My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 196

49 Do The Right Thing

The Day Before the Trip to the Kingdom

Lucy POV

“Liam, it’s time to get up. I’m going to make you breakfast but you need to be out of this bed before I return.” His eyes open and he smiles at me. Liam may be my little brother, but I feel more like his mother than a sister. I try to take the brunt of our parents’ abuse, but I can’t always protect him from them. Despite how they have treated him, he is still a sweet boy. I wish I could get us away from this hell, but I can’t risk what Madelena and Wesley would do if they found us. I have a month before my first shift. Goddess, why is this our life? Our parents and I use that term very loosely are the most evil ba**ards on the planet. I have heard them making plans for the king and his father when they think that no one is around. I don’t know Luca, but my heart breaks for him that they want to hurt him to take his title. From what I know, he never had the pleasure of our mother’s lack of care, but I don’t fear for my life as he should. She needs me and Liam or we would have been dead long ago. How can a mother be willing to hurt her own hatchlings? Liam wraps his arms around my neck in a hug just as he does every morning. “I will meet you in my room after you are dressed.” I head out to the kitchen and I’m grateful that no one is awake yet. It will give me time to get breakfast on the table without the threat of being hurt by my so-called mother. I plate the food, placing it on the table just as Madelena and Wesley walk into the kitchen.

I hastily make two more plates and head to my room where Liam is waiting. They don’t allow us to eat with them, which is fine with me. “Lucy, thank you for breakfast”, Liam says as he digs into his breakfast. I smile “your welcome Li Li.” He rolls his eyes at the nickname I gave him many years ago.

“Lucy, I’m fourteen. You can’t keep calling me that.” “I’ll make a deal with you since you are growing up. I will only call you that when we are alone.” He smiles and we continue to eat our breakfast. The door to my room slams open and Madelena’s eyes land on me. “Go do your chores now. We will be leaving tomorrow and I want this place spotless. Liam, your father wants you outside.” I see a flash of fear on Liam’s face and I stand in front of her. The smirk that is laced with a promise of punishment spreads across her face. Liam stands and faces me. “It’s fine Lucy. I’ll be fine just go do your chores.” I watch as he leaves and my heart breaks because Wesley is a ba**ard who is trying to make sure that Liam will never stand against him. “I would be very careful little girl. I know what you hold dear and I have no problem hurting him or you, to keep you in line”, Madelena says before she turns to leave my room. Goddess, I can’t wait to get my dragon. I will fry both their a**es and protect Liam.

William POV

After I’m done with Timothy, I tell the guards to burn both of their bodies. As I walk back to my wing of the castle, I can’t help but let my mind wander back to the past. The betrayal that I experienced at the hands of two people I should have been able to trust, my mate and brother. By the time I reach the door to my wing, the memories are eating me alive. It’s not as if I care about either of them now, but I hate myself for not realizing what they were. I open the door and Gwen’s scent washes over me, calming the rage that is just below the surface. She is sitting on the couch with her legs tucked under her watching tv. As soon as she looks at me, she is on her feet heading in my direction. “William, what happened” she asks. Everything about this woman is a stark contrast to Madelena. I believe the goddess thought that pairing Maddy with me would make her a better person, but sometimes not even the bond can snuff out evil. I bend lifting her up and carrying her to the couch. I sit down and keep her in my lap, breathing in her scent. After a few minutes, I tell her everything that we learned from Timothy. “They haven’t given up and I’m sure at some point they will be stupid enough to show their faces again. Without their people inside, they have no idea that Luca and I know what they are up to. Had we not provided Timothy Tabby’s truth serum he would never have told us about their involvement.” She smiles and I swear I will never tire of her beautiful smile.

