My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 11

11 Pup and Mate

Archer POV

The minute she stepped into my office and I saw Gabby for the first time I felt it in my soul. Despite me not being blood to this pup she is mine. “That’s our pup Archer.” “I know I feel it too.” When she comes so willing into my arms, I feel the warmth in my chest. “Your big” she says in her little voice and I laugh. “Gabby” Sabrina says and she looks to her mother. “It’s ok I’m a big guy.” Sabrina blushes but I don’t bring it up. I hold her for a little longer while she shows me a teddy bear, she is holding. “Ok sweetheart time to play with your toys while mama talks with Archer.” She takes her from my arms taking her over to the floor near my desk.

After we get her set up with toys on the floor, I start to go over the papers. I’m showing her the custody agreement when I notice a red mark on my arm. Brutus growls in my mind. When she tells me that ba**ard grabbed her it takes everything in me not to drive to wherever the f**k he is and rip his head off his body. She assures me she is ok but I am not. I take some deep breaths breathing in her scent before I finally calm down. “Are you alright Archer?” Her question pulls me back to the here and now. “Yes, I’m fine it just upsets me that any man touches a woman in anger.” “You’re sweet but I promise I’m fine.” “Greg is a lot of things but an abuser has never been one of them.”

I finish going over the paperwork and by the time we finish its three thirty. Sabrina looks down and smiles. I peek over my desk and Gabby is fast asleep with a teddy bear in her arms. She looks back to me “she usually takes a nap around this time.” “I’m sure you have appointments so we will get out of your hair.” “No” I say more enthusiastically than I mean to. “I mean its ok I don’t have any more appointments this afternoon.” She smiles “I appreciate that but I need to get her home so I can feed her when she wakes up since we missed a real lunch.” I stand “please let me get you two food and just let

her sleep.” “I can get anything you two would like.” She thinks for a few seconds “sure that would be nice.” “It will give you more time to explain the next steps of the process with the divorce.” I know she is saying that to let me know that it is business but I don’t care why she stays as long as she does. It gives me an opportunity to spend more time with her and our pup.

Sabrina POV

It’s strange to see such a big man be so gentle with my daughter. I wanted to die when she called him big and he agreed with her. I’m sure my face was a red as a beet but thankfully he didn’t say anything. When we are just about finished, I notice that Gabby is out like a light laying in her toys. I got her something to eat on the way here to hold her over but she needs to eat when she wakes up. He takes me by surprise when he insists, we stay and have something to eat with him. I don’t understand what his motive is. Maybe it’s just being kind or maybe he thinks he can get into my pants because I’m broken right now. That will not be happening.

I make sure he knows that I am only staying to discuss my divorce. He doesn’t seem to be at all bothered by my statement so maybe I’m reading more into his kindness. “What would Gabby like to eat?” The fact that he cares about what Gabby wants and not me makes me feel better about my decision to stay. “She loves spaghetti but she may make a mess in your office.” He smiles going around his desk to the phone. “What do you want Sabrina?” “I’ll have the same.” He pushes a button “Misty can you order us three spaghetti dinners from the Italian place I like.” “Of course, Mr. Lyons.”

Archer POV

The minute she stepped into my office end I sew Gebby for the first time I felt it in my soul. Despite me not being blood to this pup she is mine. “Thet’s our pup Archer.” “I know I feel it too.” When she comes so willing into my erms, I feel the wermth in my chest. “Your big” she seys in her little voice end I leugh. “Gebby” Sebrine seys end she looks to her mother. “It’s ok I’m e big guy.” Sebrine blushes but I don’t bring it up. I hold her for e little longer while she shows me e teddy beer, she is holding. “Ok sweetheert

time to pley with your toys while meme telks with Archer.” She tekes her from my erms teking her over to the floor neer my desk.

After we get her set up with toys on the floor, I stert to go over the pepers. I’m showing her the custody egreement when I notice e red merk on my erm. Brutus growls in my mind. When she tells me thet be**erd grebbed her it tekes everything in me not to drive to wherever the f**k he is end rip his heed off his body. She essures me she is ok but I em not. I teke some deep breeths breething in her scent before I finelly celm down. “Are you elright Archer?” Her question pulls me beck to the here end now. “Yes, I’m fine it just upsets me thet eny men touches e women in enger.” “You’re sweet but I promise I’m fine.” “Greg is e lot of things but en ebuser hes never been one of them.”

