My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The days blur together in a whirlwind of training, each day blending almost seamlessly into the next. Aiden and the rest of the team pour their hearts and souls into their preparation for the upcoming match.

With each passing practice, I see the team improve more and more. The players teamwork becomes stronger and more tlund by the day. It’s clear that the team is starting to finally be united by a common goal.

Still, as the day of the game against the Capital finally arrives, a heavy sense of tension hangs in the air. Even hours before. the game begins, the stadium is completely packed and the energy is high.

The game is in a city between Statford and the Capital. The audience is dominated by Capital fans, all aggressive and certain. of victory. The taunts and jeers of the Capital fans echo through the arena in a chorus of discordant voices.

Even I’m not spared from their verbal assaults. As I make my way to the sidelines where the rest of the team’s staff sit, I’m on the receiving end of heckling.

“Oh, there goes the trophy wife!”

“Are you really an assistant coach, or are you just eye candy?”

1 try to keep my expression neutral as I settle into my seat. Sports fans have a tendency to heckle. I’m starting to guess fans of the Capital are especially prone to it. I shouldn’t be too surprised that they’ve turned their aggressive energy toward me.

When I settle in with the rest of the team administration, I feel the pressure lessen. Our seats are the best in the house right beside the Freeze’s resting area. It’s the perfect place for the players to drink some water and have Coach Henry talk their ear off about strategy, 1 stifle a small smile at the thought.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

By the time the game is ready to get underway, the energy of the audience is completely electric. There is a long moment of silence right before the match begins. The Capital players loom in their side of the rink, their expressions nearly bloodthirsty.

1 shift

my attention to Aiden’s team. Aiden’s eyes meet inine from the rink, his gaze intense. We hold our gaze for a long second, the instants seeming to last for an eternity.

The buzzer sounds. The game begins with an explosion of sound and movement. The Capital team immediately bursts into action, a red blur across the ice.

The Capital plays with an intensity and aggression unlike anything Aiden’s team has faced before ever seen in my life. I immediately notice how rough they are. They pull no punches as they slam into the Freeze’s players

it’s unlike anything I’ve on the ice, hip checking them and practically tackling them mercilessly.

The audience cries out loudly at each collision. Fans of the Capital only seem to be egged on by this display of brutality All energy that the Statford Freeze had been carrying is quenched by the ceaseless aggression.

I can’t help but wince at a particularly violent collision, The Freeze has clearly been caught off guard by just how pl the match has been. I watch in dismay as the capital team slowly begins to accumulate more and more points, pulli of the freeze.

By the end of the first half, Aiden’s team is trailing behind. It’s obvious just from the way they drag themselves across the that their spirits have been crushed. When the buzzer sounds for half time, hopes are clearly not high.

I overhear if you. Stafford fans in the audience behind me.

“Thu ko’t looking good…”

“No kidding. 1 haven’t seen this many bodyslams in a hockey game in my entire life.”


Chapter 49

“Do you think the phrase even stand a chance to win?”

“I don’t know. It might not even be worth sticking around. Come on come on let’s leave after the half time show.”


My teeth work against my lower lip with worry. If the audience continues to have no hope, there’s no way that the freeze will have any, either. My eyes wander to the Jumbotron watch the highlights from the first half of the game.

To my surprise, the Jumbotron isn’t showing any clips of the first half right now. Instead, it’s showing a live feed of Aiden. It looks like he was the last of the Fries to make his way over to the locker room, and the opposing team took advantage of it. Two members of the capital team have blocked him off from the entrance to the locker room and have tried to corner him against the side of the rink.

There’s no microphone to pick up what

they’re saying, but by the expressions on their faces, it’s nothing nice. The Jumbotron catches some sort of heated exchange. The two members of the capital team sneer and appear to taunt Aiden. Meanwhile, Destanie, Stockstill, his face carefully stoic.

I immediately rushed to the edge of the rink. I try and struggle through the crowd. As I finally arrive, I hear the tail end of the capital team members tots.

Quote. That should show you. If you thought you had any chance of winning, you’re dead wrong.”

“Yeah” to the other cuts in snidely, “You’ve gotten soft. You’re weak now you can’t even handle a little roughhousing

The first one snorts dismissively. “I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Your fame has always been meaningless. All the fans care about is a pretty face and a few mediocre moves on the ice. You’re nothing without your old team behind you”

Aiden doesn’t speak a word. Still I can tell by the tightness in his shoulders that their insults have affected him. I want to call out to interject, but the Cavanaugh player seem to have Heather fill. Escape toward their own locker room, roughly. bumping Aiden’s shoulders on the way.

With a heavy heart, I make my way back to the lockeroom. I prepare myself to give Aiden, the best preptalk that I can manage. To my surprise, by the time I’ve gotten to the locker room. I can’t even reach Aiden. He’s surrounded by a crowd of

his teammates.

“We heard everything,” one of them says roughly. “That was messed up”

“No kidding,” another interjects, crossing his arms with displeasure. “Roughhousing? Is that seriously? What they’re calling it Will show them Russ roughhousing!”

“And they act like you can’t play hockey without them,” a third one scuffs. “Everyone knows that’s complete bu*l*hit. You’re a da*n good player and everyone knows it, even them.” you’re probably just scared.”

in for

I look around the crowd of players with amazement. I’ve seen them bond before, sure, but I’ve never seen them stick up one another like that. The site warms my heart. Route, I catch sight of Aiden’s ex, astonished expression.

At last, our eyes meet again. I can see the disbelief, his heart clearly swelling with pride at the sight of his team together in the face of adversity. With renewed determination, they emerge from the locker room, ready to fac opponents head-on



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