I know we said that we would take things slowly, but every part of me, including my dragon, wants to see our mark on her neck. The goddess could not have picked a better second chance mate for me. “What are you thinking about William?” “I’m thinking about how perfect you are and how lucky I am. I am thinking about what it will be like to see my mark on your neck.” Without warning, Gwen straddles me and slams her lips down on mine. I grab the back of her head and deepen the kiss. We have kissed but nothing like this. When she pulls back, we are both breathless. “William, I want you to mark me. We can do the actual mating after you deal with the past, but I want your mark on me. My feelings for you are like nothing I ever experienced before and I know what I want. You and I are meant to be bonded to one another.” Her words wash over me like a warm blanket. This woman wants me and only me. “Wait” she says and jumps off my lap. I chuckle as I watch her head to the room I had showed her to earlier. When she returns, she is surrounded by a blue aura. “Gwen, what’s happening” I say as she climbs back into my lap. “I’ll show you if you let me.” I nod and she kisses me again. She pulls her shirt over her head before she helps me take mine off. Goddess help me to keep myself under control as she sits in my lap in just her bra and jeans.

She places her hand where my shoulder meets my neck. I watch as her eyes begin to glow and heat sweeps through my body. She is marking me but I don’t understand how. She kisses me again and I swear I’m going to embarrass myself like a teenage boy between the marking and her kiss. My lungs are screaming for air when we finally pull apart. “How is that possible” is all that I can say. “Courtesy of a lovely witch I know”, Gwen says, and just another reason to be grateful to Tabby. I push those thoughts away as my dragon grows impatient to mark our mate. I pull her close and kiss her lips before I work my way to her marking spot. “This will hurt at first but I promise it won’t last.” She turns her head, giving me even better access to her marking spot. My dragon pushes forward and my canines elongate. I bite down into her marking spot and her scream turns into a moan of pleasure. Her moans are doing nothing to help me stay in control. Every part of me wants to finish the bond but I know she’s right about dealing with the past. I pull my teeth out and lick my fresh mark. She lays her head on my chest and I kiss her head before we both fall into a peaceful sleep.

At the Gate

Lucy POV

When the car arrives at the gate, I can’t help the nerves that are flitting around in my stomach. I can’t believe that they plan to kill the king and take over the kingdom. I knew they were evil, but to kill her own son. I guess we are all disposable. Liam is looking at me and I take his hand, squeezing it. Wesley gets out and goes to speak to the guard. “I am here to see my brother and nephew. I expect to be let in” he says with his normal arrogance. Madelena turns to us “remember what I said and keep your mouth shut.” I pull Liam to me and nod. I had hoped that we would be turned away just like they were before, but the gate opens. Wesley gets back in and he drives the car to a parking area that is outside of a huge castle. “Lucy, it’s a castle”, Liam says with amazement in his voice. “It’s our castle, Liam. One day you will be King and you will do everything that daddy says” Madelena says. Liam nods his head, not wanting to piss her off. I look out the car window to see a large man walking toward the car. Wesley and Madelena step out first before I turn to Liam. “We can’t let them get away with what they are trying to do. I will make sure you’re safe, but I have to tell king everything. You are a child and I’m sure he will take care of you even if I can’t stay.” “Sissy, please. I need to stay with you. I can’t lose you”, Liam says with pleading eyes. “Look at me Liam. Sometimes we have to stand up for what is right, no matter what happens to us. I will make sure that you are safe, I promise. If they will let me take you with me, then I will.” He smiles and I hope that we don’t get separated. Before I can anymore, the car door opens and Wesley helps me out like he is father of the year. I manage not to roll my eyes as Madelena watches my face. Liam gets out and takes my hand in his.

“The king has sent me to take you inside” the man with kind eyes says to us. Madelena places her hand on my shoulder and we follow behind the man. Once we are inside, we are led to a huge room with couches and a large desk. “The king and queen will be with you in a moment. Please know that there are guards outside this room should either of you get any stupid ideas.” The man turns on his heels and leaves the room without another word. “He is the first one I will kill after we are done with

Luca and William”, Wesley says. Madelena wraps her arms around him. “Stay calm, we need to appear not to be a threat. We made it inside and soon you will take her rightful place in the kingdom. The poison takes time to take effect and we need everyone to believe that we have been forgiven before they die.” I don’t understand how Liam or I could come from such evil people. The door opens and a man and woman step inside. I can tell from their aura that they are the king and queen. My eyes meet the queen’s and she smiles. Her gaze settles my nerves and I pray to the goddess that I will get an opportunity to tell them everything I know. The door opens again and an older version of the king and a woman step inside. “Hello Maddy and Wesley” he says coldly before his eyes meet mine.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

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