My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 

Carol’s POV 

I wake up this morning not to the sound of my normal alarm, but instead to the sound of voices chattering in the distance. I sit up and groan. I already slept terribly last night thanks to all of the messy feelings I’ve been trying to work through. Why does the street have to be so noisy today

I check the time. It’s close enough to my normal alarm, so I roll out of bed and get into my work clothes as usual. There isn’t a moment where I don’t think of Aiden. 

My mind has been a constant battle between my idealistic and rational sides since last night. Aiden is undeniably an incredible partner. Anyone would be lucky to be his fated mate- especially a human like me. Still, every time I let my heart hope, I can‘ help but be reminded of the deception I’ve already faced. 

My mind is so preoccupied with my emotional turmoil that I don’t notice the crowd of paparazzi outside my apartment until I practically crash into them. 

The moment I open the door to the street, I see the source of the voices that awoke me. A crowd of at least a hundred are jostling one another on the sidewalk beside my apartment complex’s front door. Just at a glance, it looks like a mix of normal people and reporters with cameras and microphones. 

As soon as the door opens, the crowd turns toward me. I’m almost blinded by the sight of countless cameras flashing. I cover my eyes instinctively, but that doesn’t protect me from the crowd’s incessant shouting. 

I quickly realize the only thing keeping the crowd back from trampling me is a small group of security guards desperately trying to hold them back. Judging by how much they’re struggling right now, I doubt they’ll be able to hold them back much longer. 

I need to get out of here, and fast, I decide. I duck my head and try to push through the crowd as best I can. As I move through the group, I start to make out what they were all shouting about. 

“Hey, you there! Is it true that the Aiden Cruz lives in this building?” 

“Have you met Mr. Cruz? How close to him do you live?!” 

Is it true Aiden’s fated mate is one of your neighbors! Have you seen them together?” Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

It made sense that the crowd was here for Aiden. Still, that didn’t make it any less distressing. I try to ignore the barrage of questions as I push onward. I manage to break away from the group and rush to my car before they can hound me any more. 

This is a reality of being associated with Aiden that I hadn’t thought hard enough about. If I’m going to be involved with him in any way — especially in a relationship that’s something I’ll need to get used to. I let out an exhausted sigh as I pull out of my parking spot and make my commute to work

Daniel is waiting for me next to my office when I arrive. I feel a small spark of nervousness. I bow my head. “Good morning, sir. How can I help you?” I ask. To my surprise, Daniel’s expression brightens and he pats my shoulder. 

“I’m here to congratulate you on your hard work,” he says with a smile. “I heard you closed the deal with Mr. Cruz and reached. out to the owner yesterday. That’s no small feat. I’m very impressed with your work. When are the parties planning on signing?” 

I perk up slightly. Even though everything else in my life has descended into chaos, my work is still something I’m very proud of “Today, sir. The owner is coming by the office this afternoon to meet with our client.” Calling Aiden a client feels strange. but I try to ignore it. 

“Wonderful,” Daniel smiles. “I’ve already asked Zack and Sophia to begin writing their resignations. Once the contract is closed out, my request will become official. Great work.” He gives me a polite nod before heading back toward his office. 

The time slips away like quicksand. No matter what I do, I can’t keep myself busy enough to take my mind off of Aiden. I still don’t know how to answer him. I hoped that sleeping on it and returning to my normal routine might bring me some clarity. but I only feel more and more conflicted by the second. 

12:29 PM 

Chapter 8 

By the time the contract signing rolls around, I’m far too tense. I take a series of deep breaths as I walk toward the conference 


It’s just a contract signing, I try to remind myself. You’ve done hundreds of these. Just because your client is super hot and maybe your fated mate doesn’t mean you need to freak out… right? 

Even I’m not convinced by my reassurances. I roll back my shoulders and open the door. 

Aiden is dressed nicely again today in a different set of slacks and a maroon button–down. He makes everything look good, my mind treacherously reminds me. I push the thought away. 

I give both him and the original property owner my best polite smile before introducing the terms of the contract. Although we won’t be negotiating the price today, it’s helpful to go over the agreement before signing. 

The previous owner, a cheerful older man with a bright smile, is more than happy to sell his property to a celebrity. He fawns over Aiden for most of the contract meeting, even managing to get an autograph from him. 

Aiden, for his part, is a complete gentleman. He laughs at the owner’s jokes and charmingly deals with his giddiness. No wonder his fans love him so much, I think. 

Even while dealing with the man’s persistent questioning, Aiden still somehow finds the time to share heated glances with me. Every time our eyes connect or our fingers brush while flipping through the papers, I feel another wave of nervousness. 

Finally, the discussions are over. The owner shakes both of our hands before bidding us farewell. When the door closes behind him, I find myself once again standing alone in this conference room with Aiden. 

The atmosphere is tense. I begin to pick up the documents and sort them yet again to try and distract myself. It becomes clear Aiden isn’t intending on leaving. 

“Here,” Aiden murmurs, “let me help you.” He slides up beside me at the table and helps me gather the paperwork in piles. Every time our elbows brush, I think I’m going to burst. Only once I have everything put away does Aiden raise the question I know he’s been waiting to ask. 

Aiden leans his hip against the table beside me and crosses his arms. “So,” he begins, “have you thought about what I said yesterday?” 

I can’t look him in the eye. Of course I’ve thought about it, I think. I haven’t been able to think about anything else. I know that I promised to give him an answer today, but I find myself at a complete loss. I still feel so uncertain. 

“I just can’t wrap my head around it,” I confess, keeping my eyes fixed on the table. “I mean…accepting someone you just know as your life partner is not natural to human beings. I try to accept it when I was told by a werewolf last time, but it turned out to be a complete nightmare. And when I try to find someone with similar experience online, there were none.” I start to move toward the door, but Aiden grabs my wrist gently. 

“I know it’s hard to believe,” he says. “But it’s not just about the mate bond thing. I know what I feel when we spent the night together. I know that we belong together. There’s nothing that could convince me otherwise.” 

Finally, I meet Aiden’s eyes. I feel my breath catch in my throat at the expression on his face. He looks so sincere that it hurts my heart. I can’t deny the connection that I feel to him. 

Maybe if he really believes in us, I can, too, some small voice in the back of my mind says. Just as I’m about to listen, the door bursts open once again. 

Aiden drops my arm as both of us turn toward the door in surprise. Standing in the doorway is Zack with a triumphant expression on his face. Daniel stands only a few feet behind him. 

*Step back from her, Aiden!” Zack demands. “That woman has deceived you. She’s deceived all of us- and I have proof!” 

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