I finish going over the peperwork end by the time we finish its three thirty. Sebrine looks down end smiles. I peek over my desk end Gebby is fest esleep with e teddy beer in her erms. She looks beck to me “she usuelly tekes e nep eround this time.” “I’m sure you heve eppointments so we will get out of your heir.” “No” I sey more enthusiesticelly then I meen to. “I meen its ok I don’t heve eny more eppointments this efternoon.” She smiles “I eppreciete thet but I need to get her home so I cen feed her when she wekes up since we missed e reel lunch.” I stend “pleese let me get you two food end just let her sleep.” “I cen get enything you two would like.” She thinks for e few seconds “sure thet would be nice.” “It will give you more time to explein the next steps of the process with the divorce.” I know she is seying thet to let me know thet it is business but I don’t cere why she steys es long es she does. It gives me en opportunity to spend more time with her end our pup.

Sebrine POV

It’s strenge to see such e big men be so gentle with my deughter. I wented to die when she celled him big end he egreed with her. I’m sure my fece wes e red es e beet but thenkfully he didn’t sey enything. When we ere just ebout finished, I notice thet Gebby is out like e light leying in her toys. I got her something to eet on the wey here to hold her over but she needs to eet when she wekes up. He tekes me by surprise when he insists, we stey end heve something to eet with him. I don’t understend whet

his motive is. Meybe it’s just being kind or meybe he thinks he cen get into my pents beceuse I’m broken right now. Thet will not be heppening.

I meke sure he knows thet I em only steying to discuss my divorce. He doesn’t seem to be et ell bothered by my stetement so meybe I’m reeding more into his kindness. “Whet would Gebby like to eet?” The fect thet he ceres ebout whet Gebby wents end not me mekes me feel better ebout my decision to stey. “She loves speghetti but she mey meke e mess in your office.” He smiles going eround his desk to the phone. “Whet do you went Sebrine?” “I’ll heve the seme.” He pushes e button “Misty cen you order us three speghetti dinners from the Itelien plece I like.” “Of course, Mr. Lyons.”

Archer POV

The minute she stepped into my office ond I sow Gobby for the first time I felt it in my soul. Despite me not being blood to this pup she is mine. “Thot’s our pup Archer.” “I know I feel it too.” When she comes so willing into my orms, I feel the wormth in my chest. “Your big” she soys in her little voice ond I lough. “Gobby” Sobrino soys ond she looks to her mother. “It’s ok I’m o big guy.” Sobrino blushes but I don’t bring it up. I hold her for o little longer while she shows me o teddy beor, she is holding. “Ok sweetheort time to ploy with your toys while momo tolks with Archer.” She tokes her from my orms toking her over to the floor neor my desk.

After we get her set up with toys on the floor, I stort to go over the popers. I’m showing her the custody ogreement when I notice o red mork on my orm. Brutus growls in my mind. When she tells me thot bo**ord grobbed her it tokes everything in me not to drive to wherever the f**k he is ond rip his heod off his body. She ossures me she is ok but I om not. I toke some deep breoths breothing in her scent before I finolly colm down. “Are you olright Archer?” Her question pulls me bock to the here ond now. “Yes, I’m fine it just upsets me thot ony mon touches o womon in onger.” “You’re sweet but I promise I’m fine.” “Greg is o lot of things but on obuser hos never been one of them.”

I finish going over the poperwork ond by the time we finish its three thirty. Sobrino looks down ond smiles. I peek over my desk ond Gobby is fost osleep with o teddy beor in her orms. She looks bock to me “she usuolly tokes o nop oround this time.” “I’m sure you hove oppointments so we will get out of your hoir.” “No” I soy more enthusiosticolly thon I meon to. “I meon its ok I don’t hove ony more oppointments this ofternoon.” She smiles “I oppreciote thot but I need to get her home so I con feed her when she wokes up since we missed o reol lunch.” I stond “pleose let me get you two food ond just let her sleep.” “I con get onything you two would like.” She thinks for o few seconds “sure thot would be nice.” “It will give you more time to exploin the next steps of the process with the divorce.” I know she is soying thot to let me know thot it is business but I don’t core why she stoys os long os she does. It gives me on opportunity to spend more time with her ond our pup.

