My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 173

26 Misunderstanding

Ruby POV

“Beat this b**ch’s a**” Gemma says. I would love nothing more than to do just that, but this is not the shifter world. I smile at her and she looks confused. “You’re right, I can’t fire you for being a despicable human being. I know what I can do though.” I watch her swallow and shift in her seat. “I have a feeling that you were involved in my accident after you looked so shocked to see me when I walked into the office.” I’m impressed when she keeps her expression even, but she can’t control her heartrate. It sounds like it’s going to beat out of her chest. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I didn’t even know you had an accident.” “Well, rest assured I will be helping the police find out exactly who was involved.” “Are you threatening Ms. Solace?” I stand and come around leaning on my desk. “I don’t make threats Jennifer. Now I do have something to say regarding your continued employment at this company. I can’t fire you for screwing Gwen’s husband, but what I can fire you for is violating your hiring contract.” “What are you talking about?” I pick up my office phone and leave it on speaker. Jonelle in human resources, picks up on the second ring. “Ms. Solace, what can I help you with?” “Jonelle, were you involved with the hiring of Jennifer Madison?” “Yes, Ms. Solace.” “When Ms. Madison completed the paperwork, did she disclose that she had a relationship with a competitor that could directly impact the company?” I see the blood drain from her face. “No, she wouldn’t have been given a job that involved access to accounts if she had answered yes to that question, Ms. Solace.” “Thank you, Jonelle”, I say and disconnect the call.

“Integrity and honesty is something I expect from my employees. Lying on your employee documents is a terminable offense.” “Ms. Solace, I have never told Bruce anything about the company’s business.” “Unfortunately, your word is no good here. Security will meet you at your desk and you have twenty minutes to get out of my building. If you ever step foot in this building again, I will have you arrested for

trespassing.” She stands stomping toward the door like a child having a tantrum. I pick up the phone and call the head of security. Once she is gone, I head to Maverick’s office. When I walk in, Gwen and Maverick are sitting on the couch. She looks up and smiles at me. “I’m sorry Ruby”, she starts to say, and I stop her. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry you had to see her after all she put you through.” She stands up and wraps me in a hug. “Ruby, what did you do about her? I don’t want you to get the company in trouble”, Maverick says. I can feel Maverick’s anger and anxiety through our bond. Once I explain why I fired her, he stands and pulls me into his arms. “Not only are you beautiful, but you’re so smart. How did I get so lucky?” I press a quick kiss to his lips before I pull back. “There is something else I need to tell you.” Concern flashes across his face. “I believe Jennifer is the one that hit me in Delilah’s car.” His hold on me stiffens. “That f**king b**ch” Gwen says. “Don’t worry she won’t get away with all she has done.”

A knock on the door gets our attention. Autumn sticks her head in before she steps inside. “There was no one at the desk so I figured I would check the offices.” I tell her about Jennifer. She growls and her eyes flash black. “My offer still stands to turn Delilah and now that b**ch into frogs.” We all burst out laughing and it seems to lighten the mood in the room. Gwen stands “I guess I had better get to the restaurant. I’m sure the girls are wondering where I am.” Before I can say anything, Maverick does. “Mom, I don’t think you should go to lunch until all this is settled with Bruce. I believe he is the one that broke into the apartment and hurt you.” A look of shock and then anger flashes on Gwen’s face. “You’re probably right. I’ll call them and let them know we will have to reschedule. I can wait in here until your done talking to Connor.” Her eyes land on Autumn. “Remember what I said. Connor is one of the good ones. It may take him a minute to understand all of this, but I have faith he will be thrilled to know that you were made for him and he for you.” Autumn rushes over and wraps her arms around Gwen.

Autumn POV

The whole drive to the office, Summer is pacing in my mind. “Summer, you’re killing me with the pacing.” “I’m sorry, I’m nervous. What if he doesn’t want to be with us? What if he is afraid of me?” “I’m

worried too, Summer, but it won’t change anything that is about to happen. Summer, you are only scary if someone gives you a reason to be. You are an amazing wolf and he is lucky to have you as a mate.” I knew she was worried our mate would fear her. She seems to be thinking for a moment before she speaks again. “Autumn, if he doesn’t want us, it will be his loss. We are both amazing and we will find someone that will love us the way a mate should.” “I love you, Summer. Let’s just see how it goes before we start counting Connor out.” She nods her head and I laugh. I park the car and take a few deep breaths before I make my way into the building. I head up to Ruby’s floor and find her in Maverick’s office. When she tells me about that b**ch Jennifer, it is all I can do not to go find her. I’m glad when Gwen agrees to wait in the office. She is important to all of us and I don’t trust Maverick’s father. Ruby takes my hand, leading me toward the door. I’m trying to get my nerves under control. I follow Maverick and Ruby to an office on the opposite side of the floor. Maverick knocks and I can hear voices coming from inside. When I hear a female voice, my heart sinks. “I think I’m just going to go back to the office and get Gwen. This was a bad idea.” Ruby grabs my arm. “Autumn wait” she says, and I turn back in time to see the door open on a pretty brunette who is smiling. I free my arm and walk as fast as I can back down the hallway. “I’ll see you back at the house” I say over my shoulder, without looking back. © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Once I’m in the car, I text Ruby that Gwen isn’t with me. I put up a block because I just need some time alone. I place the phone on my seat and head back toward the pack. I know they don’t realize that I heard their conversations about being a player. Ruby may not remember our first conversations when she met Connor and Maverick. I would never hold his past against him, but he’s human. He won’t feel the pull and he probably won’t want one woman if he’s used to being with many. Summer whimpers but it’s better to realize this now before we try to get him to believe in the bond. It would kill me if he betrayed me after we mated. We drive thirty minutes and as soon as we reach the pack, I head to the cottage. My parents are in the living room and I don’t stop to talk to them. I head into my bathroom and strip off the dress I wore. I scrub off the makeup from my face. I let a few tears fall as I think of the bond that I will never share with Connor. After a few minutes, I turn off the water. “Autumn Lisa Blade get

your butt out here.” I’m shocked to hear my mother using my full name. She only does that when I’m in trouble and I’m sure that I have done nothing wrong.

