My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

“You are the Statford Freeze, with or without Aiden,” I remind them. “You’ve risen to fame. You’ve made it to the semifinals. Has all of that growth been for nothing?”

I hear a quiet chorus of “no” in response to my words. A passionate smile pulls at my lips.

“Then show them,” I challenge. “Show the audience. Show the other team. Most importantly, show yourselves.” I can feel the energy coursing through me with every word I speak. The energy seems to affect the team, too.

“Who are you?” I ask them.

“The Stafford Freeze, they call back. I grin.

*1 said, who are you?”

“The Statford Freeze!” They shout in response I can see the determination begin to form in each and every one of them.

“Then go out there and show them!” 1 demand. The team breaks into a chorus of cheers and whoops, getting to their feet. I turn to see Richard is smiling at me from the doorway, with Coach Henry looking reluctantly pleased beside them. I can’t help but sunle back.

For a brief moment, I think I see something remarkable. The team’s energy feels so palpable that they almost seem to flow with an intense blue aura. It looks almost like a tangible manifestation of their shared resolve.

Whatever it is, it seems to do the trick. The moment the Freeze re-enters the rink, something has shifted. Their spirits all have been lifted out of the gutter. As the first buzzer of the second half sounds, they fly into motion.

The crowd can’t help but roar with shock and awe at the Freeze’s newfound ferocity. They play with an electric energy that had been completely absent during the first half.

With each goal scored, the crowd erupts into raucous cheers. The audience support only fuels the team’s momentum further. The Freeze’s score slowly climbs higher, soon enough surpassing the opposing team.

Coach Henry seems too stunned to speak, Normally during games he shouts non-stop, but this time, all he can do is watch in shock. The Freeze’s score only climbs higher and higher. Soon, the margin is so far the other team has no chance of winning. The cheers that once only focused on Aiden’s absence now turn into endless enthusiasm.

“Freeze! Freeze! Freeze!” They chant. I can’t help but join in.

When the final buzzer sounds, my heart swells so much it feels like it might burst. The Freeze makes their signature victory lap as the crowd explodes into applause. Mr. Whitlock claps me on the back with a grateful smile, and even Coach Henry offers me an awkward but approving nod.

I follow Coach Henry and Mr. Whitlock back to the locker room The moment the door opens, the room bursts with energy. The team claps each other on the back and banters with the enthusiasm they had previously been lackingText content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Mr. Whitlock says a few congratulatory words, and the room erupts into cheers. I can’t help but beam with pride as I see how all of their hard work has paid off. To my surprise, one of the team members-Jeremy approaches me.

“Hey, Carol,” he says a bit awkwardly, “the team has been wondering if you’d like to come join us for some post-game

there.” celebrations. We’re going to hit up the usual bar. We’d be happy to have you

A couple members of the team nod enthusiastically along with his words. I feel my heart swell even more. I feel closer to the team than I ever have before, and it fills me with joy. Still, I shake my head with a small smile.

*I really appreciate the offer, and normally I would say yes but neeil to go home to Auden,” I explant. “He needs me more than ever right now. Besides, I’m sure he needs to talk to someone about how amazing the game was.”

Chapter 58

A few teammates look disappointed, but most of them nod or grunt in confirmation. They seem to understand why, more or less. A couple of the teammates call their goodbyes after me as I head out of the door.

Aiden’s driver is waiting for me outside as I dodge past the crowd of audience members. I request for the driver to take a brief stop by a grocery store so I can pick up champagne and one of Aiden’s favorite snacks. My face hurts from smiling by the time the car pulls up to Aiden’s villa.

The moment I open the door, I hear Aiden calling out to me from the living room. I rush in with a giddy expression on my face one that Aiden is wearing, too. He looks in surprisingly high spirits considering he hasn’t been well enough to move far from the couch.

“You brought champagne,” he says with a dazzling smile. “And my favorite snacks. You’re so perfect,” he says thankfully. 1. beam at him and jump into his arms on the couch, careful to avoid his legs.

that you were their best shot,” Aiden says proudly, ruffling my hair,

I told you th

y hair, “What on earth did you do to them?”

I laugh and shake my head. “It wasn’t me, I insist. “I mean, they seemed to appreciate what I said, but it was all their own hard work.”

“I’m serious. They couldn’t have done it without you,” Aiden insists. “You must have really worked your magic on them during the halftime break”

“You’re too sweet to me,” I sigh, and I lean in to give Aiden a passionate kiss

The kiss quickly evolves into something more heated. I straddle Aiden’s waist, and the two of us let our hands roam appreciatively as we drink each other in. As I can feel the energy get more sensual, I briefly pull away.

“How are you feeling?” I ask gently. Although I know Aiden has been improving, he can still barely move on his own. The pain all throughout his ankle and foot force him to be almost entirely bedridden

“I feel much better,” he says breathlessly, but there spot a lot I can do right now.” His voice is heavy with genuine regret. I feel a sudden sense of inspiration, and my smile turns coy.

“You don’t have to move,” I tell him with a teasing grin, “Why don’t you just let me do something for you,

Aiden’s eyes go wide. “Carol, you don’t have to


I shush him gently, leaning forward with love in my eyes. Let me take control, for once,” I tease him “I know that’s not easy for an alpha like you, but just try to enjoy it. Just tell me if you’re in pain, okay?”

Aiden’s eyes are filled with so much heat and passion that I shiver It’s rare that I’m able to be the one who initiates, considering Aiden is such a passionate and physical lover. I feel my heart quicken with excitement at the opportunity to try something new

Despite Aiden’s inability to move much, his hands hold me tightly as I lift up his shirt and trail kisses down his chest and abdomen. I can’t help but admire the hard muscle of his body, taking every chance I can to enjoy it.

I can hear Aiden’s breath become hot and fast as I focus on providing him pleasure. Although his size is intimidating, I give him everything that I can as I take him in and touch him needily.

I can feel Aiden’s impatience building, although he tries to hide I smile at him mischievously, finally stripping off my own clothes and sinking into his embrace.

Our bodies combine in a tantalizing and passionate wave of pleasure. Aiden holds my hips tightly as the two of us kiss with everything that we have. It doesn’t take long for the pleasure to build past the point of self-control.

For the first time in weeks, we are able to fully enjoy one another. The release we both feel leaves us breathless and filled with love. We collapse into one another’s arms, laying together on the couch still pressed together. Aiden lets out a breathless laugh


Chapter 58

“You’re too irresistible, Carol,” he growls against my neck. He gives me a small bite there that makes me sigh with pleasure. “You’re in big trouble once I’m fully healed. I’m going to become insatiable.”

I let out a joyful laugh, wrapping myself around him carefully so as not to aggravate the injury. For now, even though he wasn’t even near back to normal, we’re able to revel in each other’s company. As we drift off to sleep, our hearts and bodies entwined, I feel like we can face any problem as long as we’re together.


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