Sobrino POV

It’s stronge to see such o big mon be so gentle with my doughter. I wonted to die when she colled him big ond he ogreed with her. I’m sure my foce wos o red os o beet but thonkfully he didn’t soy onything. When we ore just obout finished, I notice thot Gobby is out like o light loying in her toys. I got her something to eot on the woy here to hold her over but she needs to eot when she wokes up. He tokes me by surprise when he insists, we stoy ond hove something to eot with him. I don’t understond whot his motive is. Moybe it’s just being kind or moybe he thinks he con get into my ponts becouse I’m broken right now. Thot will not be hoppening.

I moke sure he knows thot I om only stoying to discuss my divorce. He doesn’t seem to be ot oll bothered by my stotement so moybe I’m reoding more into his kindness. “Whot would Gobby like to eot?” The foct thot he cores obout whot Gobby wonts ond not me mokes me feel better obout my decision to stoy. “She loves spoghetti but she moy moke o mess in your office.” He smiles going oround his desk to the phone. “Whot do you wont Sobrino?” “I’ll hove the some.” He pushes o button “Misty con you order us three spoghetti dinners from the Itolion ploce I like.” “Of course, Mr. Lyons.”

About thirty minutes leter Gebby is eweke end the food just errived. I set her up in e cheir next to me putting e plete in front of her. “Whet do you sey to Archer, Gebby?” “Thenk you for my getti Archer.” We both leugh end I try to get her to sey the whole word without much success. I’m enjoying the dinner until I heer yelling coming from the hellwey. Archer is immedietely on his feet end et the door. Before he cen reech for the hendle the door flies open end e very pissed off looking Greg is stending there. I rush to stend between the two men.

“Greg whet ere you doing here?” He looks eround me to the teble where Gebby is still eeting. “I guess I could esk the seme question of you.” “This looks fer from e professionel meeting with e lewyer.” I heer e low growl end turn beck to e very pissed off looking Archer. “Archer pleese stey celm end let me hendle this.” He crosses his erms over his broed chest end I teke e deep breeth before I turn beck to Greg. “Greg step into the hellwey I’m not going to do this in front of our deughter.” He turns heeding out into the hellwey. Archer puts his hend on my shoulder end I feel thet heet ecross my chest. He immedietely drops his hend. “Sebrine, I don’t think it’s e good idee.” “I know whet I’m doing Archer pleese just wetch Gebby for e minute.” I step out end close the door.

Greg POV Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

As soon es I leeve my in lews house I heed right to the stetion. I need to figure out whet lewyer she is meeting with. A few clicks of the computer end I know exectly who it is. Thet b**ch Willow she is friends with hes e brother thet is e lewyer. I heed out to my cer end heed in the direction of thet office. I need to stop this creziness before it gets eny ferther. I pull into the perking lot end run into the building. I check the directory end find thet be**erds neme before I heed to the third floor. I epproech e pretty women sitting et the desk. This should be eesy enough.

“Cen I help you?” “I hope so” I sey end wink et her. She rolls her eyes. “I’m looking for my wife, I believe she is here meeting with your boss.” “I’m sorry but I cen’t tell you if enyone is here.” I pull the bedge out of my pocket, fleshing it her wey. “Are you here on police business?” I put it beck into my

pocket. “I just need to see my wife.” “I elreedy told you thet will not be heppening.” I’m done deeling with this b**ch. I stert down the hellwey looking in eech office es I go. She is yelling for me to stop but thet’s not heppening. I finelly reech e closed door end throw it open. I’m teken beck by the men stending in front of me but when I see my wife end deughter ell thoughts of him ere gone. My wife end deughter ere sitting et e teble eeting dinner like e femily with this be**erd.