I pull on my yoga pants and a tank top before I walk out into the bedroom. My mother looks pissed, but I have no clue what this is about. “Mom, what’s wrong” I ask and she pats the bed next to her. I take a seat and she wraps her arms around my shoulder. “Ruby linked me because you’re not answering her. Why did you run out of the office without finding out what was going on in your mate’s office?” “Mom, I just need to accept the fact that my mate is never going to be with me. I heard him tell the woman in his office that he loved her before I took off down the hallway. Connor is a player and I don’t want to be hurt by my mate.” “Autumn, I understand you’re afraid, but I have never known you to run when things are hard. You don’t even have all the information. You can’t let fear rule your actions. I was rejected by my first mate and if I had run, I wouldn’t have you or my sexy wolf mate.” “Gross mom, you could leave the sexy part out.” She laughs because she loves to torture me. “It’s alright to be afraid but not so much that you let it cloud your judgement.” I nod and she pulls me into her arms. “Besides, if he is stupid enough not to want you, we can give him something that will shrink his d*ck.” “Oh mom, please don’t talk about my mate’s pen*s.”

A loud knock sounds from downstairs and my mother smiles. She stands heading for the door. “I have to go make sure your father doesn’t harass your mate.” My eyes get big “Connor is here, in the pack.” “If you didn’t block Ruby, you would have known he was on his way.” She leaves and a few minutes later my mate’s tall muscular figure is standing in my doorway. “Can I come in Autumn?” “Yes, please come in.” He sits on the bottom of the bed so there is space between us. “Autumn, I’m a little freaked out by all of this but why did you run away?” Summer is purring in my mind when he says my name. I block her so I can focus on what I need to say. “I know you like women and I heard you in your office with that brunette. Wolves have excellent hearing and I heard you tell her that you love her.” He chuckles “that is because I do love her. She is my aunt even though we are almost the same age. She stopped to say hello and asked me to go to lunch because she was in town.” “I’m sorry that I ran and assumed things I shouldn’t have.”

Connor POV

Maverick and Ruby asked me to take a ride with them after Lacey left. I was surprised to see her because she is usually traveling. She is the only one I really talk to in my family. Since we are around the same age, we were friends growing up. Gwen is quiet on the ride, which isn’t like her. Once we arrive at the large mansion, I am truly confused when I see people walking around. I step out and Gwen comes around to hug me. “I want you to keep an open mind. Promise me” she says, and I do. Gwen heads toward the mansion and Ruby leads us to what looks like a garden. Maverick and I sit on a bench and Ruby sits across from us. “Connor, I wanted Autumn to be able to tell you about what makes us special but there was a misunderstanding at the office.” “I know you’re my boss and I mean no disrespect, but I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about Ruby.” She laughs “right now I’m not your boss. I am the Alpha of this pack and he is my mate” she says, pointing at Maverick. I laugh “you’re talking kind of crazy Alpha.” Ruby’s eyes turn black and I damn near fall off the bench. Maverick starts laughing before he turns to me. “Ruby, Autumn, and many people here are werewolves.” I stand up, looking around. “Where are the cameras? You guys are a riot. I’m not falling for it.” Ruby stands and walks about ten feet from us. “Turn around, Connor” Maverick says as he puts his hands on my shoulder. A few seconds later, I hear a growl and turn to see a huge wolf with green eyes standing where Ruby was. I start to back up, but Maverick stops me. “Connor, meet Gemma, my other mate.”

I look at him like he has ten heads. “Are you crazy? That is a wolf.” Maverick turns me back and after a few seconds Ruby rejoins us on the benches. I’m speechless and a hundred thoughts rush through my mind. “Connor, I understand this is a lot for you to learn that we exist.” “That’s the f**king understatement of the century. What do you mean that Maverick is your mate?” She gives me, I’m sure, a short version of werewolves and their mates. “So, you two are together like forever.” They both pull down their shirts showing me what looks like a tattoo where their shoulder meets their neck. “This is the mark we give our mate to let others know that we are off limits. It’s like the wedding bands that humans wear except you can’t take them off”, Ruby says. My head is spinning and I look at Ruby, wondering why they are telling me all of this. She must realize what I’m thinking because she answers

my unspoken question. “You need to talk to Autumn, Connor. She can answer the rest of your questions.” A feeling of nervousness blooms in my belly. Could I have a mate that is a wolf? “Is Autumn”, I start to say and Ruby cuts me off. “We will take you to her cottage”, Ruby says. I follow Ruby and Maverick in silence.

As I sit on the base of Autumn’s bed and stare at this beautiful woman I wonder if all this is real. It seems like a dream. Could I really have been chosen by some goddess to spend my life with a woman I don’t even know. When Autumn apologizes for running because she thought my aunt was someone I was f**king, it hurts me. It hurts when she says I like women. I know what Maverick thought and didn’t bother me, but this woman thinking I’m a womanizer hurts me. I’m not sure what the hell is wrong with me. “Autumn, am I your mate?” Her eyes get big and I know the answer without her even telling me. “Yes, you are my mate.” What the hell do I want? How can I promise to be with someone I don’t even know? Why do I feel like this woman is important when I don’t even know her? None of this makes sense and I have no idea what to say to her when I see fear in her eyes waiting for my response.

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