind us. " They're after you aren't they. The wolves. " she states what should have

been questions.

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