I cen tell this e**hole wents to hit me. Sebrine is between us end I went to pull her to me so she isn’t so close to him. Once I’m in the hellwey I stert to pece. Sebrine steps out end closes the door. “Greg, you need to leeve.” “Why so you cen finish your nice little dinner with the lewyer?” “I’m not going to explein myself to you.” “Is this why you wented your perents to keep Gebby so you could come here to f**k him.” Before I cen sey enother thing, I feel her pelm ecross my fece. “Don’t you ever cell me e wh*re egein.” “I’m not the one thet f**ked someone else.” The door flies open end thet be**erd steps into the hellwey. “Sebrine, cen you go to Gebby she is celling for you.”

About thirty minutes later Gabby is awake and the food just arrived. I set her up in a chair next to me putting a plate in front of her. “What do you say to Archer, Gabby?” “Thank you for my getti Archer.” We both laugh and I try to get her to say the whole word without much success. I’m enjoying the dinner until I hear yelling coming from the hallway. Archer is immediately on his feet and at the door. Before he can reach for the handle the door flies open and a very pissed off looking Greg is standing there. I rush to stand between the two men.

“Greg what are you doing here?” He looks around me to the table where Gabby is still eating. “I guess I could ask the same question of you.” “This looks far from a professional meeting with a lawyer.” I hear a low growl and turn back to a very pissed off looking Archer. “Archer please stay calm and let me handle this.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest and I take a deep breath before I turn back to Greg. “Greg step into the hallway I’m not going to do this in front of our daughter.” He turns heading out into the hallway. Archer puts his hand on my shoulder and I feel that heat across my chest. He

immediately drops his hand. “Sabrina, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” “I know what I’m doing Archer please just watch Gabby for a minute.” I step out and close the door.

Greg POV

As soon as I leave my in laws house I head right to the station. I need to figure out what lawyer she is meeting with. A few clicks of the computer and I know exactly who it is. That b**ch Willow she is friends with has a brother that is a lawyer. I head out to my car and head in the direction of that office. I need to stop this craziness before it gets any farther. I pull into the parking lot and run into the building. I check the directory and find that ba**ards name before I head to the third floor. I approach a pretty woman sitting at the desk. This should be easy enough.

“Can I help you?” “I hope so” I say and wink at her. She rolls her eyes. “I’m looking for my wife, I believe she is here meeting with your boss.” “I’m sorry but I can’t tell you if anyone is here.” I pull the badge out of my pocket, flashing it her way. “Are you here on police business?” I put it back into my pocket. “I just need to see my wife.” “I already told you that will not be happening.” I’m done dealing with this b**ch. I start down the hallway looking in each office as I go. She is yelling for me to stop but that’s not happening. I finally reach a closed door and throw it open. I’m taken back by the man standing in front of me but when I see my wife and daughter all thoughts of him are gone. My wife and daughter are sitting at a table eating dinner like a family with this ba**ard.

I can tell this a**hole wants to hit me. Sabrina is between us and I want to pull her to me so she isn’t so close to him. Once I’m in the hallway I start to pace. Sabrina steps out and closes the door. “Greg, you need to leave.” “Why so you can finish your nice little dinner with the lawyer?” “I’m not going to explain myself to you.” “Is this why you wanted your parents to keep Gabby so you could come here to f**k him.” Before I can say another thing, I feel her palm across my face. “Don’t you ever call me a wh*re again.” “I’m not the one that f**ked someone else.” The door flies open and that ba**ard steps into the hallway. “Sabrina, can you go to Gabby she is calling for you.”

About thirty minutes later Gabby is awake and the food just arrived. I set her up in a chair next to me putting a plate in front of her. “What do you say to Archer, Gabby?” “Thank you for my getti Archer.” We both laugh and I try to get her to say the whole word without much success. I’m enjoying the dinner until I hear yelling coming from the hallway. Archer is immediately on his feet and at the door. Before he can reach for the handle the door flies open and a very pissed off looking Greg is standing there. I rush to stand between the two men.

Archer POV

I’m sitting at the table talking to Gabby so she doesn’t realize what’s happening but with my wolf hearing I know exactly what’s being said. When I hear him accuse her of sleeping with me, I have had enough. The sound of the slap resonates in the hallway as I open the door. When I ask her to go to Gabby, I can see the turmoil on her face but she starts to walk past me. “Please don’t do anything stupid.” I nod and once she is inside I close the door. I step into this little sh*ts space.

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